The surrounding magic power was slightly restrained, but most of it was gathered in the direction of the gorgeous figure in front of him. At the same time, it also told Swain whose magic power was stored like an ocean just now.

Thinking of this, Sven did not dare to be careless even more. His face was stern, but his eyes showed no intention of retreat. Instead, he ignited a lot of fighting spirit, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

"Hmm, nice look, but ah...."The man first nodded with a smile on his face, then disappeared in an instant

"You were the cause of the situation just now~" She came to Swain in an instant.

When Swain didn't react because he didn't sense the danger, she stretched out her jade finger and flicked Swain's forehead.

"....Aha?"Sven took a small step back and touched his forehead, which was not painful at all, with his left hand. His face was full of doubts. He was doubly confused about the other party's actions and words.

But he did not think that the person opposite would deceive him. He, because there is no need at all.

Sven didn't react just now. If it happens again, even if he predicts it in advance and is lucky to avoid it, but in this palace where the pressure brought by magic is like a trench, he wants to Simple escape is basically impossible

"Forehead.....Could it be because I burned your side hall?"Sven thought for a while and it could only be this reason,"Then because of this incident,....."

"Um?"The purple figure was slightly startled,

"hehe~....Haha~" At first it was just a faint smile, but in the end it turned into a cover-your-mouth chuckle.

"Wait a minute, can you please stop laughing?"Sven smacked his tongue, with a bitter look on his face. He held his head with one hand and lowered his head slightly and said. If you want to fight, just fight. What do you mean by your laughter?

"Well, I don’t know how your palace will compensate you, but as long as you put it forward, I will try my best to meet your request....."

After all, no matter how the process goes, it seems that it is indeed his fault at present. The mistakes he made must be solved by his own strength. Swain thinks so.

As for the future, this account still has to be settled with the flame giant and the old man with the white beard.

It is necessary to keep grudges clear

"I see. The purple figure covered his mouth slightly and asked in a funny tone:"You mean, you want to listen to my wishes and fulfill my requests?" Swinunun pursed his lips, feeling that there seemed to be something strange in the way the man in front of him spoke, but after thinking about it for a moment, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

So he nodded and said:"....That’s pretty much what it means"

"Haha~ Sure enough, your soul is very interesting."The purple figure showed a laughing expression, but the smile was very educated. Even though the expression was very exaggerated, the voice was not very loud, giving people a very calm feeling.

Sven sighed softly, with helplessness with a look on his face, waiting for the other party to make a request

"Let’s not mention the matter of burning down my western palace for now, it’s not a big deal anyway."The purple figure waved his hands and said directly that it was all a trivial matter.

Wow, burning a mountain and the side hall above it can be said to be a trivial matter. Should I say that the person in front of me is wealthy? Or is he a lot more generous than ordinary people? ?

"OK, I've decided."

The purple figure raised his purple eyes and stared directly at Sven, saying with a smile on his face:

"Small....No, son of man, as the first human to visit my city of ice"

"I know your fragility and the shortness of your life. You are simply too fragile. Without much intervention from outside forces, your life will disappear as time goes by. But even so, you still came here, even if this is A lifeless country filled only with the ice and snow of death"

"Your life is so fragile, but so great. You have not succumbed to the ice and snow, nor have you succumbed to my strong pressure. Your tough life is like a bud hibernating under the thick snow. Waiting for your spring there."

When Sven was confused, the purple figure said this,

"Now you have crossed the harsh winter and come here, and this is the time when spring comes to you"

"Therefore, I acknowledge your life and your existence"

"Here, let Scathach Skadi, the ice queen of Northern Europe and the only god here, give you love that lasts all the time!"

The purple figure's eyes changed, and a sense of pressure from a superior person appeared beside her, and then she stretched out her right hand to Swain.

"no....this...I.."Sven was very confused now. The luxurious purple figure that suddenly appeared claimed to be God. At the same time, he also declared that he was the only God here. At the same time, he said that he would give him love that lasts all the time?

Isn’t this more exciting than confessing? ?

"god? And she’s a goddess?"

"That's right."The man nodded happily.

"Give me love?"


"Why? I don't believe you would do this for no reason?"

"The reason is simple."She temporarily withdrew her hand and took two steps to the side.

"As a human being, you are very weak. As a creature that is basically at the bottom of the biological chain, your existence is too fragile. Without a strong body and strong power, there are very few people who can use magic. It's pitiful, and how many of them can make a difference? All most people can rely on are little clevernesses that are of little use. She turned to look at Swain with a smile and said:

"That’s why you need God’s love. Only in this way can you continue to exist eternally."

Skati said this very naturally, as if it was the truth.

"....."Sven was silent for a moment after hearing this, and Skadi was not in a hurry, just looking at him with a smile.

"....Sure enough, there is still no need"

"....Hmm? What did you say? Skadi raised her head and frowned, looking at Swain, as if she didn’t quite understand what he just said.

"I said if that's your reason, then I don't need your love"

"It is true that the problems you mentioned may be real problems. So what if the body is weak? A weak body is exchanged for a smart mind. This is another way for human beings to survive. What you mentioned is only one of them. It's just a path, not absolute"

"Your thoughts are too arrogant and you will always look at things from above. How can you truly understand whether people really need your love?"

"....."Skadi thought for a moment, but soon showed a happy smile again.

"Humph~ I see, it’s not just gods that are arrogant, humans also have this thing. I understand what you mean. Skadi chuckled, seemingly not caring at all about what Swain just said.

".....Forehead."Sven looked at Skadi like this and was speechless for a moment. Just now, he was even prepared to fall out with him.

"But, in my Nordic country, all life can be summed up in one word: if it is not love, it is killing."

"If he is an enemy, kill him. If he is not, then I will love everything about him, including your arrogance. Skadi looked at Sven with a smile.

Whether you accept it or not is up to you, but my love will always be there.Keep going!

"And I also know what you did just now. In your words, it was called a rebellious period, right?"

"I also have a little understanding of human habits, and I still understand some of your thoughts. Skadi nodded with a look of conviction.

You don’t need to say more. I know everything you are thinking. I also forgive you for being unreasonable just now. After all, I am a god!

Sven suddenly felt that this person might be from From some other perspectives, it is very difficult to deal with.

"Since I have decided to love you forever, you don't have to act like that, I won't do anything to you."

Sven looked at the person in front of him, shrugged his shoulders slightly, sighed softly, stood up straight, and put down his fists feebly.

"Yeah, yeah, I like obedient people. Skadi smiled with satisfaction and nodded.

"Well, from now on you are a member of my Nordic family, and I also give you the right to officially live here and move around freely."

"Uh, um....Thanks?"With a wry smile on his face, Swain also said thank you.

"but....."Skadi changed her tone, walked past Sven and walked to the ice seat above. She turned around and sat down, putting her left leg on her right leg. She half-squinted her eyes and looked at Sven with a smile.

"However, the matter of you burning down the west wing of my castle cannot be forgotten like this."

"Eh?"Sven was stunned for a moment, then stared at Skadi above with wide eyes.

"etc! Didn't you say that's not a big deal? ?"

"Um. I did say that. Skadi nodded and said with a smile:"For me, it is really not a big deal. After all, I am a god, just a side palace of an ice city. I don't have any problem with how much I want.""

"But not you. Skadi changed her tone and said,"To be precise, you are still a human being. Although you are just a puppet made of magic power and a strange product composed of a soul, this does not affect your essence as a human being.""

"As a human being, you burned down the side hall of the castle where God lives. This is a grave sin.~"

"There are clear rewards and punishments. We are very particular about these issues here.~"

"So, so....?"The corners of Sven's eyes twitched. Looking at the figure above, Skadi didn't have any anger at all. Instead, she had a playful attitude, or she had a strong tolerance.

"Hmm....."Skadi thought briefly and said with a smile:"Originally, in the past, no matter what the reason was, when encountering a situation like yours, it was usually a direct punishment from God, and the punishment from God was death."

".....Ha ha."Sven pulled her crotch expression and laughed twice.

"But I don't like to hand down that kind of punishment. Skadi showed a trace of disgust."After all, death will visit all lives sooner or later. There is no need for me to punish them. I only need to give kindness and love. It is enough.""

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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