On the eightieth floor, in Sven's temporary room, on the bed.

The two little girls were lying on the overly soft bed, both looking drowsy.

"Ouch! Neil, look, I can still roll on it!"After saying that, Fisel rolled directly on Swain's bed. He first turned to the left a few times and came to the end of the bed, and then turned back with even faster momentum.


"It hurts so much~!!"x2

But with her eyes closed, she didn’t seem to see clearly what was on her route, so the two little heads collided violently, making a dull sound, and then the two of them used almost the same He curled up on the bed with his posture and expression, his hands tightly covering the place where he had just been hit, and a trace of tears oozed from the corners of his eyes.

"Really! Sel! what are you doing!"

"Sorry Neel~! I didn't see clearly ahead~!"Feisel also covered his head and said very apologetically

"No, forget it in normal times, why do you have so many problems today!"

While saying that, Lineel sat up from the bed, took off the boots without using her hands, kicked them to the side, hit the cabinet, and made two consecutive banging sounds. Fisel did not get up when she heard the sound, but lay on the bed with her head tilted back. Then she saw Lineel walking towards her with her shoes off, with a trace of a bad smile on her face.

"Oops! Neel is angry! Feisel suddenly felt that something was wrong, so she quickly stood up and wanted to run away, but it was obvious that at this distance, it was too late to start running now.

Lineel flew up and hugged Fei from behind. Seer whispered in her ear:"Where do you want to go? Purcell~~?"


Fisel suddenly shivered when he heard Linel's voice, and then slowly turned his head to look at Linel with his seemingly rusty neck.

"Neil.....I......"Feisel narrowed her eyes slightly, pursed her lips, and the cold sweat on her forehead kept falling, and her slightly trembling body showed her panic.

"It's useless to talk more~!!"

"etc!.....Ha ha!!"

"Wait a moment! Neel!"

"Didn't we agree that neither of us is allowed to tickle each other? ?"

"That's right! But today is special! It's to punish Seer!"

"ah! This is so cunning! That...Then I will fight back too!! Feisel looked aside and endured Lineel's offensive and started to counterattack. But in an instant, Sven's bed became a mess amidst the laughter and laughter of the two little girls.......



"Really! Those two guys, I saw you two were almost crying yesterday, so I just gave you two a lesson so kindly."

"I have obviously taught you not to judge others based on their appearance, but you have forgotten it in just one night, and you actually look at me like this, and you dare to call me weak!!"The veins on Sven's forehead faintly appeared, and he looked very angry.

But just when he returned to the 80th floor, he found two nuns standing at his door, seemingly waiting for someone. But if they were on this level, then they could only be looking for themselves. So

Sven walked forward casually, and when they got a little closer, the two of them also discovered Sven, and they walked quickly The traveler stepped forward, saluted and said:"Sir Swain, the highest priest, please come over."

"......"When Siwen heard this, he suddenly showed a very complicated expression. He looked a little hesitant and seemed to be a little entangled.

"Well, lead the way."Sven waved his hand and said

"Yes, please come this way. The highest priest is on the ninety-fifth floor."After the two nuns saluted, they reached out sideways to guide them.

Because they had walked the same route yesterday, Swain walked very quickly, and on the road, in a long corridor, he was thinking about how to deal with it later. When he was the highest priest, he found a short figure appearing in front of him, so Sven raised the corners of his mouth slightly and showed a playful smile.

The other party seemed to have discovered Sven's existence, but his reaction was unconsciously He stopped, and his body seemed to be shivering uncontrollably.

The three people on Swain's side did not stop, but continued to move forward.

"Your Excellency, the Elder."

The other two nuns saluted appropriately according to the rules, but Chudilukin seemed to ignore them at all. His two green bean-sized eyes kept staring at Swain. If eyes could kill, Swain might be afraid now. It’s already riddled with holes

"Oh, isn't this the Elder Elder?"

Sven looked at Judilukin with a smile on his face, and at the same time he said the three words"elder" very clearly, but the ridicule and sarcasm in it could be understood even by two nuns who did not know what was going on. He could hear it.

Of course, Chudilukin also heard it, so the flames of hatred were only burning in his eyes, but now the flames seemed to have spread all over his body. The muscles on his face began to twitch, but Because there is too much meat on the face, it looks like the whole face is jumping up and down. The originally pale face has now turned into the color of pig liver, and it is the kind of pig liver that is coated with a layer of flour.

"It seems that Your Excellency, the Elder, did not have a good rest last night, and his face was not normal. If you have insomnia, I have a good medicine here. If you have experienced it once, you must know its effect."Sven looked very sunny and said gently.


Judi Lujin gritted his teeth, grinned, and kept chattering. According to what he said before, anyone who dared to speak to him like this would never live to see the sun the next day!

But facing Sven, he couldn't even say a harsh word, because his eyes saw that Sven's left hand had been resting on the hilt of the sword seemingly casually. This distance was very disadvantageous for him!!

Although he was so angry that the blood vessels in his head were about to explode, in the end, his rationality defeated his instinct. He snorted coldly, clenched his hands into fists, closed his eyes unwillingly, and turned his head to the side.

"Hmm?"In response to this, the smile on Sven's face disappeared, and he frowned, looking bored.

"It's boring. I thought you would still be like yesterday."


After Swain finished speaking, he walked forward with a calm expression.

Seeing this, the two nuns immediately followed quickly from behind.

Judilukin gritted his teeth and turned to watch the group of people leave this floor. Then he turned around again and kicked the wall beside him hard.

"hateful! hateful! hateful!!!"

"This damn brat!!"

"it turns out! I actually feel that I, the dignified elder of the Axiom Church, have been embarrassed!!"

"This this....I will definitely repay this hatred twice as much!!!!"

Sven did not hear Judilukin's declaration of revenge sworn in a roaring voice, and no one heard it. After all, he is the only one on this level now, and all he is doing now is incompetence and rage..

When Swain arrived at the ninety-fifth floor, the two nuns retreated at the entrance of the stairs without even setting foot on the ninety-fifth floor.

When Swain came up, he saw the same thing as yesterday. It's a quiet, very flavorful scene at night, which is completely different.

During the day, the light here is very sufficient, and because there are no walls around, the sense of openness is also very good. Coupled with the faint smoke and clouds around it, it gives It feels like you are in the sky, although this place is almost in the sky, after all, it is a few hundred meters above the ground.

On the platform in the middle of the floor, all the seats seem to have been changed and replaced with another A different style, but it still seems to match the decoration style here.

At this time, the highest priest is sitting on a chair, holding a tea cup, slowly tasting something, and opposite her table There was also a cup of something, still steaming, and the seat on the other side was still empty. It was obviously prepared for people who would come here later. Seeing this

, Swain sat directly over and sat across from him. The person still held the tray with his left hand, and tasted the contents of the cup with his fingers on his right hand, not paying attention to Sven's actions.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at the cup in front of him.

"Soothing tea....Or is it made in the Southern Empire?"Sven didn't even move. He just smelled it with his nose and roughly distinguished what was in front of him.

"Oh, I guessed it right at once. Do you still have the skills of an appraiser?"The highest priest smiled slightly and gently put down the tea cup in his hand.

"Don't want to drink?"

"Or....Are you worried it's poisonous?." The highest priest chuckled and joked.

Sven rolled his eyes at her silently, then clasped his hands, leaned back, and said,"Don't show off such poison. There's nothing strange added in it, so what if it's poisoned?"

Sven said this, but it was obvious that he was not talking about what happened here, but what happened last night.

"Haha, that’s true, I just wanted to give it a try."The highest priest smiled while picking up a spoon and slowly stirring the tea cup.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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