"How was your rest last night?"She asked seemingly casually. It felt like a greeting the next morning after visiting a friend's house.

"....not bad."Swen replied calmly.

"That's good."The highest priest picked up the tea cup again, put it to his mouth, and continued to ask:"I see that you got up very early today. I thought you didn't have a good rest yesterday.~"

"News here is delivered quickly enough."

"It's okay, after all, there are only so many interesting things here, and it will spread quickly."The highest priest replied with a smile, while taking another sip of soothing tea.

"....It's just after morning, it's just morning, are you going to drink this all the time?"Sven asked with a raised eyebrow.

After all, the effect of this thing is to calm the mind and help people with insomnia.

"That's right, I plan to go back and take some beauty sleep soon."The highest priest smiled disapprovingly.

"So, what does the highest priest, who is so anxious to go back to sleep for beauty sleep, want to do with me?" Swain decided it was time to get to the point.

"how? Are you anxious to go back?"

"That's not true. Anyway, there is nothing to do now, so I might as well listen to what you want to say."

"Hum."The highest priest squinted his eyes, and then looked at Sven's current clothes again.

"This outfit still fits you quite well."

"Hmm?"Sven lowered his head and looked at his clothes.

"There's nothing I can do about it, the clothes in the room are all too fancy, there are only a few that are fairly simple."

"I see, you like the inconspicuous kind?...."

"I understand. I will order your custom-made clothes to be changed into an inconspicuous color."The highest priest smiled slightly.

"Customized clothing?"Sven frowned.

"Well, that's right"

"....I don't remember promising to stay here and join them"

"What do you mean.....Don't agree?"The smile on the top priest's face revealed full confidence.

"....."Sven was silent.

The highest priest put down his tea cup, floated up, came to the edge of the platform, and said:

"This is your born mission. As long as you join, the Integrity Knights who protect this world of adults will have one more person and one more strength."

"In this way, everyone will have more time and can handle more things."

"Just like Bercouli and Fanatio you met today, those two people set out early in the morning and came back at night, just to do their part to better protect this place."

When Sven heard this, he looked towards the direction of the highest priest, and saw her smiling and stretching out a hand to gesture to the vast human world behind her.

Sven was in a trance, remembering the past in his mind

"If someone is in trouble, of course I have to help!"

Sven withdrew his gaze, leaned forward slightly, crossed his hands to support his chin, and looked at the reflection of his head in the teacup.

"Still hesitating now?"

I don't know when the highest priest came from one side to behind Sven, put his arms around Sven, leaned on it, and whispered in his ear.

"In order to protect this human world and the people in it?......"Sven murmured softly.

The highest priest did not urge him, but put his cheek slightly against Sven's cheek, and gently stroked his head with his other hand.

In the reflection of the tea cup in front of him, Sven saw not only himself but also the shadow of the highest priest, who seemed to be thinking about something.

I don’t know how long passed like this. Time seemed to have stopped. It might have been five minutes or an hour.

"......I see."Finally Sven's voice sounded again in this silent space.

"Haha~~ I knew you would agree. You are indeed the person I like."After hearing the answer, the highest priest laughed happily. Although he was very quiet, his voice was very clear and loud. He also touched Sven's head like a reward for a child. Of course, the result was that he was Sven slapped his hands away with a look of disgust on his face.

"Don't treat me like a child."Sven said very dissatisfied.

Although the person in front of him gave Swain a good feeling, he was always treated like a very young child, which made him very unhappy.

"Haha, sorry."It's still a very perfunctory apology.

"but....."He floated a little distance away from Swain, then looked at Swain again and said:"In that case, you still have to decide on your name."

"name? I have no plans to change my name."Sven was stunned for a moment and shook his head.

"I'm not asking you to change your name, because everyone in the integrity knights has a common last name, so for you, you can just think of it as the name you use in public."The supreme priest explained


"That's right, your words....Your first name was Sven, right, and your last name was acquired by the family who adopted you later, right?"

"That's right."Sven nodded, remembering what happened almost ten years ago.

Speaking of which, it will be exactly ten years in a few days.....

No wonder some of them want to give me gifts.....

Swain seemed to know the main reason why Alice and others went to the End Mountains, so he smiled sweetly, because it was the care from his family.

"Ah, I thought of it."The highest priest seemed to think deeply for a moment.

"your name....That's right, why not just call him Sven Synthesis Shun?"

"Hmm......"Swain curled his lips slightly, looking like he was still appreciating the name.


"how? Do you not like it?"

"this.....It doesn't matter...."Swain scratched his head, hesitated for a moment, then waved his hands and said casually.

"Okay, whatever you want to call it"

"That's it."The highest priest chuckled.

"This time I finally brought him back to my side. Although I can't use that to integrate, it seems that there is no problem now, but....Better be careful."The highest priest thought in his heart

"So, His Highness the Supreme Priest? Can I go back now?"When Swain said going back, he didn't mean going back to the room on the 80th floor, but to Lulid Village.

"Haha, the title"His Highness the Supreme Priest" is too foreign. Just call me by my name. My name is Adomis Strada."The highest priest chuckled.

"Artod, Artomenes..special....So long!!"Sven just read a few words, and then he had a look of disgust on his face, and his whole face fell down.

"Forget it, you can call me whatever you want."Addomestrada looked at Sven with a frown on his face, waved his hand and smiled kindly, and said

"If the relationship is good, then Ya... Domi...Nigeria....Just go to Sister Yami....."Swain raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised, then waved his hands and said casually. He didn't seem to want to think about such a complicated nickname. He just used the two pronunciations in his name and added a slightly more respectful nickname.....

"Well, not bad, just call it that."Adomenes Strada nodded after hearing this, and actually directly agreed with Sven's title.

Now Sven was really surprised, because judging from the situation of wandering around in this tower yesterday and today, This place should pay great attention to etiquette in this area.

But he didn't expect that when he arrived at Adomistrida, he would be so easy to talk to. He thought that these high-ranking people would attach great importance to these titles, but now it seems that That's not entirely the case

"Hmm....As for what you just said about going back....I'm afraid not yet."Adomenes Strada looked at Sven, who was still a little surprised, and made a very distressed expression.

"Um? Why? Isn’t everything settled?"Sven frowned.

"Indeed, the problem is over, but we can't just let you go back."Adomenes Strada glanced at Sven, and then continued:

"What will happen if you go back now? Continue to stay in that small village and stay in obscurity?"

There was a hint of ridicule in the words, as if he was very confused as to why Swain wanted to go back.

"of course not."Sven looked at Administrator and directly denied it.

"I want to go back, and through my own efforts, hone my sword skills, go to Sakarya, win the regional swordsmanship competition, and then enter the sword training academy in the Holy Capital......"Swain said seriously there

"Well.....Gu, hahaha~~!"But behind him, Adomis Strada had already held his stomach and held back his laughter when he was half-hearing, but now he couldn't hold it back anymore and floated directly in the air, bursting into laughter.

"What's so funny!"Sven rolled her eyes dissatisfied.

"No, I was just thinking that you are still like a child, you like to cause trouble in strange places."Addomestrada stroked Sven's cheek.

"Is this some new form of taunting?......"

"No, ahem...."Adomis Strada calmed down her emotions again, then maintained her dignified posture again, looked at Sven and asked funnyly:

"Now, Sven, do you know where this is?"Adomini Strida asked as he floated towards the side of the platform.

"Of course, the central church of the Holy City"

"Yes, this is the center of the human world, where the capitals of the four empires are located, and the sword training academies you mentioned are all located here."After saying this, Administreda turned his head, looked at Sven and said with a teasing smile.

"This is almost the end of the human world, so why would you go back and start all over again?"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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