This time, the two of them walked to Swain's side very obediently.

"Brother Swing, are you going to do something? What are you going to do?"

"It's just a trip to the metal craft store, it shouldn't take long."

After Swain gave a brief explanation, he relied on asking passers-by on the way, and finally found his destination on a street full of various handicraft processing shops.

"sewing shop....Refinery shop....There seems to be a place selling food here too....."Fisel's eyes were a little dazzled when he looked at the series of signboards above his head. He thought of relying on his nose, but he smelled the fragrance wafting from the snack bar on the street.

"..Metal crafts store....ah! Sadore Metal Crafts Shop....This is it, brother Sven. Linel nodded and counted every time she passed a billboard, and finally found the place where the group of people were aiming, so she turned to Swain and said

"Um."Sven nodded and walked in.

Jingle bells - with the sound of bells, the three people entered the store.

The store was not big. After entering the door, there were many weapons hanging on the wall on the right, but they were different from the weapons outside. The ones in the store are all of the same type, but the workmanship looks much better. There is a counter on the left side in front of it, and the shelves embedded in the wall on the side and back are filled with various materials.

As for the left side, it is against the door. There is a pair of armor placed on the wall, and there are several shields of different styles on the wall.

"Oh, welcome."The figure who was mostly hidden behind the counter on the right stood up and said hello. It looked like he was collecting materials just now.

"Hello."Sven nodded and signaled.

"Yes, Sir."

The shop owner looks like an uncle in his forties or fifties, with a thick beard and a blackened gray apron in front of him. There is not much expression on his face. Judging from the muscles exposed in the cuffs and coarse cloth gloves, He should have quite amazing wrist strength

"These hands, just for polishing, are actually stronger than the blacksmith Sarek's uncle....."

"child? Did you go to the wrong store?"

"There is a string hanging around the neck, which should be a pendant, and the ring finger on the right hand....use...Is that fire jade? But why is it black?"

When Swain was looking at the shop owner opposite, there were also a lot of people looking at Swain across the street, but his habit as a craftsman still made him focus on the decorations on Swain's body.


But when Sadore saw the weapon with a magical scabbard on Sven's waist, he frowned and showed doubts.

"Are you the owner of this store?"Sven asked as he walked to the counter.

The two little girls behind him had already started wandering around the store.

"Yes, I am the boss's Sadore"

"Sir, what's going on today?......"

"Can weapons be customized here?"Sven first turned his head and glanced at the weapons on the wall, then turned around and asked

"......What kind of weapon is it?"Sadore did not directly answer whether he could, but continued to ask.

Swain did not answer, but directly handed over his scabbard.

Sadore took it with both hands, and first glanced at the scabbard. The frown deepened a lot now, and he slowly pulled out the blade.

The moment he saw the blade, Sadore's eyes slowly widened, and his eyes lit up, and he began He carefully studied the technology on this sword, and at the same time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously. The difference between Sven's sword and this one is that its blade is unusually light and thin, unlike the one-handed knight here. The thickness and weight of the sword are completely incomparable, but such a thin blade gives it the characteristics of being extremely sharp, but also extremely easy to break.

Swain did not rush Sadore, but just like two little ones in the store. She looked around like a lolita, and also took down the one-handed sword hanging on the wall and waved it a few times.

"This feels a little bit worse...."

"This one is worse!!"

"this.....Not as good as the last one...."

Swain changed several swords in succession, but none of them felt suitable for displaying his sword skills. What

Swain wanted was a sword that could be calm, easy, and could cut through the air with almost no violent sound. , a very sharp blade, instead of this kind of blade that is equally sharp, but is also very powerful and can violently stir up violent wind when used. This is a bit too powerful, and it is not very good for me. It fits.

As for the weight issue, it is not very important now. After waking up today, he felt that his physical condition had been very good, and his physical fitness seemed to have improved a lot.

Putting down the sword in his hand, Sven turned his head and looked at the small wooden shelf on the other side, where there were many short swords and daggers.

"By the way, just right....."

Swain looked at the standard daggers displayed above and picked the shortest one, which looked about the same size as a fruit knife. This size is generally not used for fighting, but rather used by traveling merchants to defend against small monsters, or The kind used by hunters to set traps and kill animals in the wild.

Swain stepped forward, then took a single-edged dagger, and turned it several times with five fingers of one hand. The dagger spun and flew into the sky with a snap of his fingers. When it fell, Swain used skill to lift it. Catch it, and use the tip of the knife to catch it with the pad of your index finger!

"If it looks like this, it will be easy to throw."

The dagger, which maintained a delicate balance, stood on Sven's finger with the tip as the fulcrum. Looking at the other two little girls, they were dazzled, their eyes shining like stars.

"Brother Swing! I want to learn!! Taught me! Taught me!!"As soon as Sven grasped the dagger again, Fisel immediately pulled his sleeve and insisted on learning the trick just now.

"Very handsome, brother Swain."Linelle didn't directly say that she wanted to learn, but it could be seen from her eyes that she was also very interested.

"Okay, stop pulling on my clothes. I will teach you how to use the dagger when you feel comfortable with it."


The two little girls agreed and cheered immediately.


At this time, there was a crisp sound from the direction of the counter. Swain turned around and saw that Sadore had placed Swain's sword on the counter. He closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Lineel and Fei Seer was also attracted by the sound, so he also came to the counter and stood on tiptoe to look at the dark blade visiting it.

"Brother Sven, as I said last time, the weapon you use feels so strange....."

"Yes, this...It feels like an extended version of a dagger."

"But using this, it seems a bit difficult to stab people."

Sven walked to the two of them and said:"This has more attack methods than a dagger, and if it has an advantage in length, it can be enough to deal with it even in a head-on battle."

"Is that so?"

"This knife is indeed a bit too big for you two. For now, you two should concentrate on learning how to use the dagger."Sven smiled and patted their heads.

He raised his head and looked at the boss in front of him, and happened to meet the eyes of Sadore's uncle who had just opened their eyes.

"How about itCan it be made?"

" be honest."Sadore looked at the blade on the table again.

"It would be difficult to make a weapon of this style just by polishing it. After all, such a thin sword body is very easy to break."

"So if I were to do it, first of all, it would require very high-priority materials. Secondly, the time it would take to process such high-priority materials by grinding might not be as simple as a month or two."

"Half a year, or it may take longer....."Although Sadore did not directly say whether it could be produced, hearing these two requirements basically made Swain feel a little uncomfortable.

"That's it....."

"It seems that if you want to customize such weapons, you can only go to the blacksmith shop."

"No, I guess even if I go, I won’t be able to come up with such a gratifying finished product in a short period of time."After hearing Sven's words, Sadore shook his head and said

"I have been on this street for a long time, and I know the craftsmanship of those guys. Even if you go now, wait until those guys fully understand the things above, and then make a weapon that surpasses this in terms of performance. thing, that would also take several months"

"Does it take that long?"Sven is a little confused. If you let him use it, the tasting is fine. But when it comes to forging, the person opposite is the expert. After all, there are so many different lines.

"Well, after all, they still have other tasks, and they can't focus all their energy on this all day long. It's very close to the headquarters of the Knights, the headquarters of the Guards, the fighting arena, and the sword training academy, so they can train daily. The consumption of weapons used for teaching is not that much."

"This is true."Sven nodded, feeling that what the other party said was quite reasonable.

"That's it, so say....."After seeing Sven agree with his words, Sadore planned to move on to the next topic.

"Okay, I understand, let’s make an offer."Swen smiled confidently and said first.


"how? Aren't you going to buy it now?"

"No, no, if Sir Sir intends to sell it, of course I will welcome it."Sadore immediately waved and said with a joyful smile on his face.

"That's simple. What do you think of the price of this?"Sven snapped his fingers and looked across.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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