"That's right, the price of this....."The joy on Sadore's face faded slightly, he frowned, touched the beard on his chin and began to consider the price of this.

"......Three thousand like this...No, how about four thousand sia?"After a moment of silence, Sadore gave such a price.

This price is already considered good.

But Swain smiled and stretched out his hand towards his weapon.

"etc! The price is negotiable! Good to discuss! As soon as Sadore saw it, he immediately picked up the knife on the counter and even took a step back behind the counter.

Swain didn't say anything, he just held his hands, raised his chin, raised his head slightly, and signaled to Sadore Dorey continued to bid, but Lineel and Fisel looked at Sven's movements and actually imitated them. They stood next to Sven on the left and right with their chins raised, looking very imitated.....

Seeing that Sven immediately smiled bitterly and asked both of them to put their hands down, and then asked them to stand up again like ladies, for fear that they would really learn bad things......

And Sadore is very confused at this moment.

"Four thousand is already two thousand higher than the price of weapons made of this material, but....Indeed, this technology has never been seen before, and the sharpness is also....."

Sadore raised his eyes slightly and looked at Sven, who was still squatting on the ground just now, preaching to the two little girls.

"How about it? Has Mr. Sadore thought about it?"

"This is currently a unique knife. If you miss it, you don’t know if you will see it again in the future."Sven said again.

"Eh....All right"

"Sir, what do you think of six thousand?"Sadore gave the last price. He is not the kind of person who likes to lower the price slowly. If this price is not acceptable, then it is really impossible to negotiate.

After hearing this, Swain raised his head and looked at Sadore , and then he pondered for a moment, and then shook his head slightly.

"No?...."Sadore looked a little discouraged, so he took a step forward and wanted to put down the knife in his hand, but the look of reluctance in his eyes was very obvious.

"No, I just want to change my trading method"

"Um?"Sadore looked at Sven and didn't understand what he wanted to do, but at least he now saw a glimmer of hope.

"Please say....."

"I don’t necessarily need Sia. After all, if I gave you the weapon, what should I use now?"Sven spread his hands and said with a smile and a shrug.

"oh! makes sense! You want weapons, right?"As soon as he heard this, Sadore suddenly became interested again. He slapped his head and said with a smile.

Anyway, he also sells weapons here. If he trades like this, it will be beneficial to him.

"So, what kind of weapon do you want."Sadorey suddenly became energetic when he heard that Swain wanted to trade weapons.

"Hmm...."Swain thought about it for a moment. As for the weapons here, these are the only ones. Although he can also use daggers, he should choose a one-handed sword as his main weapon now. After all, he also used a silver sword when he was a child, which was also a double-edged one-handed sword. sword

"A one-handed sword that is dexterous to use and relatively sharp.....It is best to be able to withstand lightning."Sven thought for a moment and added

"A nimble one-handed sword...."

"I have quite a few of these here, but the lightning-resistant ones....."Sadore obviously did not expect Swain to propose such a suggestion.....Puzzling conditions.

After all, although there have been many people who wanted this type of weapon with attribute resistance, the price of such weapons is basically astronomical. But even so, he still has one or two treasures here. But it's lightning resistant.....Are there any thunder attributes among sacred arts?

What does he want with this thing?

Use it as a lightning rod?

Sadore scratched his head in distress and thought for a while, then nodded and walked towards the other half of the cabinet. After pulling for a long time, he took out a purple-black one-handed sword.

"How about this?"Sadore put it on the table, and

Sven picked it up and looked at it. Compared with ordinary knight swords, the blade of this sword is much thinner.

"This is probably a one-handed sword made from the carapace of a monster."Sven asked after looking at the material for a moment.

"That's right, this is made from the jaws of some kind of ant monster in the Western Empire Canyon, which is the hardest part of its body."Sadore nodded and said

"Moreover, there are many thunderstorms there. Although there is no clear lightning resistance, the carapace of the Warcraft living in that environment should be more or less capable."

Although this sword may also have attribute resistance, because there is no thunder and lightning attribute in sacred magic, even so, this sword is not of high value, and it is not much different from the ordinary items sold over there.

Sven turned around and motioned for Lineel and Feisel to leave a little. The two little girls understood and ran a few steps towards the open space on the other side.

Sven waved a few times at the open space. It felt good, but again He frowned, turned around and said:

"this...It feels pretty good, but...."

"Yes, although it is made of Warcraft materials, the quality of this sword is not very high, but it should be much better than what you are using now."Sadore clearly saw Swain's intention.

Swain looked at the weapon in his hand again, and seemed to be still weighing it.

"This should be the only thing I have here that agrees with your request. If it doesn't work, then I'll have to use Shea....."Sadore spread his hands and said with a wry smile.

"ok, I get it."Sven also smiled bitterly.

Ding Ling Ling——

"Welcome to visit us next time!"

In Sadore's farewell, the three people left the shop, and Swain finally exchanged his sword for a one-handed sword made of Warcraft material, a dozen small daggers and two thousand sia.

Although these The dagger was very cheap, and in total it was only about the price of an ordinary one-handed sword, so Sadore waved his hand and said that a further discount would be fine. After all, it would take more than a dozen times to process this thing. It really doesn’t take as long as a fine iron sword.

After coming out of Sadore’s metal craft shop,

Swain not only bought a one-handed sword to be used as a lightning rod, but he also seemed to resell it. Dagger's plan.....

"Brother Swain, even now, I still feel that you are at a loss....."While walking on the road, Lineel seemed a little uncomfortable with the result of Swain's exchange just now.

"Hmm?"Sven raised his eyebrows and looked at Lineel, who was holding his right hand.


"If I just look at the materials, my knife at this level is about two thousand sia. Even if some novel technologies are added, four thousand or five thousand is about the same."

"Now I not only get a weapon with a price of more than 4,000, but also a dozen daggers and more than 2,000 Shia. I think this is enough."

"Even so....."

"I do understand Neil's thoughts."Fisser on the other side said at this time

"I really want to get the six thousand sia after getting this sword....."

Swain was happy when he heard this. He smiled and rubbed Feisel's head and said,"You little girl is quite greedy."

"If you are really like that, then the things exchanged by the two parties are not of equal value. I am at least within the allowable range."

"Seer is right!"

"Brother Swain, don't you think it's a loss to use that kind of unique blade that you've never seen before in exchange for something that's all over the street?"

"That's right! I obviously don’t know if I will ever have a weapon with a blade like yours again....."

"it does not matter."Sven stopped, turned around and knelt down to look at the two of them.

"Um?"The two of them seemed to see something else from Swain's expression.

Swain said with a smirk:"Because.....I still have two more there.~"


"Uh-huh~ Brother Swain, I just realized how good you are now~!"

"That's right."

The two people suddenly showed a look of disgust.

"Hey hey! I didn't lie to him! That knife is truly unique! After all, even if I still have them in my hand, they are still three unique knives~" Swain said with a smile.

"Ha ha~"


At this point, both of them couldn't help laughing.

"Hee hee, Brother Siwen, you are being unreasonable!"

"but....Now it seems that Brother Swain, you are really interesting!"Fisel patted Swain's arm.

"It seems that Neil and I did not choose the wrong master!"

"Yes, Swingo is much more interesting than those over-the-top knights!"

"You say that, should I be happy?"Sven stood up and looked at the end of the street with a wry smile.

"Okay, although it's a little late, I'm a little hungry now. I'm going to have lunch. You two probably won't be able to eat, but I can still treat you to some snacks and the like."Sven touched his stomach, feeling that he would be hungry for no reason today.


"Then I want to eat meat! I saw some stewed meat on the street!"Fisel jumped up for joy, then pulled Swain's sleeves hard and pointed to the street.

"Didn’t I say it was a snack?"Sven smiled bitterly.

"I just want to eat stew!"

"Okay, okay, you already wanted to eat it when you came here. After all, when you passed by, you turned around every step of the way."Sven smiled,

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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