Sven turned to look at Lineel and asked:"Niel, what about you?"

"Eh?"Linelle, who was thinking about something just now, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Sven in surprise.

"Ah, sorry, I just think it's convenient to call it this way. If...."

"No! it does not matter! Brother Swain, you can call him that if you want!"Linelle immediately shook her head. She didn't seem to care at all. It would be better to say that she was very happy.

"Then, I want it too!"Fisel, who was on the side, must have also pulled Sven's sleeves and said coquettishly.

"Okay, Sel, stop shaking now."


"So, Neel, what do you want to eat?"Sven pulled them towards another shopping street.

"I want to eat....dessert!"

"Haha, I obviously ate so much in the morning, but I’m still not tired of it."Sven smiled bitterly.

"After all, they are snacks~"

But with this conversation, the three people left this artisan street........

"Excuse me~!"


"I want this...this...and this"

"Yes, we understand, please wait."

Looking at the waiter taking his order and walking towards the side of the store, he turned his attention to the table in front of him.

At this time, there were a lot of things on it, including food and drinks, and Lineel and Fei At this time, the two Seers were happily holding the things they bought on the way and eating in small bites.

Sven looked at the two people left and right, holding the table with one hand and holding his forehead, with a hint of something bad on his face. earth look

"Originally I just wanted to buy a little bit, but the two of them are so good at pestering people that I unconsciously bought so much......"Swain suddenly wondered if he was the kind of person who found it difficult to refuse other people's requests......

Sitting up and leaning back slightly, Swain looked at the things on the table and felt that he needed to restrain himself in the future, but then he looked at the two little girls on both sides.

"this....It seems that it might be difficult for me to do it alone...."

Raising his head, Swain looked at the parasol above and smiled bitterly.

The three of them were in a restaurant on the corner of the street. They were sitting on open-air seats on the street. The block diagonally across the street was Sword Mastery Academy, so you can see many students coming in and out one after another on the road.

"Just let you wait."

While Swain was looking into the distance, the waiter walked out of the restaurant carrying a tray.

"This is the stew you ordered, fried white fish with herbs, meat with cheese on bread, and three glasses of grape juice. Please take your time."


"Uh-huh, Brother Swing, although I've been feeling like you've eaten too much since this morning." Feisel sighed again.

"Yes, are you really not going to get fat? I think many nuns in the convent care about these things."Linelle is starting to have some doubts now.

"Although Brother Swing said that it will be consumed after exercise, there was obviously not much exercise this morning......"

"......"Swain had just picked up a piece of bread, cheese and meat and was about to eat it. After hearing the two people's questions, Swain raised his head and looked at the pile of empty snack bags in front of them, and then looked at the The plate in front of you....

How dare you two say that I eat too much?!

Don’t you keep track of how much you have eaten?

"Feel free to eat your food!"Sven didn't explain to the two people this time. After all, he said too much and now the two little lolita didn't understand, so he just rolled his eyes and said angrily.

After that, the dining table was peaceful, and the two little girls were enjoying their food. Wen had finished his lunch before half of it, so now they all looked at Swain. Gulu gulu~




Sven has been eating quietly, but the two people sitting on both sides are holding their own cups that have already been drunk, making slurping sounds with straws, and their eyes are always on Swain. exactly....It's on the plate in front of Swain......

"....Want to eat?"Sven put down the spoon in his hand, looked around the two of them, and said helplessly.

"Um! want!"Almost quickly, the two people put down the cups in their hands, came down and dragged the chairs, and sat down next to Swain very consciously.

Swain looked at the quick movements of the two little girls, holding the fried fish in one hand with a smile. , the other hand scooped up a spoonful of stew and sent it to their mouths.....

I feel like I'm going to successfully transition from assassin to mother......

Because of this, lunch should have ended quickly, but it was postponed to the afternoon, and there were more people around again.

"Okay, let's go back."

Sven wiped the mouths of the two little girls, packed up their things, and looked at the central church in the distance.

"Are you going back?.....After you go back in the afternoon, Brother Swing, what are you going to do?" Feisel asked

"As for me, I want to visit the training ground and get used to the weapons in my hands."Sven patted the saber on his waist.

Although it would be better in actual combat, it is obvious that we cannot go out to the wild here, so we can only go back to the training ground to try the weapons.

"And you two should be going back too, right? There should be classes in the afternoon, right?"Sven smiled slightly.

"ah....Speaking of which, the afternoon classes start at half past two, right?"As soon as Feisel mentioned the matter of studying, his disgusted expression immediately showed from deep in his heart.

"That's right, there are still less than two hours left, and today is the sacred arts course that Seer hates the most."


"I hate learning sacred arts. It's too difficult. It involves imagining the gathering of elements, the structure of objects, and finally imagining its evolution.....Wow!!!"As Feisel was thinking about it, he began to grab his hair with both hands, looking unusually distressed.

"Sel, no matter how much you scratch your hair, it won't change anything. Linel patted Feisel on the shoulder and comforted her.

"What’s that!!"

"Does Neel just like to go back to class?"Fisel patted Lineel's hand and asked seriously.

"I.....Of course I don't want to. Of course, learning sword skills is more fun than this. Linel tilted her head slightly and thought about it, then said with a smile.

"look! Sure enough, you are also troubled!"

"Eh....."The two looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

The two people turned their heads and looked forward, looking at Swain who was not paying attention to the conversation between the two people behind him.

"....oh! Brother Swing! Why don't you come and teach us!"Fisel ran towards Swain in front of him.

"Aha? Don't be stupid, I have never been able to level up my authority to operate sacred arts. The only spells I can use are elementary-level spells, and they are also very limited."

Sven chuckled and waved his hand. He really couldn't help in this regard. After all, sacred magic is only useful in this world. It won't be useful outside here, so Swain just learned a little bit about it. It’s just the accelerated use of elements, and I haven’t studied the other things seriously.

Because compared to this, Sven wants to hone his sword skills more. After all, sword skills are still his own no matter where he goes.

"Why is this happening?~!"When Feisel heard this, he immediately tilted his head, and his whole body's energy and energy dropped visibly.

"hehe."Sven chuckled lightly. He had seen this expression in the church before. Those who studied sacred arts basically showed this expression.

Swain was very lucky at the time. Fortunately, his vocation was not a monk, otherwise I also need to learn those things, but fortunately I am not. Of course, I don’t need to learn those things. After all, it is too troublesome to complete these things in the brain in a matter of seconds..Sven was very happy, but he didn’t know that this was the last time he would feel lucky......

When the two people were talking and laughing like this, Sven stopped for a moment, and at the same time pulled Fisel and turned his head to look behind him. Fisel also looked curiously from the side of Sven's body. He stuck his head out and looked behind him.

Lineel in the back was a little far away from the two of them, and she was turning her head, expressionlessly looking at the row of clothes on display behind the glass vertical window.

"Are you interested?"Sven walked up to her and looked at the clothes in the display window.

This is a ready-made clothing store. There are clothes for both men and women. The vertical window here is for women, and the other side of the store door is for men.

".....No."Lineel shook her head and said: 'All the clothes here are clothes worn by adults.' After saying that, she wanted to leave here.

"That’s not necessarily true. There seems to be clothes you can wear in there."At the same time as Swain's voice sounded, Lineel's footsteps stopped.

Fisel on the other sideThe little head came over like this,

"Indeed, this looks better than the nun uniforms we are wearing."

"Neil, let’s go in and take a look!"Fisel leaned over and hugged Lineel from one side.

"Okay, Brother Swing!"

"It's good to take a look around, I also want to change my clothes."Sven said this, and opened his hands slightly to look at his clothes.

Although this outfit is convenient for walking everywhere, it is too conspicuous!

How could a noble of this level only bring two little girls out for shopping!!

This looks too conspicuous, which makes Swain, who doesn’t like publicity very much, feel very uncomfortable......

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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