Bang——!!! boom--! inside silver room

"Oops!! Oops!! This is really bad!!!"Judilukin looked around anxiously and panicked.

The electric current completely covered Swain's side. Because of the shadow in his heart, he ran to the door early to escape.

"What should I do?!"Chudilukin is jumping around in a hurry.

What should I do?

Just kill this kid."....

But His Highness seems to like him very much....

But if he is not stopped, this place will be destroyed.....

Just when he was in a dilemma.


In an instant, a ball of lightning exploded, purple light splashed up, fell on the capsule cabin in the distance and clung to it.

Sizzle - soon the electric current was flowing on it, and between blue and purple, faint black smoke gradually came out.

"no! I can't keep looking at it like this!!"

"He's just a brat!"

"It’s certainly not as important as here!!"

"System command!"Judilukin shouted, and immediately gritted his teeth, spread his fingers, and was about to attack Sven and force him to stop.

"fire element....."

However, just halfway through hiding the fire element that Judelkin was most proud of, Sven's right eye suddenly emitted a fierce light.

Swish - suddenly a white beam of light burst out from his eyes, and its route was actually headed straight towards Chudilukin

"Uh-huh!!!!"At this moment, Judilukin didn't care about any sacred magic, and immediately rushed to the side, almost dodge by the side.



The white light beam had an astonishing impact and The heat hit a capsule cabin through the air. At the moment of contact, the silver-white shell turned pitch black, then quickly turned into a yellow-white color and melted rapidly. The figures in the cabin were also directly melted by a ball. Surrounded by flames, it turned into a pile of coke in an instant

"Yiyiyi——!!!"Judilukin looked at the light beam emitting astonishing heat above his head, trembling and squatting on the ground.

"Drink ah ah ah——!!!"

The beam of light from Sven's side had not yet emitted, so he looked up to the sky and roared, and the beam of light from his eyes began to sweep upwards as he moved.



Wherever the light beam passed, the silver walls melted directly, the cabin caught fire, and the pipelines exploded violently.

When Sven almost raised his head completely, the light beam finally dissipated, and at this time, a long and narrow crack appeared in the place where it passed just now, and the cold air of the night blew in from the crack, leaving it aside. Chudilukin came back to his senses slightly.

Directly above, on a small part of the roof that was burned down, where the light column finally stopped, there was a ball of white light. Now it did not disappear, but disappeared into the nearby data channel, and quickly moved upward along the channel. Moved and disappeared into the room in an instant.....

Zizzizi—— bang——! boom!!!

Along with the lightning, the capsule cabins at the bottom exploded one after another like a chain reaction. Most of the cabins in the middle part had become charred black, but there were still some survivors.

Sven's side had turned into a fox shadow.

"Roar——!!!"Fox Shadow twisted his body and looked at Judilukin as if he still remembered him.

"Finished....This time....Finished"

"It's really over now! Continue like this...Continue like this! me! He will definitely be executed by His Highness!!!"Chudilukin's attention didn't seem to be on Sven, and he didn't even pick up the hat that fell to the side. He stood up in a hurry and cried with tears.

But now it seems that it is only a matter of time before it is completely destroyed. question, Chudilujin immediately knelt on the ground in despair, hammering the ground with tears streaming down his face.

Now he couldn't care about Swain's affairs. After causing such a loss, he It is estimated that there will never be another chance to atone for his sins. The lightest punishment for him may be execution.

"correct! Right now, His Highness is still resting....."Qiudi Lujin suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the upper level, with a look in his eyes that he had not given up yet.

"words now....I should still be able to run away!!"

"As long as you leave here and don't do anything eye-catching, you won't be observed!!"

Thinking of this, Chudylukin immediately stood up, turned around and ran towards the corridor, no longer caring about the tragic situation behind him. After all, his own life is more important now. When

Chudylukin just ran to the stairs when, I heard behind

"Drink ah ah ah——!!!"

A human roar mixed with a roar similar to the roar of a monster came from behind, which frightened Judilukin and immediately increased the speed of his body bounce.



Except for the area near the ceiling, the original style of the current room cannot be seen at all. The walls are all covered with large holes formed by burns and explosions, and there is a long and narrow melting mark that is still red on the other side.

The stars outside and a small part of the moon shine brightly.

Sven, who was half-kneeling on the ground, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the strange and messy room around him. He felt the surroundings and determined that it was caused by his own power.

He stood up and looked at the empty room, hiding the violent fox shadow behind him. When he turned his head, he saw what remained of the clown hat on the floor of the room, which had been burned to the point where only a small fragment remained.

"That potato looking for death!!!!"Sven shouted angrily, and stamped his right foot on the ground. A wave of cold air suddenly erupted around him, blowing away the rags and black ash. The remaining footprints on the road showed that he had just started. It didn't take long to escape

"This is your own death.....!!"With that said, Swain took out the weapon he got today from the wrench and put it on his waist.

Finally, he took out the bone surface with thunder patterns on his right eye and gently covered it on his face.

"Run away, run away to your heart's content......"

"It's time for assassination...."

As he spoke, a circle of faint blue flames appeared around his body, which made people feel very cold.

The light of the twin moons shone in from the hole, dyeing Sven's body into dark red and blue..

The next moment, his body flashed and he disappeared into the room, but the footprints leaving the room were still only those of Judilukin........


Judilukin has now run to the ninety-third floor of the Central Cathedral, which is Bercouli’s residence, but there is no one here at this time, because he and Fanatio each met some people on the road today. That's why I haven't rushed back yet, so not only this floor, but also the next floor, Fanatio's residence on the 92nd floor is empty.

"hateful! It's all that kid! It's all his fault!!"Chudilukin ran forward while looking behind him from time to time to make sure no one was chasing him.

" highness..."When Judilukin thought of this, he felt like he wanted to cry without tears. Now, let alone his status, his life could hardly be saved.

Just when Chudilukin regretted it, he also arrived at the stairwell of the 93rd floor. If he went down from here, he could go from the 93rd floor to the 90th floor in one breath.

"As long as we go down from here, we should temporarily....."

"but......"Judilukin looked at the stairs here and felt that it was very strenuous to run down, but if he rolled down, it would look a little painful..... clatter....clatter....

Just when he was about to consider whether to roll down the stairs as quickly as possible or to run downstairs, the sound of faint footsteps came from the other side of this floor.


So Chudilukin turned his neck slightly stiffly and looked back. At the other end of the floor, with the help of a weak night light, he saw a figure surrounded by blue aura, with a slanted necklace on his forehead. The white bone surface covered the upper part of his left forehead and less than half of his face, so the expression on the left side of his face could not be seen clearly. Only a shadow could be seen, but on the exposed right side of his face, a faint green dog could be seen. Rainbow eyes.

At this time, the figure held the one-handed sword in his hand and raised it slightly, pointing diagonally at the ground. The sword body flashed with cold light, and the leather boots made a crisp sound when stepping on the smooth ground. He was slowly walking towards Chudilukin..

In such a deserted environment, if a person dressed like this appears out of thin air, if he has a little less psychological endurance, the person opposite may have been able to call it a day and go back.....


When Chudilukin saw this, he was so frightened that all the hairs on his body stood up. He fell to the ground, turned around and crawled towards the stairs. Now he didn't care about whether it would hurt if he rolled down. He just added his hands and feet to his head. As soon as he shrunk, he rolled towards the spiral staircase.

Gulu gulu——

"It hurts! It hurts!! It hurts!!!"Chudilukin, who had shrunk into a ball, kept wailing. The feeling of his body hitting the stairs made him feel extremely painful.

Normally, he would just turn into a ball and bounce around. , and now such rolling made him feel dizzy, and there was also a strong nausea in his ears.

But even so, he couldn't stop, or even slow down. It would be better to say that he kept stopping. to speed up his movements.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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