"hateful! Hurry up!!"Chudilukin, who was escaping, could not sense the surrounding situation now, so he did not know whether Swain had caught up with him, so he could only keep praying.


"Now that it's like this.....Then I might as well!"Judy Lukin had an idea in his mind at this time.

"Anyway, that’s it! Then I'll kill this kid first and then escape!"

"Anyway, His Highness won’t be able to wake up for a while without being disturbed!"

"good! Hurry up! As long as I reach the first training ground on the 90th floor and distance myself, I will have enough time to prepare a wide range of sacred arts!"

"When the time comes, that little brat, I will definitely deal with you this time!!!"....... boom--!!!

Chudilukin rolled from the upper floor to the 90th floor in one breath, and rushed out of the stairs with an amazing momentum. He hit a pillar with a vase on one side. Not only was the vase knocked away, but even the pillar was damaged. Got it

"asshole.....It really hurts..."Judilu JincongHe stood up from the dust, touched his head that was covered with gold stars, and ran towards the training ground on one side, somewhat staggeringly.

".....Um? what sound?"

The woman who was in the training ground naturally heard the noise outside, so she put down the wooden sword she was holding, picked up a thin sword contained in a black scabbard from the table on the side, and walked towards the door..

Bang - the door of the training ground was violently knocked open, and the next moment the figure of Chudi Lujin appeared in the woman's eyes.

"oh--! Just in time! number twelve!"Qiudi Lujin opened the door and saw the figures in the training ground at a glance, and his face suddenly lit up with joy.

"There are rebels! You also come to help suppress it!"Judilukin spoke and asked him to help him deal with Swain.

"As long as I have this person as a human shield, I can attack at will from behind.....Oh hee hee!!"Chudilukin thought with a smile.

"rebellion...molecular?"The woman was stunned for a moment, her pupils shrank, and a slight change appeared on Wannian's expressionless face. She opened her lips slightly and asked in a voice that lacked emotion:"That's....A guy who can cut it?"

"Um?"Chudi Lukin ran to the direction of the other exit. After hearing the question, he was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly added.

"Well, whatever you want to do!"

"You can kill or cut whatever you want!"

After dealing with the woman called No. 12, Judilukin immediately took the time to chant the sacred art.

"System command!"

"Fire element is generated!"While chanting, he stood upside down, spread out his hands and feet, and stood on the ground with only the top of his head. At the same time, a ball of flame appeared on his ten fingers and toes, and in front of his eyes, and his body began to rotate. A series of sparks flew into the sky and continued to expand, eventually forming a huge fire ball above it.


The giant earth fire ball exploded, accompanied by a gust of scorching wind, and countless fire balls splashed When it opened, it immediately set the surroundings of the training ground on fire.

"Oh hee hee——!!"

Accompanied by Judilukin's trademark, weird and disgusting laughter, the giant fire ball began to change, with hands, feet and head extending from it, and soon a giant one similar to Judilukin, slightly appeared. A round flame giant with a clown smile was born. boom--!!

The flame giant landed on the ground and suddenly felt the entire floor shaking. The scorching flame waves began to spread to the surroundings, causing another person present to unconsciously raise his arm and block it in front of him.

"This is a degree of art......It must be nice to chop it once."The black-haired woman kept staring at the flaming giant, and the idea of ​​​​cutting it down became stronger and stronger.

On the other side, the flaming giant first came behind Judilukin, leaned down and slapped the ground with both hands, and suddenly Another circle of stronger flames appeared around him, surrounding Chudilukin, as if it was playing a protective role.

Finally, the giant stood on top of Chudilukin and sat down, crossing his legs to protect him. , and also stretched out his hands to cover the top of it, so that he was protected in all directions, front, rear, left and right. After all, Sven's attack method is now elusive, although he looks very timid when he surrounds himself like this.....And there is no way to attack immediately.

But as long as there are no blind spots and the opponent cannot attack, then you are also safe!

Therefore, as long as the giant is not destroyed or the flames around it are extinguished, it is absolutely impossible to attack Judelkin behind it!

He was so sure!

"Hey hey hey!! Kid! bring it on!"

"It was just an accident last time. You took advantage of me because of my carelessness!"Qiudilu Jin's face darkened at first. It seemed that what happened last time would never be forgotten by him for a long time.

"But this time!"The tone changed and he continued arrogantly:"Let you see why I became the patriarch of the Axiom Church!!"

"Surrender to my most powerful sacred art! In front of the devil!!!"Judilukin said very arrogantly at this time, and was twisting excitedly in front of the devil.


At this time, the woman known as No. 12 ignored Judilukin's almost crazy words and deeds, but walked to the door of the training ground and pulled out the thin sword worn on her waist.

If you look closely, you will see that the black thin sword is completely black, exuding a faint cold light, and is very thin. It looks as thick as a piece of paper. It also has a trace of blood in it. The place where the sword's jaw is It was in the shape of a blooming lily, but the color was still black.

She lowered her body and got into a good posture, keeping her eyes fixed on the door in front of her, looking full of fighting spirit.......

The two waited, but after a long time, they still didn't see anyone coming, so the black-haired woman frowned slightly. This was the only way to the lower level, and there was no other way.

That's why Chudilukin chose this place. It's so empty and has no shelter, and there are only two doors at the front and back as the decisive battleground.

"Damn it, didn’t that kid follow you?"Chudi Lukin looked at the door in the distance, but there was said to be a human figure there, but there was no movement at all.

"Hello! Kid! I know you are there! Come out quickly!!"Qiudi Lukin was still standing upside down on the ground and shouted to the other side, but there was still no response.

Now even the black-haired woman stood up and looked at Qiu Dilukin in confusion. That meant it was true. Are there rebels? It's not a dream you had while you were still awake at night?


"what to do? Did you really not catch up?"Chudilukin thought in his heart

"He didn't follow me, am I going to waste my time here?"

".....No, no."I shook my head a little.

"This is not okay!"

"I don't have that much time to spend here! Better hurry up....."Just when Qiudilu Jin wanted to quit.

Huh - there was a burst of sound of piercing the air above it, and swish - at the same time there were two sounds of swords cutting through the air. boom!!

The black-haired woman and Judilukin quickly looked at each other, only to find that Sven had appeared directly above Judilukin at some point, and the wrists of the flame giants between them had been cut off. Got it!!

"When did you get past here? ?"The black-haired woman looked at Sven's figure suddenly appearing behind her, and her eyes widened slightly.

Behind her, after the first two sword sounds, the third sword sound was pointed directly at Qiu Qiu. Dilukin, just when Sven was about to kill him with his sword, he noticed that the flame giant's hands that were supposed to be chopped off did not break, dissipate, or fall!

Now not only did the severed flames reappear, It connected, and he also waved his right fist and struck Sven with fierce red flames, and the flames below began to burn upward with more fierce momentum.

"Tsk!"Seeing this, Swain narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his body, and drove the blade.

Poof! Bang!

There was a sound of a sharp blade entering flesh, and a sound of a heavy object hitting one after another. sounded, and then a black shadow flew out from the side of the flame giant.

After re-adjusting its body shape in the air, it slid on the ground for a short distance and landed firmly on the ground.

Sven squatted on the ground and raised his head. Looking at the flame giant in front of him who has recovered as before

"Keep cutting.....?"

"So, is it because there is no entity?....."Swain turned the blade in his hand, narrowed his eyes and said


"my leg!! my leg!!!!"

At this time, Chudilukin fell to the ground. His right leg and half of his flank had been cut off and fell to the side. The bright red blood was flowing freely on the ground. It was very bright when illuminated by the fire. It was originally red. Most of the half-blue clown suit has now turned scarlet.

"mine....my destiny....No!!"Judi Lujin kept wailing, and continued to use sacred magic to treat his injuries. However, such an injury that lacked body tissue not only lost his destiny, but also the upper limit of his destiny, and like this It is useless to heal wounds by relying only on the sacred magic of the surrounding space. It must be combined with the crystallization of the sacred power of space compressed into a solid body, or it can be stopped only if someone gives you their destiny.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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