
Swain woke up as usual, opened his eyes and looked at the luminous cold lamp in the room, sat up, scratched his head seemingly confused, took a deep breath, looked around the room, and then looked around again lie down.....

The room was filled with piles of books, and they were of all kinds, ranging from world history to humanities, from physics to chemistry, from biology to mechanics.....

It's not that Swain doesn't want to tidy up, but this is what it will look like after tidying up.....

The personal room assigned to him was completely filled with these things. Although the assigned wrist terminal could also be viewed, Swain still liked to read paper books.

Although it is not impossible to put the thumb ring in, the number is too much. If you buy so many books and you don't have them here, there must be something wrong, so for now, let them pile up here temporarily.

I turned around and glanced at the atomic physics on the pillow. It seemed that this was what I was looking at yesterday before I went to practice swordsmanship in the finger ring yesterday......

I'm fineWhat does this do?

I vaguely remember that I look like a magician....

Although you are still a dabbler now?

No, there should be considerable progress!

But you can’t watch this either!!

In fact, Swain didn’t know why......

I just know that this is knowledge and wisdom, then I must understand that I have some strong desire for wisdom......

In fact, at the beginning, Swain just wanted to study thunder and lightning. After all, it was something related to his own power. But the more he studied, the more things he found. At the beginning, many people suddenly appeared, what about ampere volts and ohms? Something like that made Sven feel dizzy.

Why did the two people just change their positions, one on top and one on the bottom? How come they were different people? (ω=v/a)

Are you doing science? Why do I think you are playing magic?

So as his understanding deepened, the subjects developed wider and wider, and Swain felt like he was going bald when he looked at it......

There are also elements. They were originally good magic elements, but they were suddenly explained as atoms......

Is the end of science really the end of magic?

With this attitude of not realizing the consequences, Sven spent almost a year soaking in a sea of ​​books, almost feeling like he was drowning.....

There is no limit to learning, looking back is...Ahem. , let’s continue swimming in it......

At least there are some interesting things in it, such as another book related to Norse mythology in my hand.

Although the records inside can be said to be completely different from what I know, or even not related at all, there are still some useful things. For example, the records of the characters' existence are very complete.

He was more concerned about the part that described the Valkyries. Although there were many discrepancies in the story, there were dozens of records about Valkyries that Swain found.....

The key thing is that I have never seen them before, but when I realize their names, their true appearance, voice, and posture will automatically appear in my mind, as if I have met and gotten along with them, but But not much sense of reality....

It makes people really doubt whether what they see in their mind is a record or a memory.

"hateful....There are too many discrepancies between these legends and records, right?...."Sven let out a long sigh and sighed slightly.

Didi - at this moment, the doorbell rang, accompanied by a soft voice,

"Senior, are you up?"Ma Xiu's voice sounded weakly outside.

"Um.....woke up....."Swain said casually and somewhat vaguely.

That means I haven’t gotten up yet.....

Zila - the door to the room was opened, and when Matthew came in, he skillfully turned on the light in the room.

"Uh-huh.....What a mess again....It was obviously tidied up not long ago...."Ma Xiu sighed softly and pinched his waist with both hands, his tone was very helpless.

"This is what it looked like after cleaning it up...."From behind the stack of books, Sven's voice came faintly.



Accompanying Matthew, there were two little beasts, Xiaobai and Fufu. Ever since he met Matthew, Xiaobai liked to go to Matthew's place very much, and even spent more time than staying with Sven.....

As expected of you!

"that....Senior, where are you?"Ma Xiu smiled politely but awkwardly. Her little head was looking around at the stack of books that were taller than her. Her short purple hair, which was half covering her face, was flying back and forth with her movements.

"it's here~~"Among the stacks of books, Swain stretched out a hand from above and waved it weakly, looking very casual.

"What's going on today? Come to me at this time?"Sven said with some complaints, but still quickly got up and put on his clothes......Where are the clothes?

"Senior, what are you talking about?"

"What is this time?"

"It's faster now....."

Swain sat on the edge of the bed, looking around for clothes in confusion. He vaguely remembered that a few stacks of books collapsed last night, eventually causing damage to the clothes hangers on the side.

After searching for a while, he soon found the corner of his clothes under the pile of books on one side, but there were a lot of books on it. Seeing this, Swain tugged hard.

Wow wow wow——

"Eh?"Sven's eyes were stunned.


As if it had a chain reaction, the surrounding stacks of books collapsed, and eventually spread, causing all the stacks of books without special bookshelves in the entire room to collapse.

"senior! ?"Ma Xiu's words were interrupted, and he shouted anxiously,

"Uh-huh!!"But looking at the pile of books that were pouring towards her at the same time, one person and two beasts immediately ran towards the door in a hurry.


Looking back, the piles of books even overflowed outside the door, and the automatic door I want to close it, but I can only bounce it repeatedly because it keeps hitting the stack of books.


"What are you doing? It’s so noisy......"On the other side, Romani, who was rubbing his sleepy eyes, walked out in yellow spotted pajamas. He turned around and saw the books scattered in the corridor, as well as the stunned Matthew and Xiaobai.

"what....Same as usual.....Haha~" Romani yawned, turned around again, and went back to the room without interest.

"etc! doctor! You don’t have much leisure time left!"Ma Xiu came back, looked at Romani in a panic, and shouted anxiously

"Did you forget it? From today onwards, qualified Master candidates will arrive one after another! The first batch will arrive soon!"

"After that, the second and third batches are also scheduled to arrive today!"

"You and your seniors need to conduct comprehensive physical examinations for them! After hearing the news

, Romani still looked at Matthew in confusion. At this time, Swain, who had just crawled out of the pile of books in the room, also looked a little out of sorts.

"first batch....Qualified Master...?"Romani's eyes were a little dull, and he raised his head slightly and repeated.

"speaking of....I seem to have heard it somewhere....."Swain seems to have been infected by Romani's laxity this year, and he also looks a little bit not sober.

"What are you talking about!"

"After the inspection is completed, there will be a simulated battle with Reiko infiltrating today!"

"The director has already gone to the infirmary, if you don't hurry up!"Ma Xiu said anxiously as he looked at the two of them.



The two people said in surprise with two different voices.

Sven calmly rolled up his sleeves and clicked on the clock on his bracelet. The time displayed was 7:51, which is far from the eight o'clock limit required by Chaldea to go to work. And 'quite a lot' of wealth

"Hum~! adequate!"Sven smiled easily and confidently, and climbed out from the pile of books with a clattering sound. At the same time, he also brought out several books and came to the door.

"Yo ~ Good morning Matthew!"Sven first said hello to Matthew, then straightened his clothes, then squatted down and threw all the books that overflowed outside the door back into the room, seemingly mixed with some other things. thing....

"Uh, um, good morning....."Matthew looked at Swain and smiled. After all, she was used to it. Swain always looked like he was in a hurry, but he was also very leisurely.

It’s completely different from Romani’s way of looking anxious but really anxious! boom!!

After throwing the last book back into the room, and before other books could overflow again, Swain forcibly pulled the door on one side and closed it with a bang.

"Uh-huh——"Swain wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead and let out a breath.

I looked at my watch leisurely again

"So! I have some urgent matters so I set off first!"

Sven looked back at Romani, who was still in a daze, waved his hand, turned around and ran quickly towards the other side of the corridor. The speed was very fast, but it was still within the speed of ordinary people.

"ah!! no!! You, you wait for me!!"Seeing this, Romani glanced back and forth at Sven's back and his room. His hands were swinging wildly and he was at a loss. His steps were also messy. It looked like there were two halves of his body on the left and right. They all had their own thoughts, and they all wanted to run in the same direction.

Romani first ran two steps towards the corridor, but then looked at himself, wearing pajamas and a pair of rabbit slippers......

If this group of qualified people sees this, I won’t have to mess around anymore!!

If you meet the director again, you really don’t have to mess around anymore!

Just pack up and go home!

Romani finally reacted and rushed back to the room. He quickly changed out of his pajamas and put on the long gown of the infirmary. Following Swain's footsteps, he also rushed towards the infirmary.

"wait!! Aren’t we also companions who go to work and fish together?"

"We are companions!"

"Why did you start running away alone? ?"

Romani's voice echoed in the corridor, but Swain had already disappeared.....

"Ah~! doctor! hat! hat!!!"

Ma Xiu, who was standing behind, saw Romani rushing out with her nightcap still on. She waved her hands and leaned forward to shout loudly, but her voice was already soft, and Romani ran away. Fast.

Looking at Romani's figure in the distance, it seemed that he didn't hear it......

"Oops, it looks like the doctor is going to be reprimanded again....."Ma Xiu revealed a helpless smile and hooked Xiao Bai's chin on his shoulder.

"Ah, where is Fufu?"After that, Ma Xiu searched for him for a long time, but why did Fufu, who was there just now, disappear? Where is my Fufu?

Where is Fufu, who is so big and fluffy and so comfortable to hold?

Bang bang - and At this moment, there was a sound of banging on the door in Swain's room.

"Could it be....."

The next moment, Matthew stood aside with a complicated expression and opened the door to the room again.

Zila -

Hua Hua Hua——


At the top of the debris flow composed of piles of books, a small white beast appeared. At this time, it was also covered with an open book, which pressed it firmly underneath......

(To be continued)

Thank you to the 588 star of Xingtu Lihua for the reward, thank you!

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