
Sven ran down the corridor of Chaldea at a sprint speed of 100 meters. Occasionally, when people passing by saw this scene, they would also show a funny and understanding smile. This is normal, and usually When he came, Romani would also run over immediately behind him......

"arrive!"Sven looked at the infirmary door in front of him, smiled, and slid sideways to stop firmly at the door.



Along with the confirmation of the identification card and the opening of the door, Swain's voice also appeared in the infirmary.

He quickly raised his head and glanced at the clock, watching the second hand turn. There were still five or six seconds of 'richness' before eight o'clock! no problem!

Not late!


Swain let out a breath, then stood up straight and straightened out his clothes that were a little out of shape. Kick, kick, kick - but the next moment, Sven saw him standing in front of him, with his hands folded, his expression on his face. It’s very ugly, and Olga Marie’s toes are tapping at the same time.

"I am still not late today!"Sven nonchalantly stretched out his thumb, showing a row of white teeth, and said with a smile, almost putting his hand on her face.

"Uh-huh!"When Olga Marie heard this, her eyelids twitched, and the veins on her forehead were slightly highlighted.

"Hmm, Mr. Siwen, I just happened to be stuck on duty today."Leif stood aside and took a look at his pocket watch, then put it in his arms and said

"As long as you're not late, you can come anytime!"Sven said nonchalantly

"Indeed, punctuality and trustworthiness are your rules, and I have seen that this year."Leif put away his pocket watch and stroked his green gentleman's hat.

"This is a good habit, I hope you can continue it"

"Of course, I have no intention of breaking my vow without reason. Swain said matter-of-factly

"Oath....hehe."Leif smiled and didn't continue to say anything.

In this year, Sven and Leif spent a lot of time together, but they could only be regarded as acquaintances.

Obviously there was no unpleasantness between the two. But the relationship would develop like this, which quite surprised Swain. He thought that his social skills were still good.

"Hum~! If you dare to be late for me once, I will never let you go!"Olga Marie said viciously

"I promise to fire you on the spot, immediately, without hesitation!!"

"Then I think you may never have this opportunity in your life~" Swain retorted nonchalantly.

"snort! Not always!"Olga Marie said with a sneer.

The other staff around them laughed softly. This kind of scene is considered common, and everyone has become accustomed to it.

Since that embarrassing first meeting, , Olga Marie has always wanted to catch Swain’s little tail or embarrass him. After all, only one party’s secret has been discovered. Don’t you think it is very unfair?

But what is hateful is that for a whole year, Swain has not revealed anything at all. So much so that now, if you are late once, I will fire you even for one second.....

But ever since he made that declaration, Swain has been stuck in showing up for work every time, which made Olga Marie worry about Swain every time, for fear that he would lose his temper that day and what if he was really late?

After all, I made the declaration in public. Although I believe no one will take it seriously, what if one or two stupid people really come out to deliberately cause trouble?

So much so that what he originally wanted to do to stumbling upon Swain ended up being a stumbling block for himself.....

Seeing this, Swain ignored the people around him, smiled narrowly at Olga Marie, passed by her and sat in front of the instrument he was responsible for.

But Olga Marie just glanced at Swain and continued to wait at the door.

Didi - the sound of the authentication card sounded again, and the next moment Romani, who was holding on to the wall and panting, also appeared in the room.

But his luck wasn't as good as Swain's. After all, he was really late......

"Lo-ma-ni!!!"Olga Marie shouted word by word. At the same time, the aura around her body was fully activated, and the hair behind her slowly floated up automatically without wind.


After that, the usual situation unfolded, Romani was still being scolded harshly, and Olga Marie vented all the anger she received from Swain and Romani's behavior.

More importantly, not only was Romani late this time, but he was also wearing a nightcap with a plush ball.......

It's hopeless. It's better to find another doctor as soon as possible......

The scolding continued until the first group of qualified Masters came in from the main entrance of Chaldea and went directly to the examination room.

Romani's main job is to sort out everyone's information and confirm that they all meet the requirements, have master qualifications, spirit submersion qualifications, and are normal magicians with open circuits.

Then, based on their data and subsequent The performance of Lingzi's infiltration divided them into groups. After all, I heard that there are nearly fifty qualified people. No one knows whether these people are really qualified or whether they were stuffed in after someone tampered with the data.

"Hmm.....Sure enough, those who came here after many layers of selection are not simple characters....."Swain was surprised when he looked at the pieces of data displayed on the computer.

He was only responsible for the records of one group of machines. The rest were handled by temporarily transferred personnel from other departments, and it seemed that there were a few people who paid special attention to it. It's not included in the summary of these new members, but it has nothing to do with Swain, so it doesn't matter.

Normally, Romani and Swain are the only ones here, and the two of them spend most of their time in the next room. He is reading, while Romani continues to fish, spending the whole day talking about Magical Mellie. of.....

Now the second batch of qualified candidates has arrived. About twenty people have been tested. So far, the quality of everyone's magic circuits is quite high. Even if there are a few that are worse, they are still not good enough. Not going anywhere

"The number and quality of the circuit are either A or B, and even the worse ones are C. I already want to go back to the room. Isn’t reading a book more interesting than this?"Sven said with a sullen face, his eyes showing a lack of motivation.

After all, in front of everyone, he is just an ordinary person with f in the circuit number and prime!

Looking at the sympathy of the people around him The look in his eyes made Swain always feel very unhappy psychologically.....

".....It seems that the disguise is a bit too much. Who knows how sophisticated this instrument is!"

"If I had known better then, I would have gotten a D or an E at least....."

Because he didn't know the accuracy of the equipment here at the time, Swain directly suppressed his magic power fluctuations to a minimum, intending to reveal his true strength bit by bit and get a similar evaluation. But who knew that this machine was so confident and could directly It was settled with one shot, and then Swain completely mixed it up with a double f.....

"Haha, don’t be so pessimistic. Aren’t there still many bad ones?"Romani heard Swain's complaint, smiled and patted him twice, then came over with a cup of cocoa and said

"Oh, those poor ones are just ordinary people who have been selected to be talented, aren't they?"

"compare with them....To be honest, I feel quite complicated....."Swain lay on the table and said helplessly

"And the key is that I still can’t compare...."

"Ha ha....."Romani smiled reassuringly and patted Swain on the shoulder.

Didi -

At this moment, a red warning appeared on the computer in front of Swain, and at the same time a Didi warning sound began to sound.

"ah.....Sure enough, another one who failed to adapt....."

"Humph, the test scores are quite low."

Sven checked the person's information, sneered, and without any surprise stopped the spirit submersion system he was currently using, asked him to withdraw from the simulated battle, and picked up the microphone on one side, using The radio said

"On the 27th, your spirit submersion adaptability is too low, go back......."

"What did you say!! I am.....vomit...."

The man on the 27th had just regained consciousness and got off the machine. He was about to announce his identity, but the next moment he felt a strong dizziness. He held on to the machine on one side and held it tightly. He opened his mouth and retched, and his whole face turned pale. It was obvious that not only was he not adaptable to this system, but he was showing a strong rejection reaction.

"I don’t care who you are, but if you look like this, even if you can use spirit seeds to transfer, what use will you have when you get to the other side?"

"It's better to go back honestly and don't embarrass yourself here....."

Swain said without emotion, and cut off the microphone immediately after speaking, regardless of what happened to the person after that, but soon a staff member came forward and carried the semi-conscious person out.

"The simulation tests for other normal people are almost over......"Swain looked at the screen and yawned.

"Yes....Aha~~"Then Romani also seemed to be infected

"Yes, I can go to rest/eat in a while~" The two of them yawned and stretched at the same time.

"Really, senior and doctor, can't you two be a little more energetic?"

The door on one side was opened, and Ma Xiu walked in speechlessly. He looked at the two people lying lazily on the table on the top floor of the staircase room with very similar expressions on their faces.

"It’s really boring after all....We don’t have much to do, so we might as well leave it all to others....."When Romani saw Ma Xiu, he suddenly bared his teeth and said with a smile.

"Doctor, it is because of your attitude that you make the director angry every time."Ma Xiu came over.

Only then did Swain realize that she was holding a wooden basket in her hand. The smell of food wafted out from it, and Xiao Bai on her shoulder had already come down and lay beside the basket. , holding a piece of fish in his mouth and eating it....

"Senior, I brought some condolences. Let's have some food first."Ma Xiu glanced at Swain, then smiled and said to the people below and Swain.

"Um? Condolence items? Swain raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully,"Isn't it necessary?" When there are only a few people left, the simulated battle of Reiko infiltration will be over. Then we can just go to the cafeteria, right?"

"Um? Senior, don’t you know?"

Ma Xiu was startled for a moment, then blinked his purple eyes and stared at Sven, and said slowly:"The director said before that the third batch will arrive at noon today, and he requested that all the batches be completed before the afternoon. test.....Do you two really know nothing?"

Ma Xiu looked at the two people whose expressions became dumbfounded as he spoke, and immediately covered his mouth and smiled slightly.


"Isn't it?!"x2

"When did you say that?"x2

"Ah, that.....The director said this when he came early today. Now that I think about it, it seems that he really might want to avoid you two."A clerk came over, took out a sandwich from the basket, and said with a smile

"That....When can I get off work/eat?"Romani and Swain asked at the same time.

Just kidding!

If you are not active after work/work, there is something wrong with your brain!

"that.....Of course, after the work is completed~" Matthew smiled softly and pointed at the wooden basket he put on the table aside.

After hearing this, the two of them looked at each other and fell down at the same time. on the chair, and then lay face down on the table like an invertebrate.

"Senior, cheer up, I will be here with you!"Ma Xiu stepped forward and touched Sven's head, comforting her softly.

"It’s great that Matthew is so gentle. It would be great if Director Mary could learn from you......"Swain did not stand up, but turned his head slightly to look at Matthew and sighed.

"In that case, her evaluation in Chaldea should be higher....."

"Hey hey~" Ma Xiu smiled slightly, obviously she was very happy to be praised. The people around her also showed kind smiles after hearing this. It seems that this is not the first time that Swain has complained like this, and everyone is not the first either. This is the first time I heard this


Romani and Swain let out a long sigh, and at the same time they thought of Olga Marie's face that was furious and then sneered. Now that they think about it, that expression was completely the expression of a successful plot! hateful!

Been, calculated!!

Seeing the two people slumped back on their chairs, the others all started laughing.

These two people from the medical team are so happy. At least in this somewhat depressing research or magic workshop, it is very interesting to have these two people.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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