Finally, in the salted fish, the group completed today's task. Although it was only the afternoon, Romani and Swain looked like they had worked hard all day.

" is finally over...."Accompanied by the greetings of"Thank you for your hard work" from other employees, Romani lay down weakly.

"After the final review, there were forty-nine master candidates who passed the exam......Ah?"Just as he was about to call it a day, Swain re-checked the documents and found something wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"What went wrong?"

Romani on the side also turned his head over with a helpless expression. Just now he thought the director was coming, so he immediately closed Meili's homepage and switched to the work page at the speed of light.

"It says there are forty-nine talents, right? Thirty-eight famous magicians, and eleven talented ordinary people. But there are only forty-seven people in this record?"Sven poked his hair with a pen, opened the table on one side and compared it.

"What about the other two?"Sven turned to look at Romani.

"Ah, that....There are still orders coming tomorrow, so don't worry about it now. Romani was also stunned for a moment, then he suddenly came to his senses, waved his hand and said casually.

"Is it...."Sven nodded, that would be fine.

"Oh, those forty-seven, oh, it should be about forty people, and I’ll leave it to you to check the lone people tomorrow~" Romani said with a smile.

"Um? Isn't this your job?"Sven turned back to look at him speechlessly.

"That's right, but I'm tired~ and I'm the person in charge here, so I'll leave it to you, my assistant~" Romani smiled disapprovingly.

".....I didn't know this before, but now I realize that you actually know how to use power?"Sven said in a funny way, as if he had discovered something new.

"You have actually made progress!!"

"Yeah~ Actually I’ve just been a little busy these past few days, and I haven’t read Meili-chan’s diary for a long time~" When Romani mentioned this, he became energetic, and the fatigue just now was swept away as if it had never existed before.

"And the director must have asked you to manage those people. In that case, what does it have to do with physical management?"

"This is different, the workload cannot be compared!"Sven rolled his eyes at him.

"Don't worry, fair trade, I will share some of my cake with you later."Romani smiled and began to use bribery.

"snort~!"Swain sneered, sorted out some information in his hand, and said:"Then it should be at least half!"

"Uh-huh! You are too black-hearted!"Romani showed an expression that this person is a profiteer.

"Don't worry about whether I have a bad heart or not, just say yes or not, right?"Sven said without wavering, and at the same time patted the information in his hand.

"Well.....Not half of it....At most, 20% at most!"Romani made a concession with some reluctance.

"Four floors!"Sven pressed forward step by step.

"Well....Then make a compromise....Thirty percent!"

"Four percent!"Sven still didn't let go, with a sly smile on his face, because he knew that according to the doctor's priorities, Melly's things were better than the cake!

As long as he grasped this, the other party would definitely Compromise!

However, Matthew, who was looking at Sven, suddenly felt as if he could see the horns and tail from Sven's head and behind him.....

"The current senior looks like a demon."Simply Matthew commented like this

"Ouch~" Xiaobai, who was gently touched by her, also whispered in agreement.

"Well......All right! Deal done!! Romani glanced at Sven, who was smiling evilly, and Mellie's homepage in front of him. He struggled in his heart for a while, and finally accepted it with gritted teeth.

Looking at the hands of the two people holding each other with a snap while laughing, Mashu stood aside and stroked her forehead helplessly.

Sometimes she even really doubted the true age of these two people......

"Okay, Xiaobai, let’s go."Sven stood up, called Xiaobai, took the roster and walked out.

"Please~" Romani spread out on the table, shook his arms feebly, and looked at Swain.

Then the next moment he took out a notebook on one side and started fishing.

"Doctor, can you show some energy?"Ma Xiu said helplessly

"Haha, with Mr. Sven here, of course I can relax when I am relaxed~" Romani said playfully, and at the same time, he quickly started to leave messages on each of Mei Li's diaries with his fingers.

"Really......"Matthew pinched his waist and looked at Romani speechlessly, but he had no choice but to let him go. Not only did he also leave the infirmary.


Swain came out of the infirmary and went to the rest area far away. He clapped his hands twice to attract the attention of everyone present.

"Well, everyone is welcome to come from afar. This is Chaldea, the Humanity Continuity Guarantee Organization."Sven smiled and explained to the more than 40 people below.

There were people of all skin colors inside, and they were all very young and energetic, uniformly wearing white uniforms and black trousers.

"Well....You all know these things without me saying it. Let me introduce myself. I am Sven, an assistant in the medical department. I am mainly responsible for the physical management of all of you."

"Ah, at the same time, I am also the person responsible for managing you. If anything happens while you are in Chaldea, you can contact me at any time using your bracelet. Is there any problem now?"Sven said with a bright smile.

"Ouch~" Xiaobai also shook his head symbolically, seemingly introducing himself.


But in contrast, not many people on the opposite side smiled. Most of them looked at Swain with serious faces and arrogantly, and now they are still looking at him.

"If not, I will take you directly to assign a room."Sven asked again, and looked around again, looking at everyone's faces and expressions.

But this time after he finished speaking, the crowd below began to whisper.

"real or fake?"

"Just this person?"

"Looks like we are about the same age?"

"Where did he come from as a magician?"

"No, he doesn’t look like a magician, does he?"A person with extraordinary magic talent said, with an unconcealed joking smile on his face, as if he was more complacent than the people around him.

He saw that Sven did not seem to have any magic rituals or magic mediums on him. kind of thing, so he concluded that he was not a magician

"After all, this is a place that has only been established for a few decades, so there probably aren’t any magicians who can show off." Another person said

"Nothing compared to our family...."The man said again

"That's right too"

"Ha ha....."

Such rumblings can be heard everywhere. Although the voices are very low, the people present are all magicians. Although some have been practicing for a long time and some are still young, but even so, one by one they are magicians. The sensory abilities have also been enhanced and are completely beyond the scope of ordinary people, so this is no different from directly announcing it loudly.

Therefore, the eyes of those magicians from well-known families changed when they looked at Sven.

"Hmm....As expected of someone who comes from a famous magic family, everyone is very arrogant."Sven thought in his heart

"It looks like there is no more, so come with me."Sven smiled and nodded. As if he didn't hear what they said, he walked straight through them and walked towards the accommodation area. The others looked at each other and followed.

"Oh, let me just say that person is not a magician." said the man who initially asserted that Swain was not a magician.

"I can't hear the sounds clearly from this distance."

"Oh, I'm disappointed." said one person

"He sent someone like this to manage us....."Another person said

"How about we teach him a lesson?"The man suggested again

"this....Not so good?"

"No matter how you say we are from a famous family, we are dealing with an ordinary person....."

"Indeed, some are detrimental to appearance."

Others are hesitant. Although they are indeed unhappy, they will not go to trouble an ordinary person. Their cultivation and upbringing as a famous family simply do not allow them to do so.

Even if they want to protest, they should go to the management here. The right person is the head of the Animusfiya family!

"Then, do you want to be so willing to be managed by such a person?"The man continued

"......"Hearing this, the people around him fell silent.

This must be unpleasant. I believe that the people who will protest after this will not be just one or two, but may even be in groups.

I feel that if that is the case, Olga Marie's blood pressure will probably rise again.....

"Ha, it seems decided~" The man smiled.

He was not from a famous magic family, he was just an ordinary person with outstanding talents. However, his talents were discovered early, so he underwent a long period of training, so now he just wants to You must enhance your own sense of superiority by belittling others!

To put it simply, it is inflated.

Looking around, these people who are obsessed with magic know that they are now one of them, so they suddenly inflated even more.

Let's go. Sven, who was in the front, seemed not to notice the commotion of the crowd behind him at all. He was carrying Xiao Bai on his shoulders and humming a tune as he walked ahead. At the same time, he picked up a pile of information in his hand, found one and took it in his hand.

"Okay, there is the accommodation area ahead, which is also an area specially designated for you. It has all the facilities you need."Sven said very casually.

In the crowd behind, the man raised his hand, and a slender and tiny magic bullet condensed on his index finger, aiming at Swain. Although the people around him saw it, But no one came to stop them.

They were strength-oriented and had their own self-esteem as magicians. They were managed by an ordinary person who was also an assistant. They were full of anger. Although their cultivation would not let them cause trouble, they He also doesn't mind his own business.

And judging from the magic bullet, the magic power contained in this magic bullet is not high. Even if it is hit, it won't be a big deal.

"Show it to me....."The man raised the magic bullet in his hand and aimed it at Sven's back, preparing to knock him to the ground.

Phew - the red magic bullet flew out of the man's hand and flew straight towards Sven.

"Okay, here we are."Sven turned sideways and waved his hand.


The red magic bullet perfectly hit the information in Swain's hand and exploded it to pieces instantly. At the same time, a silver light flew back in the opposite direction.

"This is the area where you live, with your name and number on the door."Sven didn't pay attention to what just happened, and casually threw the fragments in his hands into the trash can on the side.

"Okay, I have to enter your information so that you can be divided into groups."As he spoke, Swain shook the remaining pile of information in his hand.

"After all, only those with high scores can enjoy good group treatment later."

After saying that, Sven passed by everyone, but when he came to the side of the proud man who had just fired the magic bullet, he muttered in a sad voice:"I don't know who just fired the magic bullet. All the information on No. 39 was destroyed.....Forget it, it doesn’t matter, just count it as zero points and be at the bottom."

Sven shrugged, looking indifferent.

But the man's face froze, because he was No. 39!

The first among civilian applicants!

"wait! Wait a moment!"The man immediately turned around and called out to Swain in a panic.

What he wanted was to express himself. How could he endure it if he was placed in last place?

"you guy...You did it on purpose! ?"Now he could see that Swain was playing tricks on him. Otherwise, why would only his information be taken out among so many people?

But Siwen ignored him and just hooked Xiaobai. head, walking straight forward while playing

"I told you to wait....!!"The man turned around and prepared to grab Sven's shoulders, but as soon as he turned around, his whole body went limp and he fell to the cold silver floor.

His eyes were wide open, he didn't understand what was happening, and he felt like he couldn't move anywhere except breathing and thinking!


"this state.....curse?"

"No, like a spell? Seeing this

, the other people around him immediately pushed back and looked at Sven and the people who fell on the ground with vigilance.

Sven turned his head to look at the group of people speechlessly, and now he was very worried.

With his eyesight ,.....

Are these people really okay?

Not all abnormalities in the world are caused by magic!

Think about it!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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