"I see, the boy doesn’t understand the charm of a big sister because he doesn’t like the role of a big sister, right?"

"it does not matter! This is all a small problem for a well-rounded big sister!"Meilin patted her chest very proudly.

"In that case....What is the role of a younger sister?"In a blink of an eye, she poked her forehead with her finger and began to think hard.

"Well....first...In terms of height, if you take off high-heeled boots, it should be fine, but then you'll be a bit short....."Meilin twisted her body left and right, looking down at her two slender thighs and said in distress.

This was the first time she was a little troubled by her long legs, which accounted for 60% of her height.

"But wouldn’t it be just right if it was shorter?!"

Sven has been looking at the heartbroken Mei Lin speechlessly. This is another troublesome character.

"Okay, okay, stop messing around with what is there and what is not....."Sven saw Meilin who was really about to take off her boots and immediately reached out to stop her.

"Oh? Boy, are you shy?"Meilin looked at Sven's reaction and immediately laughed, and the playfulness in her eyes became even stronger.

"....Are you just teasing me?"Sven looked at the familiar smiling face. He had seen it on many people's faces. Generally, if he didn't stop it quickly at this time, he would mostly suffer the consequences later.

"I've been discovered~" Mei Lin stood up, patted her petal-stained dress, and said with a smile, not trying to hide it at all.

She was too lazy to even act.

"I don't have time to fool around with you here. I have urgent matters on the other side. If I don't go back, I feel like I will be burned!"Sven had no intention of continuing to entangle with her, and immediately said straight to the point.

"Don't worry, young man, everything here is just a dream. This is a brief daydream you have when you close your eyes~" Mei Lin opened her hands and gestured around,

"No matter how long you stay, it’s the right time to go back, don’t worry~"

At the same time, Meilin turned around and dispersed the light pink air floating around her. The petals were flying in the sky, and after they dispersed, she revealed her The giant tower suspended behind.

The tower looked like the staff in Mei Lin's hand turned upside down, but it was thousands or hundreds of times larger. It towered into the clouds without even seeing its top.

"Are you saying this is my daydream?"Sven withdrew his gaze from the tower behind him and looked at the people in front of him again.

"That's right~"

"then who are you?"

"I am a beautiful big one as you can see......"When Mei Lin saw this, she just wanted to continue talking about her informal introduction.

".....I won't be polite if you do this again."Swen subconsciously wanted to touch the knife.

"etc! Don't be so violent?"Meilin immediately stopped when she saw this, turned around, caressed her chest gracefully, held up a hand, and said emotionally:"Calm down a little, listen carefully to what I have to say, sister.~"

"It's obviously you who pulled me here forcefully, why are you talking about the young man who occasionally visits here?...."

"It's good that I didn't go up and give you a knife directly. Do you want me to listen to you calmly?"Sven raised his eyebrows and looked at the person in front of him with an unkind expression.

"Forehead....."When Mei Lin heard this, she immediately shuddered, shrunk her neck and looked back unhappily.


"Um....."Sven folded his hands and nodded.

"After all, we were in the middle of a battle. How could we lose focus at that time?"

"Actually, at that time I saw that you were about to be hit but still didn't react, so I thought of helping you....."Mei Lin explained in a panic, tapping her index fingers lightly at the same time, but her eyes drifted to the side unconsciously.

"I know, after all, the cement blocks that hit me were all blocked for some reason. If I hadn't confirmed your magic aura, do you think I would still be here arguing with you now?"Sven curled his lips and said

"Oh~ As I knew, the boy is a reasonable person~" Meilin smiled again

"Okay, it's useless to flatter me now, so why do you want to save me?"Sven raised his eyebrows.

"No, there is no special reason. I just saw that the characters in the storybook I was reading were about to go on the road, and then they were about to die. In that case, I would have to stay here all day long and watch the flowers."

"So I thought that for the sake of the subsequent plot, I had to at least finish the prologue, so....."Meilin touched her head embarrassedly

"In other words, you are actually just a.....Peeping Tom?"

"And the kind that keeps peeping all day long?!"Thinking of this, Swain unconsciously took a step back and put his hands in front of him, as if to stay away from the person in front of him.

After all, he had never felt that he was being spied on by the person in front of him. Now that he thought about it, suddenly My whole body felt hairy, so I shivered.

"etc! Are you serious about taking a step back?"

"And don’t say it so harshly!"Meili was furious when she heard this, with a face full of embarrassment. At the same time, she clenched her fists and moved them up and down in protest.


"correct! Like I said, I just stay in the dark without being discovered by you. I am careful and guard your journey with a smile!"Meilin suddenly had an idea and said with great righteousness, as if she had done something great.

"This is protection!"


"Definitely not the same thing as those guys who break laws and disciplines!!"


"....Peeping Tom."But Swain obviously didn't accept this trick. He still said this title word by word.

"Everyone said no!!"Meilin's shouts as she scratched her head resounded throughout the sea of ​​flowers........

".....So, you started watching it from the time of Lingfeng?"Sven raised his brows, sat on the edge of the tower, looked at the sea of ​​flowers below and asked in a low voice.

"That's right~ It's quite interesting~" Merlin sat next to Sven, swinging her legs, and said with a smile on her face.

Although only a small part of life could be seen at that time, otherwise it would be cut in half or said Being endlessly hunted by countless ghosts....

Although they may not be able to come here, they still don’t want to die......

"What about the human world and Northern Europe?"Sven asked again

"Well, I was also very surprised, but different books have different stories, so I naturally accepted it~" Mei Lin nodded, not hiding anything.

"Ouch~ Do you even dare to peek into the life of a goddess?"Sven said with a joking smile.

"Have you seen what Skadi looks like?"

"Hey hey~ Of course it is....Impossible...."Mei Lin smiled at first, but the next moment her delicate face turned bitter again.

"If you spy on the goddess, then expect to be chased by the opponent relentlessly."

"I don't want to do that kind of thing. I don't know how I will die by then...."

"Oh~! Have you finally admitted that you are a voyeur? Swain said with a smile, while rolling up his sleeves and pressing the button on the bracelet.

"If you were peeping on the goddess......"

The next moment, the words recording Mei Lin’s voice were expelled from it.

"Uh-huh! So insidious!!"

"Actually recording!"Meilin looked at Swain in shock. She didn't even notice when Swain started recording. She immediately wanted to come up and snatch him away, but with her strength, she'd better go to the dream, even though this is a dream. inside.....

"hehe."Sven didn't even have to get up to dodge left and right. He could completely block her by just turning around slightly.


After half a day, the tug-of-war between the two made no progress at all. Seeing this, Mei Lin could only give up and sit angrily, staring at the sea of ​​flowers in the distance in a daze.

Sven also sat back up, resting his hands behind his back, closing his eyes, looking up at the sky, feeling the fragrance of flowers and silence in the air.

After the two of them were still for a while, suddenly, Mei Lin, who seemed to be sulking at first, suddenly turned around and flew behind Sven with sharp eyes. The target was the bracelet!

"There is a flaw!"


But before Mei Lin could turn around and fly out, Swain directly pressed her forehead with her right hand, unable to move at all.....

"Uh~uh~!!....Eh...."After trying several times in a row, Sven's hand wouldn't move at all, so Mei Lin had to give up. This time she sat back down really disappointed.

"Haha, it seems that although you are not looking here, your thoughts are always there, you are really very perceptive~" Swain said with a smile.

"Originally, I was just a big sister who looked at the flower fields all day long, so I didn’t need to learn those things."Meilin said, sounding like she was sulking.

"Okay, I'm done talking to you, it's really time for me to go."Sven said this, holding up his knees and preparing to leave. After all, he still had things to do.

"ah....."Mei Lin turned her head at this time and happened to face Sven's arm which had a lot of burns. Although it was not serious, it was still red and swollen.

"Ah, wait!"Meilin stood up, took out a handkerchief, and at the same time grabbed Sven's arm and gently wiped the burn wound.

"Um?"Sven looked curiously at Mei Lin and the handkerchief in her hand. It was the same one she had just used to wipe her tears.

And her own wound felt a cold feeling when she was wiped with this handkerchief. At the same time, The redness and swelling of the wound disappeared visibly, and the burned arm soon returned to its original shape under Meilin's care.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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