Sven just kept looking at the smiling Mei Lin, meticulously holding the handkerchief that looked ordinary, but was glowing with cherry-colored fluorescence and filled with strange magical energy.

And all of his wounds disappeared without a trace under the soft and warm light.

"Take this with you~" Meilin smiled, folded her handkerchief again and handed it to Swain, with a faint smile on her face, looking very quiet and intellectual.

"A handkerchief with part of my power can help you recover from your injuries"

"what do you mean?"Sven looked at the handkerchief and raised his eyebrows. He didn't understand what this person who was meeting him for the first time was going to do.

"Ahaha, just think of it as a help to make the story longer. Although the effect is not very strong, and the more serious the injury, the longer it will take to recover, but it can still help you."

Meilin smiled slightly, grabbed Sven's hand, put the handkerchief on his palm, took his other hand to cover it, and finally gently held Sven's hand with her own hands, her whole body Now he looks very dignified and majestic, his eyes are cut like water, and he has various postures.

Sven's face turned red when he saw it.....How strange!

".....are not you tired?"Sven said with a smile.

"Ahaha~" Meilin returned to her original state in the next second, patting Sven on the shoulder with an informal smile.


Swain opened his eyes, and then he saw that he was still in the familiar azure spiral passage, and he was flying towards the light point in the distance.

Swain looked at his right wrist, and there was a white center there. The slightly pink wristband should have been a handkerchief, but after Sven unfolded it, he discovered that it was a silk scarf embroidered with patterns......

It's not that I don't like it, but it's obviously for women. It's really too much for me to use it myself....Pretty?

So Mei Lin just had to change it and make it into such a gauze bracelet. Although there was still Mei Lin's iconic flower pattern in the middle, it was at least acceptable.

Clenching his fists, Sven flew towards the light spot in the distance.

The next moment, a white light flashed and the surroundings became brighter. The sound of howling wind sounded in Sven's ears. He just opened his eyes to confirm the situation around him and returned. Before Swain could react, he fell down. In fact, there was no need to react, because there was the sea below.


The familiar feeling is not much different from when I landed a year ago, but the height is really not high, only seven or eight meters.

Swain popped his head out and swam directly to the shore. Before landing, Swain looked around to make sure there was nothing wrong before landing.

Looking at the dripping and tattered clothes, Swain directly found a place to hide, put on the inner lining of the integrity knight armor and then put on the armor, put on the helmet with the visor open, and finally hung the dagger on Behind him, under the cloak, under the waist and other places, and finally hanging the moon on the waist, he was fully prepared.

After all, this body has more comprehensive defense than the windbreaker, and it doesn't need to expend one's mental energy to activate the defense. In this case, one will have enough energy to perform more magic.

You are fully equipped and let’s start exploring!

The surrounding sky was dim and glowed with a dark blood-like red light, making it impossible to tell what time it was.

Moreover, there are traces of battle everywhere, including knife marks, huge craters, cracks, and even a large piece of iron sheet that looks like it was deliberately flattened and compacted. It looks like it was originally a trailer.

Various traces make everything around it tattered.

The only things that can be distinguished are the remains of forklifts, wires, plastics, etc., which are still burning, and thick black smoke is everywhere. Yes, it makes the air look foggy and very pungent.

This should be a terminal, with cranes, large warehouses and containers everywhere.

Swain looked at the road sign on the side, knew the area here, and confirmed that he had not been sent to the wrong place by the spirit son.

As someone who had worked in Chaldea for a year, he had also experienced a little bit of the spirit son infiltration experiment. Yes, although I was surprised at first when I found out that my unique method of movement passed through the same or very similar tunnel, thinking that I had accidentally moved to another world bubble.

But fortunately, I discovered that this was just a coincidence, and the page of Stacia's Window is still gray now, so I can't leave even if I want to.

Walking on a very dilapidated road, the highway has been completely destroyed, and you can only jump around and move. You can't see the complete buildings at all. They are only dangerous buildings that are leaning left and right, or are still burning, and are in danger of collapse at any time.

Looking at the occasional diamond-shaped holes and circular hollows that appeared around the pier, as well as the round pits formed after explosions, and finally the deep pit that seemed to have been smashed by some huge force, Swain He frowned.

The former is the hole left by a dagger-like throwing weapon, and the back should be the hole and circular pit caused by some kind of beam or magic bullet.

The key is that there are no magic fluctuations or residues in those big pits at the end. Looking at the giant handprints in the middle, it really looks like they were smashed out.

And extrapolating, the height of this target can be about four or five meters!

But these are not the main problems. The problem is that these parties are not fighting, but besieging the target that made a deep hole.

".....The melee should not have lasted long. Swain roughly assessed the scene.

But when he left the dock area, he found three footprints that left together.

One set was in the shadow of the roadside, hiding from people's eyes. It was so light that it was almost impossible to find it. The other set was normal. adults, and another group that looks like they should be wearing armor, and they should also be adults.

"Are these three people teaming up?....."Swain half-knelt on the ground and looked at the footprints in front of him, his expression a little gloomy.

He knew that the Holy Grail War should have occurred at the target location this time, and looking at the situation now, three heroic spirits should have teamed up together, and they even fought off a knight together!

Swain just tried to use the communication function of the bracelet, but there was only noise. It seems that the facilities on the other side have not been restored yet.

"The legendary characters are still gathered together, what are they dealing with?"Sven curled his lips and looked not very good.

"But it seems that three people should have won, so I don’t think about this issue anymore."

"Anyway, let’s find someone else first....."

Swain felt that he should not be the only one who transferred, there should be at least a few people who could handle the transfer.


At this moment, Swain suddenly heard a sharp cry from a distance. Judging from the sound, it must be a little girl.

Swain thought for a moment and moved sideways in the direction of the source of the sound.......

Click, click, click— a few scattered skeleton soldiers were chasing forward with hesitant steps, and there were also a few little ghosts mixed in among them.

"....Small...spirit?"Sven first tilted his head, looked at the familiar spirit, scratched his head, and then took out the stone made of the little spirit placed in the wrench.

Pointing to the distance, he asked:"That's your friend. ?"


Of course, the stone did not react in any way. After all, it was just a puppet. It could understand orders, but it did not have the ability to think alone.

Sven did not pay attention, but turned to look at the little boy running away on the other side. girl.

She has short silver-white hair with a red bow tied on the left side of her hair. She is wearing a dark purple skirt, but it has become tattered and has a lot of black and gray stains on it.

"....There are still people in this place?"Sven was a little surprised.


While Swain was observing, the little girl tripped over a steel bar and fell directly to the ground. Her arms and knees directly scraped against the asphalt ground, and one of the small leather shoes she was wearing flew off. , but the little girl did not fall to the ground and continue crying. Instead, she stood up directly. Regardless of her bleeding knees and elbows, she did not look for the fallen shoes, and limped barefoot on the asphalt. , continued running towards the distance, but the speed obviously dropped a lot, and the skeleton soldiers and ghosts behind them caught up in a blink of an eye. The little girl looked back at the monsters that kept approaching her, and her delicate little face suddenly turned pale with shock. There were a few tears in her red pupils, but she gritted her teeth and continued to run forward.

But in the end she had to stop, because at this time she was only focused on running away, and she didn't realize that she had run to a viaduct. , and the road ahead has been broken, there is nowhere to escape!

Turning her head to look at the monsters behind, the little girl kept retreating back, and the skeleton soldiers and ghosts in front also slowed down slightly when they saw this, He approached the little girl unhurriedly, as if he already had a chance to win against her.

".....Well."The little girl clenched her teeth, but the fear in her eyes was true.


At this moment, one of the skeleton soldiers holding a spear suddenly rushed forward and pointed the tip of the spear straight at it. The little girl was targeted, and two other ghosts stretched out their claws.

"elder brother! help me!"Seeing this, the little girl couldn't hold on any longer. She squatted directly on the ground, held her head in her hands, closed her eyes tightly, and tears couldn't stop falling from the corners of her eyes.



After a burst of swords and sword shadows, the skeleton soldier and the ghost were all knocked down, and soon turned into a burst of black magical ash and dissipated on the road.

Sven put away his weapon, turned around and looked at the little girl squatting on the ground, her body shaking constantly.

After pondering for a moment, he walked slowly over and stopped in front of her. He seemed to feel something in front of him. The little girl's already petite body shrank even more seriously and her head was lower. It's like I want to stuff myself into the cracks in the ground

"Are you okay? Those skeleton soldiers and ghosts have all been dealt with, you don't have to worry anymore."Sven said softly, trying not to scare the other person.

"....Um?"Perhaps hearing Swain's voice, she slowly put her hands on her ears, raised her head and looked at Swain with a smile on her face.

Then she turned her head in disbelief to look at Wuyingwu who had really disappeared. Traced skeletons and ghosts

"real....All solved?"The little girl asked with a trembling voice, looking unconvinced.

"Well, after all, there really aren’t any around you, right?"Sven smiled and explained patiently.

"...."The little girl lowered her head again, not knowing what she was thinking.

"How about it? Can you stand up?"Sven asked softly.

"Um....Um!"The little girl nodded, then stood up, but it seemed that the wounds on her knees and soles of her feet were affected. Her delicate little face suddenly became grinning, and she fell to one side. Seeing this, Swain immediately held her arm and pulled her away. He helped her up.

With the other hand, she grabbed her little foot and looked at it. At this time, it felt a little bloody, but again, no one knew what they would step on when running barefoot on such a road full of ruins.

When Swain saw this, he immediately wanted to use Mei Lin's wristband to treat her, but after using it for a long time, it had no effect.

Can this thing only be used by himself?

Swain was speechless, so now he could only find a place to treat her. She used conventional methods to deal with it first.

Swain helped her to a relatively flat piece of rubble on one side, and began to help her briefly treat the wound.

But before that, she had to get acquainted with her, so Swain grabbed her He bandaged her feet and asked gently:"What's your name?""

"....cherry...cherry...My name is Yae Sakura....."The little girl looked at Sven's face and replied weakly and timidly.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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