The berserker fell to his knees weakly on the ground with shocking wounds, apparently dead.

Seeing this, Sven let out a sigh of relief and put away his magic eye at the same time.

The blow just now made him understand that the stronger the opponent's defense, the higher the mental power required to activate the magic eye. The blade that was slashed out at that moment even temporarily blackened his vision. Although it was only fleeting, it was enough to illustrate the terrifying strength of the opponent's body!

Reaching out and touching his hot right eye, Sven breathed slightly and whispered:"Without this eye, it would be difficult to kill the opponent." He looked down at the Lianyue in his hand. , a lot of destiny values ​​were consumed,

"I used a few heavy blows in the middle, and my life was consumed a little too much. Let's put it back into the scabbard to recover."Sven adjusted his breathing and put Lianyue back into the scabbard.

Looking at the scene in the distance, everyone present fell silent due to shock. They stared at the mess everywhere and couldn't speak for a long time. It was really because The power of Sven's attack was too astonishing. Cu Chulainn's magic had been used so many times, but the effect was very little. However, Sven relied on the magic eye and was able to break through the opponent's defense relatively easily! At least in this case From their point of view, Swain did not expend much energy in defeating the opponent's most difficult defensive ability, but only Swain knew the real situation.


Sven was now in the situation where Countless 'raindrops' began to fall from above, which should be the blood that spurted out instantly when the Berserker's heart exploded.

Sven did not pay attention to it, but took a deep breath and prepared to climb out of the surrounding potholes. But as soon as he took two steps, Swain saw what was splashing on the ground. In addition to red blood, there seemed to be liquids of other colors.

"What's this?"Sven frowned and raised his head to look at the rainy rock top.

In terms of the amount of bleeding, even if there is blood splashing, it shouldn't be much. But now in the cave, there seems to be a real explosion near Sven. It was like a heavy rain, with black raindrops falling continuously from above.

Moreover, the drizzle at the beginning turned into huge raindrops.

I didn’t feel anything from it, and my intuition didn’t activate, as if there was no The danger is normal.

Sven touched the 'raindrops' that fell on his face. The pure black liquid did not have any magic power fluctuations, nor did it have the so-called ominous red light that Cu Chulainn said. This should be Isn't it the so-called polluted black mud?

Swain is not sure, but he doesn't feel any discomfort now, so there should be no problem.

He spread his hands and looked at his armor. The black mud stained in just a short period of time The total amount of rainwater was astonishing.

In such a short period of time, the armor that was originally blue was almost dyed into pure black!

"Swain, get out of there!"

"That's the black mud!!!"

Sven didn't recognize this and didn't think it was anything. He still had the leisure to observe slowly. However, Cu Chulainn, who came closer, noticed the problem immediately and took a few steps back reflexively. Although this had nothing to do with him. It was a little different from the ones I knew, but I recognized it right away, so I sharpened my eyes, shrank my pupils into needles, and shouted with a ferocious face.

"Don't touch that directly!"

"Beware of being taken away too!!"

"What!!"Sven heard this, his face was serious, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Where is the red magic fluorescence in this thing!

And the ominous magic power fluctuations you mentioned?

I didn't even feel a ghost!!

Isn't this what you said ? Are you cheating!

Why don’t you wait for me to come out and take care of you!

Sven gritted his teeth and jumped, ready to stay away from the black rain at once.

But when he was in the air, he noticed that he had just detonated the dagger and exploded it. In the pit, a considerable amount of black mud had gathered unknowingly, and it began to glow with red fluorescence!!

Part of the black mud dripped from the top of the cave, but more seemed to come from the ground From the cracks, it gushes out like a fountain!

Puff-Puff - somewhere in the black mud seemed to be boiling, a series of bubbles emerged, slightly tumbling twice, and at the same time Sven looked at the ripples on the water. , it felt as if there was a large snake surging under the water.

The next moment, two ribbon-like chains completely formed of black mud, with a black center and dark red edges broke through the black mud water. Catching Sven in the air

"whispering sound!"Sven gritted his teeth and released a thunder snake with his left hand to knock down the black streamer that was approaching in front of him in an instant. Then he cut off the second streamer with his backhand knife.

However, the broken part continued to splash towards Swain. Seeing this, Swain directly condensed an ice shield with his left hand to block it, but in the end, it still successfully blocked Swain from leaving the black mud.

Swain fell down and stepped on top of the black mud. At the same time, more streamers stretched out, and not only from the deep pits, but also from the top of the rock and the surrounding stone walls.

Swain looked at the large area of ​​streamers coming towards him and waved violently. Out of Lianyue, he released sections of sword energy to cut them all off.

He took advantage of the gap to look in the direction of the others. Ordinary people did not seem to attract too much attention from these black streamers, but the followers did. Encountered a lot of trouble

"Drink!!"Ma Xiu shouted as if to cheer himself up and knocked back the ribbon in front of him. Then Aike cut it off, and with Cu Chulainn's support, there seemed to be no problem.

And there was still some energy left. He leaned towards the others near the entrance of the cave.

The problem now is rather Sven's side. Just now, the black mud was sparse and dripping, but now it is scattered around Sven. Several small waterfalls appeared, and countless black mud poured down crazily.

In addition, there were some low-lying areas near here due to the destruction of the berserkers just now, and the black mud quickly and easily piled up.

Swain once again He cut off a large piece of ribbon and glanced at his feet. He couldn't feel these things at all.

There was no creepy ominous feeling that Cu Chulainn said at that time. Therefore, it was very difficult to correspond. He could only use his eyes. Observation will inevitably lead to omissions!

Sven had no choice but to condense a pair of ice boots under his feet to replace his legs in contact with the black mud.

But it seemed that he could not last long, because the ice he had solidified At this time, it was slowly turning from purple to black, and at the same time, the same dark red lines as other shadow servants appeared on it.

At this time, Cu Chulainn and others had already joined Olga Marie, Fujimaru Tatsuka, and Sakura. Now he was fighting against those black streamers at the entrance to the deep cave.

Cú Chulainn turned around and looked at Sven, who had few retreats and was surrounded by black mud waterfalls. He shouted with a serious face:"Sven is here Fighting here is disadvantageous!"

"Retreat to the top of the mountain quickly!!"

"I see!"

Sven roared, and the magic power around him expanded instantly. He used all his strength to suppress the streamers wrapped around him. At the same time, the thunder storm of magic power also repeled all the streamers that continued to attack.

Sven looked at the temporarily cleared surroundings and turned around. At the same time, he raised his hands high, and the runes on the gauntlets flashed, forming a thick ice shield together. He held it up and ran towards the crowd.

Sven kept running forward from the 'heavy rain', and the shield in his hands was bigger than he imagined. It seems that they can last longer.

Others are attacking the chasing streamers from behind.

Cu Chulainn's magic and Olga Marie's magic bullets are being fired all the time, and the remaining people are covering They don't want to be disturbed.


Just when Swain was about to reach everyone's position, the black mud in front of him suddenly exploded, and a rock pillar wrapped in black mud appeared instantly.

Swain looked at Ahead, his eyes narrowed, and his expression didn't change much. He could get past it with just a slight detour, no problem.

But when the stone pillar began to move, and the black mud on it fell off and leaked the contents inside, Swain was surprised.

Because That was the left hand that the Berserker had just blown away!!!

That left hand slammed on the ground, as if using it as a leverage point, and set off a wave of black mud. At the same time, more black mud came from behind. The ground rushed up, and after breaking open, the upper body of the Berserker was revealed as intact!!

This guy didn't die just like that!?!

How tenacious is this vitality!!

"Roar oh oh——!!!"

The berserker didn't hold a battle axe, he simply waved his huge fist and gave an uppercut, carrying the black mud and bombarding Sven from bottom to top. Upon seeing this,

Sven immediately raised the shield on his head. Defense was prepared in front of him.


The shield was only slightly stretched before it shattered. A fist about the size of a man violently hit Swain's gauntlet, causing him to fly backwards.

Bang bang bang - his body flipped in the air and hit a series of blows. stalactites and stone pillars, and finally the body twisted, and the legs fell on the ground, sliding back, but unfortunately there was no ground here except black mud, so I had to step on it, setting off a wave.

Sven raised his head and looked at the berserker opposite who seemed to be in a completely violent state, his whole body red and steaming.

In the distance, the lower half of the berserker's body trapped in the ice was being quickly swallowed by the black mud. The upper half of his body is recovering in sync with the front. I think he will be back to good health soon.

Swain slightly shook his left hand, which had been mainly affected by the force and was now completely numb.

Looking down, he saw that the armor on his left hand had been broken into pieces, leaving only the fabric inside still connected. At the same time, a large area of ​​black mud stained on it was seeping into the interior through the gaps.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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