Seeing this, Sven immediately took off his left hand gauntlet and threw it aside. The gauntlet hit a stone on the side, bounced and then fell into the black mud.

This was considered a high ground, and the black mud was not very deep, but even the black mud was The depth is only as thick as the palm of your hand, but it can still swallow the entire gauntlet.

It feels like a bottomless pit down here.

Swain looked at his left hand. Many places on it began to turn black, and red lines appeared. The armor on his body also showed a large area of ​​the same marks, and the ice boots on his feet had long since disappeared.

Black ribbons wrapped around Sven's legs, shoulders, and waist, and pulled him down little by little. Soon, half of his feet had sunk into the darkness below.

"Hum hum, you want to devour me...."Seeing this scene, Swain was not as panicked as he imagined. Instead, he sneered easily.

Because he found that this thing had similar properties to the power of the demon fox he had absorbed before and the virus in Kabane, but it was just many times stronger.

I thought it was something, but it turns out it’s a supplement.

If that’s the case, there’s nothing to worry about!

Just let it go and get on with it!

"Get out of there you idiot!"Olga Marie watched Sven sink little by little, and he was still unmoved, so she shouted with a hint of crying.

"Why are you still dazing there?"As she spoke, she also released the magic bullets in her hands to break the ribbons that were imprisoning Sven.

But soon new streamers continued to wrap around them, and there were more of them. The feeling now is that even the ones that were entangled with them before The streamers are now gathered towards Sven.

They look more like sharks smelling blood in the ocean than snakes.

"....."In the crowd, Sakura, who was holding Xiao Bai, also looked anxious, but she did not yell like the others. Instead, she stared straight at Sven in the distance, and her hands were still He stroked Xiaobai's head slowly and calmly.

"Not even close....can....."Sakura's eyes were unblinking, and the corners of her mouth could not help but turn up.

"senior!"Ma Xiu next to him also wanted to rush forward with his shield when he saw this, but Cu Chulainn blocked him with his hand.

"Mr. Cuchulain!"Fujimaru Ritsuka shouted in disbelief when he saw this.

"What are you doing"

"we have to go quickly....."

"......Don't go there. It goes without saying that this kind of thing is harmful to humans. Sven seems to have just been eroded, but little girl, if you go up there, you might just turn into fly ash!"

Cú Chulainn looked in front of Mashu and took two steps forward before entering the black mud.

"At the same time, this thing is more like poison to us who are heroic spirits! Once you get entangled in that thing and dragged in here, you can never come back! Cu Chulainn turned around and said to everyone with a serious face, but his tone was very calm.

"Just like the guys we fought just yesterday!"

"you....But think clearly!"

"Goo....."Hearing this, Aike looked at the black mud that once swallowed her weapon with a complex expression, so that now she can't release the precious phantom.

"why is it like this....Is there really no solution?"Romani looked at the people on the screen and anxiously asked everyone's thoughts.

"....."But Cu Chulainn could only close his eyes silently. After all, he really didn't know, but he had great confidence in Swain!

"Hello! You guys should leave first, and leave this big guy to me. I want to see how many times he can recover."

In the distance, Sven said slightly uninhibitedly. Magic power filled his surroundings again, destroying all these streamers. At the same time, he didn't mind the black mud that was entangled again, and calmly removed the eroded black mud all over his body. The tattered armor.

In the end, only the dark armor lining was left, but it was also covered with dark red lines, and many of them even clung to the body.

"Every time I finally get something that I just used easily, I lose it soon. Am I being cursed?"Sven said with great regret as he looked at the armor slowly sinking into the black mud.

"but! What should I do if you say that?"Olga Marie asked

"I'll catch up later."Sven said calmly, his eyes turned to the Berserker who had already pulled out one foot from the black mud and was struggling to pull out the second foot.

"Senior, you are lying!"Ma Xiu shouted immediately after hearing this. This was the first time since Ma Xiu spoke out that he was so excited.

"Then hurry up and solve the problem here before I sink completely into it!"Sven said with a smile, and like a thunderbolt, he rushed directly towards the opponent's berserker.


The thunder and lightning surrounding the body successfully blocked those streamers outside the body.

"Uh oh oh——!!"

The berserker also fully recovered his body, leaned down, grasped the ground tightly with his hands in claws, and contracted his legs to the extreme.

It was obvious that there were Ma Xiu and others not far behind him, but he was not interested at all. He just kept staring in Swain's direction with his golden-red eyes.


The berserker suddenly kicked out a big hole in the ground and set off a large wave of black mud. He turned into a black meteor at an incredible speed and rushed towards Sven.

Sven did not dodge but went straight forward with a knife. When the two sides were about to come into contact, he bent his legs and slid his whole body down on the black mud for a distance. At the same time, the berserker's huge body just happened to pass from it. Flying above.

The berserker watched Sven slipping past him and wanted to reach out to grab him, but he couldn't control his body at all. The two sides looked at each other. Compared to his tyranny, Sven was much calmer, and his right eye flashed brightly again.

Sven slightly raised Lianyue and slashed towards the opponent's abdomen.


Blah blah blah—!!

But this time the Berserker looked even harder than before, and the blade drew sparks all the way across his body.

The two sides separated, and the Berserker crashed directly into the mountain wall on one side. Sven also stood up and scattered the chasing streamers around him.


The berserker smashed the mountain, causing the surrounding cracks to expand again, and the momentum of the black mud pouring down became even stronger.

More and more black mud fell on Sven, but he no longer cared. He just took the time to continue chasing the berserker on the opposite side.

The berserker pulled himself out from the cliff and threw the boulders he brought out towards Sven. The boulders struck one after another. Sven targeted the one in front of him, in the blind spot of the berserk warrior's sight. , he released a clone and detoured from both sides, one to the left and the other to the right.

"Roar oh oh....."

The Berserker looked at the sudden appearance of an identical figure and hesitated for a moment, but he couldn't tell the difference at all, so he threw everything he could at hand at the two of them.

The effect was minimal, almost none, but it could also be said to be huge.

A direct hit from the rock was almost useless. After removing the armor, Sven's speed increased again. It was impossible to hit, but the black mud splashed up. It's quite contaminated. boom--! bang——!!


The two Svens came to the side of the berserker at the same time, one slashed towards the neck and the other towards the abdomen. Perhaps instinctively sensing the danger, the berserker chose to attack the Sven who slashed at his neck, clang--!!

Fist! When the blade intersected, there was a sound of steel colliding. Sven on the other side took the opportunity to pierce the opponent's body with the blade. The blade cut off a large piece of flesh, but the Berserker continued to attack as if he didn't care at all. He attacked fiercely and completely gave up his defense.

Sven slightly dodged the opponent's fist and prepared to enlarge the wound again, but he was surprised to find that the black mud was moving towards the opponent's wound, quickly filling the wound with the missing flesh and blood. , turned into ordinary muscle tissue!

"Fixed! ?"Sven frowned. This was not good news.

He had no choice but to retreat and prepare to organize another offensive to deal with him.

After all, the opponent can take countless knives, but Swain cannot take one punch!

So naturally Be careful.

Everyone looked at the huge boulders that turned into black light flying from time to time in the cave, and the waves of black mud they stirred up. They had no choice but to retreat, because the water level of the black mud was still rising.

".....Let's go, Swain is right, as long as we solve the problem here quickly, maybe nothing will happen to him."Cu Chulainn pulled his hood, turned his head and walked towards the depths, saying with piercing eyes.

"Said....That's right, Matthew, let's hurry up and push inside!"Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Mashu in a daze and said with a trembling voice.

"We can’t let Senior Swain’s efforts go to waste!"

"yes! I understand Master!"Ma Xiu also reacted. Now is not the time to stay here in a daze. They must make use of the time that Senior Swain bought for them!

"That's right! Romani!"Olga Marie looked at Romani and shouted

"yes....Judging from the position, you should be able to hit the center if you advance about two hundred meters in a straight line."

"good!"When Olga Marie heard that she was so close, she immediately became energetic, looked at the people around her and shouted:"Let's go!"

After taking one last look at Sven, everyone quickly ran towards the depths of the cave and towards the top of the mountain.

The ground was covered with black mud, and in the cave glowing with red light, there were only occasional roars and the sound of metal collisions. There are also thunder and lightning that tell the tragedy of the battle.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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