"What's going on on the other side?"Olga Marie looked at Romani's irritable look and obviously guessed the reason, so she asked

".......Director, you’d better focus on the matter in front of you first. Swain’s side is temporarily...no problem."Romani said while looking at the data that kept flashing red warnings and the somewhat blurry screen.

"Don't think about anything else now!"

"....Is it."Olga Marie glanced at Romani, then turned back to stare at the situation on the field.

The people on one side were fighting fiercely, and on the other side, clanking——!!


Deep in the cave, Sven gritted his teeth. , still dealing with the berserkers, the battle situation has been in a stalemate. No matter what method Sven uses to leave any type of wounds on the opposite berserkers, the wounds will be quickly covered by the black mud under his feet that has almost covered his calves. Ground speed repair completed

"Roar oh oh oh——!!!"

The berserker roared and waved his fists at Sven continuously. Sven's eyes were sharp, and the general dodged, and cut off the opponent's wrist with a horizontal sword, while the other clone also dodged the opponent's arm from the front and slashed Stabbed into the heart of the berserker.

Then the clone was defeated by the berserker's unexpected headbutt before his death, and Sven was also hit by the wind of the fist and flew backwards, breaking several stone pillars.


After falling from the wall into the black mud, Sven propped himself on the ground and looked at his arms, whose original color could no longer be seen at all. At this time, his arms showed an ominous black color with scarlet lines, surrounded by A dark magical mist floats.


The surrounding water exploded, and several streamers continued to grab Sven unwillingly.

"In the way!"

Sven did not raise his head, but once again released magic power to form thunder and lightning to defeat it, but the output was already very low, so a few streamers broke through the protective net and came to Sven.


The two-color flash came in an instant. Passed away. After waving for a month, Sven propped it up on the ground, stood up, and looked at the berserker in the distance who was still and quietly recovering from his injuries.

"Swain....The magic power in the body is low....Continuing to practice magic may be dangerous...."A staff member observed Swain's physical data and said

"Swain, that's it! The magic power in your body is already very low. If you continue to convert your life force into magic power, it will affect your body....."

A screen opened next to Swain, and Romani appeared on it. However, the screen at this time was basically full of afterimages and noises. Only the general meaning could be heard.

After all, half of the originally white bracelet had now turned black. , it can still be used, which shows that the quality of this product is excellent.

"How are they?"Sven looked at the black mud on the opposite side and kept thinking about the berserker's wounds, and asked in a daze.

"they...."Romani looked at the other half's condition with a complicated expression.

"If they continue to deal with the cavalry, there will be no problem now. The problem now is you!! Romani said with a panicked look on his face.

"You'd better think about your own problems first!"

"Almost all the injuries on the opposite side were recovered by the black mud. The difference is just a matter of the severity of the injury and the length of time it took. Moreover, your magic eye cannot be used all the time. This unknown erosion is also a problem!"

".......Black mud."Sven looked at the black mud that had faintly submerged his knees. From the vague reflection on it, he could see his appearance. Now, except for his head, other parts were almost the same as those of the Shadow Servants.

He seemed to There was no discomfort at all. I even felt like I was being corroded by this black mud. It was much milder than when I absorbed the energy of the demon fox and the Kabane virus before. I didn’t feel corroded at all.

"Is this thing really harmful?"Sven couldn't help but think so.

Then he looked up at the Berserker and had a very bold idea.

"Now, Romani...."

"What? Any questions?"Romani listened to the somewhat vague communication and asked nervously.

"Since the other party can heal through black mud, it means that this thing should also be able to heal me, right?"The corners of Swain's mouth curled up, and he expressed an idea that shocked everyone.

"you!!!"When Romani heard this, his eyes widened immediately, he slammed the table and stood up, yelling angrily:"Don't think about those stupid things!!!"

Romani's roar directly attracted the attention of all personnel in the control room.

"If you speed up your contact with this thing, what will happen?...."Romani was shouting sharply one second, but the next moment the screen disappeared, and now there was no noise.

"etc! what's the situation! ?"Romani looked at the completely lost screen and asked the staff on the side.

".....The signal is interrupted. It doesn't seem like interference. It should be that the bracelet has reached its limit."An employee replied after quickly operating.

"....."When Romani heard this, he immediately fell back on his chair weakly.

After a moment of silence, he said:".......Now let's concentrate all our efforts to support the director's side."


In the cave,

Sven turned his head slightly to look at the completely scrapped bracelet, took it off and threw it aside.

"Okay, it's completely quiet now, there are only two of us here."

Sven looked at the Berserker in the distance, his eyes reappearing with brilliance. He has now absorbed enough black mud, and his condition has fully recovered.

"In fact, it’s just you and I can also absorb other things!!"Without Romani's dissuasion, Swain let go of his hand and started doing it!

The ring on his thumb instantly shone with a dark red light, and while Swain was thinking just now, he silently wrapped the ribbon around his legs, Now, he was forcefully pulled by Sven in the opposite direction and kept gathering towards him.

I don't know whether it was because he sensed that Sven had given up resistance or for some reason. Seeing this, more and more black mud surrounded Sven. Past.

Soon the place where Swain was was completely changed. A pitch-black water ball completely enveloped Swain. Inside

, Swain's only remaining fair skin had completely disappeared, first turning into wheat. The color finally turned into a bronze color, and the red lines on his body began to emit a more ominous light. The long purple hair behind him began to have a hint of dark red, as if it had turned purple.

Lian Yue was immediately affected. There are also extremely organized lines in red,

"Hey ah ah——!!"Sven shouted angrily, and a dark red magic storm appeared around him. Purple thunder began to spread around, making the black mud seem to be boiling.

At the same time, as Sven absorbed it faster and faster, the black water ball disappeared. At the same time, the surrounding black mud water level also began to decrease.

At the same time, the silver-haired woman deep in the mountain seemed to have sensed something, and showed a somewhat surprised look. However, the next moment she tapped her lips with her finger, closed one eye, and said with a playful smile:"It looks like Your opponents will soon add two more people. If you still can't deal with the people in front of you, I'm afraid you will all be wiped out here.~"

"Two people?"

".......senior?"Ma Xiu was attracted by the words on the other side and took away some of his attention. He stopped for a moment and glanced at the triggering woman in the distance.


"Now focus on the person in front of you!"Olga Marie scolded

"That's right! Soon and not now!"Fujimaru Ritsuka is also clenching his fists to cheer him up. At the same time, under the on-site guidance of Olga Marie, he is learning how to deploy his own magic power bit by bit.

Aiko and Cu Chulainn are two genuine heroic spirits who have experienced hundreds of battles. They were not affected at all, and were still dealing with the opponent at their own pace.

But the gains were not great, because their attacks usually hit the black mud wrapped around the machine shadow first, and then the main body inside was exposed.

So now Cu Chulainn used long-range magic to powerfully break through the black mud, and then Aike rushed in to pursue it.

The effect was certain, and this was the safest choice.

However, for the Chaldean group who are now pursuing speed to break through difficulties, This method of fighting made everyone present suffocate with anger.


Everyone was about to launch another offensive, but was forcibly terminated by the violent vibrations coming from the ground. On the other side, in the middle of the quagmire composed of black mud However, a lot of bubbles appeared, as if there was air leaking underneath, and the water level began to slowly drop.

The silver-haired woman squinted her eyes and glanced at the cave behind everyone with a dangerous light, closing her eyes for a moment and thinking. Two slender jade hands waved each other,

"The goal has been achieved, it’s better not to continue to waste it. This game should end quickly.Good."The silver-haired woman said this, as if she was afraid of any changes.

The ground on the left and right suddenly cracked again, and more black mud poured out and surrounded everyone.

It looked like a sea in the dark ocean. It’s like being on an isolated island!

At this moment, the scene everyone faced completely changed from a stalemate to a disadvantage!

And the source of the shock just now came from Swain on the lower level.

"Drink ah ah ah——!!"


The shadow of a knife that was completely different from usual flashed in the air and slashed directly at the berserker crazily. The hard fists of the sword kept colliding with each other.

Gusts of wind spread to both sides. The already dilapidated cave was now even more dilapidated. It was riddled with holes and looked like it was in danger of collapsing at any moment.

The ominous blade exudes red and black magic power, and the owner who wields it is in almost the same state as it, or in a worse state.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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