Sven now looked completely different from before, full of aggression, his whole body filled with dark red and blue aura, and his whole body exhaled a breath of white air from his mouth like an evil ghost.

The whites of the eyes are now black on one side, and the pupils have turned blood-red. The only thing that remains unchanged is the emerald light of the Demon Eye.

The blade wielded in the hand is not as dexterous and full of skill as before. Instead, it is used in a similar way to the berserker opposite, using it as a club or blunt instrument, waving it wildly.

Bang——! boom--!!

Regardless of whether the attack has any effect, as long as you keep swinging it will be fine!

The blade slashed across the wall, the roof of the cave, the ground, and the body of the berserker opposite. Fireworks and gravel suddenly flew everywhere inside the cave.


"Roar oh oh——!!"

The two arms of the berserker raised high to throw boulders were cut off by Sven at once.

Then Sven stopped the blade in his hand and rushed forward with a roar, completely ignoring the difference in size between the two sides. , jumped up high and kicked the berserker in the face with both feet.

Unexpectedly, this was actually effective. The huge berserker was kicked backwards.

Sven continued to bully him and stepped on his head, causing it to be submerged in the black mud.

The surrounding black mud wanted to gather towards the berserker's wound and restore his injury as before, but this time it was cut off by Sven in advance, and it was too late to collapse. Instead, it was absorbed by Sven again after several months. inside the body. boom--!!

The two-color arrogance on Sven's body increased again, and the shadow of the knife in the sky disappeared. He turned around and stabbed the berserker's chest and abdomen with his continuous moon sword.

Later, he even stabbed the blade directly into the opponent's heart and began to forcefully absorb the black mud that continuously replenished his magic power.

Just when Sven was holding the handle of the knife temporarily still, the berserker under the black mud suddenly stood up and bit one of Sven's legs, accompanied by a sound of bone cracking and severe pain. , presumably the leg bone was directly bitten into pieces.

The scene changed, and the attack changed.

Since his hands had not recovered, the Berserker stood up and shook his head violently from side to side, and Sven, who was bitten by him, was also carried back and forth in the air, just like in a stormy night. Like a small boat on the sea, it is in a state of involuntary control.

Sven gritted his teeth, with a ferocious look on his face, and raised Lian Yue high again. The thunder above exploded. This time, no giant sword shadow appeared. Instead, a matching light appeared around Lian Yue, and the light completely wrapped the sword body. The sword shape was expanded several times!

Lianyue's skill - Moonlight!

Under the strong urging of Sven's violent magic, Lianyue's skills were accidentally triggered for the first time!

Zi La La——!!

Sven did not notice the changes in the months, but habitually raised it high and slashed at the berserker's head, but he did not realize that his blade also completely destroyed the roof of the cave with a devastating momentum! boom--!!

After the blade scratched the berserker's head and got stuck in his chest, the cave here began to collapse. The berserker who lost control of his head stopped and Sven also fell into the black mud below. Before he came up, he was pinned down by the berserker who fell to the ground.

When he was about to struggle to escape, the roof of the cave collapsed, and both parties were completely buried under the rubble.........


Swain touched his head. He didn't know where he was now, but he still felt quite free.

He remembered everything before. Obviously, in the battle just now, after absorbing the black mud, he should be able to fight a little easier, but There is a slight problem with the control of the body.

Whenever he wanted to use sword skills, his body always moved one step ahead, and he rushed towards the berserker on the opposite side with an extremely rough and unsystematic attack method.

To put it simply, the body is already moving before the brain can react.....

I opened my eyes and looked at the pitch-black space around me. There was only red-colored black mud flowing under my feet. There was also an inexplicable hole in the sky, with flame-like fluctuations emanating from it.

"that hole.....Seems like I've seen it somewhere."Sven tilted his head, folded his hands and recalled.

Looking at the inside of the hollow, Swain seemed to see some scenes inside the hollow.

It was a blue water curtain, like a dividing line.

"Ah, isn't that what I saw when I just activated the magic circuit?"

Sven suddenly realized, and then looked at the world around him filled with black mud.

"Could it be....Is this the other side of the water curtain?"

"And shouldn’t this be a place where many things are recorded and passed down?"

"Why is there nothing? And turned into this ghost?"

"......I seem to remember that there were two little girls here reaching out to me, but this....."

Swain held his head, trying to carefully recall what happened before, but he didn't see the appearance of the two people clearly at that time, so of course he couldn't remember anything.

"Let’s talk about it after this. Let’s think about how to get out of here first."

"Last time I was able to leave right after I woke up, but this time it seemed impossible."

Sven looked around, then looked down at his obviously strange body, feeling that it was almost turning into pure black.

"It's a little bit too much to swallow....."

Swain said with a bit of laughter. The ring on his thumb once again emitted a gentle light, and he saw that his body began to return to its normal color. The darkness was absorbed, and then converted into energy for feedback.

Swain felt the injuries on his body. And the mental fatigue is also recovering smoothly.

But before Sven had time to be happy, there were waves of inexplicable sounds coming from his ears, and at the same time he felt someone reaching out and patting him on the shoulder.

"Gluttony, lust, lust, greed, anger, sloth, arrogance, jealousy, all the original sins...."

"who is it!"Sven immediately reached out and grabbed the hand on his shoulder, and at the same time turned around and looked back.

But he found nothing. The only hand pressing on his shoulder was his own.

"Rebellion, intimidation, destruction, coercion, theft, escape, false accusation, arson, insult, disrespect, abduction, bribery, kidnapping......This world is filled with malice! All crimes should be punished!"

"This is......what?"Sven looked around, but he didn't find anyone there. Even if he blocked his ears, the voice kept talking.

"Illusion, or illusion?"

Sven analyzed it, but he didn't gain much. Instead, he was wasting precious time, so he had to ignore him and let him talk, while he wandered around in this empty place. Searching.

But nothing was found at all, except for a little

"This guy talks a lot....."

I found that the voice in my ear was still talking for a long time. Even if Swain didn't want to hear it, there was nothing he could do.

"...All the hate! kill! Never allow it! kill! Never agree! kill! Okay that's it! kill! Commitment oath! kill! All sin! kill!"

Sven listened to the voice in his head. He didn't quite understand why the voice denied everything, but he felt that certain things seemed to be right.

Originally, it would be great if there were no sins in this world. But this is too far-fetched and unrealistic.

But if you just think about it, it's quite beautiful.

"You said that......It seems to make sense, yes."Sven pinched his chin, raised his eyebrows, and nodded slightly in agreement.


Following Sven's words, the voices in his mind suddenly stopped.

The surrounding voices were filled with voices that denied everything and concluded that everything in the world was ugly and should be hated, but now they were recognized by others?

This is wrong!

In this place where nothing exists but resentment and curses, there is no right or certainty!

"There is only negation here!!!"

"....You are such a tough person."Sven scratched his head, his face speechless.

"You said there is only negation here, so that means you are sure of the fact that there is only negation here, and you said you hate everything, so if you hate the act itself, do you also want to hate it?"

"You are obviously contradicting yourself!"

"You can’t even explain it yourself, so don’t talk about it here."Sven waved his hands with a bored expression.

He had seen this kind of person in books!

At first glance, he looked like the kind of person who came out to fool people without going to school!

This kind of person is super unreliable!!


After Sven said these words, the voices in his head disappeared immediately, and he could finally find the exit with clear ears.

The enigmatic voice was lost in thought.

If it is true what Swain said, then denying everything by oneself is also denying itself.

If oneself does not exist, then there will be nothing to deny the world, but if oneself exists, then oneself denying everything is no longer tenable.....

So does one exist?

This is a refutation and is contradictory.

The voice fell into deep thought for a brief moment, and then suddenly noticed Sven on the side.....Oh, by the way, this person just said that I was contradicting myself...........etc! wrong!!

This is a place where individuals absolutely do not exist!

This is where everything comes together!!!!

No need for such foreign objects!!!

After discovering his own contradictions and the completely incomprehensible foreign object, the voice suddenly became violent, and the entire space began to become unstable.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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