Boom boom boom——!!

"Um?"Sven stopped and looked at the black mud shaking under his feet and the rumbling sound coming from the distance.

"That is....A high wall?"Sven squinted his eyes, put one hand on his eyebrows, and looked at a huge wall emerging from the horizon in the distance.


But the next moment he saw the full body of Sven, half of his face was twitching. His face, his whole body felt worse.

What kind of wall was that?

It was clearly a huge wave that covered the sky and the sun!!!

Although the other party seemed far away, it couldn't stop the other party's fast movement and wide range of influence!!

"What is that!!!!"

I was just stunned for a moment. The wave that seemed to be only the height of a hand just now has become almost like a human! I looked around and saw that there was no obstruction or any place to hide.

Swain He pulled out Lianyue with a depressed look on his face. Although it still looked the same as before, when Sven injected magic power into it, the previous lines appeared again, and two colors of magic power flashed around the sword. fog

"Can't change back?"Sven chuckled lightly, raised the moon high, and stared at the wave that was already in front of him.

"I still clearly remember the feeling I had before, relying on my own strength to guide the hidden ability of the weapon, and then radiating it out......."Sven closed his eyes and recalled the feeling before

"Armament Strengthening Technique!!!"

Sven suddenly opened his eyes, and large and small system windows appeared around Lian Yue's sword.

The magic power that expanded instantly appeared in the form of Lian Yue's skill Moonlight. The dazzling light began to gather and then spread, and the sword blade It has become more generous. Lianyue, who was originally the size of a one-handed sword, now looks like a big sword, and the length is also amazing. The blade at this time looks like a pillar of heaven that lights up the world here.

Although it is even Yue's weapon enhancement technique makes it look very broad and infinitely sharp, but to the waves in the distance, it is probably nothing more than a mantis' arm acting like a chariot, a mayfly shaking a tree, or maybe it is just beneath that.

"Hey ah ah——!!" boom--!!

The light blade in his hand was slashed towards the frontmost wave on the opposite side. The waves were separated, and the black mud was forcefully pushed away from both sides by the violent magic power filled with the light blade.

Sven was not relaxed either, not only was he pushed away. He kept gliding backwards and retreated. At the same time, the newly recovered magic power in his body was also consumed at an unprecedented astonishing speed.

In the end, it only lasted for about ten seconds before it was exhausted. Swain had no choice but to do the opposite. If you follow the path, if you can't stop it, let it pass!

The whole person gave up resistance and held the sword blade in front of him as a shield. At the same time, he used all his strength to absorb the black mud that hit him and eventually drowned him.

The effect is there, and it is very significant. As Sven continues to absorb, the speed of absorption continues to accelerate, just like a dam bursting. It was not very turbulent at first, maybe it was just a stream. It was normal, but it soon turned into a raging river, out of control.

But no matter how fast the speed was, Sven's whole body was still swallowed up again by this seemingly endless black mud. Afterwards, it didn't look like Sven. Wen Zai took the initiative to absorb it, but it was more like the black mud actively flowing into his body without control.

When the wave submerged the entire space and returned to calm, it felt like some of it had returned to the state before Sven came.

But in a corner of this black ocean, there was a huge dark whirlpool that was still spinning.


Zheng——!! boom--!!

Under the double offensive of Ai Ke and Cu Chulainn, one close and one far away, the machine shadow on the opposite side finally couldn't hold on any longer.

At this time, there was no longer the black mud package, and there was no need to worry about being eroded. Everyone looked at this huge, there was no An iron block that can't move freely is nothing more than a living target!

And at the same time, because the quagmire dried up, exposing the land below, the machine shadow without support could only rely on its hands to support the ground.

There was no need to coordinate with each other. Each of them was responsible for one direction.

Cu Chulainn and Aike were on the left and right aiming at his hands, and Mashu was in the middle, constantly hitting the machine shadow with their shields. head.

Soon his virtual eye was completely smashed to pieces, and Aike also slashed the opposite left arm with scars. Cu Chulainn's right arm looked like it was about to be broken from the shoulder by the bombardment.

As for the silver-haired woman, while the black mud disappeared rapidly, her face also became visibly pale, and she looked extremely weak, and she even felt like she would fall down if she touched it.

"hateful....why disappear....This is impossible!"The silver-haired woman gritted her teeth and thought angrily.

She still doesn't understand why the black mud suddenly disappeared as quickly as the sea water at low tide, and was temporarily out of her control. Even if she wanted to keep some, she would do it. Less than!

The disappearance of Black Mud also caused her to lose her only means of attack and defense, so now she can only dodge back and forth to avoid the magic bullet attacks from Olga Marie and Xiao Bai from behind. Disruption in the air!

The situation suddenly changed back to everyone's favor. The swordsmen on the stage just looked at this scene with cold eyes and did not make any expression at the moment.


The right arm of the machine shadow finally appeared in the audience. Cu Chulainn, who was in the best condition, was completely broken under the attack, and the machine shadow that completely lost its balance fell to the ground.

"Hehe, you guy, don’t you think you are very powerful?"

"It turns out that without that layer of black stuff, it’s so easy to fight!"Cu Chulainn looked at the angry face of the cavalry through the red lens, and taunted without mercy.

"How many of you!"

"Stop petting me!"

"I already said that! I will defeat you here!"

"Then I will definitely do it!!!"

The cavalryman raised his head and glanced at Cu Chulainn and the people on the other side. His words were full of perseverance, as if what he said was not an oath, but a fact.


At the same time, the silver-haired woman had been dodging. She was also hit in the abdomen by a magic bullet, and she rolled to the ground in a panic, just reaching the position of Jiying's chest. The bright red blood couldn't stop seeping through her black ritual clothes and dripping to the ground. She held her hand. The machine figure on one side stood up with some difficulty and looked at the person opposite angrily.

What a humiliation!

To be injured by a mere human!?!

How could those rune stones she used hurt me?

The silver-haired woman I have never been able to figure out what is going on. Ordinary magic is of no use to Servants!

But in fact, it was something that Sven used to practice when he was free. Because he didn't use anything, he gave it to Olga Marie. , anyway, it was a gem, so it was not impossible to pay off the debt and exchange it for something.

So at the beginning, she was a little too confident, and she was very sure that the thing could not hurt herself, so she was careless and did not dodge!

That's why she was in such an embarrassing situation!

Buzz - just At this moment, the soaring magic furnace core behind it is called the Holy Grail. The blue gem in front of it suddenly emits a brilliant and dazzling light. At the same time, the

Holy Grail behind it also blooms with an astonishing light. The light and the exciting fluctuations of magic power also spread, and a dark black hole with blue magic power began to appear in the void above it.

The swordsman turned his head to look, not sure what his expression was. Also attracted were other people present.

".......It seems that there is already magic power for five people."The silver-haired woman showed a ferocious smile.

"An astonishing amount of magic power was detected.....This is....The Holy Grail is activated!!!"

"The hole leading to the outer root appears!!"Romani shouted nervously, looking at the data around him that was almost exploding.

"What is the root cause?"Fujimaru Ritsuka, who didn't understand the source, looked at the black hole in the sky with a confused expression.

"That is what all magicians pursue throughout their lives....."As the head of an orthodox magic family, Olga Marie certainly knows the root cause, but she has never, or perhaps her family has never seen the root cause so closely.

"Hum hum, it came in time, although not as good as before, but...."The silver-haired woman looked at the people in front of her and said meaningfully

"Let me help you realize the vow you just made!"

The silver-haired woman stood up and looked at the cavalry and said, while opening her arms slightly with a slightly excited smile on her face.

"What does she want to do?"

"Stop her!"Olga Marie shouted anxiously when she saw the action on the other side.

"Matthew!!"Fujimaru Ritsuka on the other side immediately gave an order to Mashu who was closest to him.


Mashu directly rushed towards the silver-haired woman with his shield. Although the cavalry on the side wanted to interfere, it was obvious that they were too late. boom--!!

Mashu hit the silver-haired woman directly with a heavy shield blow, causing a large storm and causing the ground to shatter.

Matthew looked at the arm of the machine that was sweeping towards him, and nimbly dodged it.

"Did you make it?"Olga Marie squinted her eyes in the center of the dust.

The smoke dissipated, and the silver-haired woman's face returned to its original calmness. She looked at everyone with a smile, but in front of her chest, a dark cup appeared. ——The pitch-black cup emits rich black light, and rises toward the sky with the silver-haired woman.

"The leaked black mud has been used up. Let me borrow some from you."The silver-haired woman had a calm smile on her face, and the magic power around her body surged again.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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