"Isn’t this all bad! ?!"

"Not even a handful! Even if it's a good one?!"Sven couldn't help but yelled at Skadi.

After all, as a warrior, no one dislikes weapons. Although you can't tell it at ordinary times, someone who can be turned into a sword fanatic by Alice can imagine his obsession with weapons. And know

"Oh~! These are all weapons used by gods or other people in the past."Altlinde also picked up a sword and looked at it.

"The weapons used by gods."Silud was also interested, but unfortunately, they only had the right to watch, but not the qualification to hold the sword hilt, as if they were repelled by these weapons.

Only Slud stood in the distance with the spear. In front of me, looking up at the tip of the sword

"Well, after all, it was after that war, so it would be great if these weapons could survive. Skadi said nonchalantly.

She is not a weapons player. What kind of weapon does a magician need? A staff is enough. It is the job of charging into battle........Isn’t there a personal son?

Just leave it to him to hold it up from the front!

Sven looked at Skadi speechlessly.

Seeing that Sven was a little angry, Skadi continued in a funny way:"But, if you want to say good things, it's not without good things."

As she said that, she turned her head and glanced at the spear in front of Slud.

Of course, Swain also noticed the spear and walked over to check its data.


Okay!! As a result, the weapons here either cannot display data, or the data displayed are garbled.

Do you dare to be more unreliable? ?!

"Can't decipher it?"

"Hum, since you can't read that gun, it seems that your strength still needs to be strengthened."Sikadi showed a genuine smile.

"Are you kidding me?"Sven shook the sword he had just forgotten to put down on his shoulder twice, and said with some anger.

When he came here, he knew that there was nothing he wanted here without looking carefully. After all, how could there be leather here?

Although he found I bought so many weapons, but they are all in a damaged state.

As a result, the only good weapon now looks down on myself........

This feeling is like seeing disappointment in expectation, then seeing hope in disappointment, and finally falling from hope to despair!!

"Haha, don't be unhappy. Skadi hugged Sven from behind and comforted her.

"I have no use for the things here anyway. You can take them away if you want."

"true and false?!"

Sven was stunned and looked at Skadi, who was leaning against him.

Although it was broken, it was not necessarily useless!

Like his unnamed motorcycle, isn't it a recycled environmentally friendly product?!

"Well, of course, you are the object of my love. If I am not good to you, then who should I be good to?"Skady said this.

Sven has heard such straightforward words dozens and hundreds of times here, and there is no longer the hesitation he had at the beginning.

"Although you say so, are these things really still usable?"Sven looked at the Hegni in his hand. He hasn't figured out any way to use it yet.

"Oh? Swain, what you said is wrong. Although the power of these weapons has dropped a lot. Now they are only about the power of medium-level artifacts, but they are not inferior to your Moon-linked weapon."

Otlinde pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose. They were given to her by Swain. After all, she often reads the books about the human world brought back by Swain. Although she doesn't know if she will be short-sighted, at least she gave them to her. She looks good

"yes! Like this one!"

"This is a holy sword! This is Durandal! This is a holy sword!!!"

"ah! That's Bult Steel over there! It's Lord Heimdall's sword! It’s called the Sword of Protection!"Hilud was very happy to hold a few swords and look at them.

At the same time, he was also very excited to introduce these swords to Sven.

No matter whether they were magic swords or holy swords, they were all treated equally. After all, other things were not mentioned. , the existence of these alone is enough to remind them of the past.

".....Then the sword over there.....yes........"But when she saw one of the swords, her temperament quickly dimmed, and her face became gloomy.

Several people around turned their heads and looked at the sword together.

"this is......Where's Grammer? (gram)" Sven also came over.

According to legend, Sigurd's father Siegmund received the divine sword stuck in a big tree from the god Odin. It was later broken, rebuilt and handed over to him. In the hands of his son Sigurd.

And I heard that this sword is also the prototype of the sword in the stone in Western legends.

It is understandable that these three Valkyries would have this reaction.

After all, this is Sigurd's sword........

Sven looked at the three people without blinking and looking at the sword with no expression, fearing that the three of them could not help but stab the sword directly with their spears at the next moment.

And even if they hold back, these three people will probably have a bad sleep knowing that there is such a thing under their feet.

Although Swain has never seen the three of them sleeping,

"Oh well."Sven suddenly smiled and took the sword.

"Leave this sword to me!"


"Brother, come and use it? Swain looked around the three people and asked with a smile,"Can't you?""

"this........"The three of them were a little confused and didn't quite know how to answer him.

So I looked at Skadi for help.

"As I said, he can do whatever he wants with the things here."Skati looked like she was staying out of it.

"That's no problem."

Sven used a free hand to touch Hilud's head.

At this time, Otlinde also noticed the sword that Sven had just inserted on the ground.

"magic sword......Hegney........"Of course Sruder noticed it too, so his eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, you said this........"When Swain was about to pull up Hegni again, he was stopped by three people

"This sword won't work!"

"Uh-huh! no!"

"And those magic swords over there don’t work either!"

"That's right! Not even Tierfeng, Hegni, or Mistertin!"


"because......These are magic swords....."

"And they are all magic swords with bad legends. I heard that everyone who used them died......"

"If my brother uses it, just in case......"

The three people said this one by one. Siwen was stunned. For their concern, Siwen was very happy from the bottom of his heart.

"I think the magic sword is no different from the holy sword."

Everyone looked up at Swain, including the little white bear on one side.

"Weapons, whatever you say, are weapons. You must understand clearly that it is the user who makes the weapon use its original power."

"So to attribute those things to weapons, I don't think is right."

"After all, weapons don't kill, only people do."

Sruder looked at Swain and wanted to continue arguing.

"But these weapons are really not ordinary weapons. No one can say for sure........"

"That's just right, I want to see who can influence me!"

"Anyway, no matter what, how to use the weapon is up to me!"

"Other people's thoughts and opinions are always their own business. What they think and do has nothing to do with me!"

"If I don’t want to cut something, no one can force me!"

"But if it’s the guy I want to kill with my sword, even if I escape to another time and space, I will definitely find him and then cut off his head with my own hands!!"

Sven replied with a ferocious look on his face. At the same time, his whole body exuded an aura as sharp as a sword, which stung the person's skin.

And everyone present knew that Sven meant what he said, so no one could Treat these words as casual remarks

"Besides, from what you said, everyone who has used the magic sword is dead? Are these words the same as those who use the Holy Sword are still alive?"Sven said funny.

On the other side, as if in response to what Swain said before, all the weapons flashed their own unique light, and the colorful brilliance was intertwined, even a little hooked. The ether in the air was moved, and it gathered from around the treasure house towards this area. The sword blades that originally felt a little dull now bloomed again with their cold and chilling side.

And these responding weapons not only It's the Holy Sword, and even those magic swords have responded!

Seeing this, everyone knows that Sven's ideas are recognized by these weapons, which means that he has obtained permission to use them!

It seems that not only humans They can choose weapons, and even weapons can choose their users.

At the same time, this appearance directly illustrates which side wins the argument between the two sides.


Seeing everyone deflated, Skadi stepped forward

"It seems that the dispute between the four of you resulted in the victory of the Son of Man."

"Yes, Lady Skadi......terribly sorry."The three people bowed and apologized to Skadi, with deep guilt on their faces.

As the guards of the Lord God, this would be too embarrassing for Skadi.

"Okay, okay, this doesn't matter."

Anyway, whether you win or lose, it's all your family's business, just let them do whatever they want.

"The results of it? Skadi turned around, looked at Sven with her burgundy eyes and asked,"What do you want to do with these swords?""

"Should you take one away or rotate it?"


Swain looked around and thought for a while before deciding:

"Now that they respond to my feelings and recognize me, I can't let them think that I favor one over the other."

"Since you can choose!"

"Of course I want them all!!"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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