"Of course I want them all!"

Sven snorted softly, opened his arms, and gestured to the entire treasure house.

"Goo........Hahahaha~~"Skadi just endured it for a little while and couldn't help laughing.

"Ahaha~ You are truly worthy of being a son of man. How arrogant and lustful is this?"

"but.......Well, as the goddess who loves you, I can still allow this."

"Then I declare that everything here belongs to you!"Sikadi also said directly and generously.

"Thank you~" Sven hugged Skadi, put his face close to hers, and rubbed against hers.

"But what do you do?"

"How do you use these weapons? Shidunai asked, looking at the weapons with different styles.

Although she also plays with a variety of weapons, it is obvious that you can't even pick up so many weapons, let alone use them?

"This is also true."Sven was a little troubled.

"There is no problem with a one-handed sword, as long as you get used to the size and weight a little, but with a large sword like a two-handed sword."

Sven is not without great sword skills. A corner of the skill disk in his mind has been lit up when he was young, but at that time he really couldn't afford to wield a weapon such as a great sword, so it was always on hold. , now that I have put on heavy armor, and my strength has also grown amazingly, I can start to think about unlocking the active attack skill of the two-handed sword.

It just so happens that weapons are now delivered to my door.

"That's right, this issue needs to be considered carefully."

Sven looked at these swords. Although he said that just now, it's hard to say how to distribute them.

So Swain took out the motorcycle, which was still not completely completed.

"Can two swords be added to this thing?"

"It would also be nice to make a fully charged tank, but it seems difficult......."

Swain sighed lightly. It was not that he had not considered adding something to the motorcycle. However, the materials used to make it were originally one piece.

Now adding other materials would not only fail to ensure the sturdiness, but might even lead to rejection. In the end, Maybe it just disintegrated before it even had a trial run. It was obvious that the idea was bankrupt before it even started.......

"Leave it to me on that point."Sikadi suddenly stood up and said confidently.

"Give me these swords, and oh, by the way, your armor too"

"Your boxing and kicking skills must have improved a lot, right?"

"well enough......what do you want to do?"Sven looked at Skadi, a little unsure of what she was thinking.

"When you get back, show me the results of your practice. You have to do your best."

"Then you can look forward to it next time you come back~"

Skadi did not answer Swain's question directly, but squinted her eyes slightly and showed a smirk. It was obvious that she was not going to tell Swain directly here. Answer.

In this regard, Skadi has also slowly changed from the image of a cold queen to the posture of an ordinary human woman. At least she can make jokes like this.

Sven looked around and no longer paid attention to the people here. People, leaned into Skadi’s ear and whispered.

"I always feel like you’re getting cuter and cuter lately"

"This time it comes from my true thoughts~"

When Sven said this, it also made Skadi understand that she was not affected by any strange things this time.

Skadi was caught off guard by Sven's sudden attack. The ease and ease on his face just now completely collapsed in an instant.

"you you you you!!!"Skati waved the cane in her hand very shakenly.

At the same time, she looked at the people around her carefully, worried that what she just said would be heard.


Sure enough, I still want to save face and suffer. Even though I am not used to this way of speaking, I still insist on it until now. I really can't understand the thoughts of these gods.

Looking at Skadi's reaction, Sven smiled faintly, Don't care at all

"I'm going to collect gems~!"

Let's slip away. If we don't slip away, we really won't be able to leave.


As he spoke, Sven quickly ran to the pile of gems on one side and began to store them in his thumb, without taking into account Skadi's reaction behind him.

"Just wait for me next time! Skadi muttered through gritted teeth, suppressing the anger in her heart while thinking about how to deal with him the next time the two of them are alone!

Sven is really ready to pick and choose to see which gems retain magic power. , which ones are about to dry up.

It turns out that the magic power of these gems is very full! There is no need to choose at all!

Also, the ether in this place is so full that it is almost bursting even in the air!

Not to mention these excellent ones What about the magic media?

No one needs to do anything, just put them here and they will become excellent magic media.

Oh! Got it! Wireless charging!

So Swain didn't bother to pick out the piles of them. Treat the gems as a whole and prepare to put them away together

"Well, it's a windfall from heaven."Shidunai looked at the mountain of gems quickly disappearing from behind, and was immediately envious.

In fact, she is also a little obsessed with money.

"I wonder how much delicious food I can exchange for the gems here?......"Shidunai squinted his eyes and fantasized, and began to drool uncontrollably.

"It can't be said that there are thousands of pieces here, right?"

"Could it be that Swain is the kind of person who has good fortune?"

"I feel like he has the golden rule."

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't have such good fortune!"

The Valkyries were also discussing in the back. Although they didn't need these things, they felt very powerful just looking at this scene, and now their conversation was directly heard by Swain.

"The golden rule?"He turned back and looked at the three people curiously.

"Well, that's a skill related to people's wealth, but it's a pity that none of us have it~" Hilud shook his head and slowly explained.

"After all, it is a very rare skill. Shidunai also added that she is the kind of person who is far away from wealth........

"I have this thing!"Sven looked at everyone's performance and said calmly.

"Eh? Really?"Hilud was stunned, and the feathers on her head stood up. It was obvious that she was just talking casually!

"Yeah, and it's still A-level."Sven continued indifferently.

"Forehead......."Everyone present, except Skadi, fell silent.

So high! ?!

"So that’s it, that thing refers to the quality of a person’s wealth?"Sven said with emotion, crossing his arms.


"But, even with that high-level skill, I have never encountered gold picking up on the ground? On the contrary, when I went out in the past, I always seemed to be able to pick up various gems."

Sven recalled his life in the previous ten years, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

"I already think it's ridiculous to pick up gold, but you're like this......gem?"Shidunai is really sour now!

"From this point of view, if it is said to be the Golden Rule, I think it is more like the Gem Rule."Sven said so casually, and then continued to squat on the ground to pick up gems.

"Why does it look as casual as picking up pebbles by the river?"Shidunai no longer knows how to describe Swain.

"Ah, how did you know? It was indeed possible to pick up some gems when wandering by the river when I was a kid!"Sven pointed at Shidunai and directly confirmed her assumption..........

We suspected you were showing off, and now we have proof!!

Just as Swain was collecting the gems in batches, an accident suddenly occurred.

The last pile of gems was selected by Swain with his consciousness, and when he was about to put them away, there was a sudden rejection!

Sven was a little surprised when he encountered this situation for the first time, but the next moment a black light suddenly shot towards Sven from the pile of gems.

Swain subconsciously thought it was something like a hidden weapon. His pupils narrowed and he saw the general shape of the thing clearly. After confirming that it should be a dark red crystal-like object, he quickly and accurately grabbed it with his right hand.

But before he had time to take a closer look at what the thing was, a tingling sensation came from his palm. Now Sven directly reflexively threw the thing back into the pile of gems.

Sven looked down at the palm of his right hand. A long wound was left on the palm of his hand, and bright red blood began to drip continuously.

"......It's not like a knife wound, the skin and flesh are also turned upside down. It feels like it was scratched by the claws of a wild beast and the blood streaks were brought out at the same time."

Sven clenched his fist and raised his head. The next moment, a violent wave of magic burst out from the pile of gems, blowing Sven backwards.

And he also retreated to the side because he noticed something abnormal here and hurried Coming to Otlinde's side,

Sven used Merlin's bracelet to heal his own wounds. At the same time, he also carefully checked the ring finger, worried that the backlash just now would cause damage to it, but in the end he found that there was no damage or abnormality. I felt relieved.

This thing is stronger than I thought!

"What happened?"Srud asked anxiously.

"There's something hidden in that pile of gems!"Sven quickly recovered his energy and carefully looked at the pile of gems in the distance.

"What's there?"Skati was also very confused, what could it be?

But before she could use her power to check, a burst of dark red light was revealed from the gap in the pile of gems.

A black rhombus with red light. The gem slowly rose up from the pile of gems and suspended in the air.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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