The last one is a room adjacent to this room, and that one is very powerful.

When Swain went in for the first time, he spent a long time looking for the light switch, but he still couldn't find it........

But it didn't matter. I turned on the electricity directly. The next moment, the floor of the room was filled with various computer-related books. There were light curtain monitors everywhere. Thick curtains were drawn and the air conditioner was running all the time. A dim computer room appeared, and there were some snack bags and drink bottles thrown on one side of the monitor........

"Is this room too dark?"

"And what the hell is this attitude towards life! ?"

"Too enviable......No, it’s too unhealthy!"

Sven couldn't help complaining, not realizing that when he modified the motorcycle before, the environment was even darker than this one.......

At least it has a lot of display screens, which are pretty bright.

Swain rummaged around for a while, and the surprising result was that the person living here must also be a little girl in junior high school.......

"is that a lie?"

"Did you have such technology when you were in junior high school?"

"What a genius!"Sven couldn't help but praise.

He got up from the bed in the room and put a book about thermal weapons back on the bed.......Um, in the pile of books on the ground!

After all, the bookshelf is a bit far away and is blocked behind by the computer, making it impossible to get through...........

There is always a feeling like going back to Chaldea's room before.

At that time, the pile of books in the room was not cleared away, and Romani tripped over several times while rushing to work........

He even thought this was his room for a while......

After coming out of the room, there are three rooms on the other side of the corridor.

One room is a guest room, nothing much can be seen, but there is another room. There are various research materials and reports on the bookshelf, sofa, floor, and bed, and there are also a few white coats among them.

And there are white papers scattered everywhere, with a lot of formulas and summaries written densely on them.

But Swain looked at it and couldn't understand what was written on it.

It’s not that I don’t understand the above formula, it’s that the formula is really a ghost!

"What is written here?"

Sven looked at the books with very professional-looking labels, thinking that there was really some serious research going on here, but he took a random one and looked at it. The things on it were similar to children's ghost drawings.

Could it be? Because the people who recreated this place really didn’t understand the things on it, so they thought that this ghostly drawing talisman was actually the same thing as what was supposed to be on it before? Swain gave up, threw his hands away, and all the papers in his hands suddenly filled the sky Flying, he closed the door with a bang and walked towards the last room.

But standing in front of the door of this room, listening to the subtle breathing coming from inside, Swain hesitated a little.

"So.......I hope this time I won't suddenly stretch out my big claws and grab it."

Thinking like this, Swain gently opened the door.


Well, there is indeed no scene where the big paw suddenly stretches out this time.

Because the owner who made the gentle breathing sound before is now lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

It is indeed her.

Swain looked at the familiar one With short dark red hair, she was obviously the guy with two big claws who called himself the Herrscher whom they fought in Northern Europe.

Although her long dress was all torn to pieces by Sven at the end of the previous battle, originally The cute little skirt turned into torn strips of cloth, and it can be said that the original function of the clothes has been completely lost.

Now it seems that all the scars left on her body at that time have been repaired.

Regeneration The ability is much stronger than mine.

Sven slowly and softly walked around the bed to the side facing her, and at the same time looked around the room.

This should be the master's bedroom, looking at the remaining traces on the surrounding bookshelves. , there should be more research materials here, but now the bookshelves are basically empty, leaving only a few scattered materials, and it seems that the places where computer facilities and the like were originally placed have also been emptied. , leaving nothing behind.

He turned back to look at the girl on the bed. The situation at that time was that the blue personality in this person obviously didn’t want to fight, but the red one wanted to fight!

So looking at the red personality now.........Should I strike first?

After all, is the personality in this body now red or blue?

Sven touched the hilt of the sword at his waist and fell into a dilemma.

The person in front of him has a dark red appearance. Logically speaking, Sven should have taken action long ago, but now he can't feel any killing aura, and he is still very weak........

It's so different from the image I saw before that vowed to destroy humanity!

Now this not only looks but feels completely harmless!

They are simply two extremes!

This is also the reason for Swain's difficulty.

Kill the evil and keep the good. This is a very simple principle, and it is also the code of conduct that Swain has followed since he was a child.

Besides, love or kill was what Skadi taught him.

But apart from that, destiny is a precious thing that cannot be easily given up or taken away. This is also the principle he follows.

There are elements that are complementary to each other, but there are also elements that are contradictory.

The intuition and sensibility in my heart tell me that I don’t need to worry too much. Threats should be eliminated quickly. There is no need to estimate the consequences. I would rather kill by mistake than let go!

But on the other side, the rationality in his mind told him not to be too impulsive. He should calm down in any situation, obtain information, comprehensively sort it out, analyze the intelligence, and draw conclusions before taking action.

But then it would be too late!

You should start now!

But in that case, what if the other party is the blue one?

So in the same way, what should I do if the other party is the red one?

So start now!

Can't! Wait until the other person wakes up!

There seemed to be two voices arguing in his mind, as if they were starting a meeting in his mind. The noise gave Swain a headache, and just when he was distressed,

"Well........"A soft moan from the girl on the bed interrupted the voice in Swain's mind, and everything fell silent for just a moment.


Sven took a deep breath and covered his overheated head. The contradiction between following the guidelines made his head hurt. This was something that had never happened before.

"What's wrong with me?......."

Sven stopped thinking for a moment and felt better. She squinted at the sleeping person in front of her. She seemed to have had a nightmare just now.

Now her brows were furrowed tightly and her two little hands were held tightly. She wanted to grab something, but now she only had the sheets at hand, so she was holding the sheets tightly, as if she wanted to tear them apart.


Looking at the girl's helpless look, Swain finally sighed softly, lifted a thin sheet over her, covered her with it, and left without even checking the room carefully.

Gudong Gudong~


Sven took some mineral water from the water dispenser and drank a large glass. He felt better.

He put down the blue crystal cup in his hand. Although the cup didn't look big, it was surprisingly large enough to hold it. So now Swain is Use this thing to drink water.

After sitting on the sofa and meditating for a while, and after making sure that the problem did not arise, Swain stood up

"The person upstairs will leave it alone. Anyway, she can't do anything here, but she still needs to pay more attention."

Looking around, there is a door on one side of the hall, under the corner stairs, which should lead to the downstairs, behind the previous bar. After coming down, there is an ordinary garage, where cars are repaired. The equipment was complete, but there were no vehicles, and there were quite a few parts for maintenance.

Swain didn't pay attention, but instead looked at the four corners above the garage.

"really.......This place is a bit narrower than it looks from the outside. It should have a dark room."

Sven rummaged around, and soon found some clues near a wall.

An invisible door was integrated with the wall, and the combination lock was hidden under the tool table opposite, but it was very Surprisingly, this door is relatively easy to find and open.

When I pushed the door in, I found that it was still a tool room, but there were a lot of equipment in it.

It looked like a high-power generator and a refining furnace for forging. There is also a forging table on one side, and the equipment on it looks like it has been used for a long time.

Swain has seen similar structures from Sadore's uncle, and coupled with the knowledge gained from books, he can deduce that the technology in front of him is obviously very high. This is how the facilities should be used.

In addition, there are some strange parts. It is not unusual to say that they are parts of a motorcycle, but Swain feels that this thing should be a weapon part, and it seems to be a weapon part. It was something that was illegal and quietly circulated in the black market.

But overall, there was nothing unusual about it.

Walking into the room, Swain took a general glance.

"too easy........"Swain shook his head.

Although this place looks very hidden, after all, no one would think that there is a hidden room here, but it is not absolute, there will always be some smart people who will pay attention to this place.

This kind of cover-up can only deceive some people. For those who really know the industry, it is just a little cleverness.

"If you look at it this way, this place is probably just a bait for the consolation prize........."

Swain felt around the wall and searched in the room, but found no trace.

But this did not faze him. A large area of ​​thunder and lightning was released around him, and the whole room was immediately covered with lightning.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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