"found it....."

Soon Swain opened his eyes, walked near the door, and returned to the garage outside.

Generally speaking, after encountering a darkroom, he would not first suspect that there is another darkroom. Even if he did, he would only think that it was hidden in the previous one. It's inside the darkroom.

But who would have thought that the entrance to the real darkroom would be on the ground in front of the first darkroom door?

This should be the so-called darkness under the lamp.

There is no electronic mechanism, and it still relies on mechanical control. The mechanism is the door handle.

After several weeks of vigorously turning the door handle, the ground slowly began to lift, revealing a tunnel.

After coming down, there was indeed something strange here, and it looked like no one had come in to clean it for a long time, and a thin layer of dust had accumulated on all the things.

Before I even got to the end, I saw a variety of weapons hanging on the walls on both sides of the corridor, from pistols to assault rifles and sniper rifles. I even saw rocket launchers. Others were equipped with various types of grenades, as well as Several spherical objects of unknown purpose with two triangular antennas, like some kind of electronic eyes.

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Sven can recognize the types of weapons in the things here, but not because he recognizes their models, but relies on his intuition.

Because the things placed here are all self-made in blue and white tones, which are similar to those seen in books. There was a big gap in the information obtained.

When we reached the end of the basement, Swain's guess was confirmed. There were various standard machined products, as well as forging machines and generators.

All of this showed the superb skill of the owner here. Technical skills and the wealth of knowledge highlighted on the side.

I walked a few steps inside and stepped on the metal plate. I seemed to have stepped on something.

I picked it up and blew off the dust on it. It was a sign with the words" Written by——The Rabbit who fights hard to overthrow the dictatorship and tyranny

".......Um? rabbit?"Sven looked at the sign in his hand, his head full of question marks.

"tyranny......It doesn't look like anyone is being oppressed here, does it?"Sven shook his head slightly. The streets here are very clean and tidy. There are no homeless people or anything like that. It gives people a very peaceful feeling.

Doesn't it seem like there are traces of someone practicing tyranny?

Swain was confused and took the sign again. Turned it over easily

"In order not to get spanked again for coming home late!"

"........."Sven bared his teeth, and the expression on his face was a bit complicated, ranging from speechless to amused.

Put these two sentences together and you can probably understand them.

The person who is called the tyrant should be the owner or the head of the family, and the person who does this should be the rebellious junior high school student hacker with a room full of books........

"Just pretend you didn’t see it, eh......."Swain shrugged and placed the sign in the corner as if he hadn't seen it.

On the workbench in front, all the tools were well maintained.

Sitting on the seat in front of him, Swain picked up a dark gun barrel and inspected it. It was made with high precision, and then took the one on the side. I measured the scope and auxiliary sight with a tool ruler on one side, and the results were equally amazing!

This processing technology is really incredible!

It can really be said that there is no error.

"It simply doesn't look like it was made by a machine."

If you want to say that there are only a few like this, it's easy to understand, but if all the parts here are of this precision, in addition to the superb skills of the processors, it can only be because the progress of mechanical technology is too amazing, but look The equipment here doesn’t have any outstanding facilities, so the only reason is because of the producer.

"But now it looks like I can use these things for a little while......what is that?"

Sven put down the things, turned around a few times on the chair, stared at his feet and slid to the side, and then he saw what seemed to be a place for storing inventions on one side......Well, one of the things in the junk pile or the trash pile of damaged goods.

It feels different from those shabby and defective products that look like discarded products. They obviously look like they can be used, but in the end they are thrown into a dark corner.

"Uh-huh!!"Sven stepped forward, grabbed the metallic object, and pulled it out from the debris pile, or the lower level of the garbage mountain.

Boom boom——!!

"Ahem......How long has it been since anyone came in to clean it?......."

The moment he pulled it out, the mountain of garbage collapsed, raising a large amount of dust and making the surrounding air turbid. Swain then threw a ball of wind, which seemed like many

"It's obviously so fast outside, what are you doing here?......."Swain frowned slightly and looked at the object in his hand.

Two non-standard hollow cylindrical metals were connected with a ball joint in the middle. At the other end of a cylinder, there was a small ball joint connected to a slightly faster Flat, square-like metal plate.

The square metal section has five irregular branches, all of which are composed of several cylindrical metals and several ball joints.

"this is......Human right hand?"

Sven just took a look and understood. Except that the material of this thing is not bone, the shape completely conforms to the structure of the human body.

"What does this do?"Sven frowned and looked at the pile of 'junk' again, then put the mechanical skeleton in his hand on the workbench aside and continued to rummage. There were a lot of things, and they were mixed with intact and scrapped parts. After spending a lot of time, Swain found another arm, but it was incomplete. There was no hand, only half an arm, and the reference value was not high.

Other parts such as the body and legs were the same. Found, maybe found, but damaged beyond recognition

"Is this the plan to make a robot puppet?"Sven took a look at the only intact right hand bone, and then compared it with his right arm.

As a doctor, Swain easily discovered the problem. The shape of the bones is very similar to my own! There are just some differences in size!

"Is there any limit to similarity?........"

The shape of each person's bones will be more or less changed due to acquired living habits. For example, the hand bones will be worn to varying degrees due to your pen-holding habits and the length of use. Situations like this are basically similar to other people's. It's unlikely to happen.......


Sven was in a trance as he watched the hand bones being pressed. At the same time

, his eyes were a little sore, and his mind began to become a little unclear. With a bang, the hand bones in Swain's hands fell on the metal table, and he covered his face with his hands, tightly He pursed his lips, as if in pain, and his eyes were a little swollen.

Although his eyes were closed, it seemed that he could see something this way.

In a bright living room, he seemed to be holding a tablet in his hand. The hands and legs he saw in his sight were several times larger than they were now, as if he had become a young man.

The ring on his right thumb disappeared, replaced by a flashing bracelet on his wrist. It feels similar to the bracelet-type terminal used by Chaldea.

On the coffee table in front of you is this hand bone, but it has not been completely spliced ​​together. There are densely packed small lines on the inside of the hollow hand bone.

"here it is.......?"

Before Swain had time to take a closer look at what was going on, a man in a white coat leaned forward from behind and took the thing.

Swain unconsciously followed the man and looked away. I didn't see who took it, but I saw two people crowded on a single-seater sofa to one side.

One was wearing shorts and barefoot, with his legs curled up and stepping on the edge of the sofa. Even in the room, he was wearing a jacket. The person in the hood was playing with a game console in both hands and looking serious, and the person leaning next to her was looking at her curiously.......is her?

The person leaning against the man wearing a black jacket with two black rabbit ears on the hood was the person lying on the bed upstairs at this time!!

It's just that she was wearing a small floral skirt at this time. Rather than saying that she was watching another girl playing a game, it was more like she was watching the girl herself.

As if aware that someone was looking at her, she raised her head and smiled sweetly in Swain's direction. Apart from being gentle, quiet and weak, Siwen could not think of any other words to describe her. irritable? fierce?

It feels like this is the word farthest away from her in the world.

Then Swain was uncontrollably attracted by the lazy complaints on the side.

Then I saw a girl with long cherry-colored hair, swollen cheeks lying on the table on one side, looking at the exercise book with a grimace. She pouted as if she was complaining about something. She probably felt that there was too much homework..

And looking at her appearance, there is always a feeling that she is similar to other people she knows.

But then the person who came out of the kitchen carrying a plate of cut watermelon really made Swain's eyes widen, and his pupils began to tremble uncontrollably.

Because of that appearance!

It’s definitely Sakura——!!

It's just that Sakura is not wearing the iconic miko uniform at this time, but is wearing a pair of casual jeans and a somewhat large white shirt. It looks very loose. Maybe because of this, the hem of the shirt is tied at the side. She stood up and wore a high ponytail. Compared with the little girl before, she has become more mature now.

All of this happened suddenly, one scene after another, which made people dizzy.

Just when Swain was trying to figure out what was going on, the doorbell rang at the entrance. It sounded like a guest was coming. Sakura smiled, put down the plate in front of Swain, and walked towards the door.

Click -

As the door opened, a burst of bright light hit him. Sven couldn't help but close his eyes, and then, the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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