Grandpa Arthur glanced at Karen and slowly explained:"It's very simple......If he doesn't accept money, his reputation along the way will definitely attract the attention of the church, especially in today's current affairs. If his reputation exceeds that of the current church at a certain point, then big problems will arise. As long as With a promising leader and the current destiny situation, riots will immediately occur, which is something those people absolutely do not want to see."

"But what he is doing now is fine. I charge money to do things, just like everyone else. As for how much I charge, it doesn’t matter."

"If the church wants to be famous, I charge a fee here, not for free. It doesn't matter if you want to make a profit. You can take away the 'diagnosis fee' I collect as you like. It's not painful anyway."

After listening to Grandpa Arthur's explanation, Karen leaned against the window and looked at Sven below in disbelief.

"he.....Are you that smart?"


Miss, don’t you know what kind of books he reads?

How could such a person be an idiot?

Grandpa Arthur silently retreated from the room, and then he found that several of his men in black robes had arrived in front of him.

"What's up?"

Two of the leading men in black robes looked at each other before speaking out their questions.

"Sir, do we really need to be so dilly-dallying?"

"The journey on the road has been delayed for a long time. Didn't the Lord Bishop's order tell us to rush back as soon as possible?"

"That's right, and we don't need to do this to deal with this guy who once betrayed the church......."

Before the two men in black robes could finish speaking, they were interrupted by Grandpa Arthur's hand.


"Indeed, the order we received was to take her back while ensuring that she was alive and well, but the essence of the purpose was still the black box, wasn't it?"

"You mean?"

"Kallen is very important to the current destiny, but what is more important is the black box. That is the point!"

"Although we have recovered her now, we still don't know the whereabouts of the black box, so we can use some gentle tactics to get some information from her."

Grandpa Arthur brought out the rhetoric he had prepared a long time ago. He believed that as long as he grasps the focus of these people's attention, which is the black box, there will be no problem in getting these people to compromise. After all, the masters behind some people care. This is the thing!

"you mean......Is this also part of the plan?"

".....That's right."

Several men in black robes looked at each other, but they had to admit that Grandpa Arthur was right. This was indeed their goal. Several of them who had been inserted by other forces of Destiny also agreed with this. This plan sounded like It was indeed possible, or just wait for a while, so everyone retreated and continued busy with their previous affairs.

As for Grandpa Arthur, he glanced at the door that was closing in, and finally walked away.

Madam, tell the truth, you shouldn’t come back here.........

Kallen in the room leaned against the window sill with her face propped up and looked at Sven.

"but......"Karen is even more confused now

"But now I don’t understand even more. If he is like this, wouldn’t all the things he does be meaningless?"

Huhuhuhu -

As time goes by, the sky starts to get darker, and the cold wind begins to hang around. But Sven still looks like the team is not shrinking.

If he relies on his current reputation and influence, he should It's no problem.

Swain nodded secretly, then stood up, looked at the people around him and said to the patient who had just sat down in front of him:".......wait a second"

"Ah, yes."The man nodded, wondering what Swain was going to do, but then he found that Swain walked straight to the church at the back. He knocked lightly on the door, and soon someone opened the door. It was a middle-aged nun.

"Yes, what's the matter?"The nun in front of me looked at Swain and asked. After all, he has been sitting here all afternoon. Anyone who is not deaf or blind in this town must have known it.

"Can I meet with your manager?"

"There are a few things I want to discuss"

"Yes, I am."The nun bowed slightly, not sure what Swain wanted to do.

"That's great."The bitter look on Sven's face was temporarily replaced by a smile, but the next moment he showed a distressed look.

"Actually, I'm here to ask you to borrow the church hall. After all, it looks like it's going to snow outside, but there are still so many patients here........."

Swain gave a general explanation of his purpose, saying that he wanted to use the church to let these patients wait inside the church, and that he could also practice medicine in the church.

"this......"The nun was hesitant about this request.

"Of course, my name will not appear, I will not say where I come from, but what are the conditions for being a healer in the church to heal others?"

The nun was slightly stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect that Swain would propose this condition. It seemed like an insignificant thing at first, but......

"You should also understand that in this current situation, because of the issuance of indulgences, the church has a somewhat negative impression......."

What Swain said was very cryptic, but everyone knew what he meant, so of course they knew what he meant.

"......"The nun's face was a little complicated, as if someone had exposed a scar.

"Nowadays, the impression of churches in various places has plummeted. Now, suddenly, a church in a region has gained a good reputation. Do you think there will be any changes for you as the person in charge of this church?"

"You have also seen my medical skills today. So far, no one has had any problems. On the contrary, more and more people are coming to see me. So I think it is not risky for you just to provide a venue."

"Besides, even if something goes wrong, do you think it could be worse than what it is now?"

The nun glanced at Swain with a complex expression. Swain had always been unhurried, because he knew that the other person's heart was already in chaos, and her heart was moved.

This was a tempting enough bait, and it was only good for her. , even if everything is in vain, everything will not get worse now. After all, the credibility of the Church of Destiny has basically dropped to the bottom, so this can be said to be a zero-risk, guaranteed-profit deal!

"......Well, I'll provide you with a place."Finally the nun agreed, opened the door and stepped aside to get out of the way.

"Thank you so much."Sven smiled and thanked him. At this moment, his first step was considered a success........

When Swain and his party came back from church, it was the morning of the next day. Kallen and his party had already finished washing up and were preparing to set off after breakfast.

They were the only ones present, and not even the boss was here.

Looking at the group of people lying on the table after they came back, Kallen stepped forward and asked with some concern:"You guys....Are you okay?"



Swain could still raise his hand to respond to Kallen, but Gan Yu didn't even want to move at all. As for the other little guys, they were completely dragged back.

Karen looked at Swain, stood up slightly, changed her position, sat next to him, and asked in a low voice:"Hey, Swain, you have been wanting to ask you a question these days."

"What......"Sven replied weakly in a long voice.

"You have maintained yourself in the middle of the balance between forces in such a complicated way, but wouldn't you achieve nothing if you do this?"

"Prestige becomes the church's, and you don't make any money that can be called a reward, but you pay so much for it......."Kallen asked confused.

Swain chuckled, and then said in a funny way:"I mean, girl......"

"Ya, girl?"Karen was stunned. This was the first time someone called her that.

When she was at home, she was called the eldest lady. After leaving home, she was called the nun. Then she became Captain Kallen, or a saint. It’s okay to call Karen any name, but Sven?



Well, it feels like........It seems quite novel!

Swain lay on the table, changed his position, and asked:"Let me ask you, when you rescued us, did you specifically choose those who were in danger before taking action, just to gain prestige?"

"How is that possible! Reputation and other things, why do human lives matter?"Karen immediately retorted.

"So.....Did you save us for money?"

"No, after all, I have never received any money"

"Haha, isn’t that the end? Isn’t the result already clear?"Svensaid with a smile


"As you said, you don't save people for reputation or money, so why do you think I save people just for these two things?"Sven raised his head and looked at Kallen funny.

As the saying goes, it's dark under the light. Until now, Kallen hasn't even noticed that what she has been doing before is actually not much different from what Swain is doing now.

"ah......"Kallen looked at Sven in ecstasy, recalling her own experiences over the past ten years. Thinking about it, it seemed that this was really the case,

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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