Purpose, Karen really didn't think about this issue carefully.

It's just that most of the people around him are working hard with certain goals, such as his childhood sweetheart. He just wants to make people around him recognize him, so he keeps working hard. There is nothing wrong with this. It can only be said that he wants to get stuck. There are still too few people like Lian and Sven in the world.

"Have you figured it out? You and I are actually the same kind of people"

"Well, indeed, you and I are indeed the same kind of people."

The two looked at each other and smiled. This was the first time Sven saw Kallen smile after such a long time. He thought it was very pleasing to the eye. Sure enough, no matter how beautiful a girl who likes to frown is, she can't compare to a girl who likes to smile.

It's just that But Sven was thinking about the person in front of him, while Kallen thought of someone besides Sven.

"Sure enough, you still look good when you smile. Don't put on a sad face all day long. Wouldn't it be better to smile more?"Swain always speaks his mind and attacks directly with the ball, never making any ink.

"I like your smile very much. It is sunny and full of vitality. Just like the sun in the cold winter, you are an existence living in the light. You can illuminate the surroundings and give people a very friendly and energetic feeling."

"I....."Kallen lowered her head and remembered that her friend had told her the same thing. The look, tone and tone were exactly the same, so no matter how hard she forced herself, she still subconsciously confused the two people. no....The person in front of me is not her, it is Sven talking to me!

Oops....The two of them are really similar in some places.

No, I can't think about it anymore. I've already felt sorry for her. I can't do it anymore.......

".....After dinner, let's set off."

Just after the atmosphere between the two people began to become a little strange, Grandpa Arthur suddenly stood between the two people and interrupted the conversation between Swen and Kallen without any warning.


Karen was startled and quickly turned around, no longer looking at Sven.

Sven looked at Grandpa Arthur in confusion. He felt like he had seen that aura just now somewhere before....... where is it from.....

Hmm...... ah!

I remembered!

When she went to Sortilina's house before, her father looked at her with a similar aura from beginning to end.....But what does that mean?


The group's journey had to be extended again because of Sven's free clinic activities and Kallen's frequent"relapses of old injuries." However, everyone knew that Kallen's recurrence of injuries was all fake, and there was basically nothing serious about it now. The problem can be completely cured as long as it continues to be warmed and nurtured without any unexpected incidents, and the root cause of the disease will not be left behind in the future.

Therefore, everyone just pretended not to know, but Swain was still doing his own free clinics, relying on the church for support along the way. Therefore, many people thought that Swain was a member of the church, and they were a little embarrassed. It restored the reputation, and later when Swain began to treat injuries and illnesses for the church, and even for those high-ranking officials, many people said that if they wanted to join the church, they could be his recommender. Although this behavior Sven declined politely, but Dadu said that if he figured it out, he could go to them at any time.

After all, no one can guarantee that their body will not have any problems in life.

However, with the extensive and in-depth study of Swain's free clinic, it was discovered that although many diseases showed the symptoms of a general illness, ordinary drugs did not have much effect. The reason seemed to be because the body was infected with a strange disease. Energy - Honkai energy, which is similar to but not exactly the same energy as the power of lightning and the power of creation that Swain used before.

At the same time, Sven finally came into contact with a virus that had appeared in human history-the Black Death.

In this era, this is a very fatal disease, but in modern times, it is just a Class A infectious disease caused by rats, and there is a vaccine to treat it!

Swain found a research institute in the city where the finger was drawn, prepared the corresponding vaccine and injected it into the patient. If the effect was.......There is.

But Swain finally discovered that this thing was not simple, and it was not completely consistent with the symptoms of the Black Death that he knew!

Without exception, the infected people's bodies began to turn gray and white. The vaccine could effectively alleviate the symptoms of these people, but the vaccine would soon be swallowed up by the strange form of Honkai energy in the patient's body, and then he would be re-infected with the Black Death. , there is no way to cure it!

In other words, if this force is not addressed, vaccines alone will be powerless!

But for Swain to study Honkai's ability from scratch and prepare a vaccine from now on, it would take a lot of time!

But fortunately, Swain also experienced this symptom, and he solved the problem at that time, as long as he absorbed this power.

And maybe as long as you absorb this power, maybe your own lightning or creative power can be regenerated?

The methods of using these two powers are completely different from magic. They can be activated without the need for magic circuits at all!

And as long as you absorb this thing, you can not only save many people from becoming corpses, but also enhance your own strength. It's just a process......Somewhat unbearable to look back on.

But according to what Hill said before, if the owner or user of this power is still there, the most he can do is to store it in his body, but he cannot absorb it and turn it into his own power.

That is to say........If he absorbs the virus from the patient in front of him into his body, then he will simply transfer the Black Death to himself. He will also show various adverse reactions, which may even be serious until death.

".........."Swain looked at the patient lying on the bed in front of him, with most of his body turning white, and then he closed his eyes and thought. He was thinking about whether it was necessary for him to risk his life to help this stranger.

However, Swain now recalled what happened a long time ago, when he was just adopted by the Zibeluku family.

Alice you........

Um? What do you call me?

Ah, sister, sister.....

Um! That's right!

Ahem, sister, why do you want to help them?

Um? what are you talking about?

Isn't it natural to help someone who sees you in trouble? so good!

Sven, your calling is to be a swordsman!

So handsome!

Ah, Seluka, do you think it's possible that Sven can become a knight in the Order in the future?

Uh-huh! I think it's very possible!

Knight Sven, you are so good, you help the weak, eradicate the monsters, protect the safety of the town, and protect the existence of the people!.........

"........Eh."Sven scratched his hair, with a doting and helpless smile on his face.

"Really, there is really nothing I can do against you. Who told me that my current duty is to be a knight?"I don't know who he muttered to, but in the end it made Swain make up his mind.

"........Swain, you've been in there long enough, and it's a shame that this guy........It’s no longer possible."

But at this time, Karen opened the curtain from the outside and walked into the ward. She looked at the person in front of her and said seriously.

"Her transformation into a dead soldier has become very serious, and there is no way to save her with the current methods."Karen said very unbearably. For a doctor, there is nothing more painful than watching his patient die in pain and being unable to do anything about it.

Although Kallen also understands this pain, she still has to do it. Make it clear to Swain!

She will not allow Swain to stay in this room filled with rich Honkai energy without knowing his resistance to Honkai energy!

"In short, you can no longer stay in this room filled with Honkai energy. If time goes by, you may end up like this, or worse!"

Karen knew very well that women with low resistance would turn into irrational dead warriors, while men who generally had little resistance were more likely to be directly wiped out!

She stepped forward and forcibly took Sven's hand and walked out of the house. , Swain was pulled two steps at first, but soon stopped,

"Swain? Kallen looked back at Sven with a worried look on her face.

"Karen, if I told you not to save the dying people lying in a pool of blood in front of you, and forcefully held your hand to leave, what do you think you would do in a radical state?"Sven didn't explain anything, but looked at Kallen with a sideways smile.

"I.......worst case scenario......I probably......I'll kick him and break the bridge of his nose......."Kallen lowered her head, completely immersed herself in the scene Swain was talking about, and finally gave Swain such an answer.

"I think so."Sven looked at Kallen funny. Her being so frank and direct really helped a lot.

"So just like you said, I will not leave here, otherwise I will kick the bridge of your nose.~!"Swain also waved his fist at Karen in a demonstrative manner.

"Haha, can you do it?"Karen looked at Swain funny, but when she answered, she had already let go of Swain's hand and acquiesced to Swain's words with her actions.

"Okay, you go out too, and it’s up to me next."Sven has decided to help the person inside, but he also knows what the consequences of doing so will be.

"No, having said that, I still can't let you stay here until you have an accurate treatment plan. Kallen shook her head, twirling her braid on one shoulder with her fingers, staring at Sven with eyes full of worry.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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