"Can I ask how you discovered us?"Sven is quite curious about this.

You must know that he did not choose to go to the sea to the south, but to the north!

If you want to escape, going to the sea is the best choice. This is what most people think.

After all, there is no trace of danger in the vast sea. How easy is it to find traces?

But there are a lot of traces on land, and they can be preserved for a long time.

".....I just saw the whereabouts of Miss Gan Yu."Grandpa Arthur still cherishes words like gold.

"Eh! ?"

"My, my fault! ?"

"Is it my fault! ?"Gan Yu pointed at himself in disbelief.

"I knew it......"Sven also looked like he had a headache.

"Why is this happening?......"Gan Yu felt depressed for a while

"Okay, let's go aside."Sven knew that the person waiting here must be Kallen, so he was ready to hand this place over to the two of them.

"No, if you can......Please wait too."

However, just when Swin and Grandpa Arthur passed by, they were pulled by the other side.


Although he was curious, Si Wen still stayed and asked Gan Yu to take the three of them to the front to wait.


Sven leaned against the tree and looked at the two people in front of him.

After a long time of silence, Grandpa Arthur finally said:

"Miss.......Have you decided to leave here?"

".....Um."Karen lowered her head and nodded gently.

"destiny.....Maybe their intentions are right, but their methods.....As a Kaslana family member, I really can’t agree with it."

"I think it is wrong to hurt people in order to save them."

"......Eh."Grandpa Arthur sighed, raised his head and looked at the sky, and then took off his beak mask.

It was a slightly older, but very kind gentleman's face.

".....You have really grown up. It feels like not long ago you were still a well-behaved little girl, but now you have grown up and become such a proud person."

"If the master is still here, he will definitely be very pleased. I really want him to see it with his own eyes."

Grandpa Arthur and Karen talked a lot about everything from childhood to adulthood, and they also gave some advice from time to time, just like the advice grandpa gave to his granddaughter who was about to leave.

But Sven was just a bystander from beginning to end. Or, listening on the side.

It seems......What's wrong without me?

What did you call me for?

"......Well, madam, let’s just say goodbye and wish you a safe journey."Grandpa Arthur originally wanted to say goodbye as a deacon or housekeeper.

But Karen rushed up and hugged him.

"thank you grandpa........"Karen hugged Grandpa Arthur tightly, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably. For her, the person in front of her was her biological grandfather, and after this separation, she might never see him again.


Grandpa Arthur was stunned for a moment, and then gave up the salute. Instead, he gently hugged Kallen and gently stroked her head. His face was full of a kind smile. Why didn't he regard Kallen as his own? What does your granddaughter think about it?

"Really......You have become so outstanding."

Then Grandpa Arthur turned to look at Swain, let go of Swain and stepped forward.

"Mr Swain......."

"Forget it sir, you are considered an elder."Sven heard the sound and stepped forward.

"So, Swain......."Grandpa Arthur looked at Sven again and finally nodded with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Then Sven, Kallen will be left to you, please make her happy."Grandpa Arthur's face was full of solemnity and seriousness.

Sven glanced at Kallen who was still wiping tears behind him, then nodded solemnly and said loudly:"On my name, I promise!"


Grandpa Arthur turned around, pulled Karen over, and pressed her hand with Sven's hand.

"Then, it’s up to you......."........

Watching Grandpa Arthur walking towards the town, Kallen, who was lying behind Sven, kept her face buried in Sven's back, obviously not wanting to see this scene.

"......let's go."Waiting until no one could be seen at all, Swain said aloud.

"Um......"Kallen responded softly, from which she could still hear a strong cry, and her hands around Sven's neck clenched slightly.

Si Wen nodded, turned around and walked towards the forest, while Gan Yu hugged Xiao Bai and followed silently with Sesame and Nuomi beside him.

At this point, the group left Klosten and began to head north along the land route, preparing to leave the sphere of influence of Destiny from there, and then find a way to get back to Shinano.

But this route was not simply to avoid the church's pursuit, but as Swain's infection with the Black Death deepened, he began to feel that the source of the Black Death was somewhere in the north!

He wants to cut off the root cause——!


One night, quite some time had passed since Swain and his party left Klosten.

The clear night sky is not polluted by any industry at all, and you can see the brilliant starlight of the Milky Way at a glance. It is a scene that you can never see in modern times full of industrial light pollution.

At this time, a little starlight in the sky seemed to be moving rapidly towards the ground, but if you look from the side in the distance, you will find that it is a meteor with a long fiery red tail.

It passed through the atmosphere, and then crossed the snow-capped mountains and rivers covered with thick ice. Many people in the villages on the ground raised their heads and watched this stone from the sky streaking across the sky. Many people thought it was from heaven. Gifts, they all choose to hold their hands and pray silently.

However, anyone with a higher-precision telescope in this era would be able to see that the meteor streaking across the sky was not made of stone.

The entire body of the meteor appears to be roughly a long cylinder. The front end has become extremely red due to the friction when it broke through the atmosphere, and the original color cannot be seen clearly. However, the silvery white coating can still be seen on the tail that is still intact, but that Underneath the coating is an alloy plate that shines brightly.

Obviously this is not a natural stone meteor, it is obviously a man-made object!

I just don’t know what this artificial object is used for.

呲呲岲——As it burst into the atmosphere, the front part of the originally red 'meteor' began to cool down slightly, and the penetrating red light before gradually subsided.

Inside the 'Meteor', in this seemingly dark environment, a man wearing an extremely fat anti-stress suit, whose age and gender could not be distinguished, was looking at the data of the huge earth on the screen through the mask on his helmet. Picture, as well as the flight trajectory of the rescue capsule he was riding in. The alarm in the cabin never stopped, but at this moment he had no one to rely on, and he seemed very helpless in this lonely environment.

He didn't understand how to control this thing at all, so all she could do now was hold her hands tightly, look at the bright crystal gem in her hands, and hold a child wrapped in a long black cloth bag in her arms The box I kept, I kept praying silently in my heart

".......Preparing to enter the atmosphere..........speed.......30km/s.........height above ground......782kmkm"

"Intrusion elevation error.......1.1......"

It lacked emotion and seemed to have some kind of circuit failure. The voice sounded in the rescue cabin with a very obvious messy electronic sound.

"Automatic angle correction failed.......Calculation system damage failure......Please ask the boarding crew to make manual corrections......."

"Repeat, automatic correction failed........."

"Eh?"It was all smooth sailing before, but who would have thought that something would go wrong when he was about to land?

Although he was wearing an anti-stress suit, he had never received similar training and now he couldn't get up from his seat at all. He even said he couldn't get up from his seat. Even breathing has become very difficult!!

But even so, he still wants to try to raise his hand to touch the control panel in front of him, but it is really too difficult!

Now he can even raise his hand and stay away from his It was physically impossible, how could he reach the button on the opposite side?

So he could only grit his teeth and worry.

So soon he missed the opportunity to change and could only let it fall to the earth naturally!

"Repeat, automatic correction failed.........No manual action detected.......Recalculating landing location......."

On the screen in front of him, the schematic diagram predicting his landing trajectory was constantly changing. He was supposed to land after circling the earth's surface for one and a half times. But now there is an extra half circle!


"If we continue like this, we will be far away from our destination!"

Obviously the only person on board can't speak now, but I can hear the concerned voices of other people here.

"We need to fix the angle of entry as soon as possible........" boom--!!

Then the entire rescue cabin shook violently and irregularly. The sudden change in pressure caused the anti-pressure suit to begin to inflate continuously, but even so, the passengers still passed out.

".......Has descended to the predetermined height and started reverse jet deceleration.......The parachute is activated, the life support system and the anti-impact system are operating normally........"

The words that flashed on the screen in front of them were the last memories of the passengers.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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