
Beside a lake in the forest, the surrounding breeze was blowing the broken snow. Gan Yu was sitting in front of a fire, warming himself by the fire with three little guys.


"Swain Swain, come and see!"

"A huge meteor passed over our heads!"

Gan Yu put down the sweet flower in his hand, looked at the meteors passing over the camp of himself and others, and immediately wanted to drag Sven out of the cabin behind him.

"........"But unfortunately, Kallen in the cabin was already lying on her side on the bed, putting on her heavy coat. Because the stove was burning in the room, Kallen was wearing only a shirt and shorts due to the warm temperature.

With his eyes closed, his face looked peaceful, and his slender legs seemed to be hugging a pillow tightly. He didn't know if he was really asleep or just pretending to be asleep.

As for Swain, he was in front of the workbench on one side, taking off his silver-rimmed glasses and turning on a small desk lamp, busy with his concentration, and didn't even notice Gan Yu's shouting outside.

At this time, there were piles of machining equipment on the workbench in front of him, a touch-screen laptop on the mobile platform beside him, and a white drawing board on the platform on the other side. Drawing a very precise design


Picking up a piece of metal on the workbench, Swain compared it with the bones of his right hand. The result was a completely opposite but similar structure. It was obvious that the bones of his left hand were made of various metals!

The materials used were reused from the items in the basement of the apartment!

After moving his arm bones, Swain nodded with satisfaction. Then he picked up the metal finger skeleton standing on the shelf and began to test the flexibility of the fingers. Later, he would need to set up circuits and chips inside.......We’ll talk about fine-controlling the chip later. Let’s first make a prototype that can probably be used.


But at this time, Kallen from behind made a slight humming sound, rubbed her eyes and got up from the bed, looking at Swain who was still busy sitting on the other side of the room.

She got off the bed and walked towards Swain. Looking at the seemingly formed prosthetic bones placed on the workbench


"I remember it was just a bunch of parts before. Are you pretty handy, Swain?"Karen held Sven's shoulders and leaned forward with interest.

"Hum, of course~" Swain nodded confidently, but then he pinched his eyebrows as if he had a headache.

"only.......I feel like my eyes are getting weirder and weirder lately......."

Before, you needed a loupe to see fine things, such as circuit boards or parts, but now it's better. You can see very clearly even without using it. And sometimes you can see everything clearly even if the surroundings are completely dark. I feel like I don't need a desk lamp for two days. Needed.

This eyesight is getting better day by day!

"Um? Are you tired?"

"Can I rub it for you?"Karen very gently rubbed Sven's temples with her slightly cold hands.

"Fortunately, you should be fine after a little rest."Sven smiled and let Kallen go.

But as expected, Kallen lost interest every time she rubbed it a few times. She put her hands on Swain's shoulders and turned to look at the test control in Swain's hand. He was very curious.

Sven only felt a heavy feeling on his shoulders and the top of his head, but he was still used to Kallen's carefree look.

"By the way, what are these?"Karen looked at the 'new toy' developed by Swain and curiously reached out and poked it.

"Ah, don't......"Swain looked at Kallen's outstretched hand and was about to stop it, but the other person's hand was already pressed on the control, and he pressed more than one button, buzz -!!!

Then I saw that the untested robotic hand began to act like crazy in the blink of an eye. Then it flew up from the stage and punched Swain in the right eye. With a bang, Swain was immediately left with a trace. panda eyes.......

"Don't.....move......"Swain's tone was full of helplessness and speechlessness

"Forehead......Yes, sorry."Karen was startled. Then she awkwardly took the prosthetic limb aside and apologized carefully. She looked at Sven's blue eyes in a panic, feeling guilty for a while.

"I'm sorry, does it hurt?"

"Shall I give you a blowjob?"As she said this, she tried to blow gently twice.

"Hey, it's okay, don't worry."Sven sighed, but he wasn't angry. It will be fine in two days at most.

"Swain, are you going to get a prosthetic leg?"Karen's mood also recovered quickly. She touched Sven's empty left sleeve and asked curiously.

"Ang, today I saw that you showed no mercy when dealing with those gangsters with your gun fighting skills. You were very powerful, so I am just a little envious. I want to use my other hand to learn from it. And didn’t you promise to teach it to me? ?"

"how? Regret it?"Sven asked in deliberate surprise.

"Humph, how is that possible! Kallen stood up, patted her chest and promised,"Once I promise, I will not go back on my word. I will start teaching you tomorrow!""

"Ahaha, I'm very happy that you have this intention, but unfortunately, let's not talk about the gun problem, I still need to solve the arm problem first."Sven looked at the steam gun lying on the ground with a complicated look. Obviously, even if it was modified, there wouldn't be much room for improvement. However, this structure that uses steam structure to increase power can be used as a reference.

"Okay, it’s getting late. Let’s go to bed early today."

"Yeah, those guys' records......"Karen nodded, but then remembered something

"Ang, I took a look. According to the records of those gangsters, their lair coincides with our route."

"We have to pass by one of their strongholds in the middle. After that, we should go directly to their stronghold."

"I read it before about 'buying and selling'......"Swain's face turned gloomy when he mentioned this.

"these guys.....It's obvious that we should unite to deal with Honkai, but they actually do this in private!"

"Simply, simply——!!"Karen clenched her fists indignantly, obviously extremely angry.

"Calm down, there's no point getting angry now. What's more important now is to get some rest so that we can meet the leader named Charlie tomorrow."Sven held Karen's fist and asked her to calm down a little.

"Um......"Kallen knew that Sven was right, so she took a few deep breaths to calm down her anger.

Swain stood up, moved his stiff body, and then began to pack up the things on the stage.

"You go take a shower first and then go to bed. I still have to clean up."

"Oh, I'm here to help too"

"Uh, you don't need to help......"

Buzz—!! boom--!!

Well, now even the left eye has turned into a panda eye.......

It's better to put your glasses back on before you go completely blind.



When the people in the rescue cabin woke up again, the screen in front of them had become flickering, with snowflake-like traces on it. It was obvious that the energy was insufficient and could not display properly.

He held his head and tried to get up, but the clothes he was wearing were too heavy on the ground!

"Worried me to death, you finally woke up."A voice that sounded very mature and female sounded in the rescue cabin.

"Do you feel any discomfort in your body?"The female voice continued to ask.

"Well.......Fortunately, there is nothing unusual except that the body is a little heavy."

"It seems like this.....This anti-stress suit is really awesome."The female voice before disappeared and a male voice appeared.

"......It has been more than a day since we landed. Our body should have adapted again. We don’t know what the situation is outside yet."The voice continued to change, and then it was replaced by the voice of a young man with a strange accent.


The occupants of the rescue cabin wanted to nod, but with this equipment and a day without water or rice, their physical strength was severely exhausted, so they couldn't move at all and just wanted to rest.

"Don't stop, you still have energy now. If you continue and your energy is exhausted, it will be over!"The mature female voice from before sounded anxiously.

"I see........"

The passengers also expressed their approval and must work hard now!

He moved his hands with difficulty, and it took him several minutes to move his arm to the side of his neck, where there was an emergency separation button.

呲呲岲——As he pressed the switch, the originally very bloated anti-stress suit began to deflate and shriveled up visibly to the naked eye, and the front of the suit opened like a gift box, revealing the figure of the person inside..

What is shocking is that the height of the anti-stress suit can easily exceed two meters, but the wearer inside is a very small woman. Her cold face is covered with sweat beads, and her lips, which were originally red, now look white and dry. , the long black hair that was flowing out like a waterfall seemed to have been randomly stuffed into the anti-stress suit. It looked messy, and the hair rope fell to the ends of the hair.

She was wearing very obvious modern clothes, a white shirt and jeans, and sports shoes on her feet, giving her a very light sports look.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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