"So we, well, I thought that since we returned to the past by chance, then this is an opportunity. So as long as I start to promote the technological level of mankind from now on, then when the disaster strikes, our technological level and combat capabilities will be Definitely can......."

Before Xiaoxue could finish speaking, she met Sven's eyes that looked like he wanted to kill someone, so she unconsciously stopped talking.

".....Keep talking?"

"I......I just want to change the situation of human beings being destroyed by disasters. What's the point?......"

"madness! Stupid! How stupid! Ignorance is simply hopeless!!"Sven used several words to describe the thoughts of the person in front of him. The veins on his forehead popped out, and his blood felt like he was about to faint from anger.

"Go back in time to develop technology? And then change the fate of being destroyed in the future? It’s a shame you can figure it out!"Sven now wanted to point at Xiaoxue's head and open it to see what was inside!

"This, is my idea wrong? ?"Xiaoxue looked at Sven's appearance and stood up stubbornly, not to be outdone. With a warm and angry look on her face, she started to argue.

"Okay, okay, then tell me that you want to develop technology, and how do you want to do it specifically?"Swen laughed angrily and nodded his chin to let Xiaoxue express his thoughts.

"OK! That, of course, is to introduce modern knowledge and social forms into this era and start fundamental reforms!"

"The wars happening now are caused by the chaos of society, the low level of education in the Middle Ages, and basic survival problems such as lack of food and clothing! As long as scientific methods are used to drive productivity, then everyone will not start a war when they are rich!"Xiaoxue's rhetoric is completely copied from the evaluation of past history by modern scholars in books. It is really an ideal! Then the question becomes, how do you make these people with low education levels give up the struggle? ?Sven spread his hands and listened to her in amusement as she continued to speak.

"This is not simple! As long as you can have enough food and clothing, who would want to fight to the death?"Xiaoxue said matter-of-factly with her arms folded.

"Well, now is winter, the time of year when food is least available. Do you still remember what you ate when you were locked up?"

"I.......I have not tried......"Xiaoxue frowned when she mentioned this. At that time, she just watched the girls around her go up to fight for the robbers after they left. As a modern person with higher education, she subconsciously did not take those leftovers and looked black. It's almost something that's not very decent as food.

Although her rationality told her that she would starve to death if she didn't eat, her emotions still couldn't let her eat it.

"Oh, she is indeed the eldest lady, so nice.....Let me tell you, some people can’t even eat the food you see!"

"Do you know how many people I saw starving to death along the way?"Sven opened his right hand and gestured with his fingers.

"I......."Xiaoxue was speechless. After all, she had only seen people starve to death from books. To her and them, the number of people was just a number.

".....Too many to count."Sven shook his head and said with an moved expression.


"And this is the reason for their struggle. They are hungry and have no choice but to rob. Although it is sad, this is the reality of this barbaric period in the medieval era!"

"However, at this time, someone stood up and said that as long as you follow my method, you will be able to eat well and wear warm clothes."Sven changed his tone and pointed at Xiaoxue like a preacher.

"Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, and then asked you how long it will take for you to be able to eat food and put on cotton-padded clothes. Let’s not talk about it yourself. The child at home has not eaten for several days and is about to die. How should you answer this time?"

Compared with this little girl who is full of idealism, Swain throws out the most practical problems now.


Xiaoxue and everyone else had just relied on their passion and the heavy burden of saving the world to unanimously decide on this policy. Before they could think about it seriously, they encountered the group of bandits, and now Facing Swain's question, no one could answer, and they all fell silent.

"......It seems that you still need time to think, okay, I'll give you time, then the next question."Sven nodded, indicating that he had plenty of time.

"If you really let them put aside their struggle for a while, start to improve social forms, and then start to spread knowledge, and bring knowledge that will take centuries or more to come out hundreds of years in advance, this can really make human beings The level of science and technology has risen by more than one stage"

"But by that time, do you think an over-developed and uncontrolled civilization can survive until the moment of natural disaster you mentioned?"

"I am afraid......These guys are already fighting each other and destroying themselves."

"Then, then I can rely on the foundation of modern society to create a rule of law and safe society that adapts to the times!"

"Oh~ Becoming a ruler is indeed a very effective method. It will be really touching when the whole world unites to fight against the crisis that may occur in a few hundred years. So are you prepared to live until that moment?"


"Only one person knows about the disaster hundreds of years from now. I think before you become the ruler, you will be regarded as a witch who spreads rumors and be burned at the stake. After all, you should have heard of witch hunting, it is very popular now. This."Swen snorted coldly and looked at Xiaoxue who had lost the energy to argue and slowly sat down.

"How, how could this happen?.......I. I just......."

"It's sad, isn't it, but that's the reality"

"Human beings are not as noble as you think. Although there are some, they are only a very small number of people."

"Moreover, in the final analysis, what you want to do now is to deny the entire history of mankind, denying the efforts and glory of countless people from the beginning of mankind to the era when you left."


"me......I think human beings are amazing. Their lives are so short, their bodies are weak, they have no special abilities, they cannot fly by their own power, they cannot outrun land animals, they cannot swim underwater animals, but they can rely on their own wisdom to make things. Planes, cars and ships"

"And before these technological products take shape, the effort required is not trivial."

"If you want to build a car, you need an engine, tires and a series of other objects. Even a screw is something that the predecessors spent countless years researching. The advent of that thing is representative of Proof that person exists in this world"

"Even if you don’t know how many people took how long it took to make the things you are using now, and you don’t even know their names, but as long as you still need these things, then the existence of these things itself shows that they are Glory will always exist in the world"

"In the limited time of life, be fearless, follow your inner choice, face death and isolation, knowing that death is inevitable, but still continue to repeat the exploration, acquaintance and parting, and pass all your knowledge into knowledge to the next generation. For a long time, countless people have continuously accumulated things with their own choices in the long river of time, that is - human history, writing a record of the glorious history of all mankind!"

Sven put his hands on his hips and looked up at the sky. These words were not simply meant for Xiaoxue, but more like they were meant for him?

Xiaoxue raised his head at this moment and looked at Sven, revealing a somewhat smile miserably

".........Haha, I always feel that there is something different about you."

"It's like being an outsider and seeing everything so clearly."

Xiaoxue leaned against the tree, raised her head, and looked at the sky

".......And, hearing what you said, I did go a little too far.....ideal"

"But in that case, what should I do?......."

"Still thinking about that?"

"That is the result of the common choice of everyone in the entire human race. It is not something that you, a little girl, can decide. Moreover, the vocation of the savior is not your responsibility. It is too heavy for you, so you should leave it to the vocation of the savior. Let’s do it."Swen unconsciously told Xiaoxue so much, and he didn't even know the reason.

"messianic....Vocational duty? Savior?"Xiaoxue seemed to have noticed something, and her eyes widened.

Yes, when faced with non-scientific forces, we must use non-scientific forces to deal with them!

Since there are natural disasters, the person who saves the world is not the savior. Yet!

"You should know some powerful existence, right?" she asked urgently

"For example, what kind of knight holds a holy sword and looks like a real knight at first glance, or a hero who uses all kinds of weird weapons? It seems like there is something else besides that, um, what is it?………Think about it carefully!"Xiaoxue hammered her head in frustration, trying to recall everything she saw in her dreams when she was a child, but it was so long ago that her memory was already blurry.

"Aha?"Sven looked confused and turned to look at Xiaoxue.

This thought was too fast! One moment he was thinking about the iron-blooded army in the future, facing natural disasters with full firepower, but now it's a magical salvation? Will it still happen in the future


Want another physical suffering and mechanical ascension?

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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