"Ah, you little girl knows a lot, Sven, don’t you have a saint?.....Well! ?"Meilin, who had been watching the show for a long time, couldn't help but interjected.

"Um? Was there something just now?......"Xiaoxue turned around, blinked at Swain with bright eyes, and asked with a slightly suspicious tone.


However, Swain covered the bracelet on his right hand and said calmly:"No, not at all, it's just an illusion.""


I don't believe you because you are like this!

At the same time, Swain also realized that she had talked too much to this person. She liked to make friends, but the person in front of her wanted her to go back no matter what!

Swain turned around, not wanting to see her, and continued to move along the route he had planned.

It’s just that his pace obviously slowed down a bit on the way. Although Xiaoxue noticed it, she didn’t say anything.

No matter how you pretend, your true nature cannot be hidden. Bad people have many ways to pretend to be good people, but good people have many ways to pretend to be good people. It's not easy to pretend to be a villain

"Xiaoxue, what kind of cake were you talking about before? And what's the menu?"

During this period, the people in the gem kept asking Xiaoxue what the seemingly encrypted conversation was about, but she chose to remain silent, uncharacteristically.

"Sister, you will always understand"

"clear? Understand what? What should we understand?"

"Understand that we have all been deceived from beginning to end."


These words seemed to say something, but also seemed to say nothing at all, typical nonsense, but Xiaoxue has decided to keep this secret that only the two of them know.

Xiaoxue is constantly talking and exchanging thoughts, And Swain also discovered some abnormalities, that is, the person in front of him.......He couldn't keep it in the wrench.

It's not the feeling of resistance or reluctance, but.....The feeling that this guy's existence is a bit abnormal and that he can't bear it?

Just like if you plan to use a mobile phone with 125 RAM to store the data of a mobile phone with 256 RAM, that is simply impossible!

It feels very strange!

Could it be that she is too heavy?

As soon as Sven came up with this idea, Xiaoxue behind him looked at him with a strange look, as if he was asking if you were thinking about something strange?

This made Swain wonder, are women born with this kind of intuition-like skill?

After climbing over the hills and mountains in front of us, we finally came out of the forest and onto the main road. As expected, it was correct to go directly through the forest, which directly saved about half a day's journey.

The bright sunshine shining on the snow-covered land gave the surrounding area a shimmering feeling of silver. It made Sven feel very friendly and comfortable, but his body seemed a little inexplicably tired?

The physical strength is exhausted a bit quickly. Is this how people feel when they are sick?

This feeling of powerlessness and weakness was something Sven, who had never been sick before, had never experienced before.

What should you feel like at this time? interesting?

No, if it were a human being, he would feel uncomfortable and unhappy, but not the joy that he felt like discovering a new world.

Looking back, Xiaoxue's face was slightly red at the moment, and her breathing became rapid. It was obvious that she was almost exhausted from climbing over the mountain with her physical strength.

At this time, her face looked painful, and she bumped the long cloth bag containing the black box on her body, leaning on the tree on one side and breathing heavily. Swain hadn't opened the bag to see what was inside, but it didn't matter now.

"......As expected, he is a modern person, and his physical strength is really not what he looks like."Sven mocked her at the right time.

"It's impossible to accomplish what you want to do or even survive like this."

"Well, it's better than a barbarian like you, who just idles around all day, has only a little cleverness, no brains, and his test scores are always a mess."Xiaoxue held her knees and lowered her head, but this did not stop her from harming others!

"Abysmal results?"Sven frowned when he heard this. What kind of description is this?

It seems like this is the first time someone said that his grades are a mess.


"Don't want to admit that you are a bad student?"

Xiaoxue regained her strength a little. As soon as she raised her head, she saw a group of people who looked like guards rushing towards us on horseback from a distance.

"That is.......Hello, Yue......?"

Xiaoxue's expression changed, and she immediately turned to look at Sven on the other side, only to suddenly find that the person next to her had changed to someone else at some point?

He was wrapped in clothing made of the fur of some kind of beast, and had a big beard that looked a little dirty. He carried a seemingly worn-out long bow behind his back, and had a short dagger and two daggers on his waist. A hare, dressed like a hunter!


While Xiaoxue was still confused, Siwen stepped forward mercilessly and seemed to be combing her hair, but with his back to the person coming to the side, he began to wipe Xiaoxue's face with his eyes. She was wearing something and took out a dirty-looking beard and stuck it to her mouth.

"Wait, what are you doing?"Xiaoxue subconsciously showed a look of disgust.

"Shut your mouth and be still."Swen said calmly, without any concern for the dissatisfaction on the other side.

Gadagada - the sound of horse hooves gradually approached. They are the team of guards responsible for patrolling the territory. They just discovered the local lord's mansion during their daily inspection. There was a lot of black smoke coming out from the direction, and I was worried about what had happened, so I met these two people on the road as I rushed there.

A leading captain on horseback looked at the two people in front of him and tilted his head. , asked with a serious face:"Who are you? what for?"

Sven turned around, his face changed, and he replied with some sincerity:"Sir, sir, the younger one is just a hunter from behind the hillside opposite. They brought their useless son to hunt, and then they happened to see There was a lot of smoke when we got to this side of the mountain, so I wanted to go take a look."


The captain glanced back and forth between the two people, and the people walking around him also looked at the two people with very fierce eyes.

There was nothing wrong with Sven's dress, but Xiaoxue was still a little scared and didn't dare to look directly at him.

"Is this your son?"The captain's tone was full of doubts.

"Yes Yes Yes.......This kid was weak since he was a child, and he would be tired from doing heavy work. Finally, he grew up and his health got better, so I took him out, thinking of teaching him some skills, so that at least he would not starve to death in the future."Sven smiled and patted the rabbit hanging on his waist.

"Hey, don't just stand there, say hello to the Lord Knight!"Swen looked like he hated the iron, and patted Xiaoxue on the back and pushed her forward.

"Eh! ?"Xiaoxue glanced at Sven, and then raised her head to meet the sharp-eyed guard captain.

Opposite him was the kind of captain who relied on his own strength to become the captain. He had killed countless robbers or thieves. This kind of person had survived on the real battlefield. , even the pressure of someone who usually smelled of blood all over his body made Xiaoxue's legs tremble, and she took a few steps back, lowered her head, unable to catch the sight of the other person, and retreated behind Swain, pulling his hand. Hem of clothes.

Sven's eyes were very satisfied with Xiaoxue's appearance. People of this level can make her so scared. It seems that she will go back crying in a few days.

Personal comfort and human crisis Before that, Swain wanted to see which side she would choose.

".......Humph, he looks so weak......Forget it, have you found any strange people or things around you?"The guard captain saw that Xiaoxue was obviously not pretending, so he looked at her with disdain and turned to Swain and asked.

"hiss.......If this is the case.....Not really."Sven had a grimace on his face, seemingly racking his brains and not remembering anything.

"We just set off from home early in the morning, and it wasn’t long before we arrived here"

"Tsk.......Forget it, let's go!"

The captain clicked his tongue and led the team to continue to rush forward.

Amidst the splash of snow, a group of people hurriedly left the sight of the two people.

Looking at the backs of the group of people, Sven's expression changed. Then he turned to look at Xiaoxue, who was still confused.

"Okay, don't be in a daze, get out of here quickly before the other side comes back."

Xiaoxue looked back at Sven and then followed her.

"That is?"

"Just an ordinary patrol team.......This is far from destiny........The fringe area of ​​a certain large force should be very close. The Ural Mountains in front of it is the watershed. Once you pass there, you can completely escape from this area of ​​influence."

"Escape from the sphere of influence?"

"Are you being hunted?"Xiaoxue looked at Sven suspiciously.、

".....Not really a chase, just a little stealing and burning a few things."Sven said casually, very easily.

"stole some.....Burned some........"Xiaoxue's face changed a little, and she frowned as she remembered the mansion where she stayed last night. It must be completely in ruins now.

"Burned, I understand, but what else did you steal?"

"Do you have to break the casserole and get to the bottom of it?"Sven rolled her eyes.

"Besides, what does it have to do with you what I do?"

"I can tell you, don't get too close to me, or I'll kill you to keep the secret."Sven pretended to be threatening.

"Yes Yes Yes......By the way, what did you steal? money? Or what kind of treasure?"Xiaoxue was unmoved by Sven's threat. After all, as a modern person, even if she has not understood it seriously, she has at least heard of another similar word for arrogant words - tsundere!

And from another angle, she also Completely understanding the nature of the person in front of me, but seeing the person in the gem through this operation makes the heart feel like a roller coaster!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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