
"Are you really listening to me?"Sven held his head, feeling that his blood pressure had risen a little. Won't this guy learn his lesson?

After encountering that group of people just now, he took a short rest, but obviously that little rest time was of no use to Xiaoxue. It's big, but I still can't walk even after taking a few steps.

"Eh......For someone like you, the trip that was originally expected to take several months may have to be extended again."Sven sighed.

"Huh, sir, you can leave me behind. After all, if I die on this inaccessible ice field, I can keep your secrets better, right?"Xiaoxue looked at Sven jokingly, her eyes full of smiles.

".......Close your eyes, or turn away."

Sven said this, and at the same time began to untie the animal skin coat he was wearing.

"You and I........"Although Xiaoxue was surprised by Sven's sudden action, she still subconsciously closed her eyes and lowered her head.

Sven glanced at her, changed out of Orion's attire, and put on a leather armor instead. He also found a somewhat worn-looking one-handed sword from the previous trophies, and changed his clothes again. He dressed up as a mercenary, and then started putting on makeup seriously this time. His face became more generous, and he even imitated some scars. His hair was messy and changed its color.

It's just that the glasses on the bridge of the nose are a bit difficult to fix. After thinking about it, I can only change the color and add some small decorations to disguise them.

But what Swain didn't know was that although Xiaoxue didn't look, the person in the gem saw everything.

"eh eh eh——"

"This makeup is almost too awesome!"

"No, no, no, what's more important than that is his left hand!"

"That's a prosthetic limb!"

"I didn’t notice it at all just now!"

"Ooh, there are a lot of scars on the body, and it looks like it has gone through quite a lot of exercise."

"But is there anything special about those glasses?"

"It looks like a flat mirror, is there any need to bring it with me?"........

Hiss -

When Xiaoxue opened her eyes again, there was a black horse standing in front of her. Sven, who had changed his clothes and face, was riding on it.

"Come up."Sven curled his lips and said calmly while looking forward.

When Xiaoxue saw this, she smiled bitterly at first, but then she looked speechless.

"you........How many faces are there?"

While talking, Xiaoxue tried to climb on the horse by herself, but found that she couldn't get up at all. It easily exceeded the height of two meters, which was really not something that an ordinary female high school student could climb up.

She raised her head and stretched out her hand towards Swain silently. The meaning is very obvious, that is to give me a hand quickly

"........."Although Swain didn't look at her, he could tell just by hearing the movement that she couldn't climb up even with all his strength. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he sighed slightly inaudibly.

Xiaoxue didn't wait for the other side to hold her hand. Instead, she was lifted up by her collar and sat directly behind him.


After sitting on the horse, Xiaoxue felt that her rapid heartbeat had slightly eased.

"Eh........Hold on to me, don't get thrown away"


Xiaoxue looked around and saw that there was no suitable place to start. She had the impression that she was holding the waist of the person in front of her, but after thinking about it, she still chose to hold it with only two hands, and the long bag was blocked between the two people.


After changing the riding tool, the speed is really fast!

The slightly rugged curves can't stop the horse at all. Even the ravines and rocks can be crossed with a light jump, and the speed is astonishing. After all, it is faster than professional mountain cross-country motorcycles!

This all relies on quite high-level riding skills!

But Xiaoxue didn't know that if Sven didn't need to worry about the erosion of the Black Death and could use magic freely, he would not choose to ride a horse, but ride that heavy motorcycle.......

Siwen didn't speak on the way, and didn't know how to talk to the people behind him, because he really didn't want to be criticized.

Swain even guessed that if he had expressed his interest in her first, her first reaction would have been to show an expression of disgust, and then say viciously in a cold tone:"Ah, are you interested in me?" ?"

"Huh, it's really sad. Even if you don't have a girlfriend, you shouldn't focus on me, a person you just met not long ago. It's really pitiful. Isn't there anyone who likes you?"

Just like this, so Siwen tilted his ears to clear his ears and chose to remain silent.

She obviously acted so familiar with her now, but the other way around would not work.

What a double standard!

Although he had no intention of getting familiar with her.


But Xiaoxue behind him sighed at this time, and Sven couldn't help but shiver.

I didn't seem to have done anything, right?

She shouldn't be talking about me, right?

"I said.......what's on your mind?"But things went against expectations. No matter how much I prayed in my heart, what was supposed to come still came.

"There is obviously a lady sitting behind you, but you don’t have any reaction. Conversation.....No, can you really speak before that? Do you know the basic elements of conversation?"

"Sure enough, is it because I don’t have a girlfriend that I feel nervous when talking to women?"

"Is it true that you can't make friends with your gloomy personality?"

"No, when did I become depressed?"After hearing this, Swain finally couldn't help but retorted.

"Um? Is not it?"Xiaoxue seemed surprised, but to be honest, Sven's expression so far had subverted her understanding to a certain extent. Many things were wrong. She knew that she doubted whether she had really recognized the wrong person.

"Then you should talk about your female friends. Forget it, let’s talk about men.......No, let’s talk about how many friends you have, right?"

Xiaoxue thought for a while. The Sven she knew was extremely gloomy. He was basically indifferent to the people and things around him. He was not interested in everything. He looked down upon everything and had no ambition. Every time he took the exam, They are all guys with zero points. Although some things seem very magical, they are still the kind of cowardly people who have no friends in school, and even if it is not for the protection of their own power, they are typically the kind of cowardly people who will be blackmailed.!

Completely different from the current guy who has always been a social bastard from the moment we met,

"Tch, you really underestimate me!"Sven looked confident,

"I still have friends and stuff!"

"Huh? Then why don't you tell me?"Xiaoxue raised her eyebrows, full of provocation.

"Let’s start with men first. Is this difficulty level low enough?"

"Huh, what a joke!"

Sven curled his lips, and then began to think seriously.

"First, it was Eugeo who was from the same village at that time, and then........Then.......Then........."

Swain clapped his fingers with a confident look on his face, and easily placed the first one, and then......Then there is no more........

"Then.......Forehead......Ah! ?!"

Sven's expression began to look abnormal, and he stared straight at his second finger, but the clock couldn't go down!

"Why, why! ?"

"Why can’t the second one fall down?!!"Sven was stunned for a long time, and then he roared and looked at his second finger that couldn't fall down.

Swain found that the second finger really seemed to be unable to fall down!


Think calmly!

He should still Meet other male friends!

For example, an uncle with thick eyebrows and big eyes!

Or a doctor who likes to show off his hair!

If not,......The spearman with the staff should also count, right? but......Do all these really count?

"Ahem, I just forgot to ask what the friend's scope is, such as age limit, so........."Swain pretended to cough twice and turned to look in the direction of Xiaoxue.

"No, that's enough. People who say this usually say it only when they don't have many friends."But Xiaoxue interrupted Swain's speech extremely ruthlessly.


Sure enough, this woman is so annoying!

"Oh, it's really pitiful. It turns out you don't know anyone except Miss Phantom Thief and Miss Gulu.~,"Xiaoxue looked very emotional, but it always felt like she was deliberately sarcastic.

"No, that's not the case"


"If it is a friend, I have many, such as Alice, Edith, Liya, Xiao Ai, Eco, Wu Ming, and Sol......Um, Lina is fine, and there's Mari, Mashu, and Ritsuka............"

Then, under Xiaoxue's shocked eyes, Sven spoke out a long list of names as if reciting a text, but the first ones were okay, and he could only tell that they were girls' names. They didn’t know each other, but after hearing that, something felt wrong.

"......Skadi, Altlinde, Slud, Shilud, Shidune, Stheno, Euryale, Medusa, Tiama.....No, this is not"

"Then it’s Goo......Ganyu and Kallen."

Sven thought for a while and told Xiaoxue the names of the two people.

However, Xiaoxue had not yet recovered from the jaw-dropping list.


"Isn’t that a mythical existence? ?"

"No.....Could it just be the same name?"

"Ah ha ha......."

The person in the gem expressed his thoughts, but felt that it was not practical. After all, myth and manifestation cannot be confused.

After Xiaoxue was shocked, she came back to her senses after a period of adaptation, and said with a complicated expression:"Why are they all girls' names?"

"Really, I actually find it incredible too"

"Speaking of which, I really don’t know a few male friends of the same generation."

"You don't know a few of them, you only know one!"


Sure enough, I still hate this guy!

Why did I subconsciously start a conversation with her so naturally! ?

Really! Annoying!

This guy should go back to his own time!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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