Swain had a feeling before that the target he was looking for was also in the same direction.

This may be because he has also absorbed a certain amount of the Black Death virus, so he has a certain connection with the source of the Black Death virus?

"This is........"Xiaoxue was behind, looking at the village that had long since lost the smell of gunpowder smoke, but she still couldn't accept it.

"This is the darkness of this era, the sadness of this era."

Sven stood up with a calm expression, but even so, he still has the right to let everyone know the truth.

According to the list, Swain first explained it for a while, but watching these expressions change from expectant to helpless , the girl with a sad expression, Si Wen knew that comfort was very powerless at this time. The originally silent village ushered in a large number of violent cries. Si Wen and Xiao Xue stayed aside, waiting quietly,

"Gu Gu........call......Do you want to drink?"Sven handed his blue crystal cup to Xiaoxue.

"no no......Forget it, I'm not an adult yet."Xiaoxue glanced at it and wanted to take it without paying attention, but when she turned around and smelled the smell of alcohol in the air, she immediately lost interest.

"Besides, don’t drink this stuff, it’s not good for your health."Xiaoxue warned with some earnestness.

"Um? How old are you?"Sven asked curiously after hearing this.

"......eighteen."Xiaoxue remembered what Kallen had exclaimed before, 'You're lying, you're actually older than me?'" and her face suddenly darkened.

"What, she is still a little girl through and through, no wonder."Sven shook his head with a smile, raised his head and took another sip of wine.

"Little girl?"Xiaoxue's eyes were sharp, she held her left elbow with her right hand and looked at Sven dissatisfied.

"So how old are you?"

"This one......It’s been so long that I forgot about it, but it’s definitely older than your father’s age."Sven can't tell how old he is now. After all, time will basically not leave any traces on himself.

"Oh~ I understand, uncle."

The two of them were talking to each other, but to outsiders, these two people who were sarcastic to each other had the urge to fight at the next moment. They were completely enemies where you stab me and I will retaliate.

Swain looked at the girls who had gathered around the two of them after venting for a while. It seemed that even if they wanted to find someone to adopt them, it would be impossible.

"........Really, then come with me?"

Sven felt melancholy for a while, and everyone in front of him nodded.

He pursed his lips. At this point, it is no longer possible to stop midway. He has only been responsible for it for so long!

"Ahem.....So, starting today, your last name will be the same as mine..........my name......real name.........Sven Zberuku is a nobleman and a member of the Zberuku family.......Well, he is probably the first generation head of the family, right? Although I am currently the only one in this noble family."

After Sven came to the human world and was made a noble by Sister Yami, he was considered to have established his own family, but it was just a bare family.………

"Um, so don't be too nervous, there are no rules at home!"Sven smiled and scratched his head. Even if you say you are the head of the family, you are not dignified!

Hearing Sven's very personal self-introduction after his true colors were revealed, the faces of the girls in front of him were full of confusion. Tell me Are they considered nobles?

Xiaoxue behind her covered her face with an expression that she couldn't bear to look at.

"I'm such a fool for expecting you to be serious.........I think too highly of you. I'm sorry. Sure enough, I should judge you based on the level of communication with kindergarten children. I'm really sorry."Xiaoxue, who has returned to normal, is as unforgiving as ever.

But, is Sven his real name?

Huh, it's not as nice as his previous name.

Well, let's put aside the matter of deceiving me for now, and I'll settle the score with you later!

"Well, no, if you apologize seriously like this, I will be very sad!"Sven glanced at Xiaoxue with disgust.

"Ah, will uncle be sad too? Then you are too fragile."Xiaoxue smiled slightly

".......Well."Sven looked hopeless and felt like he was about to give up treatment.

The journey continued, and Swain visited more and more villages, but only those who could truly return home.......It would be nice to have one among dozens, and the rest.......It's a pity that if it weren't for Swain, he might really be homeless.


Time has passed, three months have passed, the harsh winter has passed, spring has arrived, and Swain and his party have basically reached the area where modern Finland is located.

I originally planned to stay away from the Tianming Headquarters, but now I have circled back. But thanks to this, I basically didn't encounter any Honkai Beasts on the way. This is all thanks to the activeness of the Valkyrie troops!

And even if he encounters one or two scattered Honkai beasts, Sven will basically find an excuse to deal with them alone. Therefore, Xiaoxue has been kept in the dark until now. He feels that the danger level of this era is just this, but it is not. She is a protected purdah lady

"........Do you have any impressions of this place, little one?"Sven looked at the last little ash-blond girl who couldn't find her home, and pointed at the sea in front of her and asked.

"........"The little one still looked cold and shook his head.

"No.....Could it be that the hometown she mentioned was not in the Gulf of Bothnia?"

Sven took out the map and crossed out another candidate on it. Looking at the series of crosses from south to north, it was obvious that Swain had already checked all along the coast. If he went further west, he would have to cross the sea to Norway or Sweden. ah!

"If you can't find it like this, then the wrong place was chosen in the first place. I've been on a boat. Is it that kind of super large sea-crossing boat?"Xiaoxue wiped the sweat from her forehead, took two steps forward, and came to the coast. She looked at the crystal clear water. This is a scenery that is almost impossible to see in modern times.

"But if that's the case.......Then we need to go to the sea, towards Britain?"

Isn't that Liya's hometown?

"Hoho~How is it? Go and have a look?"At this time, Mei Lin suddenly asked Sven in a low voice.

".......What are you doing?"Sven took two steps back without leaving a trace.

"Go and have a look? And maybe you can get new weapons or something?"

"After all, sister, I know that your collecting habit is very strong. Don’t you want to collect something?......Hmm, like a holy sword, a holy spear, something like that?"

"My sister secretly tells you, those are very powerful weapons~ Just like the Holy Sword, as long as it is completely released, demigods like Perseus before can be evaporated in the blink of an eye~" Mei Lin He showed a smile like a little devil, constantly tempting Sven

"Really, really?"To be honest, Swain was a little moved.

"Really, really, so......hey-hey~"

"Uh-huh.......Let’s discuss this later."Sven shook his head and patted his cheek. He was almost fooled by this old pervert!

He is not the kind of person who is too ambitious. He should first do the things in front of him down to earth. After all, the more powerful the weapon, the more powerful the weapon. It is even more difficult to get their approval. Now there are existences such as those magic swords and holy swords on my armor, and there are still a few that I am not proficient in using their power.

Put this idea out of my mind for the time being, Focus on what's in front of you

"If you go to sea. Although it's not impossible, if it's nearby, wouldn't it be a missed opportunity?"

"hiss......Let's look for it again. If it's not there yet, we'll go to sea."Sven looked at the map in her hand. The only clue now was that she said it was close to the sea. But in this area, there are actually countless villages close to the sea, and there are many small islands on the sea. There is a village, and sending her home is not as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

"Oh yeah......As expected of you, you have a strong mind."Meilin sighed.

But the more you act like this, the easier it will be to get the recognition of those two weapons.~

"......."The little girl raised her head and looked at Sven who was searching the map seriously, trying to find the missing points, and then lowered her head again. she......There was something hidden from Swain about her origins.

She really didn't know the location of her home. Indeed, she only remembered that it was near the sea, but she hid her family background.

She was not born in a small village, nor was she kidnapped. She was abandoned by her father, a nobleman.......Illegitimate daughter.

Her mother is just a maid, while her father is a famous Duke, and her wife is also the daughter of a famous noble family. The family power is even greater than that of her father. That man is very beautiful. Her various methods of dealing with the world are also very exquisite, and her biggest shortcoming is her strong desire to control, and she does not allow anything unexpected to happen!

And thatThe so-called unexpected thing is my own birth.......

It is not uncommon in this era for a maid from a poor family to be attracted by the Duke. It is rather a common thing. The rest of the people also subconsciously chose to remain silent. Many people even thought that their mother This is flying on the branches, good times are coming.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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