Soon, her mother discovered that she had her own child, but the so-called father didn't want anyone to find out about it, because now everything in the family is basically managed by her real wife. If it is revealed at this time, he will be in trouble for the rest of his life. It’s over!

Therefore, he chose to pay a sum of money to send his mother away and take her to another place to avoid detection.

The destination was a small village near the sea. At first, everything went smoothly. Her mother gave birth to her, and she went to the town to find a knitting job. The two of them lived a decent life because of the money their father had given them. But it wasn’t until he was five years old that the Black Death struck and his mother fell........

Before she died, my mother told me my life story and gave me a letter to find my father......

I don't like that person, but......This was my mother's last wish, so I went anyway. that person......My first reaction when I saw the letter was to be shaken, extremely shaken, and the tea cup in my hand fell directly to the ground. Then the eyes when I looked at myself were not as soft and warm as my mother, nor as kind as I imagined my father to be. There was only deep fear and disgust, as if he was looking at a god of plague, a god of plague that brought pain and suffering.

What a coincidence, his wife is back.

She was very curious about me, but the man still made an excuse, saying he was looking for a smaller playmate for his daughter, so he bought me back. ah......It turns out he already has a daughter.

His wife was also very happy that her daughter had a playmate, so she adopted me directly. but me.....So she lived in that mansion as the maid of that man's daughter......That young lady was an extremely willful person. She would lose her temper with people around her, regardless of age or gender, and then beat her and scold her arbitrarily. As the maid who took care of her personally, I was beaten and scolded countless times, in the middle of the night in summer. I was suddenly called up and said that I wanted to eat smoothies. After I went to the underground ice cellar and locked the door from the outside, it was still light.

Fortunately, other people in the house found out in time and I survived. They are all very good people, and they also found out who my mother was during the subsequent conversation.

Although I know they often talk about me, they also take good care of me.

I thought I would spend the rest of my life in such a situation, but until that person's wife found out about my origins.

It seems that because the servant let it slip, the man was pushed directly to the ground and his wife stepped on his head with her feet. His forehead was trampled, but I seemed very happy because that was his retribution. , retribution for abandoning my mother and me.

After that, the wife became more and more angry and even wanted to kill me at one point.

And the man seemed to have suffered a lot because of this matter, so he agreed.

That same day, I was forcibly pulled out of the house by him. Looking at the white bandage on his head, I was not aware of my situation at all. Instead, I felt that this man deserved this.

But it seems that he doesn't want to do that troublesome thing, take me out of the city, avoid the eyes and ears of others, and deal with me or something. It's better to sell it directly. At least it saves time and effort and can make some money for drinking. After all, he now wants almost all his belongings. In his wife's hands, she couldn't even raise money for drinks.

It is rare to see a duke who is so cowardly as he is.

So he took me directly to the port and then......He left me there, but he took a wad of money, counted it and left with a smile on his face......

After that, I was treated as cargo and was tossed around for a long time. I didn’t know how many times I rode on cargo ships and carriages. I couldn’t remember the way, but it didn’t matter. I didn’t want to go back, because compared to that house, I just wanted to go back. To return to my mother.......

"Can you please stop looking so worried?"Sven noticed her gloomy, lifeless little face, so he knelt down and touched her head.

"ah......."She gave a small exclamation

"Girls look better when they smile, not to mention that little girls at your age don’t need to think about such complicated things. You just need to grow up happily, and leave the rest to the adults. Don’t worry. , I said, I will definitely send you home"......This feeling is what my mother would do when she touched my head before.

It's just that he seems different from his mother.

My hands seem to be larger, a little hard, and a little rough. They feel powerful and inexplicably reassuring. They are completely different from my soft hands. Are men's and women's hands naturally different?

However, this feeling of power is very reassuring to me.

And why doesn't he give up?

He would happily accept those who had no home at all with a smile, or was that his intention from the beginning?

So why bother to take them to find a home?

At first I thought he was just showing off, but now......I'm the only one left.

Even if he took me away without helping me find a home, no one would think it was strange, and they might even think that this was the right choice for me to make.

If I can't go home, even if someone is willing to take me in, my life will not necessarily be like this. I can eat three meals a day, and there is meat and hot soup. I don't need to eat abandoned leftovers, and I can sleep warm at night. The room also has a comfortable and soft big bed. You don’t need to squeeze into a stable with weeds or a drafty attic. The clothes are all new, and you won’t feel cold in winter.........

Ah, he is so kind to us, but we......What's the value?.

To the adults of this era, bringing our group of people is nothing more than a burden, without the slightest use, and it is not surprising to be abandoned at any time.

Can.....Even so, he spent almost an extra month just to help me find my whereabouts?......Why?

Why are you helping me so much?

Why are you treating me so gently?

Obviously to him, this matter has no meaning at all........

When I was working as a maid in that house, the only thing I learned was that no one would be nice to others for no reason, because the world is cruel.

".......No."The ash-blond girl glanced sideways at the stranger with a playful smile beside her.

Ah, there is another unfamiliar face today. What face is this? I don't know, after all, his face changes very quickly. Listen, To evade wanted arrest?

Although I don’t know what he did, I still subconsciously felt that he was right, and those who wanted to arrest him were wrong. It was incredible.

Although his appearance kept changing, luckily.....The feeling of these hands will not change, they are still so gentle and warm, they feel so reliable and reassuring.


"I said.....No, I don't want to go home anymore. I'll choose the third way, so you can leave me alone."She turned her head and stopped looking at Swain.

No, we can't go on like this. If I am treated like this by him again, I will......I will.......

She is very confused now. She is afraid that after being over-protected in this way and adapting to such a warm life, one day he will suddenly no longer need her and what will she do if she is abandoned again?

But how can I make him need me all the time?

"That's not possible. You don't have to worry. It just takes a little more time. As long as you have patience, I will definitely help you get home."

Sven thought it was just because she couldn't see any hope of returning home, so he still tried his best to comfort her. He picked up the map and put it in front of her eyes.

"You see, we have walked through these places now, and these are the only scattered things left. Kallen and Gan Yu have already gone to find out the news. I believe it, very.....soon....Will.....Well.....Ahem....."

However, at this time, Sven looked at the map in front of him, and suddenly felt a dizziness and powerlessness. His eyes also changed, and his hearing began to decline sharply. Listening to the voices of the people around him was like having something plugged in his ears. Holding a pile of cotton, and then jumped into the depths of the swimming pool to listen to it, it was very blurry, and I had no idea what was being said.

Damn it, here we go again......

Why at this time, no time, no time to make excuses to leave.

Wearing only thick gloves to insulate from the temperature, and covering the back of his right hand, the dazzling purple light leaked out directly, so Swain hurriedly covered it up to prevent others around him from noticing, but his physical condition was still deteriorating, and his body was constantly deteriorating. Shaking slightly, his vision was soon completely taken away by the darkness.

This time the situation is more serious!

Sure enough, after not sleeping for three months in a row, just lying down and resting was still too much.

Damn it, I've been having a fever before, and it finally broke through the abnormal value of 50 degrees today. Isn't it going to be able to be used to heat hot water in a while?

So hot, so hot.....It seemed to be burning, as if the center of the body was an active volcano about to erupt.

This heat was unusual, too unusual. How could a normal human being burn to this level?

Not to mention fifty degrees, for a normal person, even if it goes over thirty-eight or thirty-nine, it is a dangerous state!

No, the cooling achieved by relying on gem magic has almost reached its limit, and my physical condition has deteriorated rapidly. Not only has the time for my vision to go dark longer, but the interval has also become shorter........It would be too painful for humans when they get sick.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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