Bang bang!


The sound of blood and flesh splattering and hitting the surrounding walls could be heard in the distance. Sven quickly changed his ammunition and continued to raise his gun and point it forward without any carelessness.


Black shadows moved in front of him, and accompanied by frivolity, rustling footsteps were getting closer to Sven.

Sven held his breath and concentrated, pricking up his ears so as not to miss any small sound.

Crunch - then a sound like a rope or rubber tightening continued inaudibly.

Bang bang——!

Swain did not hesitate and immediately pulled the trigger continuously.



As he emptied all four rounds of ammunition in the shotgun, the sound of flesh and blood and the sound of hitting metal could be heard.

Click -

Swain took out the last cartridge case and reloaded four armor-piercing bullets. If he lost his sense of direction and accuracy for a moment in this passage, the high-explosive bombs would bury him alive once the wall was shattered.!

Whoosh whoosh!

Sven hadn't finished loading yet, and there was a burst of sound coming from behind him.

Sven immediately leaped to one side and climbed to one side. Then the three piercing voices came to Sven's eyes and passed by him. They were three slightly-shaped arrows made of animal feathers, wooden poles and iron arrows. Rough and simple bow and arrow!

Swain stood up and fired two shots behind him, then stood up and ran towards the passage ahead.

Passing by the black figures who had been knocked down by her, Merlin saw clearly that the people who initially attacked Sven were a group of dead warriors dressed in rough clothing, covered in animal skins, and with dried blood on their bodies!

"these guys......Is it a nearby hunter?"Meilin asked

"Looks like the second gatekeeper here."Sven guessed that the first threshold should be those Honkai beasts and the big black snake outside. Now it is these dead soldiers and the group of Honkai beasts that came out of nowhere.

Sven's upper body was stable, except for two In addition to running with the legs alternating quickly, the upper body is basically maintained at the same height. This is the most ideal state for the gunman. When encountering an unexpected situation, he can quickly adjust his muzzle and shoot stably. The following ones The sparse shooting sounds were gradually thrown away, and it was obvious that they could not catch up with Sven's speed.

During this period, Merlin also gradually adapted to the way of guiding Sven, and was no longer as embarrassed as before.

"The route is off, slightly to the left, about......A quarter of a body? Be careful of scratching your face on the wall"

"Prepare to turn left ahead. You should not find love when you turn around. At most, it will be a sneak attack."

"After that, there is a sharp turn downwards!"

"......."I hope there are no spike traps down there, but I think it should be fine if you jump in, you can avoid it!."

Quade Meilin is guiding you~

Please don't believe the forecast 100%, after all she......It’s really not very reliable!

The tunnel seemed to be the end of the tunnel ahead. Sven jumped into the large slope ahead and slid down. Before he could get out, Sven felt an eerie cold air blowing towards his face.


Sven reached the bottom and finally climbed out of the nearly airtight, airtight tunnel.

Tick ​​-

Tick -

There seems to be a large hollow area ahead. The surrounding buildings are built based on the transformation of the original cave. The roar and the sound of dripping water coming from nowhere are constantly echoing here.

The ground is a decayed metal floor that exposes the underlying rock. Judging from the holes, it is about five meters thick. It is simply crazy. Who would lay a five-meter-thick alloy plate on the ground? To prevent something?

It is surrounded by a city wall of about tens of meters made of steel, which is even more exaggerated than the city wall guarding Kabane.

There is a metal box-like room hanging high in the sky in the distance, half leaning on the mountain, and the remaining half hanging protruding, but with only a few gaps exposed. It feels like a fortress or an observation room.

There are many strange-shaped machines made of metal scattered on the ground around them. Some are human-shaped and some are animal-shaped. There are no clues at all. They are very inconsistent in size. The big ones are as high as several floors, and the small ones are as tall as several floors. The machines are also several times larger than humans, as big as elephants. They are obviously large-tonnage machines.

But without exception, these machines all have very obvious weapons on them. They have firearms in their hands, rocket launchers or lightweight missiles on their backs.

This is only what can be clearly distinguished, and there are even some weapons. Perhaps even if Swain looked at it, he might not be sure what the person involved had designed and what it was used for?

The enclosed place, the surrounding walls for protection, the thickened ground facilities, and the observation fortress at the top away from these dangerous machines, combined with the large-scale lifting that Swain saw when he came here Ladders and transport planes, as well as the large crawler track that was used when meeting the black snake, as well as the parts in the many containers stored in its lair, and finally this obvious testing ground, all of which indicate that this is a military industry that develops and manufactures weapons. base!

It is also a military industrial base for manufacturing large combat machines!

As for the current location, it should be a weapons testing ground, a fighting arena in another sense!

Listening to Mei Lin's description of the surroundings, Sven had some understanding of this place.

Swain took two breaths, and the breath he exhaled was filled with white air. The temperature here is colder than outside. Is it because it is near the seabed and the rock layer above it is relatively thin?

But perhaps the biggest reason is that the surrounding rock walls are constantly shattered and thinned due to unknown reasons such as the rampage of these experimental weapons or the loss of control of the weapons.

But this is much better than the hot feeling before.

The air carried the salty smell of sea water and the smell of rust. Sven initially thought it was just the smell of sea water and rust, but it seemed that it was also mixed with the indistinguishable smell of blood.

Zila Zila -

Before taking two steps forward, a large number of black shadows began to squirm on the ground around them. With the sound of metal colliding, human figures appeared one by one.

Judging from the clothing of these people, they are similar to those archery hunters just now, but the weapons in their hands are all kinds of, such as wood chopping knives, kitchen knives, daggers, sickles, hammers, hoes, and pickaxes. Hammers and other tools are all farm tools or ordinary utensils, but the users are all human beings transformed into dead warriors without exception.

"........"Listening to Mei Lin's description of herself, Sven's face was gloomy, and many bad memories came to his mind.

"Well......Ahhhh!!"The dead soldier closest to Sven rushed towards Sven with his teeth and claws bared.

He was an unarmed young man, slightly older than Sven, wearing commoners. If it was Sven who was in the village a long time ago, he would probably have He dared to kill people and was afraid of fighting, so he chose to retreat, deal with it, and did not dare to take action. But now,

Swain raised the shotgun and swung it with all his strength.


The deliberately thick gun body hit the opponent's head, and the purple While the blood spattered, the crisp sound of his neck breaking was also heard.

The young dead man was knocked away and rolled several times on the ground. His neck turned half a circle. Obviously, if he was a normal person, he would definitely be dead by now..

But unfortunately, everyone knows that it is impossible to kill these guys simply by hitting them, because the power is not enough!

The young soldier twisted his neck and twisted his body twice strangely. It seemed that he still had the ability to move.


However, Swain turned around and shot him again. Such a close shotgun attack used armor-piercing bullets made by Swain. There is no doubt that this guy turned into a lot of parts in the blink of an eye.

"Hiss, hiss!"


With the sound of gunshots, the dead soldiers on the opposite side seemed to have received the order to charge, and rushed directly towards Sven with claws and teeth. Those who had weapons raised their weapons, and those who did not showed their nails or teeth!

Sven sideways dodged a Death Soldier that flew toward him, stepped on his back to prevent him from getting up, and at the same time loaded the gun with one hand and shot at the second Death Soldier that jumped behind him.


Colorful The gems turned into brilliance and flew forward unstoppably, and the powerful power directly penetrated the bodies of several dead soldiers. The dead soldiers who raised their sickles to slash Sven's neck were also blocked by the raised shotgun. , and the blade on the opposite side was still stuck in the bolt position. Swain took advantage of the jam and reloaded the gun. He kicked up the foot that was stepping on the dead soldier under his feet, and Swain kicked the sickle dead soldier in front of him away with a roundhouse kick. , turned around and fired a shot at the one on the ground that was about to get up.


Bang bang!

The action was direct and decisive, without any sloppiness, and blindly pursued high-efficiency killing behavior. There was no such situation as in modern film and television dramas where a shot cannot be hit for a long time. , whoever takes the initiative against Swain and is sensed by him, never needs to fire a second shot.

The empty underground is echoed with bursts of smoke and gunshots, and the people in the gem are all affected by Swain's unknown ruthlessness. And was shocked by the bloody side.

As everyone knows, people who usually seem honest, kind and gentle are sometimes the scariest people.

Therefore, many people choose to do this because they cannot accept this scene. Close your eyes.....

Click -

Sven reloaded the gun, the muzzle of the shotgun drooped, and apart from the severed limbs, there was only a coquettish blood stain left around him.



But there was no time to relax his vigilance. Along with the whispers, large black shadows appeared one by one from further away, and their number seemed to have no end in sight.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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