"this quantity......There are still hundreds of people"

"Do you want…………"Mei Lin was a little reluctant to give up. She felt that even Sven could not escape intact under such circumstances with this amount, and it was not impossible for Sven to choose to avoid the edge temporarily according to Sven's character.

Without the assistance of his eyes, Sven can only sense that there is an attack coming towards him. If one is a fist and the other is a blade, and they cannot completely avoid it and have to eat it, everyone will choose to avoid the blade and eat the fist, but Sven Not now, he can only rely on guessing. I avoided one, and whether the remaining one is a fist or a blade depends on my luck!

And the same goes for dodge. There are many obstacles around, and Sven cannot just dodge casually. If he suddenly hits a machine on the side, not only will he not be able to dodge the attack, but his rhythm will also be disrupted.

So from now on, Sven's range of activities has been limited to a small area. But when there are more people and the firepower becomes intensive, it will be difficult to handle.


Click - but the only response to Merlin was the sound of loading after Swain unloaded the bullet and replaced the high-explosive bomb.

Obviously, this guy is stubborn again for some reason!

He probably just wants to kill these guys on the other side now!

Forget it, he just thought about it, what else could he do besides helping him?

Whoosh whoosh!!

A large rain of arrows came overwhelmingly, and the cold arrows shone with an eerie light, like stars in the sky in this dim underground cavity, but they also contained murderous intent!

Sven knew he couldn't dodge, so he kicked the corpse of a dead soldier at his feet. Several dead soldiers flew up and blocked a small part of the arrow rain.

Here Sven leaned over and picked up a dead soldier with his left shoulder. , let it serve as a shield to block all the rain of arrows.


Sven threw away the dead soldiers on his body and opened fire indiscriminately in front of him, completely ignoring accuracy. The high-explosive bomb with a wide range of damage showed its amazing power. In just four shots, a line of fire was cleared. Simple line of defense.

Swish, brush—!

The shooting from the opposite side hadn't stopped yet. The second wave of arrows had already taken off, and the dead soldiers holding farm tools as weapons also came to Swain's eyes.


Sven pricked up his ears to determine where the voices of these guys were coming from. Then he turned around and continued to grab a dead soldier to block in front of him. He squatted down and reloaded. After finishing, Swain put away the shotguns. With the gun and the shield on his body, he rushed directly towards the noisiest settlement on the opposite side!

Peng Peng!

Sven knocked down several dead soldiers along the way, until Sven hit a certain machine with a loud bang. He just stopped, but because he was holding the dead man as a shield, Sven was not affected.

This also showed that his decision just now was correct. He grabbed the dead man's arm with one hand and rotated it, turning the dead man around him. The soldiers were swept away and flew to the side. Swain gained a small foothold in the center of the opposite position!

Throwing away the dead soldiers in his hand, Swain held five transparent but tall soldiers in his hands. It's not small, and there are ampoules of medicinal powders or liquids of different colors inside.

Turning around, the ampoules in his hands flew out in all directions.

Click - the crisp sound of glass exploding, the medicinal powder quickly sublimated into gas, and the liquid began to vaporize It spread wantonly in the air.

In the blink of an eye, these poisonous mist completely covered Sven's surroundings. Without underground ventilation facilities, the speed of air flow is almost negligible, so this highly toxic environment can be preserved to the greatest extent.!

Compared with throwing explosive gems and hitting something and bouncing back and injuring yourself, this thing is better now!

However, Sven seemed unhurried in it, and it was impossible to tell what these colorful poisonous mists were. Useful.

Bang bang bang!

With a personal all-round defense net, Sven knelt down on one knee, completely gave up on evasive actions and went all out with firepower, directly using split high-explosive bombs to launch a dense firepower net!

Boom boom boom!

Even though he couldn't see it with his eyes, the light and heat brought by the diffuse high-explosive bomb hit his face and lifted up the long hair behind Swain.

However, there were many people on the opposite side, and as a shotgun, even if Swain's hand speed was faster There is always a period of blank firepower.

But when those scattered dead soldiers were lucky enough to cross Sven's firepower net and came to the poisonous fog area, their flesh and blood corroded and their body tissues melted little by little. The horrific scene was still chilling.

The dead soldier who persisted the longest could barely reach Swain's eyes and fell to the ground. He tried his best to reach out to catch Swain, but his body completely dissolved halfway.


"Is your poison getting worse?"Meilin shuddered, rubbed her arms, and sighed with lingering fear.

"Well, when I was on the island, I also cultivated a lot of things besides flowers and plants, all of which were original new varieties."

"Um, is there an antidote?"Meilin asked cautiously, fearing that she might have made Siwen unhappy that day, and she would end up in the same way.


"Huh, that's okay"

"But I'm afraid you won't have time to use it. After all, it takes time for the poison to develop........You saw it too."

Sven's tone was calm, which was in sharp contrast to the dead soldiers in front of him who looked like they were carrying speakers and playing flowers of hope.


"Isn’t that the same as nothing! ?"

"You are right, you have forced me to use these, do you think I will still detoxify the other person?"

"But don’t worry, I won’t use this on you."Sven seemed to hear Meilin's worries.

"oh? Is it reluctance or distress?"Meilin smiled evilly and teased

"Um."Sven nodded and admitted directly.

"Oh~ I didn’t expect my sister’s status in your heart......."Before Meilin could feel proud, she heard Swain continue:

"Because these poisonous raw materials are so difficult to obtain, even in the environment on the island, they mature only once a year, and the output is extremely low and the price is too expensive. Therefore, the quantity is too scarce, and I am usually reluctant to use it, but this time it is Almost all the production last year has been used, but it still feels a little distressing."

"So to deal with ordinary enemies, I will use other common medicines."


Mei Lin was completely speechless, God's regular medicine!

Do you think these are cold particles?

Who else but you always keeps this thing?

"Swain! You are a complete pig's hoof!!"Meilin yelled at Sven angrily.


"What's the meaning?"Sven was stunned and couldn't understand what Meilin meant at all.

What does Hao Duanrui have to do with pig's trotters?

Could it be that she was hungry and wanted to eat pig's trotters?

Swain's current behavior was very simple, reloading, Load the gun, fire around, then reload for another round. The action is very mechanical, but it works! It only takes a few more rounds to finish off these guys before the poisonous smoke dissipates!


When Swain empties the magazine again Seeing that there was not much left on the other side, he half-knelt on the ground, crooked his neck to hold the shotgun, and took out four rounds of ammunition in his right hand. When he was about to reload , a cold wind suddenly came from above!


The wind was so fierce that the dead soldiers standing on the ground were blown around. Of course, the poisonous mist around Sven was also blown away, and the dead soldiers in his direction died miserably.


Swain frowned, feeling something caught in the strong wind flying towards him.

He flew back and took two steps lightly, covering his face with his right hand. boom!

Bang bang bang bang!

A large piece of fragmented steel plate hit the place where Swain was just now.

And Swain also lost the opportunity to reload.

"what is that?"

The man in the gem raised his head and looked at the slender figure appearing above? A gray-white body, almost transparent but with a pair of wings with purple lines, slender with tiny black barbs, narrow and flat rapier-like legs, the main body Position, the torso looks like a human body, the right hand is a pure black claw, and the left hand is a long spear like a slender needle! The whole body looks like it has well-defined joints, like knees or elbows The difference from humans can be clearly seen in the position, and it has the characteristics of an arthropod.

She is wearing a gorgeous green dress, and the decorations are all unknown flowers.

The waist is very slender, compared to the so-called A4 The waist should be slender.

Except for the skin color, the rest of the head looks like a normal human being. The short green hair only looks a little strange, but if you really want to say it, those densely packed compound eyes in those pupils look like a normal human being. is truly creepy!

"that face..........."Mei Lin's voice was a little solemn, she glanced at Sven, and finally chose to remain silent.

He can't see at the moment.......Maybe it's the best.

But she didn't expect that Swain had already predicted it to a certain extent.

The face of the girl in front of her was imitating that of a human being with fairly delicate light makeup. She looked down from a high position and looked down at Sven, who seemed to dare not move at all. She was very satisfied with her tiny ant-like appearance.

This feeling from above, like a superior looking down on his slave, is so refreshing!

So much so that her smile almost reached her ears.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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