".......The word science comes out of your mouth.......No matter how strange it looks"

"Rather, the fact that the two of us were at the bottom of the sea was strange."Xiaoxue complained.

"Is that so?"

Sven didn't think so, and strolled forward, directly arriving at the door of the largest building in the complex.

"so high......."

Just this door, which is four to five meters high and covered with red paint, has an indescribable sense of oppression.

Before entering, I feel that I am inferior to the people inside.

Bang bang bang!

Therefore, facing this door that seemed to be extremely heavy, Swain knocked as hard as he could.


Large bubbles rose up between the cracks in the door, and Swain summoned all his strength and shouted,"Sorry!"

"anyone there!"

"We are passers-by traveling around. We passed by here and wanted to ask for directions!"

"anyone there!"

Sven in front was knocking on the door, and Xiaoxue on the other side was holding her head in silence.

"I think it is impossible to pass by this underwater palace."

"Hmm, no one seems to be responding."

Sven shouted for a long time, but no one responded at all, so he gave up.

"I just saw a lot of seaweed growing on it. It looks like it has been abandoned."

"In that case, just force the door open!"

Swen moved his right hand, supported it on the door, and slowly stretched his legs. Xiaoxue also stepped forward to help.


But Siwen didn't exert any force, and Xiaoxue couldn't move at all.

"snort!"Swen lowered his waist and slowly exerted force.

Boom - like the sound of a heavy mechanism being opened somewhere, a cloud of turbid sea water emerged near the door frame and the crack of the door, and the heavy door was opened a crack.

Creak - —The sound of wood rubbing against each other sounded, and Swain opened the door on the right side completely, letting the light from outside shine into the building. When he walked in, a few groups of small fish suddenly swam past the side and went outside.

The decoration inside was exactly like that It's like a scene depicted in a myth or fairy tale, surrounded by large golden pillars, lapis lazuli floors, and walls covered with murals. Behind the light and gauzy curtain in front is a graceful and luxurious throne.

That throne It looks like a huge open pearl shell. There are soft mattresses and cushions in the middle of the shell. There are books on the desk in front. You can work here or rest here.

"It does look like this place has been abandoned, things are gathering dust here."Sven was convinced after observing.

Swain took a look at the books on the desk. They were all very common books. The categories of astronomy and geography were very complicated and he couldn't see anything. However, he could tell that no one had used them for a long time.

"The book in the sea water was not damaged?"Xiaoxue curiously stepped forward and touched these books.

"They have all been plasticized and waterproofed. The techniques are very skillful and definitely not the technology of this era."

Sven turned his head and put down the book, looking at the mural on one side of the wall and the text recorded on one side.

It was about four thousand years ago. (The Yanhuang period was six thousand to five thousand five hundred years ago)

There was a star in the dark sky The sun, the sun shines on the earth, and the people on the earth are miserable. But one day the sun falls among the people, incarnates into humans, and lives with humans. The incarnation of the sun taught many people the skills and methods of survival, and human life gradually became abundant. But one day, the sky was filled with dark clouds again, and there was heavy rain and strong winds. The ensuing tsunami flooded all the villages along the coast.

These villagers evacuated to the inland, But the sea level kept rising.

Finally, the incarnation of the sun went to the deep sea to solve the culprit of the heavy rain, tsunamis and strong winds. The culprit was three beasts with different looks.

The incarnation of the sun used all his strength to seal the largest one. , injured both ends and imprisoned them on the seabed somewhere.

But the disaster was not over.

The mastermind who fell from the sky suddenly joined the battle group. The incarnation of the sun fought fiercely with it for several days, and gradually fell into the disadvantage.

Suddenly, the sky cracked. , dozens of shining stars flashed at the crack.

Another person fell from the sky and pierced the chest of the latecomer with a two-color weapon. In the end, the sun turned into a phoenix and swept everything back into the starry sky......



Xiaoxue and Siwen both had different expressions on their faces after reading this record, and compared it with the mural on one side. They understood all the stories completely.


"I said.....The man with the sword....."Xiaoxue looked at the sword on the mural that pierced the mastermind behind the scenes. After thinking about it, she finally spoke hesitantly.

"I don’t know, I don’t know, it’s none of my business."Sven turned his face away with a slight embarrassment.

"You are not good at deceiving people. If you want to compare, the acting skills of those tearful beggars on the road are hundreds of times better than yours now."

"Even Yue’s two-color sword with the same blade and different colors, tell me, can anyone else use it?"Xiaoxue's eyes were sharp.

Does that mean that the evidence is all shown here and above, and you are still being stubborn?

"Um, maybe you can tell?"

"to be honest.......how old are you?"


This is calculated according to the time here.


"Well, I must be almost sixteen."

This is calculated in the time of the human world, and it is all true!

Anyway, she did not ask about the age of the body or the age of the soul!


It was clear Swain didn't want to discuss the issue.

After searching for a week, Swain found nothing of value. As for the jewelry and the like, Swain was not very interested, so he and Xiaoxue left the palace.

The road in front of the palace continues downward, as if there is something in the deepest part.

Sven turned around and looked around, but besides the swimming fish and the swimming fish......There are only fish here

"What's wrong?"Xiaoxue asked

"It seems like there are other people here."Sven smiled.

"Doesn't it matter?"Xiaoxue folded her arms and subconsciously leaned towards Sven.

"It's okay. He seems to be just a timid guy. It won't be a big deal if he leaves it alone."

"Is it.....That's good."Xiaoxue nodded.

The two of them followed the road to the bottom of the seabed. There was an altar in front of them, with some fish statues placed around it. The most shocking thing was that the altar was translucent and could be clearly seen. I saw a huge vortex below, which means there must be a water outlet below, and there are other ways out!.

Walking up to the altar, Swain looked at the patterns on the ground, which seemed to have no rules, and were just pure decoration.

The altar At the center is a huge statue of an unknown fish carved from crystal. It has a slender body, an ice blue body with pale pink fins, and it looks so elegant, as if the fins have turned into feathers. That way

"what fish is this?"

"Who knows?"

Xiaoxue didn't know anyone, and Swain could only shrug helplessly, because he really didn't know him. He walked up to the statue, looked around it, and finally touched the statue.

Immediately, Swain There was a strange feeling where the five fingers touched, as if something had scanned it.

"Fingerprint authentication?"

Sven quickly retracted his hand and looked at his palm. At the same time, the fish statue changed slightly, opened its mouth, and spit out a pentagonal square from it.

That squareSupported by the current, suspended in the sea

"This is......Pentagon Rubik's Cube?"Xiaoxue stepped forward to take the Rubik's Cube, but then, the Rubik's Cube quickly changed and turned into an object with a strange shape.

"It is an irregular ninth-order pentagon......Mirror cube."Sven took the Rubik's Cube from one side and turned it around.

"This is my first time playing this kind of thing, but the person who designed this thing shouldn't think that as long as there are many levels and irregularities, it will be difficult for people?"

Compared with ordinary Rubik's Cubes, this irregular mirror Rubik's Cube has an added difficulty in that each small Rubik's Cube has a different size and shape. In addition, the shape of this Rubik's Cube is a pentagon, with a total of twelve faces. It's still a ninth-level Rubik's Cube.

But as long as there is a formula, it is only a matter of time to restore this thing.

Swain scoffed at this, observed it for a while, and began to prepare for practice.

But he had just turned it and was about to turn it a second time. At that time, I found that it couldn't rotate for the second time and was stuck.

I was wondering when I saw that the small cube started to rotate on its own. Swain only turned once, but the small Rubik's Cube turned three times on its own.

Not only did this happen , Swain's previous plans were disrupted, and instead he needed to continue to increase his workload.

"Ouch~ This is somewhat interesting."

Sven calmed down, looked at the Rubik's Cube, and tried to turn it a few more times. Sure enough, the Rubik's Cube would get stuck every time he turned it. Then it would turn three times by itself before Sven could continue to turn it.

"It’s difficult now."The calm young man and the magnetic male voice looked at this Rubik's Cube with great interest. If such a difficult Rubik's Cube were produced in modern times, it might kill a large number of people.

"Its autonomous twisting cannot be irregular. Otherwise, being able to put this thing together depends entirely on luck. I am three hands behind it. Its first move is to restore the place where I just twisted it, and the next two moves are to restore the place where I just twisted it. The next thing is that it twists on its own"

"Then what I have to do is to induce it to twist itself, which is also simple."

Sven chuckled, and immediately sat on the ground in the middle of the altar, twisting the irregular Rubik's Cube with difficulty with one hand, looking for its patterns.

Xiaoxue squatted aside and looked at Sven, she was also thinking about this. How to make things, but obviously my brain can't keep up, so I can only hold the Rubik's Cube to make Sven feel better.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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