Time passed little by little, and the two of them twisted from noon to afternoon.

The frequency of Sven's twists and the time he spent thinking in between each twist were constantly shortening. Apparently, he gradually figured out the rules of the Rubik's Cube's independent twisting.

But until the evening, Sven looked at the unknown-looking thing in his hand, and felt that his hands were so sore that he could no longer feel it!

Looking at the Rubik's Cube that had changed into some regular shapes, Xiaoxue said:"At this rate, it may take two days to completely restore this thing."


"I am bored!"

"So annoying!"

"I have obviously figured out the rules, and continuing like this is just a meaningless waste of time. Why can't it be simpler!"

Sven felt that the person who created this thing, in addition to wanting to test the IQ level of the decryptor, was more likely to want to deliberately disgust people. The person who designed this level is definitely! Definitely a super evil-minded person!

"This is the kind of way to talk back even when death is imminent!"

"If this is your purpose, congratulations! You really succeeded in disgusting me!"

Sven stood up suddenly, left the devil behind angrily and walked towards the edge of the altar. Xiaoxue also stood up and hammered her already numb legs twice, followed Sven and retreated to the edge of the altar, turning to look at the transparent altar in front of her.

"what do you want to do?"Xiaoxue felt something was not good. Sven seemed to want to cause trouble.

"Does it really mean we have to completely crack the Rubik's Cube when it asks us to do it?"

"I was able to calm down and crack it for a long time just because I was quite interested in the thing itself. Now that I have cracked its routine, continuing is just a waste of time."

"I've given it enough face, so......"Sven smiled evilly.

"so?"Xiaoxue swallowed dryly, and she already had some answers in her heart, and it was still a very bad answer!

Sure enough, the next moment, Sven closed his eyes and took out Lianyue, slowly pulled it out of the scabbard, and pointed the sword at the sky with one hand.

"So just go with peace of mind!!"

"Magic Eye, shine!"

Sven opened his eyes suddenly, and the emerald light in his right eye overflowed from the corner of his eye, dragging it sideways.

"etc! You don't really want to!!"Xiaoxue was shocked. She really didn't expect that Swain would just draw the knife out of disagreement!

"Armament Strengthening Technique!"

With the streamer and data window, Lianyue's sword flashed with two-color light, and in an instant it stretched to about ten meters.

Seeing that Sven was serious, Xiaoxue was already in a state of shock. Sure enough, this This guy is not a good person!

How can a good person be so violent?

He would draw a sword at the slightest disagreement!

"It was cut in two along with this altar!!"

Sven swung down the moon with one hand, and was about to cut the altar in half.


"Please stop!!!"

Two shouts sounded at the same time, and half following a stream of water, a trembling figure appeared in front of Sven's sword path. It was a girl, and she was protecting him with open arms. The statue behind him.


Sven suddenly stopped the Lianyue in his hand, but the girl looked at the Lianyue that was almost pressed against her forehead, and even cut off a few strands of hair.


She was still frightened and passed out immediately.

"Someone is here!"

Xiaoxue looked anxious and hurried forward, fearing that Sven would accidentally hurt someone else.

But Sven retracted his hand and looked at his weapon. The emerald brilliance on it had disappeared. Apparently the magic eye had been forced to stop.

"ability.......was forcibly interrupted......"

He raised his head and looked at the unconscious person on the side, Xiaoxue who was looking at the figure lying on the ground with concern.

"Ahhh.....It turned out to be the most advanced master-slave contract."Sven lamented wordlessly.............

"Who is this little girl?"

"It seems that he can also move under the sea. Could he be someone who lives here?"Xiaoxue looked up and down at the sleeping person in front of her.

"Who knows, but it’s normal for there to be inhabitants under the sea. If I have a chance in the future, I’ll take you to visit the Mermaid and Siren’s houses, which are quite close to my home. They all look very cute, and their singing is really nice!"

"But the food is really bad. They are all fresh seafood and sashimi. I still remember the deep sea lantern fish on the table when I went there last time. I took a fork and it immediately came to life with the fork still stuck in my body. Just ran away. I guess you can't get used to it."

Sven is used to seeing people living under the sea. It would be better to say that his last home was under the sea.

"........"Xiaoxue just glanced at Sven beside her, gave up the idea of ​​complaining, and turned her attention back to the person in front of her.

"She has pink hair with a little blue highlights, which is quite beautiful. This outfit looks like a witch costume. Is she a witch?"

"Hmm......I'm not awake at all. Why don't you try pouring water on me?"Sven said with a smile.

"This is the bottom of the sea, is there any need to splash water?"Xiaoxue finally couldn't hold it back and complained.

"That's true......."Swain curled his lips, although his original intention was to pour a basin of ice water at minus 20 degrees Celsius on the person in front of him. I guarantee it would be very sour!

At this moment, the unconscious girl vaguely heard the sound of the two people talking in her ears. Her eyelids moved slightly, as if she was struggling painfully, but she couldn't open her eyes.

"Still not awake."Xiaoxue said worriedly.

"Why don't I just leave her here? It just so happens that no one can stop me this time. Why don't I take this opportunity to chop down the altar?"Sven changed his voice to an emotionless one, and at the same time deliberately rubbed the sword's scabbard with Lianyue's blade, making a sizzling sound when it was unsheathed. When the girl heard this, she said with a smirk that she wanted to continue. When I went to cut down the altar, I suddenly sat up with excitement.



"It is something left by our ancestors and cannot be destroyed at will!"

She waved her hands anxiously, trying to stop Swain's violence.

"This alone will never work!!"

"Ah, wake up."Xiaoxue was also frightened by the girl.

"Look, aren’t you awake now?"Sven smiled evilly, took back his weapon, and gave a thumbs up.

"The way you wake people up is really bad. Your neighbor who starts decorating at five o'clock in the morning on his day off is considered gentle compared to you."Xiaoxue looked back and murmured in a low voice.

"Yes, yes, thanks to a maid with a bad personality at home, I have had many experiences of being woken up in similar ways!"

"So, back to the topic, who are you?"

Sven also squatted next to the girl, looked at the equally extraordinary person in front of him, and asked with a smile.

"That I, I, I am, that, I......."

The girl seemed a little hesitant, as if she was not used to communicating with others, and could not speak clearly. She wanted to raise her head several times and look directly at the two people beside her, but lowered her head again countless times. In modern terms, this feeling If so, that would be social fear in our eyes.......

"Always feel like you're a little scared of strangers?"Xiaoxue blinked her dark eyes.

"It seems like this, but are you afraid of strangers? Simple!"

Sven also saw this, but being able to deal with people of all personalities and habits calmly is also one of Swain's great negotiation skills!

"Ahem, at this time......"

Sven coughed twice, fiddled with his hair twice with his hands, covered his forehead and a small part of his eyes, the smile on his face faded, and he put on a very gloomy and timid look. Expression, said with a more frightened expression and tone than the person opposite.

"that....I, we were just passing by here......."

"and then got lost....We didn't mean any harm, we just wanted to get past the thunderstorm circle and get home."

"Is that so?"

Perhaps Swain's negotiation method worked. The girl in front of her felt as if she didn't have much pressure and fear when she looked at the other side. At least she was able to communicate.

"Yes, speaking of which, who are you and do you live here?"

As Swain spoke, he raised his head and looked at the surrounding environment.

"It's very nice here. It's on the bottom of the sea, the surroundings are so quiet, and there are many beautiful aquatic plants and marine life for company. You must be living a good life, right?"

"Hey, well, this is my home, and I like it very much."When talking about the topic of her own family, the girl seemed to relax a lot.

"Really? This is your home. It’s so nice. I also hope my home can have such a beautiful place."Sven said with envy.

"So, what is your home like?"

"My home......."When asked, Swain gave a general description.

It was obvious that the person in front of her had never been out of the sea, and she seemed extremely curious about the outside world. Therefore, while describing the story, Swain also took out some similar pictures to explain to her.

After a while, she was fascinated by the colorful time in the outside world in front of her.

"It's great outside too~!"

"The place you live in is also very nice.~!"

"There are so many flowers that I haven’t really seen before!"

"Yes."Sven nodded equally happily at first, and then looked melancholy.

"Oh, but it's a pity that we may never see it again"


"Because you see, the two of us are now lonely travelers. After traveling far away, we finally arrived at the door of our home, only to find that there was a thunderstorm surrounding the outside. We couldn't go back, we couldn't go back at all."

"That......like.......Very pitiful."The girl seems to be helpless about this. At most, she feels sympathy for the two people who have a home and cannot return.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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