What happened to Kang Xi was like a ball of flames. After burning, it was almost out of control. Unknowingly, it attracted a large number of people to come and watch. But among these people, fewer firefighters and more gasoline are poured. So the fire became more and more prosperous and it was difficult to control.

"Seriously, I regret now that I like Kang Xi. I didn't expect her to be like Kang Xi and despise her."

"If you don't like it, turn right when you go out."

"Seriously, if you just say that she is gay, I don't think it matters anymore~ But she used to...really makes people think that homosexuality is a group of unlearned people..."

"Kang Xi's own scum, should the whole Jiquan'er be charged for her? Kang Xi is scumbag. Yes, it's Lace. That's right, but she is still human. Is it because Kang Xi scum is like all human beings? Scum? Naive."

"I'm very curious, is it true that the critics have been perfect from childhood to most of them, without the slightest second history? How big is the face, so unreasonably demanding that others must be perfect."

"Kang Xi's backstage is really big, and I feel like I'm constantly deleting comments everywhere."

"Anyone who mentions Kang Jinhua in the reply will be banned from commenting or hacking. Believe it or not?"

"Where is our face, and where can we dare to ask her to be perfect, but don't people tell me if there are shortcomings? Freedom of speech is good. I am really speechless to brain fans."

"To be honest, I just want to ask. Kang Xi was not good before, but what did she do? Killed? Set fire? How can history be blacked out? Is there a problem with my understanding of the problem, or some people are following the trend? This is a question worth thinking about."

"Don't grind up with Heizi, they are just like that. Some time ago, Luo Yin was too tired from work. When he woke up in the middle of the recording program, he accidentally got confused and called a person's last name wrong, so he was caught all kinds of... Well. I just don’t understand, how big is the matter, when who is not stuck. My high school teacher always couldn’t tell the names of me and another classmate at the beginning, shouldn’t it be taken out and chopped? "

"I'll tell the brain-dead fans why everyone dislikes Kang Xi this time. Non-mainstream homosexuals use substitutes but say they are really fooling around. Isn't it disgusting?"

"The fool is made up by your brain, Dasha b!"

"Yo, the stubborn fan is starting to spray again, it's really unqualified, (*^__^*) hehe..."

The situation is simply horrible.

Moreover, what is even more speechless is that there are still a bunch of people spreading rumors. Some people say that Kang Xi was disobedient when she was studying, and the Kang family cut off her source of income, and then Kang Xi began to work as a peripheral girl, known locally as'Ye Wuqian'.

Some people say that Kang Xi had poor grades when she was studying, but because of her background, she still went to a prestigious university.

Some people say that they have been in contact with Kang Xi in private, with a bad temper and a gloomy personality.

Some people even made up all kinds of strange stories, saying that when they met Kang Xi on the street at the beginning of the year, when they went to ask for an autograph, Kang Xi ignored it. Moreover, Kang Xi not only ignored her, but also told her colleagues that some fans were simply brown sugar, and they couldn't get rid of them, and she was so annoying.

The sunspots who will deliberately fabricate these, in fact, most of them are either bloggers who want to follow or are professional sunspots. After all, Kang Xi is so popular that some fans of her rivals have long been uncomfortable. It was as if his master was not hot enough because he was blocked by Kang Xi.

Ji Youze clicked into the heads of those deliberately spreading rumors, and found a slippery trumpet.

The fire of the matter was wrapped around Ji Youze. Her private messages are almost bursting.

A lot of people came to ask her if she had a leg with Kang Xi.

Some people even said vulgarly that she had **** all the way to the top, was it really cool.

There are insults, there are those who run high up to tell you to take the pass, and there are those who are trivial and gossip.

Of course, there are many expressing that they want to hold on and will always support her.

At this moment, in a luxuriously decorated villa in the west of the city, Gu Yurou stood out from the bed with an ipad in her arms, flipped through the latest news, and then suddenly rolled on the big bed with her tablet for several laps.

"Ji Youze and Kang Xi are really a pair?! I'm not mistaken, right!" Gu Yurou sat up after rolling a few laps, her expression full of excitement.

"Oh my god, two people are so good-looking, they are actually a couple! OMG! What should I do if I'm so excited?! Haha, I'm going to fan out again! Dead Ji Youze, didn't tell me! Wait... Why are they all scolding...something wrong...Kang Xi, what's the matter?" After Gu Yurou was excited, her expression became serious as she continued to look through it.

However, after going through the relevant news for a while, and after watching the speeches of netizens for a while, Gu Yurou found that this matter was not as simple as she had imagined.

"Is it wrong, why are these people scolding? It's unscientific. There are so many Kang Xi fans, and most of them are diehard fans. How could something happen and there are not a few people to maintain it? Why are most of them? Are you scolding?"

After all, Gu Yurou was also the leader of Kang Xiji Youze's CP fans. As a leader, she is the most sensitive to these things. After thinking and thinking, Gu Yurou only thought of one possibility.

"Shui Jun!" Gu Yurou pointed at the screen, narrowed her eyes and said.

After that, she clicked on fifty or sixty hot comment avatars in a row, and found that her guess did not go wrong. Those are almost all trumpets, and some have just applied for them. Generally speaking, the sunspot of a star next door killed him. Because he didn't dare to expose his master, he temporarily applied for a trumpet.

There is also an obvious navy.

It's not that Kang Xi's fans didn't speak, but their words were overwhelmed by these menacing people. Therefore, it created an illusion for passers-by that the whole people are fighting against Kang Xi.

"Who, who...who brought you to me..." Gu Yurou frowned and thought for a long time, and muttered: "Who is controlling it, I rely on it, I want to do the CP that I like, scream! ?"


On the other side, Yang Suhuan is making desserts in the store. Suddenly an employee ran in and told her that a lot of reporters had come outside and wanted to interview her.

After listening, Yang Suhuan said without looking up: "No."

"But they won't leave, they have to interview you and ask what you think about Ji Youze and Kang Xi!"

After Yang Suhuan listened, she raised her head and asked, "What happened to them?"

"They were revealed to be in love!"

After Yang Suhuan listened, the scraper in his hand fell to the ground instantly.

"It was revealed...what's going on, okay?" Yang Suhuan hurriedly took the employee's arm.

"She, I don't know, they haven't responded yet..." It was the first time that employees saw Yang Suhuan's excited appearance, and they were a little stupid.

So Yang Suhuan hurriedly tore off the disposable gloves and turned around in the house. Finally, he found his mobile phone and called Ji Youze. After making two calls, the user is busy. Please try again later.

Yang Suhuan thought for a long time, but chose to go out.

After seeing Yang Suhuan, the reporter immediately surrounded her, scared her to take a step back.

"Miss Yang, what do you think about this time?"

"Miss Yang, may I ask, are Ji Youze and Kang Xi in a romantic relationship?"

"Ms. Yang, is Kang Xi the driving force behind Ji Youze? That's why Ji Youze was whitewashed?"


"Huh? Are they in love? When did they tell me, why didn't they tell me? Why don't you tell me about such an important thing? If you don't tell me, you don't treat me as a friend? I'm not an old antique. , Obviously will send blessings, why? Is it because there are too many people in this world who hate homosexuality? Are you worried about me too? I am not, why don't you tell me..." Yang Suhuan always muttered there. After that, he went out like a sleepwalking, stopped a car, and left.

The reporters were stunned, and their jaws were almost falling to the ground.

On the other side, Qian Jia was surrounded as soon as he left the company.

The reporters raised the same question.

However, Qian Jia just bowed his head and walked quickly without speaking.

But the group of people was too annoying, and they buzzed like flies. So Qian Jia opened the car door and closed it again. He turned around and pulled a person's microphone and said, "What age is this, and still clinging to gender and sexual orientation, are you wrong?"

When the reporter was taken aback, he didn't dare to lean forward. It is said that for a long time, there have been three people that these reporters did not dare to entangle. One of the most famous is Liu Zhiming, who is known as the long live master of the acting circle. This person usually cherishes words like gold, and transforms in emergencies, which can swear the media. But rumors say that he dared to do this because his background is too strong.

And the newest one is Qian Jia.

But this time, even though Qian Jiafa was stunned, the reporters still refused to leave, and they patted there with interest.

Qian Jia instantly became angry. He snatched the cameraman from the photographer next to the reporter, and after scanning all the reporters on his shoulders, he said, "Pigging people* is fun, isn't it? Fatty, what face do you cover? Put your hand down, my sister will record a mv for you and send it online. You look sharp enough, and you are sure to be popular. What are you covering, what are you embarrassed about, dig people every day * Edit the news and send it to everyone, it's your turn Why did you persuade you when you showed your face? Come to say hello to everyone, what are you afraid of? You can't see it alone..."

After Qian Jia was so tortured, the reporters saw that she was really crazy, so she ran away one by one.

"Fantastic. Let's go." Qian Jia left the cameraman and said to the bodyguards next to him.

In the apartment.

At this time, both Yang Cailin and Cai Yun felt that Kang Xi was here. Of course Ji Youze was also there.

"The company originally decided to announce the news of your contract termination at night, but this is not good for you. After all, those things that were reported on the front foot, and the termination of the contract on the back foot will be announced. It will make people think that your rumors are true. Circle. So I will help you suppress the announcement of the news first." Cai Yun said.

"Thank you Sister Yun." Kang Xi smiled.

"The team is drafting a public relations document on this matter. We are also looking for information about the ip of the whistleblower. After finding it, the company intends to directly sue him for spreading rumors." Yang Cailin said, and turned out the screenshots saved before. Break the news.

"But now I want to know which of these contents are true and which are false, to draw the public's attention and public opinion to the false point, so that the right medicine can be prescribed, otherwise it is to shoot yourself in the foot." Yang Cailin put the tablet in front of Kang Xi and Ji Youze.

Kang Xi pushed the tablet away, and after a moment of silence, he said lightly: "It's all true."

Yang Cailin and Cai Yun couldn't help looking at each other after listening.

"It's true that you two are in love?!" After that, the two people said this sentence almost in unison.

Ji Youze and Kang Xi both nodded at the same time.

"Are you serious?" Yang Cailin asked again.

"Yeah. Yes, I talked about it before, and then I divided. Later, I'm together again." After Ji Youze finished speaking, he fell silent again.

"You..." Yang Cailin was so excited that she was almost speechless.

Cai Yun glanced at her and replied: "Don't be so fussy. There are stars who fall in love with the same sex."

"But the problem is that the situation is very complicated and troublesome, do you know?!" Yang Cailin turned to look at Cai Yun.

"Do you know it?" Cai Yun couldn't help but hit the bar with Yang Cailin.

The two agents stared at them like this, making Ji Youze and Kang Xi a little embarrassed.

"Can I say that, even if Ji Youze and I are not in a relationship and want to target me, they will still use other means to punish me." Kang Xi thought for a while and continued: "If I were that person , If you can’t start from the aspect of sexual orientation, you can also start from other places. Last time I had an interview in Dong, his girlfriend appeared in the middle and splashed me all over. He didn’t tell his girlfriend where he was. But his girlfriend came here anyway."

"So I think I might have been targeted by someone at that time. Even if I am not in a relationship with Aze, that person can fix me from other places, such as telling everyone that the show we are doing is disgusting. Obviously I have a girlfriend, so I make appointments in private to be a junior or something. Right?" Kang Xi smiled when he finished speaking.

Speaking of this, she suddenly felt that she had been surrounded by crowds a long time ago, but it was enough that she had only reacted until now.

But Kang Xi's words immediately attracted the attention of Cai Yun and Yang Cailin.

"You are right. From this point of view, even if the person doesn't reveal these things about you, even if you are not in love with Aze, they can still use other methods to fix you. But, who would want to harm you so much? You?" Cai Yun touched his chin and thought, but couldn't find the most suspicious person for a long time.

"Zhou Yulian." Ji Youze and Kang Xi spoke almost at the same time.

"My notebook, she is the only one who can get it." Kang Xi dropped her head, rubbed her hands again, and continued: "And my dad told me to stay away from her."

"However, knowing who did it is actually fine." Ji Youze said suddenly. "I have an idea. After you say it, don't rush to scold me for a bad idea or something."

"Say." Although Cai Yun and Yang Cailin felt that Ji Youze couldn't come up with a good idea, they still felt that they wouldn't suffer from listening to them.

"Zhou Yulian can’t see IQ at the first glance. Actually, it’s most undesirable to explode Kang Xi and me out at this time! You think, her front foot and Kang Jinhua fall out, and the back foot will start to fight Kang Xi. I guessed that she did it, so I said that she was in arrears with her IQ. So I think, dealing with such a low IQ person, you don't need to think too much." Ji Youze scratched his head and said.

"In this way, the two of us wandered where she could see, pretended to have a fight, broke up, let her mistakenly think that we tore our faces. At this time, she might take the opportunity to pull me together to black you, and then I took advantage of the situation to break into the enemy's army and kill them all at once!" Ji Youze said, clenching his fists and raising them into the air.

"Will Zhou Yulian be so mentally retarded?" Yang Cailin despised Ji Youze with disdain.

Ji Youze walked up to Kang Xi, took Kang Xi's hand, and said, "Don't forget, Kang Xi and I are not ordinary people. Our acting skills are pretty good."

"Yes, I almost forgot, you are actors." After Cai Yun listened, he was stunned for a second and suddenly woke up.

"It's better to try this first." What is unexpected is that Cai Yun and Yang Cailin have not answered yet, but Kang Xi agreed.

Kang Xi thought for a while and called Kang Jinhua.

"Dad, give me the key to the villa. I may move in in a few days."

After hanging up the phone, Kang Xi exhaled.

"You want to move?" Ji Youze was a little panicked for a moment.

"Have you forgotten when we met at the awards ceremony? At that time, I said a word, the act will make a full set." Kang Xi finished speaking, smiling again.

"Yes, this time, we are going to give the roots!" Ji Youze nodded.

After drawing up a strategy, Ji Youze returned to his room and opened a video with his parents.

Mother Ji looked red, as if she had been crying for several rounds. Ji Youze looked distressed, but in the end he could only say something like: "Mom, don't worry, I'm fine, things will be resolved."

Mother Ji couldn't listen at all, she just wiped her tears and said, "What the **** is your child tossing about! Our two elders are exhausted and have gotten you a pretty good family background. You have to be some star. ! There is no time to rest all year round, just forget about being a star, and still be **** with that Kang Xi, don't you want to live a good life! Do you have to make us uncomfortable to death?"

"Don't mess around in the entertainment industry anymore, come back to me! Don't be embarrassed outside! Ouch, how are you going to marry people from now on?!"

After listening to Ji Youze, he wanted to say something several times, but the words came to his lips and couldn't say it. I am afraid that after speaking out, I will annoy my mother even more.

Like a tug of war, after about thirty or forty minutes of the video, Ji Changcun persuaded Ji's mother to go aside, and then he sat down in front of the computer.

"Baby, have you been working hard lately?"

Suddenly when Ji Changcun said these words, Ji Youze, who was still pricking with people like a hedgehog, suddenly seemed to soften all the thorns.

She nodded, and shook her head when she was finished.

"It's just hard work. There is no ups and downs in life, so it's not called life. In fact, it's normal. However, the most important thing is that you have to be clear about what you should do to get through these ups and downs." Ji Changcun's eyes In fact, it is also covered with red blood.

He should also be very worried, but he is trying hard to show that he is very calm.

"What have I told you before? What should I do if there is a mountain in front of you blocking your progress?" Ji Changcun asked.

"Blast it and continue walking." Ji Youze said with a red nose.

"Right." Ji Changcun nodded.

"Dad, tell the truth, are you disappointed in me?" When Ji Youze asked this question, the tip of his nose couldn't help but began to sore.

She has not been an obedient child all the time. Often it was her parents who told her to go east, but she just wanted to go west. Her parents asked her to do this, and she insisted on doing that. Anyway, it seems that I haven't listened much.

Parents don’t want her to enter the entertainment industry, saying that it’s to be a celebrity and to be a celebrity. In the big names, it is only a product belonging to this industry for mass consumption and money for the boss. There is no one. It would be great to be the boss by yourself.

But she did not follow her parents' ideas.

However, her parents hope that she can find someone with a good character to marry and have children, but she is not willing.

After thinking about it this way, Ji Youze realized that he seemed to be quite selfish all the time.

After listening to Ji Youze’s questioning, Ji Changcun kept looking at Ji Youze in a posture. He didn’t speak and his eyes didn’t blink, probably because he was stuck when he looked up. So he always kept rolling his eyes.

Ji Youze wiped her nose with a tissue. After twisting her nose for a while, she shook the computer with teary eyes and said, "Dad, why are you stuck at this time?"

Ji Youze picked up the mouse and clicked, but the video frame dropped out on his own.

After a while to no avail, her cell phone rang.


"Ji Youze, this is Gu Yurou! I already know about you and Kang Xi!"


"Which one do you mean to be so annoying about Sanba? I dare to touch the CP that I like. Hey, Sanba is too cruel! Sanba is guiding the public opinion. Hey, I found out...Don't let Sanba It will fall into my hands, otherwise, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, I will dispose of it!" Gu Yurou said a lot when she called.

"I know who it is, but now Kang Xi and I dare not act rashly."

Over there, Gu Yurou was wandering in her father's company while holding her mobile phone and drinking milk. After hearing Ji Youze's words, Gu Yurou rolled her eyes and said, "Who? What a great skill? Would you like to tell this lady, this lady will help you walk the crazy dog?"

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