Kang Xi is worthy of being a small communicator.

In the past, when Ji Youze and Kang Xi were in a cold war, they still disliked that Kang Xi was good to everyone. They cast nets everywhere and met everyone. But I didn't expect that social networking on weekdays would come in handy when something really happened.

Something happened. At first, everyone didn't react, but when they reacted later, they all came out one by one to help Kang Xi out of anger.

Qian Jia's previous remarks made by reporters were immediately pushed to the forefront.

The sentence "What age is this, and you are still holding on to your gender and sexual orientation, do you have something wrong?" After being reported, everyone was excited.

However, this remark made by Qian Jia has caused some people to keep asking Qian Jia if he would say such things, and whether it represents Qian Jia too.

In fact, Qian Jia had already come out with her family a long time ago, and she has also received sympathy and support. Externally, Qian Jia has never deliberately avoided questions about his sexual orientation. She has never admitted or avoided it, because she feels that her life is her own business and why she should tell others.

But this time, seeing Kang Xi being exposed to sexual orientation, and everyone behaved curiously about it, Qian Jia exploded. She would blow up, partly because she felt that Kang Xi was actually a good person, and she needed to help Kang Xi say something. Another part of the reason is that Qian Jia really dislikes the public's response.

What's wrong with homosexuality? Is it weird? You need a lot of people to come here curiously, right? Don't you just like women? What's the big deal?

Moreover, Xue Shaohua and Mo Lier, who had never paid much attention to other people's disputes, also stepped forward.

Xue Shaohua posted a photo of herself in high school. In the photo, he has an exploded head and is wearing a flowered shirt. His face is yellow and thin, and he looks malnourished, but his expression is very domineering and cool.

When composing the essay: "I turned over the album and found that I was also a yellow diamond nobleman. Killing the King of Matt, are you convinced?"

Many people commented below: "Xue Shao, you are really handsome and cry me."

"So you are this Xue Shaohua."

"Killing aristocrats will never die."

"Give the way to Kang Xi next door?"

After Xue Shaohua opened his head, Molly also posted a photo. She was in her teenage years, wearing sling pants from the fire, with lightning-scraping paper on her face, despising the feeling of common people.

The accompanying text is: "Host Xue Shaohua misses the time when we were fighting for the supremacy of the world?"

When Molly, who was not very popular, posted this Weibo, many people touched it and read it. They all said OMG, are you really the supermodel I know? Others said they dared to post photos of their past, which was straightforward and awesome.

Xue Shaohua looked at it and commented on her Weibo: "So you are the famous dance queen."

Molly replied: "Although my sister is now a mortal, looking back on the past, I am really full of emotions."

After these two people finished posting, they didn't finish, but you and I chatted with each other. Netizens also unknowingly switched from onlookers to discussing together.

Gradually, someone began to say: "Hahahaha, would I say that I am also a brain-dead? I really feel that these costumes were basically a trend at the time. Someone did it, and someone followed suit, how unbearable it could be. Kang Xi was hacked at this point, to be honest, I was still quite speechless. Besides, she was not very non-mainstream at the time. I looked at the photos."

"But Kang Xi is not considered a non-mainstream person and kills Matt. The people who played rock and roll in the early days are basically that style. Big smoky, holey dress...not to mention the early days, it seems to be the same now?"

Of course, some people said: "Don't be confused about the key points. The key point is Kang Xi's black history blessings. It's not about how she dressed before."

Even Luo Yin, who used to work for Kang Xi's company, also posted a photo. In fact, it is quite normal, just a little bit of a picture, with the text: "I was young."

A large group of people almost broke this stalk for fun.

Not only public figures, but ordinary people also started to bring up photos of themselves.

"I was also a member of the nobility."

"In those years, the youth we indulged."

"Picture one is my non-mainstream period, picture two is when I killed Matt, picture three is when I was obsessed with Gothic, picture four is when I am now, um, obsessed with Lolita (don’t say I pretend to be tender!! A woman will always be 18!) I think it’s actually nothing. Everyone’s preferences are different.”

"Looking down in a circle, I feel that Kang Xi's past is really weak. The life of the masses is colorful, haha."

However, more people are still concerned about the sexual orientation of Kang Xi and Ji Youze.

Many of Kang Xi and Yu Dong’s CP fans even jumped so hard, saying that Kang Xi deceived everyone's feelings and should apologize. People have to be forced to apologize for this kind of thing. These people can be said to be really brain-dead. Kang Xi's account on the screen pupil was also followed up to ask if Kang Xi and Ji Youze were really in a relationship.

Kang Xi's mood is still very dull. After hesitating for a while, she still boarded q and entered Ji Youze's fan base.

As she expected, the group was completely blown up at this time.

In fact, it is normal.

Every time something happens, there will be some passers-by turn passers-by, passers-by turn black. This time it was no exception. Someone really ran into the group and sent words like "Goodbye, I've gotten out of food."

Although there are usually yy and the two of them, it is just yy. And it is only a small number of people in yy. When the relationship between two people is really confirmed, there will still be many people who cannot accept it.

Also, you may not all like Kang Xi for fan Ji Youze. There are such a group of people who like Ji Youze, but at the same time they are completely disinterested in Kang Xi, and are even biased. Just like those who like Kang Xi, there are also some who hate Ji Youze.

So when the news broke out, such a group would explode first, indicating that it was unacceptable.

There are also some people who say that the parties have not come out to admit their relationship, so everyone should not speculate. After all, what has not been confirmed is just a rumor and is not a belief. Don't forget the **** lessons when someone was led by the nose in the past.

However, at this moment, someone gradually brought public opinion to Kang Xi's family background.

"It's no wonder that I couldn't find too much background information about Kang Xi before. It turns out that her father is a big man. I'll go."

"Hehe, Kang Xi will be so popular in the entertainment industry, probably her family didn't give her less effort."

"I don't believe in anything like starting from scratch or winning success without relying on relationships. It's all poisonous chicken soup."

"Does anyone want August 18 about her father's situation? It feels weird."


Sure enough, about Kang Xi's topic, it was really one that sank and then floated.

#康夕季优泽生日##康夕黑史##康夕爸爸##康夕假cp##康夕 background#

These topics really emerged one after another in fancy, scorching people's eyes. But it also made Ji Youze more certain of his previous conjectures.

"Aze, I found a place where Zhou Yulian likes to appear recently. Recently, at 8 o'clock every evening, she would go to the Yuandian coffee shop in Kingswood Park, and she would bring a notebook." Kang Xi turned off those on the Internet. Content, cut off all disturbances, and then call Ji Youze to get things done.

"Ok, I see, then we will meet there when the time comes."

"Yeah." Kang Xi finished speaking and hung up the phone.

At 7:50 that evening.

Zhou Yulian took her notebook and went to the coffee shop she frequented.

It seems that because of a habit, she will always be there on time at this point. In addition, this cafe was opened in a secluded part of Kingswood Park, and she could also enjoy the night view outside while drinking coffee. After all, the night view here is not bad. Also, there are few people here, so quiet. Although this cafe was due to fewer and fewer guests, it was going to close in a month and open to the park next door.

As usual, I ordered a cup of American coffee and ordered a few desserts. Zhou Yulian turned on the computer, sorted out some things in the company, and watched the progress of the Kangxi incident by the way.

However, when I stretched my waist and looked outside, I found two familiar people walking past the glass window.

After all, I have lived with Kang Xi for so long. Unlike the fans and others who can only watch through the screen on weekdays, Kang Xi can be identified by just listening to the footsteps.

That is definitely Kang Xi and Ji Youze! Thinking about this, Zhou Yulian put away the notebook, paid the bill, and hurried out, trailing behind Kang Xi and Ji Youze.

Although there are street lights in the park at night, the overall light is still not very bright. Many lights are turned off, and only the most basic street lights are still on.

After all, in the next door (about two stations away from here), a park claimed to be built by an internationally renowned designer has opened. There are also the latest music fountain and miniature children’s playground in it, which caused most young people to go there. Therefore, in Kingswood Park, there are fewer young people coming, and only middle-aged and elderly people are left. quiet.

So Zhou Yulian didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Ji Youze and Kang Xi choosing to come here for a walk.

Her heart is excited and excited. After walking a few steps, she took out a small camera in her bag, turned it into silent mode, and shot Ji Youze and Kang Xi wildly. This small camera is only three inches in size, so it is very convenient to use.

After walking for a while, I saw Kang Xi and Ji Youze sitting on old chairs behind a big tree.

Zhou Yulian looked around for a while, and then hurriedly picked a place that was more concealed, but not too far away to hide herself.

After Kang Xi and Ji Youze sat down together, they didn't speak much at first. The atmosphere is a little weirdly quiet.

Ji Youze seemed a little anxious. She took out the phone and fiddled with it for a while, then finally put down the phone, turned her head and said to Kang Xi: "I think we need to have a good talk. It's really impossible to keep avoiding this way."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your mind hasn't been put on me long ago, right?"

"If you insist on thinking that way, I can't help it."

After Kang Xi finished speaking, Ji Youze did not speak for a long time. She just turned her head and looked forward with empty eyes. In front of them, there is a path paved with cobblestones, and across the path is a sparse wood.

I don't know how long it took, an old man walked past them with a portable radio.

Teresa Teng's "Sweet Honey" was playing on the radio.

After the old man left, the song gradually disappeared. Ji Youze held his forehead with his hand and sucked his nose. After that, his legs were crossed and one hand was placed on his knee, looking very unable to sit still.

So Kang Xi turned her face, stretched out her hand, and gently pulled Ji Youze's hand.

What was unexpected was that Ji Youze slammed Kang Xi's hand away in the next second.

She asked in a hoarse voice that was almost out of control, but could be suppressed: "What do I mean if I insist on thinking like that? Explain, what is meant by if I insist on thinking like that? I will ask you again, if I don’t think like that. , Then what should I think?"

Ji Youze asked excitedly.

Kang Xi looked at her, but still did not speak.

So Ji Youze became anxious and continued: "Then I ask you, do you agree to a public relationship?"

"I've told you how many times, it's not that I don't want to make it public, but what should we do after we make it public? What will be the consequences, have you thought about it?"

"Yes, so you want to make a clean break with me, right? So you even promised your parents to go on a blind date behind my back, in order to crush the rumors, right?" Ji Youze looked at Kang Xi bitterly. Gritted his teeth and asked.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Kang Xi turned her head away and only left a word.

"Then, let's break up." Ji Youze took a deep breath and said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, the two fell into a strange silence.

"I said breaking up, did you hear that?" Ji Youze seemed unable to bear it anymore, so he spoke again.

After listening, Kang Xi sneered and replied, "Yes. It's fine for you and me, isn't it?"

"Scum!" After listening to this, Ji Youze got up angrily, and walked forward shaking.

However, after walking a few steps, she turned around again, shivering and removing the necklace from her wrist, and threw it at Kang Xi, leaving a sentence: "We will go our own way in the future!" It seemed to be stunned, but after that she still didn't look back, and walked away straight and straight.

The relationship broke? It's really interesting. As Zhou Yulian was shooting, the corners of her mouth could not help but rise. It seems that there is something to post at night, and there is another major news to break the news. It's really God who is helping her. She not only took photos, but also recorded a video with her mobile phone.

Kang Xi continued to sit there for a while, and then began to call.

"Hello? Dad. I will move out tomorrow. I'm just here to talk to you." After Kang Xi finished speaking, she hung up the phone and left.

It seems that Kang Xi and Ji Youze really have a fight? Besides, Kang Xi is going to move? Don’t you be neighbors with Ji Youze? Zhou Yulian stood up, and while thinking, she turned her head and prepared to go out from the other exit of the park.

However, she had just turned around and found a woman carrying a small satchel swaying towards her.

The woman has a very small body, with long hair combed into a ponytail, wearing a sports T-shirt and a pair of shorts with two pockets, and roller skates tied to her feet. The reason why she feels "floating" is probably because of the shoes under her feet.

It may be because of the novice, the woman slipped very hard, still cursing in her mouth.

"That group of dead people! I dared to leave this lady and slip away alone. It's so annoying! I'm so angry!" The woman said, she couldn't help stomping her foot, but she didn't expect her roller skates to slip forward suddenly. The whole person almost jumped forward, but fortunately he finally stabilized his foot.

Zhou Yulian looked at the woman and frowned displeased.

Holding the phone and camera tightly, she deliberately avoided the woman and walked to the side.

However, at this time, the woman's feet suddenly slipped again! After fluttering his arms in the air for a while, he grabbed Zhou Yulian's arm!

"Ah, help me, I'm about to fall!" The woman grabbed Zhou Yulian's arm and shouted.

Zhou Yulian hadn't been relieved yet, the woman was too strong, she pulled her arm and fell to the ground with a bang!

"I'm going to you..." Zhou Yulian originally wanted to curse, but the fall was too strong. Her whole buttocks hit the ground violently, and she felt numb from the pain.

"Sorry, I, I'll help you up!" After the woman slowly stood up from the ground, she stretched out her hand to pull Zhou Yulian.

"Don't worry about it, I can do it myself!" Zhou Yulian was very irritable and threw the girl's hand away.

As a result, the girl suddenly slipped under one foot, kicking Zhou Yulian's phone and camera out of the ground!

This is a flat bridge by the lake. The phone and camera are currently half-hung on the shore, and they may fall down anytime and anywhere.

"Oh, I'm sorry, let me pick it up for you!" The woman found herself kicking Zhou Yulian's camera and mobile phone there, she couldn't help opening her eyes and covering her mouth with her hand, indicating that she was frightened.

"I'll do it myself..." Zhou Yulian said, standing up, planning to pick it up by myself.

"Hey, it's okay, it's just a matter of hand, let me pick it up for you!" After the woman said, she bent down with a smile, and stretched out her hand.

As a result, if she was not careful, her feet were unstable, and things were kicked instantly!

The woman held on to the railing and stretched out her head to look at the lake. Then she turned around and looked at Zhou Yulian awkwardly, and said, "I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, what brand of your phone and camera are you? Let me, I, I'll pay. I'm here for you."

Upon hearing the words, Zhou Yulian rushed forward, holding on to the railing and looking down. However, her mobile phone and camera were long gone. Falling into the lake is basically trash. Zhou Yu pity hammered the railing fiercely.

"Plague God! Get out!" Zhou Yulian turned her head and looked at the rollerblading woman. After angrily said, she walked off the flat bridge and walked around the bluestone steps next to her. He took off his shoes and prepared to go into the water.

"I'm sorry, are there important things in it? I'll help you fish it! Anyway, this is the shallowest part of the lake! The deepest part is not here!" The woman finished speaking, took off her roller skates and ran along. Go down.

Zhou Yulian didn't bother to care about her, she just took off her shoes and tentatively went down to the lake. After confirming that the water was not deep, she went down. After the rollerblading woman threw her small satchel aside, she followed.

However, after searching for a long time, no mobile phone or camera was found. Zhou Yulian could only give up.

"I'm sorry, I will lose you money." Finally, the woman scratched her head and said embarrassedly.

"No! Go away!" Zhou Yu was so angry that he turned and left. There are indeed many important things in the phone. The only thing she can do now is to delete the data remotely after going back. In this way, even if you get picked up by someone else, you don't have to worry about it. That's right, even though the phone may have been scrapped, she still has to delete the contents in order to be safe.

However, at this time, the roller skating girl watched Zhou Yulian leave, and took out the mobile phone and small camera that she had just picked up from the two big pockets of her pants.

Then she opened the small shoulder bag that was placed aside, took out the mobile phone, swiped it, and after finding a number, she dialed it.

"I just lost everything she secretly photographed. How, am I great?!"

"Yes, you are the best! Wait a minute, we will come here."

"Of course, it must be! Who am I, I am Gu Yurou!" While talking on the phone, Gu Yurou wiped the water on the phone and camera with a tissue in one hand.

"I just said, take me out, for you, it is definitely an invincible and correct choice! You are still reluctant to take me, really! But your tricks are really high, even for Zhou. Yu Lian feels that you two really collapsed, and all the things she secretly photographed have hung up." Gu Yurou said, putting her phone and camera in her bag, and then went to throw her roller skates into the trash can.

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