Yuan Yingying, who was pretending to sleep, opened her eyes when she heard Kang Xi's words, and looked at Kang Xi who was sitting next to her very vigilantly. That look...It was as if Kang Xi was holding a dagger in her hand and flying towards her.

"What are you doing here?" Yuan Yingying licked the hair at the corner of her mouth, and did not dare to stare at Kang Xi, so she turned her gaze slightly away and looked towards the ground.

"This phone contains a record of many things you have done before. With the outbreak of this incident, do you think that everyone's focus is on Ji Youze, and no one will notice you?" Kang Xi did not Talk nonsense, just raise the phone in your hand.

"Your hands and feet are very quick. Whenever something happens, you spend a lot of money to find someone to delete everything about yourself on the Internet. But I am faster than you. I am really exhausted when it comes to this. I took a screenshot that night. I cut a lot of them, and I haven't been able to sort them out until now. Are you interested in taking a look?"

After all, before Yuan Yingying could speak, Kang Xi threw the phone directly next to Yuan Yingying.

"There is no password." Kang Xi pulled her hair up and pressed it down.

Yuan Yingying stared at Kang Xi like a monster for a long time, until the screen of the phone went dark, she reached out and picked up the phone.

As soon as she opened it, Yuan Yingying was stunned.

"Yuan Yingying from the class next door to August 18th, I really hate her, my God!"

"Ape Yinyin is too disgusting. I saw her talking and laughing with a bunch of killers on the weekend, and the goose bumps came out. That Erhei is her current boyfriend? I heard that she had a fight last year. !"

"Yuan Yingying is so disgusting, I can't stand it, bullying people all the time!"

"It seems that she is asking someone to collect protection fees! I found a picture that was taken when the bullied classmate hit him..."

"I heard that this woman was planning to stop Hu Qingqing for a fight after school recently. I don't know if it is true or not..."

Yuan Yingying saw from behind, some fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

She trembled and wanted to delete the screenshots of those posts.

At the same time, Kang Xi smiled and said, "Delete it. It doesn't matter, I still have a backup there anyway."

"Why are you so disgusting?!" Yuan Yingying finally couldn't help but shouted excitedly.

Kang Xi closed her smile and became serious.

"That's the one who is disgusting. At a young age, it's so vicious. Oh yes, by the way, I also know about you and Hu Qingqing." Kang Xi's eyes were cold, like frost.

"What?" Yuan Yingying looked incredulous.

"You threatened her, didn't you? And this time, you threatened her too. Little girl, don't take your own abilities too strong. In this society, if you don't play well, don't force it. It hurts others. Don't continue doing things like harming yourself, can you?"

"You!" Yuan Yingying became angry, but could not speak.

Kang Xi raised her eyes and then continued: "Within half an hour, if you don't solve the problem for me, don't blame the world for being too cruel to you."

After that, Kang Xi stood up and walked to the door.

When opening the door, she turned sideways again, looked at Yuan Yingying, and said, "You are still young and young, and I don't want to ruin your future. I haven't given these things to your parents, let alone posted them online. Come on. How to choose, make your own decision."

After Kang Xi left, Yuan Yingying slammed her phone towards the door!

The moment the phone fell to the ground, the screen turned on and then went off.

After a while, she struggled to get out of bed again, picking up the phone in fear. Shaking hands and touching the shattered screen, the whole person shuddered as he recalled the series of things he had just seen.

On the other side, Ji Youze curled up on the sofa with his mobile phone, and fell asleep inexplicably while keeping that position.

One night, she had a lot of messy dreams.

In the end, she was awakened by an alarm.

When I woke up, it was already 8:30 in the morning.

Because the company forcibly gave her a holiday, she doesn't have to go to work today and can stay home to adjust her status. But because this alarm was set long ago and forgot to cancel it, it still rang this morning.

Yang Cailin said that the company has already drawn up a plan to solve the problem and told her not to worry.

Ji Youze rubbed his temples and continued to look at the phone.

There were several missed calls from his parents, so Ji Youze called back. After pretending to be peaceful and calm on the phone with her parents, she hung up the phone, feeling that her whole body was sore to death.

Kang Xi is not at home today. After all, Kang Xi sighed with herself with the full schedule a few days ago. At that time, Ji Youze noticed that in the last two weeks, Kang Xi didn't even have a day off.

Therefore, Ji Youze never thought about looking for her in Kang Xi's house.

What she didn't know was that Kang Xi was already tired and lying in the room after fighting all night, and the phone was turned on silent.

Ji Youze has not been idle these days, and has been investigating the guy who threw the dirty stuff.

Huangtian paid off. Although the people were noisy and chaotic at the time, she could not see the guy clearly, but the efforts were not wasted.

In the past few days, Ji Youze went to the place where the incident occurred and all the surrounding places where the monitoring facilities were installed.

Finally, I found a monitor, which clearly recorded the course of events.

The one who threw the bottle looked like a thin, tall young man. The young man is wearing a fat t-shirt and looser jeans. There seemed to be some words printed on the t-shirt, and it was hard to see the details.

Also, the young man wore a mask and a hat all the time.

The young man's behavior was sneaky from the beginning, pressing his hat for a while and rubbing his nose for a while. Wandering around there for a long time.

It felt like waiting for Ji Youze to come out.

After that, the young man splashed his feet and ran away.

When running away, the young man turned and ran in the direction of the camera, so Ji Youze saw the young man in front of him. Of course, it is the front face and head blocked by the mask and hat.

After Ji Youze took the photo, he also saved a copy on the network disk. She didn't believe that she couldn't find this little bastard.

Today, Ji Youze intends to take advantage of the holiday given by the company to call out some of the better friends to find the bastard.

What I didn’t expect was that as soon as I called, my friend answered, and hurriedly said: “Old Ji, have you got up to read the news today? That Yuan Yingying came out to talk, but I don’t know why, but I still think it sounds weird. ..."

Ji Youze quickly went online after hanging up the phone.

Sure enough, Yuan Yingying developed an apology statement.

The content was: "I'm sorry, because it was dark at the time. I only know that someone pushed me with a hand, but I don't know who it was. Because there were only two people next to me, Miss Ji Youze and my friend Hu Qingqing. , So I thought it was Miss Ji who pushed it. After all, Hu Qingqing is my good friend, and I thought, she couldn’t reach out and push me no matter what. So, I thought it was Miss Ji who pushed..."

Looking at the feeling of speaking, it seemed that he meant to turn the finger at Hu Qingqing. Moreover, some people have indeed begun to turn their suspicion on Hu Qingqing.

"God, wouldn't it really be Hu Qingqing?! After the accident, Hu Qingqing has always been invisible. Weibo has not been updated, and even the comments have been closed..."

"I also think that Xuan, maybe the murderer who pushed Yuan Yingying, is really not Ji Youze, but Hu Qingqing..."

After reading the whole article, Ji Youze flicked his body instantly, stepping on the floor with one foot and the sofa with the other.

"You are mentally retarded, did you roll off by yourself?! Why don't you say so much nonsense?" Ji Youze was furious.

Yuan Yingying was lying like this!

Who pushed her, the ghost pushed her!

Ji Youze tried to stop the large number of free and easy running grass and mud horses in his heart and shut them back in the circle, but her helpless thinking told her that she just wanted to drive the grass mud horses to flatten Yuan Yingying's shameless idiot! Although Hu Qingqing is also very angry, it can even be said that Ji Youze has never wanted to see that person for the rest of his life!

However, it is necessary to distinguish things clearly. After all, Yuan Yingying, who is mentally retarded, is now telling a disgusting lie.

After taking a deep breath three or four times, it was still useless, Ji Youze gave up.

She picked up the phone and turned to Yuan Yingying’s Weibo with a comment: “Neither Hu Qingqing nor I pushed you. Even if she wronged me with you, I still have to explain the facts. You, You rolled down by yourself, not pushed by any of us! If you make up like this again, let’s see in court. Now, I don’t care whether you are the flowers of our motherland or whether you need to take care of it. After all, you The roots are bitten by insects and rotten, so I can only turn into insecticide, um, I'll spray it! I'll cure it!"

On the other end, Hu Qingqing, who had been sleeping under the covers for n long years, even missed class and didn't go to school. After reading Ji Youze's comment, the tip of her nose was sour and her lips were whistling.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Hu Qingqing has thought about a lot of things these days, but still has no courage to tell the truth.

But now, she felt that she couldn't hide. Continuing to hide like this will not solve any problems.

However, she is really afraid that when everything is said, her parents will be chilled.

At this time, Sun Fei, who successfully signed another game endorsement, smiled so much that her eyes were about to bend.

She thought for a while, and sent another text message to the little brother she had contacted before using the spare cell phone.

"You did a good job last time. The day after tomorrow, the investors and directors of a movie will cast a cast publicly. Ji Youze will also participate. You can make another sensation. I will email you the details."

After Sun Fei sent the text message, the whole person looked happy.

There are some bad things that you may get nervous the first time you do it. But after doing too much, it is really addictive.

I heard that the investors in that drama also intend to cooperate with Ji Youze.

Okay, let's cooperate. She will definitely let Ji Youze make a fool of herself again, and she will make a fool of herself in front of investors. Considering the image of the company's products and so on, she doesn't believe that investors will desperately use Ji Youze like this.

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