Kang Xi woke up at more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

She was awakened by a nightmare. She dreamed of recording a program with Ji Youze on a helicopter, but encountered strong air currents, and the plane turned and fell down.

They parachuted in a panic, but Ji Youze’s parachuting device was broken, and couldn’t pull it off anyway, so it kept falling down, falling down all the time...

After falling into the sea, she swam with her breath, looking for Ji Youze's trace.

The surroundings were cold and dark, and there was nothing to see.

She opened her mouth and wanted to call her loudly, but there was no way to call it out.

When she woke up from the dream, Kang Xi put her hands on the mattress, her face was sweaty, and her heartbeat was chaotic.

The bedside alarm clock ticked and moved, and the second hand moved past ‘12’ and moved on.

The white gauze swayed constantly at the windows, blocking most of the sunlight.

Kang Xi got up and got out of bed, stroked her hair and walked out of the room, went to the kitchen to wash the cup and pour water out.

At this time the cell phone rang.

Kang Xi took it over and found that Ji Youze was calling.

"Hello? What are you doing?" Kang Xi asked when she picked up.

After hearing this, Ji Youze choked for two seconds and replied: "Call you..."

Kang Xi seemed to have recovered from the nightmare, groping with one hand to support the edge of the counter behind him, and said: "Great, it's great that you are fine."

"I'll be fine, don't worry, who am I, I am..."

"I know, you are Ji Youze." Kang Xi said, holding a hand to her forehead.

As a result, what I didn't expect was that the other party was silent for a while after listening.

"Why didn't you speak?" Kang Xi was puzzled.

"It feels so good to have you thinking about and caring all the time."

Kang Xi exhaled and said: "No way, who told me to love you."

"It's nice to have someone in love."

Kang Xi smiled after listening, and continued to ask: "Where are you now?"

"At home. How about you? I heard someone say that you didn't go to work today."

"Well, I didn't go, at home."

"Really, I'll come to you later! Let's go eat the spicy hot pot! I haven't eaten it for a long time, but it’s only when I eat it!" Maybe it’s because I was okay before I heard Kang Xi, Ji Youze was afraid that Kang Xi was worried too much, so he tried his best to be happy.

"Yes, you can eat whatever you want." Kang Xi smiled.

After that, Kang Xi continued to go online to observe the online situation.

Kang Xi, who had already given no hope to Hu Qingqing, discovered that Hu Qingqing had posted on Weibo.

"I am sorry."

Simply three words.

No other words.

Hu Qingqing, who hadn't been updated for a long time, suddenly changed three words, and the netizens immediately boiled.

Everyone is speculating about what these three words mean and who they are talking to.

Right to Yuan Yingying? Or is it to Ji Youze?

"She is apologizing to Ji Youze and Yuan Yingying?! Didn’t Yuan Yingying say it before, saying that the situation was very complicated at the time, and she didn’t know who she was pushed down, she only knew that she was pushed down. But now that Hu Qingqing made this, it must be about this matter. I think it should be she who pushed Yuan Yingying, but Ji Youze was vilified and abused! So she should be both at the same time. Personally apologize!"

There are many people who agree with this statement.

It almost fell down. Most of the netizens who had torn Ji Youze before began to scold Hu Qingqing.

Kang Xi looked at the three words, only to feel a little pain in her head.

Make it clear, fool, make it clear about the situation at the time, make it clear that Yuan Yingying rolled off by herself. Speaking the three words unclearly will only take all the attacks on him alone.

Kang Xi closed the page and called Hu Qingqing again.

But no matter how you fight, Hu Qingqing will eventually hang up.

At this moment, Hu Qingqing sent a long post.

Kang Xi immediately clicked to take a look.

Inside, Hu Qingqing really clarified all the ins and outs of the matter.

At the end, she wrote: "Miss Ji Youze, I know that the three words sorry is useless, but I still want to say sorry to you again. You are such a nice person, and you are so dedicated to celebrate my birthday. Do your best. When you came to the school to pick me up that night, you should have been full of excitement and wanted to surprise me. However, I have caused you such a large area of ​​harm. Let the innocent you get involved in this matter. . And parents, I think you will be very disappointed with me, daughter is not filial. It is my fault that I don’t learn to drink at a young age! I just hope you believe that I will become more and more behaved, for sure! "

Soon, the following comments became lively.

Most people said they wanted to vomit blood because they guessed and guessed, but they didn't guess the truth of the matter like this.

There are still a lot of people scolding Hu Qingqing.

However, gradually some people are urging everyone to be merciful, saying that it is the little girl who can stand up to the limelight to say this, which in itself is a way of self-determination and requires great courage. Don't use cyber violence to drive the little girl into desperation.

Kang Xi sighed, and she also sent a note: "Knowing your mistakes can improve you. We all know your sincerity. Don't blame yourself too much. After all, when people make mistakes, just treat themselves as if they are doing it. Let’s have a lesson. Next, live every day and be yourself the most important thing."

Maybe it's because Kang Xi said so, so most of Kang Xi's fans follow Kang Xi's meaning. Although there are many opinions in their hearts, most of them did not scold Hu Qingqing, and some even ran to help Hu Qingqing to say something.

But more, I ran to scold Yuan Yingying.

As for Qian Jia and Yang Suhuan, who were previously implicated by this incident, a group of netizens have come to the bottom of their Weibo to apologize.

Of course, there will be no fans of Fei Sun among them.

Because Sun Fei's fans are still tearing with Yang Suhuan.

As for Yang Suhuan, his combat effectiveness has also exploded. She did not close the comments, anyway, she would pick a few people to reply from time to time.

Moreover, because Yang Suhuan's reply was inexplicably a little joyful, it was a serious joy, so it made people feel a little cute, but instead absorbed a group of passersby fans.

Originally, Qian Jia didn't use Weibo much. But because he has been paying attention to Yang Suhuan, he has now become a head-down clan, always paying attention to Yang Suhuan's dynamics.

Now the first thing she thinks about after finishing her work every day has evolved from ‘do something to relax’ to ‘who did Yang Suhuan cut today? ’.

And from time to time, she would really fight to help Yang Suhuan chop.

She didn't know how she became like this. But what I didn't expect was that once it was cut down, its reputation would be even greater than that of the show.

In addition, someone started to check her family background and found that Qian Jia was far larger than he thought. They all crowded together and clamored to be Qian Jia's younger brother, saying that the welfare was so good that they were so good.

Some people say that the greatest joy now has become expecting Qian Jia to accompany Yang Suhuan to kill people.

Even Qian Jia’s nickname has become ‘Big Brother Money Clip’.

After Ji Youze hung up Kang Xi's phone, he began to dig through the boxes to find the clothes, without paying attention to where the matter was.

She has been in a sluggish state these days, and she has no intention of dressing herself up. Usually, when going out, I use a comb to comb my hair smoothly. As for what I wear on my body, I just put on whatever I catch.

Of course, even if she can dress up, she doesn't dare to dress herself too much, but she still paints a base makeup, at least to make her complexion look a little better.

After cleaning his skin, he sat down in front of the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror quietly. Ji Youze found that another fine line appeared under his eyes at some point.

As if struck by lightning, Ji Youze looked in the mirror for a long time, and suddenly felt heartache.

"I didn't have it last month, so how come this month? God, if I add one every month, then my face... will it not take a few years... it will become a chrysanthemum?!" Ji You Ze held his face in his hands, almost screaming in disbelief.

An hour later, the two sat in a private room of a spicy incense pot.

Ji Youze felt a little dizzy looking at the fake chrysanthemums on a low table next to the table.

"What's wrong?" Kang Xi adjusted the fire, looked at the flowers, and then at Ji Youze. She thought that Ji Youze was depressed by those troublesome things.

Ji Youze recovered, shook his head, stared at the food in the pot for a while, suddenly thought of something, so he waved his hand and reopened the menu.

After tumbling a few times, Ji Youze nodded with his fists, as if he had made some serious decision. After a while, three more plates of trotters appeared on the table.

"Eat! This is for protein supplement! Young after eating!" Ji Youze said, and after putting a plate in front of Kang Xi, he rolled up his sleeves and began to chew.

The most frightening thing is that after eating, Ji Youze actually asked the waiter to pack ten more!

Kang Xi's eyes were almost straight.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to solve it all at once tonight! I just plan to take it back, put it in the refrigerator, and eat it slowly!" Ji Youze felt that he was witty.

However, after Kang Xi finished listening, her brows became tighter.

"If you are obsessed with this, I can make it for you. The refrigerator is not a panacea. You buy so many piles of it. If it is stale, it will make your stomach awkward."

"But... I have already called, then next time I want to eat, I will look for you!" Ji Youze felt that he was not very happy and told the waiter not to do it.

What she didn't know was that after the waiter went out, she shared the menu with her colleagues.

"All Ji Youze ordered?"

"Yes, it's incredible!"

"I feel like I was frightened tonight. Originally, Kang Xi and Ji Youze would appear in our store, which is super incredible! I didn't expect that even more incredible is that Ji Youze is still a pig's hoof control! So many of her Can you eat it?!"

"Anyway, all the three dishes before have become bones."

At this moment, there was a waiter holding his mobile phone, and the whole person seemed absent-minded.

It was the first time she saw a star, and it was her who had received Ji Youze and Kang Xi before.

So, she couldn't hold back, and secretly took the phone to record the scene of Ji Youze and Kang Xi having dinner. Although the phone memory is not enough, a few clips are still recorded.

She is quite curious now, and wants to take it back and take a peek.


After Ji Youze and Kang Xi finished eating and swiping their cards to check out the bill, several waiters and the front desk were all lying together, pulling the bill and chatting non-stop.

"It's a rare time to receive such a big-name celebrity. I want to take a photo and save it!"

While they were talking, two girls took out their phones and snapped at the list.

In the afternoon of the next day, Ji Youze received a text message from a technical friend. There was a number in the text message, and that number belonged to the guy Pokang Xi Dirt.

Looking at the string of numbers, Ji Youze's hands were shaking.

After sitting down on the wicker chair on the balcony, she dialed the number.

After a few beeps, the other party picked it up. Moreover, Ji Youze also set up communication recording.

"I told you all, I'm sleeping, don't you call me now? I'm tired like a dog recently! I'm still thinking about the task that the woman gave me..."

Before Ji Youze spoke, the other party crackled and complained. The voice sounded dazed, slightly hoarse, and seemed to be really sleeping.

That woman...

What do you mean?

Ji Youze did not rush to identify himself, so he asked, "Which woman? Task? What task?"

After listening, the other party continued to say in a dazed voice: "Your memory... is to make Jiyou..."

Halfway through the conversation, the other party seemed to wake up suddenly and stopped talking.

"Hello?" Ji Youze frowned while playing with a nail clipper on the table.

However, there was only a busy tone on the phone. The other party hung up the phone.

Ji Youze put down the phone and stared at the screen of the phone for a long time. Suddenly, she felt afraid for a while. She dropped the phone, hugged herself with her arms, and opened her eyes wide.

What does the fact that the person accidentally broke just now means?

It means that there is a female celebrity who stabbed Ji Youze in the back and was looking for someone to do her own thing?

So, it was not accidental that the person lost his dirty stuff at the time, but planned? That woman is the mastermind behind the scenes?

So, who will it be?

On the other side, the man hung up the phone and exhaled while holding the phone while holding his hair.

Because his wife kept calling to talk about this and that, and he was sleeping again. So when the phone rang again, he didn't even see who was calling, because he was listening to music before going to bed, so he was wearing headphones. When someone makes a call, he directly presses the voice button on the headset cable to answer the conversation.

Unexpectedly, this time it was not his wife's call.

It's over.

Who called? The man was always a little uneasy. The man checked the IP and found that it was from the same city. But in addition, no other related news could be found. This number did not leave any messages on the network.

The sixth sense told him that if he didn't figure it out, something might happen. So he packed up and went out the door, went to the business hall, and then told the salesperson with that number to charge the phone bill. Because the phone bill is charged in the business hall, in order to ensure that there is no mistake, under normal circumstances, employees will check it.

After the salesperson entered it, he was taken aback for a moment, and asked with confusion: "Sir, is the owner of the machine you want to recharge is Miss Ji?"

After listening to this, the man was all anxious and asked: "Miss Ji? What is Miss Ji?"

"Ji Youze, do you want to recharge Ji Youze?" Although the staff felt that they might be someone with the same name and surname, not the star, they still couldn't help but feel a little excited. And I couldn't help but mutter in my heart, how did this man have Ji Youze's number.

After hearing his full name, the man took a breath and said: "I, I remembered the number incorrectly." Then, turned around and left.

So this is ah. The employee exhaled. It seems that I think too much. Maybe, the owner of this number just happened to be called Ji Youze.

But the man didn't think that Ji Youze was someone who had the same name and surname as that Ji Youze, and had nothing to do with him.

After all, he also heard about Ji Youze vowing to find out about himself.

Thinking about it this way, the man became a little scared.

The man thought for a long time, weighing money and personal safety for a long time, and finally couldn't help but call Fei Sun...

At the same time, Sun Fei, under the leadership of her agent, had dinner with an investor.

The agent told her to work harder, grasp every opportunity, and stop giving the opportunity to others in vain as before.

This investor, the next movie he invested in, is a movie about graduates.

I heard that the investor intends to make Ji Youze the heroine. Sun Fei's company has always recommended Sun Fei to him. To this day, the investor agrees to have a meal together.

This film is about the story of college students working hard in society after graduation. The script is very interesting, the story is practical and romantic at the same time. Investors said that this film must be very popular. After all, if it is filmed, it will definitely be able to capture the hearts of young people nowadays.

Therefore, Fei Sun carefully dressed herself up before going to see the investors.

The blue dress with a small white gauze coat looks very elegant.

As an artist, the appearance in front of everyone is glamorous. But who knows that an artist is just a product launched by a company.

If this product is easy to sell and has a wide audience, the packaging will be improved, all kinds of publicity will be launched, and it will continue to be sold. The more cattle are popular all over the country; the especially cattle are sold all over the world.

However, if this product is not easy to sell, no matter how it is packaged, the company will turn its attention to other products.

The artist, in his twenties, is a great time. Once you are thirty years old and have not yet become popular, then it is better to find another way out. It's not that after thirty, it must not be popular, but there will be less and the competition will be greater. After all, there are old seniors who have always been red and high in status, and there are groups of small fresh meats with the potential for new debuts. That competitiveness is huge. So it will not be easy.

The artist is nothing but a product in the marketing system for the company. The company doesn't say that although your grades are bad, but for the sake of having been with us for so many years, I will support you unconditionally. impossible.

Therefore, Fei Sun is a little anxious now.

Originally, she was relatively late when she came into contact with this industry, and seeing that she will be over thirty years old in a few years, but she still doesn't have any big masterpieces, and she is still very nervous.

Before going to dinner, she also saw a piece of news. The news was about a female singer who was drafted six years ago. It was also considered a smash hit at the time, and throughout the year, the streets and alleys liked to play her songs. But later, just because I didn't know how to get along with people in the entertainment circle, and didn't engage in relationships, the resources were gradually taken away by the younger generation.

After that, the female singer disappeared for a long time. Only recently came out of society again and started selling earlier. Those hands also became rough.

After Sun Fei watched the news, the first thing she did was to raise her hand and watch it for a while.

Then he exhaled slowly.

When I arrived at the appointed place, I walked in with the agent and found that there were men and women at the dinner table.

Investor, investor’s right-hand man, investor’s business friend, etc.

The agent began to introduce those people to Fei Sun.

This is the investor Chen Pengfei, everyone calls him Brother Chen, and that is Sister Wang, a well-known screenwriter. Next to Chen Pengfei is Xu Ye, the director...

Although she was familiar with the photos before going, but after she got there, she started to get nervous again. After introducing herself, Fei Sun went to the bathroom because she was too nervous.

When she came back from the bathroom, she heard that everyone was discussing her, so she didn't show up in a hurry, but listened there.

"It's a little short." At this moment, Fei Sun saw Chen Pengfei turn his head and muttered to Master Xu. Although their voices were not loud, Sun Fei still heard clearly.

"I've watched this girl's TV series. Well, it's not photogenic."

"It's a bit dirty, don't you have no makeup? What we want to take is the career experience of a female college student who has a good temperament and looks after graduation. Our company is a big name, and the clothes provided are also very good. The height of the heroine should not be too low. Ah. This Sun Fei probably lasted 1.6 meters, right? There is also a catwalk show in the play, so there is a big gap between standing with the models. Moreover, what I always care about is that she is a variety show and can't support it. ."

"Will you bring her here?" Chen Pengfei turned around and asked Fei Sun's agent. And then he added another sentence: "I agreed to meet the real person because of the face of Master Xu, but it didn't work."

Hearing this, Sun Fei's face became white and white.

At this moment, she heard Xu Ye say: "I personally think Ji Youze is still good. Although the scandal has been involved this time, she can still wait and see for a while. If she survives this storm, she will be a treasure... …"

I can't listen anymore. After Sun Fei appeared in front of everyone, she turned around and left with the excuse that she was a little uncomfortable.

It's all about being disliked by others.

But in the end, he was suddenly suppressed by a Ji Youze.

After Sun Fei returned to her residence, she almost cried half a pack of tissues, crying until her brain was hypoxic.

For this star dream, she gave up a lot, and even gave up her boyfriend who has always been very good to her. Yes, that boyfriend is very good, but he has no power or money. If you return the land, keeping him by your side is harmful to your career.

So after becoming a star, she broke up with her boyfriend. Every time her boyfriend called, she refrained from picking it up. In the end, I changed my mobile phone number.

The more I thought about it, the less reconciled, Sun Fei cried so much that her whole body trembled.

At this time, her backup cell phone received a call, and that call was the man's call.

"I won't do it anymore, you can find someone else to do the next thing. Ji Youze seems to know me, so I called me today."

After that, the man sent the number to Sun Fei. Sun Fei immediately opened the address book and compared it with one another, and it really was.

Sun Fei held the phone, thinking about what to do.

But in the end, she calmed down again. Anyway, the mobile phone number she used to contact the man was not a real name, but a black number she obtained through other channels, and she herself had never exposed her identity. What was she afraid of?

Even if Ji Youze found the man, the man could not confess himself. It's just that the man quit, what should I do next?

Her resentment towards Ji Youze now is even deeper than before! Why do you like Ji Youze?

I worked hard in the entertainment circle as hard as I could. After eating so much and suffering so much, why should I be stepped on by Ji Youze? !

Originally thought that after the Yuan Yingying incident, Ji Youze would be devastated and fell. However, things suddenly reversed and killed her by surprise.

She didn't believe that she couldn't get Ji Youze off.

Finally, she wiped away her tears, sat on the head of the bed, chatted for a while, and then turned on the computer. Searched a bunch of entertainment gossip groups, and then applied to join.

Of course she wasn't really in battle, she used a trumpet. I originally forgot my password, but in order to join the group, the password was retrieved abruptly.

After joining the group, the administrator sent the instructions for joining the group.

Sun Fei changed the group business card according to the content. On her group business card, the name says "Zhi Xin".

After joining the group, someone came to say hello immediately.

"welcome green hands!"

"Hello everyone, this is Zhixin." After Fei sent the message, she sent out a few more smiling faces.

After the hastily greeted, most of the people started to continue the topic that Fei Sun had talked before entering the group.

The topic everyone talks about is who is the whitest lotus woman in the entertainment industry.

Sun Fei waited and watched for a while and did not speak during that time.

Everyone talked more and more about the topic, from the white lotus actress to talk about which are real singles and which are fake singles. Then I talked about who was hidden and who might be interesting to whom.

At this time, some people say that it feels so messy, not to talk about love in the entertainment circle, let's talk about friendship.

As soon as this topic was thrown out, some people asked for Ji Youze and Kang Xi, who have been very popular recently.

"In other words, I really want to have such a friendship."

Someone sighed, and also issued a cute emoji that spit out a heart.

After Sun Fei saw it, she seemed to suddenly remember something.

She bit her lip, and then typed a sentence on the keyboard: "Don't you think Ji Youze and Kang Xi are a couple?"

After sending it out, Sun Fei squeezed her hand, loosened her fingers and looked at the dialog box with her mouth closed.

"Hahaha, it should be impossible. Sometimes the friendship between girls is very subtle, sometimes it is more than love!"

"I'm quite curious, can I take a deep dive?"

Sun Fei smiled after seeing everyone's speech.

Then, she said: "I want to see how many people there are. If there are more, I will sort it out. Later, I will sell dry goods directly in the group."

After speaking, a lot of people bubbled up and expressed their desire to watch it.

This kind of gossip group, especially the thousand-person gossip group, generally has many undercover reporters dormant in it. Some reporters spend all day collecting materials in these places.

Therefore, as long as Fei Sun is in the group, even if she does not go outside to promote, these reporters will become natural porters, cutting things out and publicizing them.

Kang Xi, ask you to help Ji Youze. what. Whether you guys or not. When I get you all down, let's see who of you can help. Sun Fei's fingers on the keyboard tightened slightly.

I didn't even bother to wash, Sun Fei sat in front of the computer, combined with the stories of previous netizens yy Ji Youze and Kang Xi, as well as some other small gossips, and wrote a great article.

The number of words almost surpassed her graduation thesis a few years ago.

In this story, she writes Ji Youze as a princess patient who is violent and willful and reckless. But at the same time, the heart of the city is very heinous.

In order to become popular, Ji Youze did not hesitate to betray his spirit and sex, entangled with Kang Xi who was originally bent, and finally took Kang Xi.

After that, I started to use Kang Xi's upper position and so on.

After finishing writing, Sun Fei reopened the gossip group with Zhixin's account.

The people in the group didn't know when they talked about tourism.

After Fei Sun posted "I'm Here", everyone didn't talk about her much because they were talking about the previous topic.

So Fei Sun thought about it, pulled the list of group members, found a few people who had said that they were looking forward to it before, and then went crazy with their names in the group.

Finally, those people were all bombed out, so after a while, everyone's attention returned to Fei Sun.

Sun Fei opened the document and picture favorites, copied a paragraph of the content in the document and sent it out, and then sent some photos of Kang Xi and Ji Youze who were secretly taken.

Each little story has a corresponding picture.

This trick looks at pictures and tells stories, and she has a good time.

However, many people are also questioning the authenticity.

"...This story-writing skill is amazing, I'd better give it a thumbs-up."

"Really? Are they really together?"

"I think it's true. You see, the pictures and the contents in it match. Also, aside from this, but Ji Youze's rise is indeed after the friendship with Kang Xi! You said , If Ji Youze and Kang Xi are just friends, can they do that for each other? The video of Ji Youze’s madness before has written that Kang Xi is her woman. Who dares to move her woman, just Dead!"

"Besides, they have also made same-sex movies before, and the cooperation in them is also wonderful! Of the same-sex movies I have seen, they are the most realistic ones!"

"So, they actually have a leg? Ah so disgusting."

"Some people believe such a fake story. It's simply true."

"It's disgusting enough to betray your body. It's crazy to eat all without distinction between men and women! Disgusting and disgusting! I'm spitting up!

"Zhi Xin, can I move it to the post bar?"


Fei Sun is of course willing everyone to carry these things and spread them out.

Yes, it is true that some people from yy Kang Xi and Ji Youze yelled for them to be together.

However, it is a small part after all. If things are exposed, more people will still be powdered.

Sun Fei's small abacus is very smooth.

In short, she is upset, and she will not let Ji Youze upset.

And she also saw that she couldn't win over Kang Xi, so she just ruined it together. Anyway, it is a person outside of his own interests.

After these things went out, the next day it properly became a key event for the nationwide search.

Both companies where Ji Youze and Kang Xi belong were shocked. The big guys were dumbfounded when things came out one after another.

But the most dumbfounded were the two parties.

As soon as the news exploded, the media who called were almost countless.

Everyone’s opening line is: "Is the matter between you and Miss Kang/Miss Ji true? Are you really in love?"

"What to do?" Ji Youze's head crashed.

But I don't know why, the first thing she thought of was that when the man called the man before, the woman that the man said wanted him to fix himself.

So, this time, they won't be the one who did it!

Thinking of this, Ji Youze immediately showed Kang Xi the number. He also told all the things one by one.

Kang Xi looked serious after listening.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry. This kind of thing will be passed by netizens. After a while, not many people will remember it. After all, it's a gossip..."

However, Ji Youze listened, but fell into a state of contemplation again.

"What's the matter? Don't believe me?" Kang Xi leaned forward and stretched out her hands to hug her.

Ji Youze shook his head.

"No. I'm just thinking, if homosexual love is accepted by everyone, that's fine. We can go out and say to everyone openly, yes, yes, we are a couple, how?" Ji After Yuze finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Kang Xi.

Kang Xi's face was close at hand.

"Even if everyone admits it, this is the situation...Look at what you have been written in this article, domineering, acrimonious, mean and petty. Even if homosexuals are acceptable to everyone, they will probably still be here to die. What about you." Kang Xi said.

"But it's better than this unacceptable state now."

After speaking, both of them were silent.

Silently looked at the cups on the coffee table.

Cup, for a lifetime. Can we be together forever? If you can't control it, Ji Youze thinks far away.

"So... let's talk about the solution to this matter first..."

"Yes, it's better to solve it first. Otherwise, it's not good for you or me." Ji Youze smiled bitterly.

After hearing this, Kang Xi was taken aback and continued: "First of all, you have just been wronged before. Therefore, now that this kind of thing has broken out again, people who are slightly smarter will question. They will question whether anyone is there. If you deliberately fix you, you will question the authenticity of the whole thing..."

"However, it was actually true." Ji Youze interrupted Kang Xi.

Kang Xi was stunned again, and then continued: "You are stupid. You have won the opportunity to film yourself. I didn't do anything in this regard. You will slowly become popular because of your personal charm. I can’t give this to you, and you brought it. Now it’s said that you are holding my thigh. I recommend you to the major directors behind the scenes to fight for various shooting opportunities. It’s obviously nonsense, isn’t it? Isn't it?"

"I'm not talking about this. I mean, the relationship between me and you is always true." Ji Youze looked at Kang Xi and said firmly.

"I know, I know. Stupid, I know this!" Kang Xi said, getting excited, suddenly hugged Ji Youze, and kissed her on the cheek.

Ji Youze was provoked.

"So let's continue with the previous topic. So, this matter is actually very easy to solve. As long as someone takes the lead to lead everyone's thinking in this direction, I bet that there will be a large number of people who will not believe these stories. !" Kang Xi finally finished speaking, and hurriedly took a sip of water from the cup.

Ji Youze stared at the water for a long time, and then said: "Wait, don't drink anymore, I have something to tell you..."

"Say it."

"When I first entered the door, I wonder if it was my dizziness, as if I saw your dog drinking this water...you were in the bedroom at the time..."

After Kang Xi heard it, she puffed out all the water left in her mouth.

After half an hour.

Kang Xi used the screen pupil account to send such a text: "Miss Ji is really troubled, she got out of the sea of ​​flames and fell into a scandal. But it's a bit of a coincidence. Behind the scenes. Are you tired of that hand?"

Sure enough, just as Kang Xi said. In this matter, there is a lack of a significant leader.

When someone takes the lead to run towards a certain thought, a large number of people will wake up and follow along.

"This screen pupil seems to have been talking for me. It's amazing. I've found it before." Ji Youze said to himself after the screen pupil's speech.

Kang Xi wiped his sweat secretly.

As soon as this statement was made, as expected, many

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