The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 597 The Distribution of Seismic Sources Makes the Current

For this unusual investigation, Kusanagi Tamako conducted a comprehensive observation of the target.

She is not limited to the umbrella company itself, but is really concerned about Alice Wang's industrial layout throughout Japan. The observation found that as of now, the girl's domestic industry can be classified into two fields, one is the cultural and entertainment industry, and the other is the pharmaceutical heavy industry. Because the ultimate goal is to investigate the whereabouts of those 100 former Soviet scientists, Tamako launched a special investigation on the latter field.

The first thing that can be discovered is the investment of Hong Kong Cheung Kong Group in Tokyo, including the ownership of port berths and investment in local logistics. This was not directly related to Alice Wang, but Tamako soon noticed that all the container vehicles transporting goods to the science and technology park belonged to a transportation company of the Yangtze River Group in Japan.

In other words, if someone wants to smuggle something, it is completely feasible.

Another factory was established on the east coast of Chiba Prefecture. Paper documents show that there are often a large number of goods arriving from Tokyo Bay all the way, and the tax payment is normal, but the output is obviously not offset by the cost. It is likely that Alice Wang used it for smuggling or selling stolen goods, or The purse company that does anything secret. As soon as he collected this information, Domozi immediately labeled it a serious suspicion.

Furthermore, when Tamako turned her attention to Chiba County, she quickly collected more eye-catching information.

God knows how much energy Tamako has spent, and on the surface, these information are just ordinary and weird rumors.

First of all, there are many hot springs in the deep mountains of Chiba County. In the past six months, many tourists and owners of hot spring hotels have said that the temperature of hot spring water is much higher than before. The temperature of many hot springs in Chiba County has risen by an average of four to five degrees.

This is really a strange thing, because the temperature of hot springs has always been very stable, 60 degrees low hot springs, 70 degrees hot springs, 80 degrees high hot springs, and even Jigoku springs above 90 degrees to boiling water level. No matter how many years the hotel has been in business, it will hardly change. Tamako, as a Japanese, of course understands this very well.

But now, in just one year, such a big change has happened universally. It's no wonder that she was able to collect this rumor from afar, because this matter is really not simple.

Then there was the strange talk about earthquakes from earlier. The entire 5,000-square-kilometer Chiba Prefecture experiences an average of 20 earthquakes of magnitude 2 to 3 every day, lasting for several months at a time. Not to mention the local Chiba Prefecture, even the University of Tokyo is investigating this. Tamako sighed, even if there were many earthquakes in Japan since ancient times, Amaterasu didn't bring such people to play with, right?

Combining the above two points, together with the rumors of "bigger waves" in the same place at the same time, Tamako can easily draw conclusions about what happened underground in Chiba County. Of course, this has nothing to do with her investigation of Alice Wang, and this idea was maintained until she got the earthquake map of the entire area.

"Head, look."

In the office, Tamako sent the compiled documents to Nakamura, and the front page was the regional earthquake map.

"This is..." Nakamura was sipping tea at first, but when he saw the clear gaze on the map, he immediately put the teacup aside.

"Obvious artificial traces, right?" Tamako didn't know what her expression looked like now, because until now, it was difficult for her to digest this matter.

I saw that on this large-page area map, countless red circles representing earthquake sources are all piled up together. Even if drawn with the thinnest lines, it still forms a beautiful texture pattern. It's like using advanced pattern editing software to draw a football directly with lines. Is this really the source of the earthquake? ?

"Then look here." Tamako's voice was unbearably excited. Of course, without her pointing out, Nakamura saw the two extensions at a glance.

At both ends of the oval distribution map, there is a straight line leading to the east of Chiba Prefecture and Tokyo Bay. Tamako marked the scale very clearly. The line extends from the olive-shaped end, all the way across the underground of Tokyo Bay, and then reaches somewhere in the capital. The total length is about 60 kilometers, and its focus is precisely...

"A technology park with a protective umbrella! I strongly suspect that Alice-Wang is secretly carrying out underground construction!" Tamazi slid his fingers across the map, and a straight line formed by another earthquake source went straight to a coast at the eastern end of Chiba Prefecture, marked with a circle marked in red Obviously, Alice Wang's "leather bag" factory is located at the end of the line!

"Underground're such an incredible conjecture." Nakamura held his glasses and looked at the picture carefully: "Let's talk about it first, you did it yourself, there should be no such information in Dongda University Bar?"

"Yes, including many universities. You see, the earthquakes in the oval area are all about magnitude three, and these two straight lines are level one. Although it is difficult for residents on the ground to detect it, our seismograph It's not a decoration. In such an obvious situation, there is a lack of information in all departments... I strongly suspect that it was manually deleted by Alice Wang!"

Every sentence is full of speculation, but Nakamura did not express any doubts, but followed his train of thought: "Miss Wang is currently studying at the University of Tokyo, and according to our informant, she does often haunt the library, and talks to many school leaders and The professor has a good relationship. Considering that she is the founder of Cisco and a shareholder of Microsoft, deleting the campus server data is indeed a trivial matter."

"But we don't have proof yet."

"Yes, you have no proof yet."

Nakamura adjusted his glasses again, looked down at the information, and said, "The conjecture of underground construction is very bold. If you can collect enough evidence, it will indeed bring down Ms. Wang's career in China...if it is still involved in the media. But Major, we don't have any deep hatred with Ms. Wang, and we are not investigating her criminal evidence. Japan actually needs a foreign investor like her even more, you have to keep this in mind."

"...Yes, I understand."

Japan needs Alice very much now. When Tamako thought of such a sentence, she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Two years have passed, but since the soaring property prices have plummeted, the entire Japanese economy is still struggling in the quagmire of the downturn, and the situation is even getting worse. Under such circumstances, the development of Alice Wang in the entertainment industry and the career of the Umbrella Tokyo branch are indeed of significance to Japan that cannot be ignored.

Although the economy is about to slump, the reason why the entertainment industry is about to prosper is not constant, but it is also very reasonable, because many unemployed people will focus on games, movies, magazines, and comics. In the same way, ordinary people who can no longer afford sushi and sashimi have to switch their diets to low-cost, high-fat fried chicken and pork cutlets. The increase in obesity will naturally promote the sales of diet pills. The economic downturn and the increase in unemployment do not mean that everyone cannot afford anything. It is undoubtedly a good thing if these two industries can be revitalized.

Those who are interested will know after a little investigation that since the Umbrella was listed in the UK, many recent and previous students of related majors at the University of Tokyo have been accepted by it! As for those pharmacy salespersons, logistics drivers and porters, magazine editors, and paper mill workers, so many jobs and jobs exist because of Alice's existence.

It can be said that unless Tamako's investigation really reveals something big, otherwise, if Alice Wang is arrested or deported for any reason, she, Tamako, will be the first to suffer. I, she might be beaten to death by related unemployed people on the street~

The investigation must continue, but the goal must be clear. Duomozi's mission is only to find the more than 100 former Soviet scientists, not to cause trouble. Now, Nakamura has finished reminding, but after Tamako walked out of the office building, he had another idea.

"Underground construction... the depth of the earthquake is eight to nine hundred meters. What is this girl doing?"

Tamako is not the gray-haired Nakamura, who is full of intrusions, and letting her be honest after knowing this secret is not the same as forcing high school girls not to fall in love early?

"It is difficult to infiltrate in the science and technology park, but it should be easy in Chiba Prefecture. The source of the earthquake stops at the coastline, where there is a cliff terrain..." I was still looking at the map when I went out. With the precision instruments of the Japanese Seismological Department, a huge coastal building The space is clearly in front of Tamako.

What is the place so deep underground used for?

The first thing Tamako thought of was the concept of "waste discharge system". If Alice-Wang is really carrying out underground construction in secret, no matter whether it is a factory or something else, of course you can't discharge waste out of the ground at will. She really picked a good place. The continental shelf in that area is indeed in the form of deep sea, and no one will notice the silent discharge of waste.

Tamako admired his own imagination. As for how Alice-Wang built and created these earthquakes... Cough, ah, what should I eat tonight?

It was indeed getting late, and Tamako was walking on the streets of Chiyoda District, habitually observing her surroundings carefully. Now is the time when Tokyo’s nightlife has just started, and here is a bustling area, where you can see office workers in suits and leather shoes and groups of young women everywhere. Tamazi had a thought, the straight-line distance from that factory to here is only 70 to 80 kilometers, it seems completely feasible to go there immediately to investigate?

In the middle of the night, indeed after get off work.

But it is still necessary to make some preparations first. Tamazi tried to take several rounds of deep breaths before barely restraining his urge to go to the Bay Area.

In other words, the University of Tokyo is located in Bunkyo District, which is three or two kilometers north of here.

Tamako was thinking, what is that girl doing at this time?

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