The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 598 Live broadcast, wait for me.

"Hannah, what are you going to have for lunch?"


"Oh, then eat whatever you want."

Alice was watching the computer typing codes, and her younger sister Hannah came all the way for vacation, and now she was lying on the sofa, flipping through the Japanese fashion magazine she just bought.

In the summer of 1992, even Hannah was in the final stage of applying for college, and Oscar even flew to a liberal arts college on the east coast to study. But a smart girl saves trouble, so even now, she still has time to come to Japan to play, and it is enough to prepare all kinds of application materials anytime and anywhere.

"Honestly, I'm going to the company later, I guess I won't have time to cook for you, do you want to order a takeaway now?"

"I'm not hungry yet, let's talk about it later."

This is the top floor of a high-end apartment building in Ginza, and there are a lot of restaurants not far outside. Since Hannah said so, Alice is happy to save trouble.

The apartment has already been installed with fiber optic network, and the line is connected directly to the umbrella branch, so she can also get a lot of work done at home. Recently, people often see the news about umbrella anti-cancer drugs. This is the publicity work done by the company before the new drug can be officially launched. Like now, after finishing some summer homework, Alice is looking at the recent progress report.

"Hannah, do you think we should try to develop beauty products?"

Hannah raised her head: "Of course it's fine, what type? Is it pure skin care products, or beauty injections, or is it a new makeup brand?"

Alice knows what her sister is thinking. Oscar \u0026amp;amp; Hannah is booming on the road of mass fast-selling brands, but it is always clothing. If you work part-time in Dior, Chanel's perfume and skin care products, it can really play a role. Leap-forward development.

"Well... It's really easier to start with beauty needles." But after thinking about it, she still said: "Reduce wrinkles, increase skin texture, as long as you do some targeted research, I virus should be able to do it." Arrived. Hannah, if you were given a choice, do you want brand-name skin cream, or direct physical beauty?"

This question is a question that every girl knows how to choose. Hannah is a young and beautiful high school girl with sparkling eyes: "Sister, I feel more and more that Umbrella is like a health care company. Cancer medicine, and now you are going to research and develop beauty needles, you are going to bribe all the women in the world!"

"Well... After all, your little sister is also a girl~" Alice tapped the keyboard happily and said, "And you think, since we have and proposed these three projects now, what will happen next? Maybe One day, your sister and I can lead mankind to immortality~"

All thanks to the almighty I virus, but it's a pity that Alice still doesn't know where the death spores come from, otherwise she has to find a tablet to enshrine. And with her chattering, Hannah's appetite also came out, so she said that she wanted to call to order some takeaway.

So, what to eat?

Alice was thinking of some bad ideas, but at this moment, a DOS pop-up window was automatically horizontally displayed on the screen.


Her heart skipped a beat immediately.

"Alarm, alert."

The first line, and then the second line emerged: "Outsiders appear, outsiders appear."

Then there was the third line, which marked an address that Alice was all too familiar with.

"'s rare, what the hell are you doing?" Alice whistled: "Hannah, go eat and leave me alone, there's something else going on here."

After speaking, she pressed the enter key.

The camera nearly 100 kilometers away quickly transmits the real-time picture here.

The black-faced video screen shows the interior of an empty factory building.

The resolution was very low, but it was enough for Alice to see. I saw that the door of the factory building was opened by someone, and the uninvited guest was walking slowly in the factory building, not counting looking around. Alice immediately zoomed in on the picture. Because of the low resolution, it was still blurry, but it was still possible to see that it was a woman in sports and leisure style.

"It's not like a thief... how dare you break into this place!?"

Alice smiled. Of course she knew where the camera and the factory were. It was the leather bag factory she had set up on the east coast of Chiba Prefecture, a common channel for delivering goods to the underground "dome space". So far, it's been too long, it's so rare, it's the first time she saw an outsider sneak in!

While staring at the video excitedly, Alice opened a small window, and then on another DOS interface, she had already entered a certain command.

" don't look like a thief, let me see, where did you come from?"

With that said, after finishing typing the command, she pressed the Enter key.

Donghai Machinery Manufacturing Factory.

This place is almost isolated from the outside world. It faces the sea and is backed by deep mountains. It is only 200 meters away from the coastal road, and is blocked by a vast forest in the middle. Grass Pheasant Tamako took a lot of effort to find the fork road from the coastal kilometers. When she drove on that road, she soon discovered that the ground here was not even an asphalt road.

This is the endpoint of the earthquake source marked on the map, and Alice Wang invested in a heavy industry in Japan. In fact, the registrant's name was not her at all. Tamako spent a lot of effort to finally confirm that it was a fake name. The server of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare was actually hacked by the founder of Cisco-it was indeed something she could do.

The area of ​​the factory is small, roughly equivalent to two indoor basketball courts, and Tamako can cross the entire court with just a little running.

"Suspicious...too suspicious."

Sure enough, as she expected, there was no large-scale machinery in the empty factory building, and there were no employees. There was no sign of operation at all, and it was completely no different from a newly built or abandoned adobe building. This is undoubtedly contrary to Tamako's investigation report, so many container trucks driving all the way from Tokyo Bay are not decorations!

She quickly found the first visually suspicious point, a huge circle was drawn on the concrete floor, with a diameter of ten meters. She leaned over and touched the edge, and was surprised to find that it was an artificial gap!

"What the hell? Are boring hippies making models?" Tamako was completely confused, but she didn't pay much attention to this aspect, but observed the entire factory in detail.

The office was empty, and there were no rooms upstairs or even chain heads. It was easy to tell that this place was 100% a leather bag. But Tamako's purpose is not to find the location of the purse. Think about it carefully, since the end point of the earthquake source is here, the source of the earthquake...underground...

"Sure enough, this place is the most suspicious...?"

Tamako's heart was pounding, but she didn't forget her delusions. Since it was a secret underground construction, could this be the entrance? As long as there are enough clues, this kind of conjecture can be easily come out. In this way, the intelligence of those shipments can also be acquainted. Sure enough, this big circle will be the entrance?

"Entrance...Elevator? There must be a switch. The switch is there. Look for it quickly, look for it quickly."

In the corner of the beam, a spherical camera painted black faithfully recorded everything. Tamako quickly searched all over the factory building. After five minutes, she finally stopped in front of a location.

"Ah...Ahari, Ahari, Ahari~"

Alice leaned on her chin and stared at the screen with a smile.

She had already finished entering the instructions, and now she wanted to see what the sudden intruder was going to do.

She couldn't believe that this woman was just an innocent intruder. In the deep mountains and old forests, the factory has been built for nearly two years, and the first intruder did not look like an outing at all, walking around, obviously with a purpose.

The identity of the visitor, this is what Alice is most curious about now.

Will it be a reporter? After being in contact with Maiya for a long time, Alice easily observed that the woman's gait was obviously military-like, and if she held a gun in her hand, she might immediately put on a posture of crossing the line of fire.

Could it be a part-time security spy sent by an industry competitor? Considering that soma is sold in so many pharmacies all over Japan, it's really possible.

As expected, the woman pressed the button on the wall.


As soon as the button was pressed, an alarm suddenly sounded in a corner of the factory building!


Tamazi subconsciously hid beside the beams and pillars. He didn't see any possible security guards, but he saw the circular mark on the ground, and it really started to sink!

"...It actually succeeded?"

Tamako was a little messy. The switch on the wall is obviously a new product of Umbrella Electric Company. Is the electronic fingerprint code lock good? She just presses it tentatively, okay, what about fingerprint verification and password input as agreed?

Alice-Wang, the quality of the product is not good enough!

However, the "elevator" definitely didn't give Tamako much time to complain. In just a moment, the huge circle with a diameter of about ten meters has dropped by more than three meters!

"Good guy, the power horsepower is strong enough, is it made by Mitsubishi?"

Taking advantage of the height she could bear, Tamako quickly jumped down. If she was half disabled for this reason, she would never be able to mess around again.

The elevator continued to descend, and the walls on both sides were dark. Tamako looked up. Because it was located inside the factory building, the "wellhead" didn't even have daylight lighting. She began to curse Alice-Wang, because she actually built such a unique elevator, wouldn't she even be willing to pay for the light bulb! ?

Moreover, it looks really deep...

Tamako calculated the speed of the elevator, just for a while, how many underground floors is this?

And the speed of the elevator seems to have slowed down...

Endless darkness enveloped her.

"Tsk tsk, I guess this girl must be confused right now."

In front of the computer screen, Alice watched the video happily. She had already notified the branch office and immediately sent a helicopter to pick her up.

On the DOS window next to the screen, the cursor is still blinking at the end of the two latest execution commands.



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