After returning home, Jiang Feng sat on the sofa in a daze, sorting out the memories of the two lives. Through sorting out, Jiang Feng found that the beginning of this life was much smoother than the previous life. Although his biological parents both passed away, Steve did not treat him badly after adopting him. After Jiang Feng successfully graduated from the Imperial College of London, he became a football fan under the influence of Steve since he was a child. Jiang Feng chose to study football coaching at the University of Cologne in Germany, and thus successfully obtained the International A-level Football Coach Certificate, which means that Jiang Feng has the qualifications to coach any professional football team in the world. Of course, it is only limited to qualifications. Jiang Feng, who got the coaching certificate, had similar experiences after graduating from the University of Cologne as in his previous life. This may be one of the reasons why Jiang Feng traveled through time and was reborn. It has been two years since Jiang Feng graduated from the University of Cologne, but he has never had a good opportunity to enter the professional football circle. Steve also runs a bar that is quite famous in the local area, so Jiang Feng, who is unemployed at home, often goes to the bar to help, so his life is better than in his previous life.

After sorting out his memories, Jiang Feng felt that he would not let down the great opportunity of rebirth this time.

After all, he had more than 20 years of memory.

That's right!

More than 20 years.

At this time, Jiang Feng was in 1999, not long after the French World Cup ended.

As a senior and enthusiastic football fan in his previous life, he had a particularly deep memory of football.

As a coach, he thought of Ronaldo and Messi.

It is a great honor to witness the growth of these world-famous stars in their previous lives.

Jiang Feng, who has the memory of a lifetime, may even be able to participate in it.

Jiang Feng was very excited when he thought of this.

At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly remembered that before he fell asleep, an inexplicable voice sounded in his mind. Jiang Feng was very excited when he thought of this. Could it be that he could also have the things that a time traveler must have?----system!

"Hi! System, are you there?"

Seeing no response,"Is it because the posture is wrong? Or is it because the code is wrong?" Jiang Feng thought.

"Open sesame! The king of heaven and the tiger of earth!"

Jiang Feng, who had been struggling for a long time, was somewhat disappointed. How come this standard configuration that everyone else had when they traveled through time was missing when he did?

Jiang Feng, who was unwilling to give up, shouted one last time:"System!"

Jiang Feng, who had already given up hope, found a very familiar LOGO in front of him.

It turned out to be the logo of the game Pro Evolution Soccer Club Manager that he was very familiar with in his previous life.

However, what surprised Jiang Feng was that as the virtual screen in front of him changed, Jiang Feng found that this system that he had traveled through time with was very different from the game he had played before.

It was very simple.

He could not open any scout function or training function.

The only thing that could be opened was his own attributes and the tactical analysis system.

Looking at his simple attributes that appeared in front of him, Jiang Feng felt like he had a fake system.

Name: Jiang Feng

Age: 25 years old

Coaching certificate: International A-level

Tactical ability: not good

Club: None

Evaluation: Trash among coaches.

And then, there was nothing else! Damn the scum, your whole family is scum! System, you fucking come out, I will beat you to death, come out!

"Hello host, this system is produced by NetEase. Due to the solar storm during the crossing, most of the energy was lost, resulting in the system shutting down some functions. In order to restore the functions of this system, the host needs to provide energy."

"Well! I didn't expect you to be a half-finished product, so how do you get that energy?"

"Each time the host wins a championship, he can gain a certain amount of energy based on the gold content of the championship."

"Other people's time travel systems have novice gift packs, what about mine? Don't tell me that I was also swallowed by some storm."

"Host, you are absolutely right. The novice gift pack originally prepared for the host can no longer be opened due to the lack of system energy. However, this system can use the last bit of remaining energy to provide the host with a job opportunity. After that, this system will fall into a deep sleep."

"What the hell are you? What a bullshit system! Give me back my gift bag." Jiang Feng was furious, but the system didn't respond.

Oh! It really was like adding insult to injury! Just as Jiang Feng was sighing, the phone rang!

"Hello! Is this Jiang Feng?"

"Hello, I am"

"I am Barry, the chairman of Leyton Orient Football Club. After discussion with the team's board of directors, we have decided to hire you as the team's head coach for a one-year term. Please come to the club tomorrow to sign the contract."

Before Jiang Feng could react, the other party hung up the phone. It was not until a busy tone came from the phone that Jiang Feng realized, is this the power of the system? This is still the remaining energy. If it is full, wouldn't he be able to coach those internationally famous giants? At this time, Jiang Feng realized the benefits of the system.

Jiang Feng, who had a place to go, immediately told Steve the good news. This is the only relative in the world for Jiang Feng and has always been full of confidence in Jiang Feng.

On the phone, Steve was also very excited to hear such good news.

After sharing the good news with Steve, Jiang Feng had time to sit down and think about his upcoming coaching career. Despite twenty years of memory, Jiang Feng had no impression of Leyton Orient. This means that if Leyton Orient did not have Jiang Feng, the butterfly that traveled through time, it would have been floating in the low-level leagues in England for the next twenty years.

Unable to find any memory of Leyton Orient in his own memory, Jiang Feng could only learn about the history of Leyton Orient through the existing media and computers. It turned out that the last Leyton Orient barely managed to stay in the English League Two at the last minute, so the team's head coach was kicked out. Jiang Feng did send his resume to Leyton Orient, but there was no response. Who knows what method the system used, but it made Jiang Feng the head coach of Leyton Orient.

Leyton Orient is a local club located in Leyton, east of London.

The team chairman Barry Hearn took over the ownership of Leyton Orient from the late chairman Tony Wood in 1995.

Leyton Orient, founded in 1881, has been playing in the lower-level leagues in England since its establishment.

The best result in history was to win the runner-up of the Second Division in 1961 and be promoted to the First Division.

However, it only stayed in the First Division for one season and was relegated to the Second Division again.

At that time, there was no Premier League in England.

After understanding this, Jiang Feng began to sort out his memories and wrote down some major events that happened in football in the next 20 years with notes, especially some players who are not well-known at present but have outstanding strength. These things are his next killer.

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