The next day, Jiang Feng got up early, put on the suit that Steve had prepared for him, and drove Steve's historic Ford. After a few dozen minutes of driving, Jiang Feng arrived at the Leiden Oriental Club.

After explaining his purpose to the guard, Jiang Feng was guided to the office area of the club.

Arriving at Barry's office

"Hello! Jiang, welcome to Leiden Orient. The white man in front of Jiang Feng, who was about 60 years old, was very enthusiastic when he saw Jiang Feng coming in.

"Hello, Mr. Chairman! Thank you for your trust"

"Jiang, your teacher at the University of Cologne, Bonner, recommended you. He said you were the most talented person he had met during his years teaching at the University of Cologne, so I accepted his recommendation. But you also know that you are very young after all. At your current age, if you are a player, you are in your prime, but as a head coach, you are still very immature, so I can only give you half a season. If you can't perform well, I don't think I will continue to hire you."

"I understand, Mr. Chairman! I believe I will satisfy you."

After a brief chat, Barry asked his assistant to bring in the prepared contract. Jiang Feng then carefully read every clause of the contract, confirmed that there was no problem, and then formally signed his name on the contract.

After the contract was signed, Jiang Feng and Barry talked about some ideas for the new season.

"Jiang, I don't know how much you know about our Leyton Orient. I hope to know your thoughts on the new season. I can give you a transfer budget of 2 million pounds this season. Since Bonner trusts you very much, and Bonner and I have been friends for many years, I trust him very much, so I hope you can do what you should do."

"Mr. Chairman, I have some immature ideas about the team. Don't worry, you will definitely see a different Leyton Orient in time."

After Jiang Feng and Barry finished communicating and were on their way home, Leyton Orient's official website released news about the team's head coach for the new season.

"In the 1999-2000 season, Leyton Orient's head coach will be Jiang Feng, a Chinese-British man.

Jiang Feng is a very young and creative head coach.

I hope that Leyton Orient will be able to achieve good results in the new season under the leadership of Jiang Feng.

" Along with this information, there is also some basic information about Jiang Feng.

However, as a coach, Jiang Feng's career as a player and coach seems very pale.

Jiang Feng, male, 25 years old, graduated from the University of Cologne, Germany, with an international A-level football coaching certificateAnd then, nothing happened. That was all Jiang Feng’s resume was on Leyton Orient’s official website. After the news was posted on Leyton Orient’s official website, it immediately caused an uproar in Leyton. Many Leyton Orient fans left messages on the official website.

"Who the hell is this?"

"Is this guy a rookie?"

"Is old Barry crazy?"

After the official website was full of pessimism about Jiang Feng and the new season of Leyton Orient, the dissatisfaction intensified. The official registered fan organizations of Leyton Orient went to the gate of the club to protest, and the news media in London began to pay attention to what happened in Leyton Orient, which was in the second division.

These paparazzi gathered towards Leyton like crocodiles smelling blood, and Jiang Feng became the target of these paparazzi. Jiang Feng's information was also investigated clearly by these paparazzi. The

London Post published the news with the headline"Why did Leyton Orient choose Jiang Feng?" In the article, the London Post stated that Leyton Orient had already booked a relegation spot before the new season started, and choosing Jiang Feng as the team's head coach was the club's biggest failure.

The vast majority of fans and news media agree with this view, and this voice should be the mainstream voice at this stage. Fortunately, football clubs like Leyton Orient are like crucian carp in the river in England and even in the whole of Europe, and they are in a low-level league and do not receive much exposure. The main reason why they are paid attention to by many media this time is because of Jiang Feng's age and Chinese identity.

When the outside attention was focused on Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng was not affected at all, but was making the final preparations to move into Leyton Orient.

For the next work, Jiang Feng first thought of finding two assistants for himself.

As the saying goes,"One hero needs three helpers.

" When thinking of assistants, Jiang Feng immediately thought of his two classmates at the University of Cologne from his memory.

----David Hannibal and Luther Williams, Jiang Feng knew from his memory that these two people were his best friends at the University of Cologne.

David's major at the University of Cologne was sports skills and technology, while Luther and Jiang Feng were classmates.

The three of them often got together to discuss football-related topics when they were in college.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng immediately called the two people.

As Jiang Feng expected, after explaining the purpose of the call, David and Luther said that they would rush to Leiden immediately.

After solving the assistant problem, Jiang Feng first set his sights on his greatest weapon.

Although it was only a semi-finished system, Jiang Feng could feel the power of the system from the fact that the system could arrange for him to become the head coach of Leiden Orient.

Therefore, although there were only two functions left, Jiang Feng believed that as long as he made good use of it, he would definitely be able to gain a foothold quickly.

Jiang Feng opened the system panel with his mind.

He first found that the club he belonged to under his attributes had changed from none to Leyton Orient.

After opening the tactical analysis, Jiang Feng found that this was completely different from the tactical analysis in the game he had played before.

The tactical analysis in front of him not only included the attributes and potential of all the current Leyton Orient players, but also recommended tactical formations to Jiang Feng based on the current player attributes, as well as the most suitable players for each position.

Jiang Feng could also arrange the troops according to his own ideas.

Jiang Feng found that the formation recommended by the system based on the current players was very similar to a formation he often used in his previous life.

-----4213, this is a formation that Jiang Feng is very familiar with, with two defensive midfielders and a single attacking midfielder in the midfield, and the left and right wingers in the front court often retreating to participate in the midfield's ball transmission.

This formation had not been used in England in 1999.

Now the most common formation in European football is the traditional 442 formation, especially in the English league, many coaches are using this tactical configuration.

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