The first goal of Jiang Feng's recruitment trip was to find the"1" for his 4213 formation. After a few hours of flight, he arrived in Sao Paulo. This time, Jiang Feng's primary destination was Sao Bernardo do Campo in Sao Paulo.

Before going to Brazil, Jiang Feng contacted a local third-party agency in Brazil, so after arriving in Brazil, Jiang Feng did not go to the hotel first, but went to the target's home.

Deco, whose full name is Anderson Luis de Sousa, was born in Brazil in 1977.

This Brazilian Portuguese who played for Benfica, Porto and Barcelona in Jiang Feng's previous life was Jiang Feng's ideal midfielder.

According to Jiang Feng's memory of his previous life, Deco had not yet made a name for himself.

He just transferred from Benfica to Salgueiros this year.

In 1997, Deco transferred from Corinthians to Benfica.

However, Deco was not taken seriously in Benfica.

In his first season with Benfica, he was loaned to Alvika, and this season he was directly transferred.

According to Jiang Feng's memory, Deco will join Porto this season, and then he will be reused and trained by Mourinho in Porto, and then slowly become the core of Porto's midfield.

If Jiang Feng wants to get Deco, Deco, who is not reused now, is the most hopeful time.

Before meeting Deco, Jiang Feng had already reached an agreement with Salgueiros on Deco's transfer fee. I believe Deco has received the news now.

Under the guidance of the local guide, Jiang Feng came to Deco's home, stood at the door and knocked on the door.

"Hello! Who are you looking for?"It was Deco who opened the door. Jiang Feng was a little excited when he saw this familiar face from his previous life.

"Hello, I'm here to see you, Sousa! I believe you should have been notified by the club. I'm the head coach of Leyton Orient in England. My name is Jiang Feng. Would you like to invite me in for a chat?"

""Oh! Oh! Excuse me, please come in!" It was obvious that Deco was a little surprised by Jiang Feng's sudden visit.

After both parties sat down, Jiang Feng clearly felt that Deco was somewhat resistant to this transfer, but this was also within Jiang Feng's expectations. After all, it is believed that any player would be reluctant to suddenly transfer from a first-class team to a fourth-level league. After all, Deco is now 21 years old.

"Deco, is it okay for me to call you that?"

"No problem." Deco lowered his head and replied sadly.

"Deco, I know you feel reluctant to move to League Two, which is why you have stayed in Brazil since you heard the news. Although we are in League Two, we have a great history. Our only goal this season is to be promoted, and you are an extremely important part of my lineup. Jiang Feng then introduced to Deco in detail the tactics he was going to use in the new season, as well as the role Deco should play in this lineup.

"Deco, believe me! I know you are a very good player, I know how to use you. Although joining a big club is every player's dream, I think before joining a big club, you should show your value to all the big clubs. I can promise you that after you join Leyton Orient, if a big club wants to buy you, we will not set any obstacles without affecting the interests of the team. This can be written into the contract."

After listening to Jiang Feng's words, Deco's face clearly showed a look of recognition.

"Well, sir! You've convinced me, I agree to join Leyton Orient"

"Very good! Deco! Believe me, in a few years you will think this is a very good choice. In the end you can call me boss. I like others to call me that. The team will gather on August 1st, and then I hope you can arrive at the team on July 25th."

Finally, Jiang Feng signed a 4-year contract with Deco on behalf of the club, which marked the end of the first signing of Leyton Orient in the Jiang Feng era. Leyton Orient paid a transfer fee of 850,000 pounds for Deco's joining.

Afterwards, Jiang Feng said goodbye to Deco, because he had to rush to the second destination of his trip to Brazil.

Campinas Black Bridge Football Club is located in the southeast of Brazil, also a city in Sao Paulo State. Jiang Feng's second goal is in this club.----Luis Fabiano.

Fabiano is a Brazilian player born in 1980. This goal is recommended by the system. Jiang Feng does not know much about Fabiano. He only knows that he was a player of the Brazilian national team in his previous life and had joined Sevilla.

The information given by the system is that Fabiano was originally a player of Campinas Black Bridge. He transferred to Sao Paulo Club for one season last season, but did not perform well in the Brazilian giant Sao Paulo and returned to Campinas Black Bridge. So Fabiano should be at his lowest point at this time.

After reading the introduction given by the system, Jiang Feng understood that Fabiano was the best choice for the center forward in his formation. As a Brazilian player, Fabiano's footwork is very good, and he also has a strong header technique. With a strong body and excellent skills, Jiang Feng once again felt the power of the system.

Jiang Feng, who came to the Black Bridge Club, was warmly received by the other party. For Jiang Feng's purpose, the Black Bridge Club gave an extraordinary enthusiasm. In Brazil, exporting players is the most popular income for local clubs. Although Leyton Orient is only a fourth-level team in England, it is also a good sign for local clubs.

"Jiang, Louis, is a player we value very much. He can be said to be the cornerstone of our team's rise."The chairman of the Black Bridge Club, a Brazilian old man who looked very shrewd, spoke in an official tone that made Jiang Feng laugh and cry after hearing Jiang Feng's purpose.

"Mr. Chairman, don't say these words. If you continue, I will leave. I will take Louis away for 250,000 pounds. No, forget it. Let him be the cornerstone of your rise."Jiang Feng stated his bottom line directly, leaving no room for bargaining.

"OK! No problem, Louis is yours."

After hearing the news, Fabiano, who rushed to the office, was a little disappointed that Leyton Orient was only a fourth-tier team in the English League, but he was still excited about the opportunity to set foot in Europe.

In the chairman's office of the Blackbridge Club, Jiang Feng and Fabiano signed a five-year professional contract. After signing the contract, Jiang Feng informed Fabiano of the time for the team to gather, and also asked him to go to Leyton a week in advance.

"Jiang, our team still has many players with great potential. Do you want to go to the team to learn more about them?"After Fabiano's transfer was completed, the other party tried hard to sell Jiang Feng the other cornerstones of the team's rise.

"Mr. Chairman, the goal of my trip has been achieved. Time is very tight, so I will leave now!" Jiang Feng smiled and rejected the other party's sales pitch, and immediately left the Black Bridge Club.

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