Jiang Feng's trip to Brazil was very smooth. After solving the team's front midfielder and center forward, Jiang Feng was ready to strike while the iron was hot and rush to his next destination in Brazil.

Jiang Feng stayed in Brazil for nearly half a month. In addition to Deco and Fabiano, Jiang Feng also introduced two Brazilian players to Leyton Orient.

They are the defensive midfielder Kleberson from Parana Athletic, and it cost 180,000 pounds.

According to the information provided by the system, Kleberson is a very good hound-type defensive midfielder player with outstanding interception and defense capabilities, abundant physical fitness, and a very good passing technique. Jiang Feng vaguely remembered in his previous life that Kleberson had represented Brazil in the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup.

After getting Kleberson, Jiang Feng then got the last signing of his trip to Brazil.

He found Daniel Alves, who was only 16 years old, from Bahia, a second-tier league in Brazil.

This Brazilian international who Jiang Feng was very familiar with in his previous life played as a right back and was a player that Jiang Feng liked very much in his previous life.

Alves, who was only 16 years old, was not yet an official player of Bahia, so Jiang Feng only paid 50,000 pounds to take Alves away to get this future Brazilian international.

The most important thing was that Alves' grandfather had German ancestry, so Alves would not occupy the foreign aid limit of Leyton Orient.

After getting Alves, Jiang Feng also ended his signing journey in Brazil. On

July 16, Jiang Feng took a flight directly to France at Sao Paulo International Airport. The next French execution was the last stop of Jiang Feng's signing.

In the rest of July, Jiang Feng kept running back and forth between several cities in France. Fortunately, with the powerful ability of the system and the memory of Jiang Feng's previous life, Jiang Feng's trip to France was very smooth, just like Brazil.

During his time in France, Jiang Feng successfully signed the young French player Ribery without spending a penny. This was mainly because Ribery had just been kicked out of Metz at the end of last season for not abiding by the team's discipline. This world-famous French winger was officially recruited by Jiang Feng.

Next, Jiang Feng also signed Patrice Evra, a French player from the Italian Serie B club. This future left-winger of the French national team cost Leyton Orient 500,000 pounds, which was the most money spent on signings so far. However, it was a bargain for Jiang Feng to get Evra for only 500,000 pounds.

After signing Evra, it also means that the recruitment journey of this month has been successfully completed.

However, this season's recruitment is not limited to these people.

When Jiang Feng was running back and forth between Brazil and France, Jiang Feng also asked Philip to sign De Rossi from the Italian amateur team Osdia Mare, and this deal was considered a buy-one-get-one-free deal.

De Rossi's father, Alberto De Rossi, is a youth training coach himself, so after learning that Leyton Orient had taken a fancy to his son, he recommended himself to the team, so old De Rossi also became a member of Leyton Orient.

De Rossi's joining cost Leyton Orient 150,000 pounds.

Under Jiang Feng's instructions, Philip also took Michael Exing from the Free Professional Athletes Club in Ghana. On

July 30, Jiang Feng returned to the club. At this time, all the recruited players had come to Leyton. With the help of the club's staff, they had all been settled. Jiang Feng still recognized the ability of the club's staff.

David and Luther who stayed at the club were also not idle. During the time when Jiang Feng was away, the two often contacted Jiang Feng by phone to discuss various tactical arrangements and training plans.

August 1 was the team's assembly day. After the personnel changes in the summer, in the eyes of the players who stayed at Leyton Orient, there were many new faces in the club.

At 8:30 in the morning, Jiang Feng, David, Luther and old De Rossi appeared on the training ground.

At this time, the players were already standing on the training ground waiting for the first training of the new season.

From their facial expressions, it was clear who was a new player and who was an old player.

The faces of the new players were full of excitement and excitement, while most of the old players were a little absent-minded.

Although they stayed behind due to the turmoil in the summer, it did not mean that their hearts were still in Leyton Orient.

In Jiang Feng's view, some of the people who stayed behind might have to stay because they had nowhere else to go.

After the players gathered and stood in line, Jiang Feng stood in front of the team for the first time as a professional football coach and began his first training speech.


First of all, let me introduce myself.

Maybe many people here already know me, but I still have to introduce myself, because this is related to the fate of all of you in the coming season.

My name is Jiang Feng, you can call me boss, although my resume is very simple, of course your resume is also very simple, you are not players of a championship team, but players of a team that almost got relegated again.

From now on, I am your head coach, which means that as long as you are still under my command, your fate will be controlled by me, so I hope all of you will abide by the rules I set, please remember, don't try to challenge my bottom line, there is no such thing as a main force or a substitute in my team, as long as you train hard and are in excellent condition, then you will get a chance, otherwise, you may sit on the bench.


Then, Jiang Feng asked each player to stand up and introduce themselves to everyone.

"Okay, everyone should know each other now. Now captain Wald will lead everyone to the infirmary for a physical examination. After the physical examination, we will return to the training ground for training."

While the players were having their physical examinations, Jiang Feng was also discussing with everyone the starting lineup for the new season.

After Jiang Feng completed all the signings, the corresponding lineup list was also formed.

After the formation and tactics for the new season were determined, the starting goalkeeper was John Cam.

This local goalkeeper from Leyton was the starting goalkeeper for Leyton Orient last season.

At the age of 26, he is in his prime.

Judging from his performance last season, he will have no problem dealing with the English League Two games.

Last season, Leyton Orient ranked 6th in the league in terms of goals conceded, which shows that Cam's strength is still no problem.

The right back is Alves.

The two central defenders are both local players in England.

One is a 30-year-old veteran from last season.

There is Wald, who is also the captain of the team.

Another one is George Plas, who transferred to Leyton Orient on a free transfer this summer.

George played for Reading, which is also in the English League Two last season.

After his contract expired this season, he was poached by Philip to Leyton Orient.

This deal was completed before Jiang Feng signed the contract.

The left back is the French teenager Evra; the double defensive midfielder position is rotated by Kleberson, De Rossi and Exing, because the 4213 formation has very high requirements for midfielders, especially double defensive midfielders, and Kleberson can also serve as a substitute for Deco.

The starting attacking midfielder is undoubtedly Deco, the center forward is Fabiano, the left winger is Ribery, and the right winger is the English native player Wickham.

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