This lineup is also the best lineup given in the system's tactical analysis, so this is why Jiang Feng is full of confidence.

However, in order to completely unleash the power of this lineup, it is necessary to slowly run in during training. After all, the system gives the players only 15 points of tacit understanding in this lineup, and the formation arranged by Jiang Feng has very high requirements for the connection between the front and back fields, which requires more cooperation between the players.

For this reason, David and Luther have developed a detailed training plan according to Jiang Feng's requirements during this period, and this training plan has also been highly recognized by Jiang Feng.

When Jiang Feng and his coaching team took the players for closed training, the official website of Leyton Orient issued a message again. This time the news was about the introduction of players joining the new season.

You must know that the players introduced by Jiang Feng are all unknown players at this stage. The youngest is only 16 years old and the oldest is only 21 years old. Players like De Rossi are even more from amateur clubs, so the joining of these players is more like a farce in the eyes of fans and media outside.

On the training ground of Leyton Orient, Jiang Feng was leading the team in full swing of training for the new season.

At the gate of the club, many fans of Leyton Orient held high banners to protest against the club.

This bizarre scene once again attracted the attention of the media in England, and Jiang Feng once again became famous in the circle of English professional football.

Time always passes quickly in a hurry.

During this period, Jiang Feng and his two assistants have been focusing all their attention on the team's running-in issues.

As time goes by, the tacit understanding between the players is constantly improving.

In particular, the speed at which several players who have just been introduced in the new season have integrated into the team is incredible to everyone.

The ability they have shown in training has also forced the incoming Leyton Orient players and the team's chairman, Barry, to recognize Jiang Feng's vision.

There are still nearly 20 days before the new season officially starts.

"David, Luther, thank you for your hard work recently. Now the team's work is slowly getting on track. The league will start soon. We can adjust some tactical issues according to actual combat."After the training that day, Jiang Feng and his two assistants summarized in the office as usual.

At this time, there was a knock on the office door.

Jiang Feng looked up and saw that it was the team's general manager Philip.

"Hi, Mr. Paulie, what can I do for you?"

"Jiang, it's like this. Before you came to the club, the team had already finalized three warm-up matches, namely Crystal Palace, Nottingham Forest, and Southampton. I just received calls from these clubs to confirm the time of the game."After spending some time together, Philip gradually gained some trust in Jiang Feng.

"Sure, no problem. When was the original time?"

"On August 29, we will go to Selhurst Park to play against Crystal Palace at 3pm. On September 2, we will go to St. Mary's Stadium to play against Southampton at 6pm. This game is also the 100th anniversary of Southampton's founding. The game against Nottingham Forest is at 9am on September 6, and it will also be played away."Philip introduced these warm-up games to Jiang Feng

"OK! Mr. Paulie, no problem, just reply to these clubs and we will attend on time as promised."

"Okay, I'll reply to them now."

After Philip left, David and Luther looked at Jiang Feng quietly.

"Luther, I won't be attending these three games, so you will lead the team. All the new players will not go, so just use the old players."

"Jiang, if you do this, I'm afraid you will be criticized more. We will lose badly in these three games with the old players, especially Southampton and Crystal Palace. Southampton is a Premier League team. Aren't you afraid that Mr. Barry will lose face?"After listening to Jiang Feng's arrangement, Luther said with some difficulty.

"Luther, we are now under the spotlight of many people. These games are just warm-up games. They are of no help to the team, and I don't want to expose my cards so quickly. What the team needs now is not a game, but to constantly adjust some details through tactical training."

"Well, you have successfully convinced me, Jiang, but after the warm-up match is over, I am afraid you will be even more hated by the fans of Leyton Orient."

"It's okay, they will like me when the new season starts. Our only goal this season is to be promoted."

As Leyton Orient started the pre-match warm-up matches of the new season, after three games, Leyton Orient suddenly became the focus, and Jiang Feng once again became the target of criticism from fans and the media.

In the three warm-up matches of Leyton Orient, Jiang Feng had no road at all.

In the first game at Selhurst Park, Leyton Orient lost to Crystal Palace 0-3 in 90 minutes.

Leyton Orient had no resistance at all in the whole game.

If it weren't for the poor shooting skills of the Crystal Palace players, they would probably lose more.

The second game was at St.

Mary's Stadium, at the ceremony of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Southampton, Leyton Orient lost to Southampton with a disadvantage of 5 goals, presenting a great gift to the opponent's anniversary ceremony.

Of course, no one was optimistic about Leyton Orient before the game. After all, one is a League Two team and the other is a Premier League team, but the embarrassment of Leyton Orient throughout the game still made Leyton fans angry and desperate. After the game, almost all Leyton fans lost confidence in Jiang Feng and the new season of Leyton Orient.

After the game, Philip told Jiang Feng, The team had originally sold out season tickets, and there were many ticket refunds. This matter also attracted Barry's attention, but fortunately Barry was a man who kept his promises and did not put pressure on Jiang Feng because of this matter.

There is no doubt that Leyton Orient had no hope of winning the last warm-up match, which was played entirely by old players.

This time, the opponent was Nottingham Forest of English League One, and the final score was 0-2.

After three games without scoring a goal and losing a full 10 goals, Jiang Feng became famous in Leyton again, and the number of protesters in front of the club increased.

Fortunately, Jiang Feng had not left the club during this period, otherwise his personal safety would not be guaranteed.

In the European bookmakers' odds for promotion and relegation in English League Two, Leyton Orient firmly occupied the last place. The bookmakers opened the odds of 1 to 200 for Leyton Orient's promotion, and even refused to open the odds for Leyton Orient for the relegation quota. This phenomenon shows that Leyton Orient has become a weak team in the English League Two at this time, and no one takes them seriously.

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