The Godfather of Football

Chapter 51 The Art of Team Building

After reaching an agreement with Van Praag, the terms of the contract were quickly basically finalized.

Eliza secured the benefits Ye Qiu deserved during the negotiation, and Van Praag also gave Ye Qiu great support and affirmation in some aspects, so there are no big problems with the contract, and the next step is to announce it to the public. Something happened.

Ye Qiu did not rest while negotiating with Eliza. He began to study how to form a brand new Ajax in the new season. His goal was not just to form an Ajax team, but also to It's a strong team.

In order to do this, he bought several books in the Godfather Development System store, including the team formation ideas of the very famous gold medal coach Trapattoni and the team formation of champion coach Capello. In addition, he also looked at the experiences of many famous head coaches such as Sacchi and Hitzfield on building a team.

In the books he had read, there were many people's ideas that struck him as bright.

It's like Saki said so.

"Many people insist that football is about letting players express themselves fully, but is that really the case?"

"If all 11 players on the field only focus on expressing themselves, can they win a game?"

"In my definition of tactics, players need to fully express themselves within the tactical scope designed by the head coach, so I always believe that the role of the head coach will become more and more important because he needs more tactical things. Grasp the game situation, ways to change the game, and analyze more information.”

"All the players need to do is make decisions within the tactical authority given by the head coach. They not only need to have good skills and strong bodies, but also need to be able to serve the team with their talents."

"To put it simply, building a team means finding a group of people who know how to play football!"

In other words, according to Sacchi's understanding, the formation of any team should first have a complete tactical system, and then find corresponding players based on this complete tactical system.

If the tactical system is to play defensive counterattack, then the player you are looking for must not be a forward like Ruud van Nistelrooy. If the tactical system is to play a wing breakthrough, then there must be an excellent wing attacker, and then according to each position Set up tactical functions.

But this is just the overall situation. Every player has his own playing habits and technical details. For the same winger, there are Van der Vaart, Robben, Kuyt, and so on. Players also have different tactical roles, so you have to choose.

Valdano has an interesting sentence in his team formation ideas.

"In a complete tactical system, each school should have its place. Only when it is inclusive can it be complete and balanced. The self-expression of players on the court is something that no head coach should give up, because a head coach's brain He can never predict the ever-changing emergencies on the football field, nor can he compete with the countless possibilities that 11 brains are thinking about anytime and anywhere on the field, no matter how smart he is!"

"So, fundamentally speaking, the team is the basis for building a team, but a head coach needs to use individual performance to help a team improve its strength to a higher level!"

In Ye Qiu's understanding, Valdano's words mean that the team is the basis for building a team, and it is the basic element that any strong team must have, but the individual strength of the players determines What heights this team can reach.

Or it can be explained that Barcelona was in full swing in 2012 because they were first of all a coordinated unit, but more importantly, they had one of the best stars in the world in every position.

In addition, Capello also said that players who are clear about their responsibilities, understand the team's tactics, and know where to go and what to do at any time and at any time will always appear particularly confident and calm on the court.

When Ye Qiu read the team formation ideas of these famous coaches, he already had the direction and steps in his mind on how to form a team of his own. There was no doubt that the first step was to have a set Perfect tactics.

So, what kind of tactical formation should Ye Qiu implement in the Ajax first team?

In the end, he decided to continue to use Ajax's traditional 433, because the team, from the coaching staff to the players and staff, are very familiar with this set of tactics. Continuing to use 433 is undoubtedly in line with Ajax. Characteristics of Sri Lanka.

So, the question is, if we continue to use 433, how to avoid the problem of too large distance between wingers and full-backs that was committed during Waters' period? How to solve the problem of offensive line connection? How to lay out a diverse ball path propulsion system?

Perhaps, this is difficult for many people, but Ye Qiu has read so many books, and his own tactical literacy is not low. In addition, he has more than ten years of tactical knowledge than others. Of course, he knows what the future holds. trend.

Fundamentally speaking, the 433 tactic is not as good at controlling space as the 442, which requires players to use more running and skills to make up for it. For example, the distance between the forward and the winger is 10 meters longer than the traditional 442, and the three midfielders The average range is 3 meters more than the four midfielders, and the full-backs have even more, even like Barcelona's Alves, the coverage area is as long as 80 meters.

Mourinho's way of solving the 433 problem is to pile up a group of beast players and fill these gaps with constant running, while Barcelona's way is to use ball control and high-position defense, and use technology and shortened space to fill these gaps.

In other words, 433 itself is a niche tactic. Only teams with a certain level of technology and running are qualified to use such tactics. Therefore, even in 2012, 433 is still a niche and cannot become mainstream.

For Ajax, Ye Qiu thinks that the best way is to combine these methods of Mourinho and Barcelona, ​​use high-position defense to further oppress the opponent, shorten the distance and space, and use more running and skilled passing and receiving to achieve the purpose of filling the space.

Because it is very simple. In terms of technology, this group of Ajax players can't catch up with the group of Barcelona. This is destined that Ajax cannot adopt the ball control school, and in terms of physical fitness, Ajax players are not as good as Chelsea back then, so Ye Qiu wants to combine these two methods.

With a preliminary tactical idea, Ye Qiu will start to set the details.

Forwards are important. Huntelaar is good, but he is not suitable to play as a single forward in 433, because his characteristics are destined to be an opportunist. He needs others to pass the ball to him. He can play a huge role in offensive positional battles, but he is not good at connecting the left and right flanks and playing the role of the frontcourt fulcrum.

For forwards, Ye Qiu already has his own candidates.

For the two flanks, Van der Vaart has been arranged by Ye Qiu on the right flank to play the reverse foot inside. Ajax needs a left flank and enough bench depth, and Ye Qiu has already had his own candidates for this.

Originally, Grunsjær was a good candidate, but the winger has expressed his hope to leave Ajax, and he is also one of the few valuable players in the team. If you want to transform the team, then selling Grunsjær is an inevitable choice, so Ye Qiu has excluded him from his team list.

To put it bluntly, a forced melon is not sweet. If the player wants to leave, Ye Qiu will not force him to stay.

In the midfield, Sneijder will occupy a position. Although he is only 16 years old, his performance in the second team is really eye-catching, especially after experiencing direct competition with Eredivisie powerhouses such as PSV Eindhoven and Feyenoord. It helped him a lot and his progress was very obvious. Ye Qiu decided to continue to use him further.

Maduro and De Jong have made great progress, especially De Jong, but for the time being, it is still a bit difficult for him to be the core of the main midfield, especially in the Dutch Cup final against Feyenoord. Ye Qiu also realized De Jong's shortcomings, so the team needs to introduce midfielders to strengthen the team's strength.

The defense line of the second team was directly promoted. Kivu, Heitinga and Abidal are all capable of playing in the first team, and De Jong and Maduro are both defenders, especially De Jong, who is a versatile player in the midfield and backcourt. He will be a very important part of the substitute lineup.

Despite this, it is still necessary to recruit reinforcements in the backcourt, especially a central defender and a right back.

There is Fred Grimm as the goalkeeper, Maarten Stekelenburg was promoted to the first team, and with the goalkeeper reserves of the second team and the youth team, Ajax does not need to make any big moves in the goalkeeper position for the time being.

Ye Qiu analyzed this and reviewed the current list of the first team on hand, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"It seems that Ajax will really turn the world upside down next season!"

Virat, Vieclau, Tobiasson, Schell, De Cler, Van Hast, Witzger, Bobson, Ruther, Babangida, Ikodia, Kulina... These names are all unfamiliar to Ye Qiu, and he has never heard of them. It can be seen that the strength of Ajax's first team is not outstanding now.

On the contrary, on the front line, Grünshall, Brian Laudrup, Mahlas, Arveladze, these players are more familiar and more capable. Whether to keep them or not, Ye Qiu will continue to wait and see.

However, Dani Carvalho, the Portuguese midfielder who was previously introduced by the team, will definitely leave because he has a very bad relationship with the club and has been making a lot of nonsense. If Ye Qiu doesn't let him leave, it will be a hidden danger if he stays.

But it's not so easy to leave. This Portuguese midfielder has no shortage of places to go. Many teams are interested in him, especially teams in Portugal and Spain. Ye Qiu must get some transfer fees from him.

Ye Qiu attaches great importance to this team formation plan because he will use this plan to negotiate with the coaching staff and management. It can even be said that this plan represents his reorganization strategy for Ajax's first team. Therefore, he has put a lot of effort in tactical construction, player transfers, etc., and the description is very delicate.

Maybe he was too absorbed in writing. Huang Chu came in just now, and Ye Qiu didn't talk to her. When he finally finished his work and printed out the plan, he found a cup of cold coffee next to his desk.

Needless to say, it must have been sent by Huang Chu.

After walking out of the open door with cold coffee, Ye Qiu heard the TV in the living room on the second floor, but saw Huang Chu lying on a three-seater sofa in the living room.

When Ye Qiu walked over, he found that she was asleep.

Half squatting, Ye Qiu carefully looked at Huang Chu's face in the light of the living room.

Huang Chu's beauty does not require makeup or fakery. It only needs to be in the most natural and pure way to make everyone marvel. Her face must be a masterpiece of the Creator's ingenuity, especially when she is sleeping, the corners of her mouth are When it was raised slightly, like a smile, it was extremely moving.

The breathing rises and falls evenly, with a certain alluring rhythm, but at this moment, there is no distracting thought in Ye Qiu's heart. He is more of an appreciation and a kind of infatuation.

He doesn't know whether his love for Huang Chu can last forever, because he doesn't believe it, but if he is given a choice, he is willing to give everything he has to protect and take care of Huang Chu, without any reason, because he loves her.


At some point, Eliza, wearing a loose and sexy nightgown, leaned against the corner of the living room and coughed a few times deliberately, "It's not good to be a voyeur in the middle of the night, isn't it?"

Ye Qiu had forgotten that there were three people in the family now. He stood up with a smile, "Am I like that kind of person? I look at it openly!"

"That's even more shameless!" Eliza laughed and scolded.

Neither of them dared to speak loudly for fear of accidentally waking up Huang Chu.

Ye Qiu poured away the coffee, walked out of the living room, and was pulled by Eliza to her room.

Eliza's room is not big either, about the same size as Ye Qiu and Huang Chu's rooms, but this girl's decoration is indeed very tasteful, and she can always use the simplest and most common things to create some different layouts, so that It's refreshing.

Oh, and it also has a fragrance unique to girls’ rooms.

"This is the transfer plan I prepared, take a look." Eliza didn't care and handed Ye Qiu a document.

Ye Qiu casually opened it and looked at it. This document listed some operational techniques. For example, as soon as Ye Qiu took office, he directly announced that everyone would stay on the team, especially the addition of Grenchar and others to the team for the new season. An important part of the process, but on the other hand, the news that Ajax is selling people is constantly released through the media.

The purpose of this is actually to maximize profits and prevent buyers from taking the opportunity to lower prices.

Those clubs that want to get Glenchard have no choice but to raise their prices in order to get their favorite players.

For some reason, Ye Qiu thought of Sevilla and Valencia. In the previous life, these two clubs had mastered the essence of selling people, and they forced Alves to , Baptista, Villa and David Silva and other players sold for such a high price.

Some people may think that such a fussy team is too impersonal, but Ye Qiu knows very well that this is the trend.

No matter how human you are, a club needs funds to operate. When you have no money and cannot pay salaries, will the players remain loyal and continue to fight on the court because you are human?

When Kluivert, Davies and Reichge switched to AC Milan, did they ever think that they should leave something to Ajax, even just the transfer fee? No, they went to Serie A on a free transfer for high salary.

There are also the De Boer brothers who blasted the club for being impersonal. On the one hand, they blasted Ajax as having an employment relationship with its players, which was too cold-blooded. But what did they do on the other hand?

In 1998, they had just signed a new contract with the club until 2004. The team also responded to their request and gave them a salary increase. But halfway through the 1998/99 season, they suddenly announced that they would switch to Barcelona, ​​and therefore started to attack the team. Putting pressure on him and announcing that he could not cooperate with the head coach, he protested in this way against the club's rejection of Barcelona's transfer request.

The reason is simple. Barcelona gave them and Litmanen five times the salary of Ajax.

In the 1998/99 season, Ajax's performance plummeted, which was caused by them.

Ye Qiu sees this very clearly. Since the Bosman Act, there is no human touch in the world of professional football. There is no distinction between good and bad. It is all about money and profit.

"How is it?" asked Eliza.

Ye Qiu nodded, "This plan is very good. I will forward it to the transfer department tomorrow. You will benefit from it then!"

After hearing this, Eliza curled her lips and muttered: "It sounds like I am taking advantage. Don't forget, boss, you are the major shareholder, I am just a small wage earner!" She was also very playful. He made a very trivial gesture with his index finger and thumb.

"Yes, yes, thanks to you!" Ye Qiu knew that she was here to ask for credit.

Eliza said with a matter-of-fact expression, "Okay, go to bed quickly, we have a meeting tomorrow!"

Ye Qiu knows Eliza's character. She is actually a very measured girl, and she knows how to do things, especially her work ability. Sometimes Ye Qiu wonders, what is her background? Why does he seem to know everything and know everything, but he is mysterious about his family?

However, Ye Qiu adheres to a principle, which is not to delve into things that are not necessary to know.

After leaving Eliza's room, Ye Qiu went to his room and brought Huang Chu a thin quilt. Although it was summer, it was still very cold at night, so don't let Huang Chu catch a cold accidentally. What do they eat for three meals a day?

After doing these things, Ye Qiu returned to the room.

Lying in bed, he couldn't fall asleep, because tomorrow would be his first day back at De Tokmost after becoming the head coach of Ajax. He was looking forward to this day, but at the same time, he also clearly felt that the burden on his shoulders was very heavy.

"Why think so much? There is a saying that if an enemy comes, the general will stop him; if water comes, the earth will cover it; if a god blocks the way, the god will be killed; if a Buddha blocks the way, the Buddha will be killed!"

Kneeling for all kinds of data, clicks, collections, recommendations, all requested, brothers, give it a try! !

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