The Godfather of Football

Chapter 52: Taking Power for the First Time

"Ye Qiu! Ye Qiu!"

Early the next morning, Ye Qiu was woken up by Huang Chu's knock on the door.

He sat up directly from the bed and wanted to fall asleep, but his mind began to wake up.

He walked into the bathroom in a daze, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then changed into a crisp suit. In the mirror, he immediately transformed into a businessman dressed in suits and ties, but he still had a comfortable half-inch hair.

People in today's football world basically like long hair. The most famous ones are the long hair of the Argentinian players, who are each dubbed as chic and elegant. Therefore, many fans and football practitioners also like long hair, but Ye Qiu felt strange. Isn't it hot to have long hair on a hot day?

Especially on the training ground, he felt awkward when he saw Ricklink sweating profusely and combing his long hair with sweat.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qiu turned around and walked out of the room.

"Was this guy so excited that he couldn't sleep last night? I think it's probably true, otherwise he would rarely get up so late!"

Before I even got downstairs, I heard a careless voice. Needless to say, it must be Roland's big mouth.

"I'm working!" Ye Qiu reminded angrily.

Huang Chu smiled. She was already used to the rivalry between Ye Qiu and Roland. She served him a bowl of porridge with fried dough sticks and green vegetables. She usually had a light breakfast, but the taste was still very good. of.

Ye Qiu wolfed down a bowl of porridge, nibbled on a fried dough stick, said goodbye to Huang Chu, and got into Roland's fancy red POLO, heading straight for Detok Most.

Because it was the suspension period, Detok Most seemed very deserted, and there were many empty seats in the parking lot.

After parking the car, Ye Qiu and Roland did not go to the second team's training building along the usual route, but went directly to the first team's training ground, which was right next to the second team's home court.

The first team's training ground and the second team's home stadium have the same entrance. It's a bit like a factory gate. There is a security room, but the door is a manual black square iron welded door. On weekdays, if there are no buses coming in and out, there is only one walking path. Pass through the small door.

"Ye Qiu!" The security guard was very familiar with Ye Qiu, so he was not polite.

Ye Qiu usually has no airs, and can make friends with everyone from top to bottom, so even if he is now in the first team, he does not show any aura as a first team coach, because in his opinion, respect is It must be won by strength.

"Bobby is already here, in your office!" the security guard said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Ye Qiu nodded and walked directly to the training building.

On the side of the Ajax training building facing the gate, there are four large red English letters of Ajax, which are very conspicuous.

The building is divided into two sides. A layer of arc roof insulation panels is added to the roof of the second floor. The side close to the first team is slightly arched. It looks very distinctive and matches the overall layout of the training ground.

There are a series of facilities such as fitness room, equipment room, and swimming pool on the first floor. The second floor is the player lounge, entertainment room and other facilities. The offices of the head coach and coaching staff are also on the second floor, and there is an office next to the coaching room. There is a technical analysis room, where two staff members are permanently assigned, responsible for analyzing and sorting out all reports submitted by scouts for the head coach, especially opponent intelligence and tactical evaluation of each game, etc.

The head coach's office is not small and is divided into two areas. One side is the office area with offices, reception rooms, etc., and the other side is the lounge with bedrooms, bathrooms and other living facilities. A female staff member is arranged to come and clean it every day. and clean.

When Ye Qiu walked into the office, Bobby Harms happened to be sitting on the sofa in the reception room watching TV.

"You're here!" Bobby Harms laughed as he watched Ye Qiu walk in.

"Bobby!" Ye Qiu greeted politely. He knew very well that Bobby Harms must have spoken kind words for him in front of Van Praag. Otherwise, he might not be able to become the head coach of the first team. s position.

Of course, he will not belittle himself. He is where he is today because of his strength.

"The administrative office just informed me that a press conference will be held in the afternoon to formally sign the contract. As you said before, we will hold a meeting with all coaching staff members in the morning, and you will be responsible for the new round of job arrangements." Bobby Harms said with a smile.

Ye Qiu had no objection, and sat down on the sofa with Roland. He took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Bobby Harms, "This is the team plan I have drawn up during this period. , take a look.”

Bobby Harms was not surprised, because he had visited Ye Qiu in the past few days and knew that Ye Qiu had been preparing this plan and had discussed some things with him, so he opened it directly and took a look. .

"I don't have a big problem with continuing to maintain the 4-3-3 tactic. You know, I'm not very good at the tactical level, but as you said, the problem with Ajax's traditional 4-3-3 is on the wing. So what are your plans for this problem? How to deal with it?"

Ye Qiu smiled, "Two methods, one is to move the defense forward, and the other is to introduce outstanding wing players."

After hearing this, Bobby Harms immediately looked carefully at a lot of details that Ye Qiu mentioned in the plan.

Moving the defense forward will expose problems, but Ye Qiu also gave his own solution in this plan, which is to appropriately strengthen the pressing and pressure in the midfield and frontcourt, and at the same time introduce powerful players in the midfield.

"This will indeed solve the problem, but have you considered the transfer fee?" Bobby Harms asked with a wry smile.

The biggest problem for Ajax now is that it cannot provide a generous transfer fee. Van Praag has made it clear before that all player sales can be used as transfer fees for Ye Qiu, but the club can only provide 5 million for the time being. The transfer fee is US$1,000, but he also promised that once the European Cup is over and some sponsorships are negotiated, additional amounts can be appropriately increased, but the maximum amount will not exceed US$8 million.

If it were anyone else, it might be difficult to operate, but for Ye Qiu, this is not a problem at all.

"Don't worry, Bobby, I have considered this aspect, so I have two ideas. Selling and signing at the same time, and in terms of selling, I decided to start with some less attractive players and sign them. If so, I basically have a goal, just wait and see!" Ye Qiu said with a smile.

Bobby Harms didn't think much about it. Ye Qiu introduced Huntelaar before, and the forward performed very well. Abidal also made great progress, especially on the defensive end and his personal tactics. Literacy and improvement are obvious.

Ye Qiu once suggested that Westerhoff introduce Kevin Hovland from Fortuna Sittard, but Westerhof later did not do so. Now Hovland has performed well in the Eredivisie and was replaced by Einho. Wen directly signed the defending Eredivisie champions on a free transfer, which was greatly regretted by many Ajax scouts because Ajax currently lacks a central defender.

However, after these incidents, Bobby Harms has great trust in Ye Qiu's vision. At least he feels that Ye Qiu can almost always hit the target, and the quality of the players he introduces is very good.

"In addition, as for the club, my personal energy is limited. I plan to hand over Detok Most to Rick Klink with full responsibility. Plus you and Leo Benhak are watching, I believe there should be no problem. And I will focus all my energy on the first team.”

There is nothing that can be done about it. A person's energy is limited. Spending too much energy in the youth training camp will inevitably reduce investment in the first team. Ye Qiu feels that this is putting the cart before the horse.

"Okay, Detok Most, I will look after it for you!"

After Ye Qiu heard this, he smiled and said: "But you are indispensable for the first team, so Bobby, you can work hard!"

"By the way, I mentioned to you before, the idea of ​​enriching the coach of the first team, how about it?"

Bobby Harms smiled and nodded, "I have talked with Marco and Danny separately. They have now signed up for the coaching training course, and they are also willing to come to the team for internships and accumulate some practical experience while learning. ”

Marco is Marco van Basten, and Danny is the old captain Danny Blind. They are now participating in coaching training courses, and they are both in Amsterdam, and they even often go to Ajax. Bian Lai moved around, so Ye Qiu wanted to bring them into the first team as deputies.

Not much else to say, as an excellent shooter, Van Basten would be ideal to train the shooting skills of the team's forwards, and Blind, as a defender, is also very helpful to the team's defenders. It can be of considerable help.

What's more important is that they are all Ajax's past heroes, and their addition can play a more stabilizing role in this turbulent moment of team reorganization.

"That's good. If you find a chance, help me meet them. Van Basten is my idol!" Ye Qiu said with a smile.

Bobby Harms also smiled and agreed, not surprised by Ye Qiu's words.

How many people who like football don't like Van Basten?

In addition to the merits of these two clubs, the goalkeeper coach and the physical fitness coach are already available. Ye Qiu also plans to introduce two more assistants, and he already has goals. However, due to his status as the head coach of the second team, the coaching staff The staff was limited, so Ye Qiu did not take action. Now he would naturally not miss it again.

After receiving the support of Bobby Harms, Ye Qiu's assignment of authority in the morning coaching staff meeting went smoothly.

Club chairman Van Praag and technical director Leo Benhak also attended this meeting. The former came to suppress Ye Qiu, while the latter came to hand over power. He directly transferred the scouting department and himself All the power related to competition in his hands was directly released, and Ye Qiulai took over all of it.

In this way, Ye Qiu became the top player in Ajax's competitive field and was considered a powerful figure.

This also made all the coaches present at the meeting deeply feel that Van Praag attaches great importance to Ye Qiu. After all, Ye Qiu has just won a Dutch Cup for the team, and he is still leading the second team. There is no hype outside. After cooling down, Ajax struck while the iron was hot and directly helped Ye Qiu to take the position. There was no big surprise.

However, Ye Qiu did not carry out too many personnel reforms. He only handed over the position of youth training director of Detok Most to Bobby Harms. No one would have any objections to this. Super Bobby is in A Jax's reputation and status are no joke, and Rick Link is the second-team head coach and associate director.

Everyone can see that Bobby Harms is just a cover, and Rick Link is the real person in charge of Detok Most.

Apart from this, Ye Qiu made no other changes. After the meeting, he only retained Bobby Harms, Rick Link, Roland, and people from the scouting department and the transfer department. When discussing transfer operations this summer, Ye Qiu also gave his latest instructions, that is, not to keep anyone who wants to leave.

This also made everyone present feel Ye Qiu's courage. At least, which young head coach would dare to do this on stage?

Of course, if you don't stay, you won't stay, but Ye Qiu still adheres to the principle of maximizing interests and requires the transfer department to operate patiently, especially since this summer's European Cup is about to ignite the war, and the value of some international players participating in the European Cup is bound to increase. Of course, such a good opportunity cannot be missed.

After all the meetings, Ye Qiu made another call to Eliza, and then went to the administrative office of Arenal Stadium with Bobby Harms for a meeting, mainly about the club's financial budget and other matters. Not very important.

The real interests are the transfer budget and the salary budget. Among them, people from the Ministry of Finance said that if the salary budget can be reduced, the transfer budget can be appropriately increased. The specific situation depends on the financial situation at the time.

The meeting lasted until the afternoon. After the meeting, Ye Qiu went directly to attend the press conference.



As the European Cup approaches, Amsterdam gathers news media workers from all over the world.

After Ye Qiu led the second team to win the Dutch Cup, every move of this team attracted the attention of the outside world, especially the Dutch media. Everyone was concerned about the young man who made the history of the Dutch Cup. Is the Chinese coach really leaving Ajax?

Therefore, when Ajax sent out the invitation fax, all major newspapers came to hear about it. Many newspapers and media who had not received the invitation even came to the press conference venue at Arenal Stadium.

Everyone knows in their hearts that this is the first appearance of the new Ajax head coach.

Because it was their first time, they all felt the weight.

In the front row of the press conference, Bobby Haarms, Van Basten, Blind and other club veterans came to the venue. At the same time, Ajax's head of press department also came to preside over the overall situation in person. , and in Ye Qiu's subsequent appearance, he was accompanied by club chairman Van Praag and technical director Leo Benhak.

Regarding this formation, among the past two or three Ajax coaches, who has had such treatment?

"It seems that Van Praag has really put all his hopes on this Chinese Qiu!"

This has become the consensus of all reporters present.

The two parties signed a three-year contract under the witness of reporters. Ye Qiu will receive a weekly salary of 10,000 after tax. This is also the highest salary in the Ajax club, but there is no If it is announced to the public, otherwise, I believe the reporters will be shocked again.

After signing the contract, Chairman Van Praag said in an interview with reporters that the management has high hopes for Ye Qiu.

"Ye Qiu has proven his coaching ability and level with his performance in the Dutch Cup. We all believe that he can bring about earth-shaking changes to the team in the next three years. We are also convinced that he can Lead the team to success!”

Van Praag's words did not arouse the reaction of the reporters at the scene, because when Waters came on stage, he also said the same thing, but now it was replaced by Ye Qiu.

"Mr. Ye Qiu, the first team of Ajax performed poorly this season. After the end of the season, they ranked 8th in the standings and missed the European competition. In the end, they relied on the second team led by you to win the Dutch Cup before barely entering the league. Cup, what do you personally think about this?" A reporter stood up and asked with concern.

"I think this is normal. The performance of any team will definitely have ups and downs. We did encounter some problems last season, but I believe that Ajax's players are definitely capable. I believe that in In the new season, we can prove ourselves again! ”

"Mr. Ye Qiu, there are many reports outside that Ajax is gradually becoming a player supermarket. I heard that many players have submitted transfer applications. After you take office, will you try to retain them?"

Ye Qiu smiled after hearing this. He had already prepared his words, "I have talked to many players. I have told them the team's goals. I guarantee that Ajax in the new season will be a team full of ambition and combat effectiveness." They are all willing to stay and continue to fight for the team. After I took office, the first thing I did was to stabilize the club’s skeleton and ensure the team’s combat effectiveness!”

The subtext of this statement is that I am not prepared to betray anyone!

The group of reporters below were immediately in an uproar, because Ye Qiu's statement was obviously different from the news they had received.

"Mr. Ye Qiu, although you led the team to win the Dutch Cup, I believe there are still many Ajax fans who don't know you. Can you introduce yourself?"

"Of course!" Ye Qiu nodded with a smile, "I'm from China. I like winning and don't like losing, so my goal and purpose is to ensure that the team goes all out to win every game. So I like players who have the same goals and beliefs as me.”

Several reporters at the scene applauded. They were obviously Ajax fans. They applauded Ye Qiu for his statement. After all, Ye Qiu won the Dutch Cup last season by defeating strong teams such as PSV Eindhoven, Feyenoord and Heerenveen. Now he is absolutely qualified to say so.

"What about outside the stadium?" A reporter stood up again and asked with a smile.

Ye Qiu did not hide it. "Outside the stadium, I am just like everyone else. I am an ordinary person. There is nothing special about me. But no matter what, I hope everyone will pay more attention to me in the stadium, not Ye Qiu outside the stadium!"

The reporters at the scene smiled after hearing this. They naturally could not do as Ye Qiu wished. They were all ready. The next step was to dig deep into the ground to collect all the information about Ye Qiu.

For example, is he married? Who is his girlfriend? How many family members does he have? What do he like to do on weekdays? What are his hobbies and interests, etc.?

I believe that all Ajax fans are very interested in learning about these!

And this is something Ye Qiu cannot stop!

If nothing unexpected happens, we will release it regularly in the future, at 8 am and 8 pm, basically one day in advance, so there should be no problem!

Still asking for clicks, collections, and recommendations, brothers, come on!!

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