
"Tell me! Did you explode the faucet in my room!"

A woman's savage questioning came from next door.

Jiang Ye reckoned that behind this wall, it should correspond to the female neighbor's bathroom?

"Of course... no! I'm just asking kindly, don't rely on me for everything!"

Jiang Ye wasn't stupid enough to admit it, but if he broke someone's faucet, he couldn't justify it if he didn't fix it.

"Look for the sluice, shut off the water first, and then talk, it's the red sluice!"

There was a sound of groping from the opposite side, accompanied by screams of being poured by cold water.

"...Okay, I turned off the water, what now? Do you really know how to fix the faucet?"

Jiang Ye looked at the kitchen knife in his hand, as if his Talent skills were all about fighting.

"Uh...it's too late now. I'll go and have a look tomorrow morning. If it doesn't work, you can call the repairman over, right?"

"Okay... By the way, I can tell that you are a nice person. My name is Li Yi. What's your name?"

"I am Jiang Ye, Jiang Feng Yuhuo to the Mianjiang, the night of the night!"


Li Yi: "Your name sounds so long..."


Because it was past one o'clock at night, the two of them had no interest in talking.

Jiang Ye stared at the countdown of the god's arrival time, and didn't feel sleepy at all.

Take out the notebook and write down several key information points of the simulated world.

Jiang Ye immediately started the next simulation.

"I hope there will be unexpected gains this time."

[Slaying God Simulator has been activated, welcome to Slashing God! 】

[Currently there are ten types of Talents available: faucet repairman, wind ear, sewer cleaner...]

"All white Talent? Only one green quality 'Shunfeng Ear'?"

"Why is this game so hot? Is it because the European Emperor's luck of the previous two golden Talents has been exhausted?"

The simulated Talent given this time is very poor, and Jiang Ye didn't hold out much hope, and directly chose a few that seemed to be helpful.

[The selection is complete. 】

[The specific Talent is as follows:]

【Unbeatable Xiaoqiang: You have tenacious vitality, but you are just a bigger cockroach! 】

[Fahai tattoo: I see you are not human! Bold evildoer! How dare you fight with an ax in front of me, Dawei Tianlong! 】

[Moonlight mark: Enemies marked by you will receive an additional 30% real damage! 】

[Zhanshen Yidao: Swinging the knife one hundred thousand times makes you more comfortable when using the knife, and increases the probability of a fatal attack from a weak point! 】

[Absolutely cold: You have a strong ability to resist stress, often with a gloomy face, and restrain the mental pressure brought by the outside world, but you will also suffer from headaches. 】

[Faucet repairman: You are proficient in repairing faucets, and you will often be caught and beaten as the old man next door. 】

[Shunfeng Ear: You can hear sounds far away, about a kilometer in radius, but you will often hear some crazy ravings, please use this Talent with caution. 】

[Morgue security guard: You are upright, you are very suitable to be a security guard, especially in the morgue. 】

[Current Realm Evaluation: Initial Stage of Growth]

[Simulation starts! 】

[Day 1: The gods descend, the world is in chaos, your ears don’t know what’s going on, but you can clearly hear sounds within a kilometer radius, and the screams and explosions outside the house are very ear-piercing to you. 】

[You have to wear headphones to barely restrain the sound waves around you. 】

[The next day: You didn’t sleep well all night, even if you covered your ears, you could still hear the weird raving, which caused fine black lines to appear in the corners of your eyes, you know you can’t go on like this, you must Find a safe place! Otherwise, you are really likely to go crazy! 】

[Day 3: You left the apartment without love, and missed a woman in a long green dress. You felt something behind you, but Fahai Xuying didn't respond, which made you feel more at ease. 】

[Day 4: You saw a young man holding an rpg to bombard monsters. He was wearing a transparent goggle that seemed to be used for diving, which seemed to be able to resist those terrible pollution? 】

[The sound of rpg explosions attracted a scythe ghoul hunting nearby. When the young man in the goggles couldn't hold back and was in deep crisis, your kitchen knife cut out a golden half-moon arc-shaped light. The cyan-skinned scythe ghoul was split in two from the head. 】

【Your bravery was recognized by the youth in goggles. He brought you back to the Institute of Biology and claimed to be from a national-level superpower department. 】

[Day 5: Through a special relationship, you were not locked in an iron prison for isolation, and you were able to serve as a trainee night watchman in a "night watchman" team, that is, the security guard of justice...]

[Day 6: Here, you meet a woman wearing a holy nun's gown. She says her name is Sally Nicholas. After learning that you can repair the faucet, she kindly invites you into her room...]

[Day 7: You were arranged by the captain of the night watchman to practice in the mortuary. Along with you, there was also an old master who often muttered words, saying that he could see the indescribable horror in the air. 】

[Day 8: You are sitting at the door of the mortuary, and every day you can see some small carts covered with white cloth, coming in and out. 】

[In this regard, from your fear at the beginning, you became accustomed to it in the next few days. 】

【In your ears, there are also some crazy ravings from time to time, but they are not very strong, which makes your body absolutely cold and suppressed. 】

[Nine Heavens: After you left the mortuary on shift, you received Holy Light treatment from Sister Sally. The other party seemed to see your hidden secrets, saying that you were not a simple man, and your body was also very strong. 】

[Day 10: You took advantage of the rare time of the day off to explore this Life Research Institute, and realized that the country started researching in the direction of superpowers half a year ago, as if you were helped by someone...]

[Eleventh day: This day the captain of the night watchman found you and said that your investigation has passed, and now you are allowed to go out with the mission. 】

[Your first field trip mission, you can't find any teammates. Those official night watchmen who talk about it all day long seem to be mentally ill. They don't like to be with strangers, let alone walk with them as comrades-in-arms. 】

【The holy nun who admired your faucet repairing skills, decided to form a night watchman team with you. 】

【No one is optimistic about you, thinking that Sally is helping the poor, and you will kill her sooner or later. 】

[You didn't refute anything, and decided to prove yourself with an absolute mission success rate. 】

[Day 12: You come to the radio and television station in the city center, and look for a weird radio wave case here. It is those radio waves that make many people's brains go crazy and out of control. 】

[Thanks to your good ears, you quickly locked on an old tape, in which you heard a more intense madness. 】

【Sally seemed very strong, so she sealed the raving tape and stuffed it into the lead box prepared in advance. 】

[Thirteenth day: You returned to the Life Research Institute. On the way, you surprised Sally with the divine power of beheading a growing underground worm. 】

[You have completed the trial task excellently, and your status as a trainee night watchman has also been recognized by the captain of the night watchman, who personally and publicly awarded you the night watchman medal. 】

【You raised your right hand and solemnly read the oath of the night watchman: Chang Ye is coming, I will watch from now on until I die. I will take no wives, hold no lands, and bear no children. I will not wear a crown, nor compete for honor and favor. I will do my duty faithfully, and live and die here. I am the sword in the dark, the guardian on the Great Wall, the flames against the cold, the light at dawn, the horn to wake the sleepers, the shield to guard the motherland. I give my life and honor to the Night's Watch, tonight and every night to come! 】

[At this moment, everyone began to have initial recognition of your strength. 】

[Day 14: In the early morning of the next day after you became a night watchman, a terrible pollution disaster broke out in the isolation cage, and your night watchman team had to go to suppress it. 】

[There, you saw a golden krait more than one meter long, and its triangular head's constantly floating whiskers made the corners of your eyes densely covered with a large number of blue and black lines. 】

【Sally stood between you and the krait, and more night watchmen used their Transcendent abilities to bombard the weird krait. 】

【It's the first time you saw the captain showing off his power. At the same time, the nagging old man in the morgue also summoned a huge eye in midair, and saw the krait's weakness. 】

[But this is a mature golden krait, your night watchman team is obviously no match. 】

[The critical moment of life and death, you keep in mind the duty of the night watchman, these heretical gods must be eliminated! 】

[Countless moonlight imprints were struck on the seven inches of the golden krait, and the golden blade light was slashed out heavily! 】

【With just one blow, that mature golden krait was slashed and seriously injured by your terrifying real critical strike! 】

【Taking this opportunity, you seven night watchmen swarmed up and killed this extremely dangerous golden krait alive. 】

[Proud team members who looked down on you before, this is the first time, admit you from the bottom of my heart. 】

【However, for you who broke out forcefully, the corners of your eyes are already densely covered with blue-black pollution lines, which have even spread to your heart. 】

【Sally shook her head regretfully and announced that you are terminally ill and hopeless! 】

【You are dead, but your night watchman spirit is remembered by the country! 】

【Your body was burned to ashes and buried in the Everlasting Darkness Cemetery. 】

[It's like this tonight, every night! 】

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