The Gods Are Coming: Fortunately, I Have A God-Slaying Simulator!

Chapter 9: Two Oranges And One Red, Ruler Of Qingshi City

[This simulation has ended...]

[Simulation summary: Survive 14 days, congratulations for getting 140 simulation points! Number of Zhanshen: 3 (2 in the growth stage and 1 in the mature stage), congratulations for getting 1200 simulation points! 】

[Balance of simulation points: 2180! 】

Jiang Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of his eyes were moist. He did not expect that this simulation would give him the feeling of relying on his long-lost comrade-in-arms.

"Night watchman, it turns out that the country has already prepared for it half a year in advance. Unfortunately, humans without Gold Finger are still hard to resist the coming of such a terrifying god."

Jiang Ye thought of Li Yi, the female anchor next door, and spent 1 analog point to exchange for the white Talent faucet repairman.

"There are still 2179 simulation points left, and the purple Talent of 'I want to hit ten' can also be exchanged to make up for my shortcomings in fists and feet."

The six solidified permanent talents gave Jiang Ye a little bit of confidence to face the future when the gods came, but it was only a little bit.

The power of the gods is beyond imagination, and even the rules are shaped by them.

"There are 1179 simulation points left, save the golden Talent that will disappear after seven days."

Through this simulation, Jiang Ye once again met that mysterious holy woman Sally Nicholas.

It's just that the opponent didn't show any strange signs in this simulation.

"She is obviously a holy nun, why does she always give people the feeling of being a slut?"

Jiang Ye shook his head, wondering why there were still too few simulated events.

Yawning, Jiang Ye felt a little tired, it was physical fatigue.

"It would be great if I could get a talent with a physique. My current body is just a stronger cockroach."

[The emulator can be started, do you want to simulate it now? 】

It's been cool to simulate all the time, just like playing pesticide competitive games.

Jiang Ye didn't want to waste precious time on sleeping.

"Let's start the simulation, it's better to be a little more European this time, and don't come to the whiteboard Talent?"

[Slaying God Simulator has been activated, welcome to Slashing God! 】

[Currently there are ten types of Talent available: Earth Devil Physician, Inheritance Master, Nirvana Body...]

"Two oranges and one red? The orange Talent finally appeared? Or two!"

Jiang Ye's face was excited. Out of the ten Talents to choose this time, there were three high-level ones, and one of them was a precious physique type!


[The above Talent, you can choose three kinds to use as the simulation world! 】

[The selection is complete. 】

[The specific Talent is as follows:]

[The faucet repairman, the unbeatable Xiaoqiang, the Fahai tattoo, the moonlight mark, the absolute coldness, and the sword that kills God]

[War Earth Devil doctor: Your medical skills are superb, and you have a terrifying ability to respond to battlefield operations. Your medical skills tend to be cold-blooded and ruthless, and you are often called Devil Dao. 】

[Master of Inheritance: You can teach Talent skills that are lower than the orange quality. The name of a master deserves to be recognized by the entire universe! 】

[The Body of Nirvana: Only constant fighting can make you stronger! Whatever hurts you will eventually make you grow! 】

[Current Realm Evaluation: Peak Growth Stage! 】

[Simulation on! 】

[Day 1: God descends, you listen to the screams outside, your face is calm, unmoved at all, on the contrary, you feel a powerful change in your body, as if there is a fire lurking inside, you try to punch I was surprised to find that my physique had improved a little! 】

[Not only that, but your hand is extraordinarily steady, especially when holding a kitchen knife, there is always a magic doctor posture that turns it into a delicate lancet...]

[The next day: You studied all night and finally understood the tyrannical changes in your body. You decided to go out. If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world! 】

[If the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible! 】

[You came to the street, beheaded and killed a few thugs who burned and plundered, and learned from a thug that Qingshi City also has a large dark web gathering point. 】

[Day 3: Following the clues you found, you came to a hidden black market in the northern suburbs of Qingshi City. Seeing the abnormal prosperity here, and even seeing women and children selling business, you sighed in your heart, even a god Coming, still can't stop the spread of human desires. 】

[Day 4: You kill ten people one by one, and cleared the entire black market in the northern suburbs. Your name has also begun to make a name for itself among the underworld forces. 】

[Day 5: You have controlled Boss Kang in the black market, and let your will be fully implemented! The difference is that you are different from the ruthless rat shit in the dark corners of Boss Kang, you have greater ambition and pattern. 】

[Day 6: Mysterious is revived, and terrible disasters are erupting everywhere. Those terrible bloodline descendants of gods, no matter whether you are good or bad, will all treat you like snacks and devour them. 】【Seventh day: Outside the black market, build a high defensive steel wall to form an independently operating refuge. The master of this city that never sleeps is you. 】

[As the real boss, you make up your mind to eliminate mystery and restart civilization! 】

[Day 8: You start to teach Talent skills to your reliable fellow human beings, like a miracle, reappearing in every mortal. 】

【You are regarded as a god, and everyone respects you, thinking that you are the savior sent by heaven to save the suffering world! 】

[Nine Heavens: The story of your inheritance has spread to the military refuge and the Life Research Institute. Many high-level personnel have asked for your cooperation, and you are willing to go. 】

[Day 10: You have come to the military shelter and met nearly one hundred thousand fellow human beings here. You are left and right. 】

【That is a weird woman. From her unyielding eyes, you know that there is nothing to be done tonight. This is a strong woman with a bottom line. She doesn't seem to be as soft and weak as she looks on the outside. 】

【Your cold face doesn't care about these children's personal affairs. You are very clear about your purpose, which is for the rise of the human race! 】

[Day 11: Your selfless devotion shocked the shelter leader to Deva, lamenting that you are really a Saint, and Luo Chuxue, who silently served you, also began to look at you curiously, thinking that you seem to be a good attachment object. 】

[Day 12: With the help of your inheritance Talent, the Bluestone Refuge quickly began to grow, and the leader of the Refuge also took the opportunity to form a team of 100 Transcendents for you to drive and hunt together. 】

[Thirteenth day: The team of Transcendents who set out in mighty force, under your leadership, charged into battle and killed all the descendants of the blood of the evil gods. 】

[However, casualties are unavoidable. There are still many people who cannot withstand the erosion of madness in the team of one hundred Transcendents. 】

【Your powerful medical skills have helped them remove the terrible pollution, and even once, when you faced a mature yellow-clothed monster, you kept showing super-fast suture throat surgery on the battlefield. 】

【Your reputation as a Devil Dao battle doctor was fully established in that battle. 】

[Day 14: You have completely cleaned up the mysterious monsters within a five-kilometer radius of the refuge. On this day, a holy woman holding a silver-white box arrives and warmly invites you to the School of Life Sciences. They really need you as a talent. 】

[Day 15: You arrived at the Life Research Institute. On the way, you were accompanied by a handmaiden named Luo Chuxue who was inseparable from you. She also received a lot of talent inheritance from you. She is your right-hand man and the rumored Queen of Moonlight. 】

[Day 16: You find that this place seems to have experienced a big battle. After asking, it turned out that a terrible golden krait was bred from a female superstar. Only with heavy casualties, could he barely kill the golden krait. 】

[Day 17: Your arrival has given the Life Research Institute a tyrannical injection of vitality, and your magical and superb medical skills will minimize the casualties caused by the krait attack. You attended the funeral of the night watchman , the surviving captain of the night watchman, also tried his best to invite you to become a glorious night watchman. 】

【You refused, which means that you are not married yet. It is impossible not to marry a wife and have children. 】

[The captain of the night watchman replied with a kind explanation, saying that in this day and age, it is still possible to marry a wife. 】

[Day 18: You finally refused to become a night watchman, and began to teach Talent skills to humans in the Life Research Institute...]

[Ordinary and busy days pass day by day...]

[Day 30: During your missions, you have killed a total of a hundred adult god bloodline descendants. Your prestige is so great that several troubled brother cities next door have come to join you. 】

[Day 31: Your maidservant, Luo Chuxue, was forcibly taken away by a mysterious man in yellow on the way out on a mission. It can overthrow you, and you are simply invincible. 】

[Before leaving, the man in yellow left a yellow mark on your left arm, saying that he will come to you next time. 】

[Day 32: You are very sorry for Luo Chuxue's departure, but you are helpless. You, who thought you were the boss of Qingshi City, feel that your strength is low for the first time. In this terrifying world where gods descended, you are still just a little Shrimp. 】

[Day Thirty-Third: You are away, alone, without notifying anyone, just wanting to seek a breakthrough in another state alone. 】

[Day 34: Thanks to your powerful Nirvana body, you saved yourself from danger time and time again, and survived the attacks of terrifying mature god blood descendants time and time again, and had the last laugh! 】

[Day 35: You came to the boundary between Hangzhou and Qingzhou and settled in a small fishing village. That night, you seemed to enter a strange dream and saw many deep diver creatures...]

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